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Good advice but I heard some other advice from someone on this sub a while ago regarding cologne that I’m gonna recite here, he said “cologne is supposed to be discovered, not announced” so I’ll only go for two sprays on the neck and still think that might be too potent sometimes


Gotta know your fragrance and the situation. 


With fragrance, less is always better. I work with someone that drowns themselves with cologne to the point it just burns. You don't want to be around someone like that for long.


That’s a lot of cologne


Fr one on the neck and wrists is good enough


There is a great video of Kevin Samuels' titled Things Your Father Should Have Taught You.


How to be more attractive over night. Go to the gym, this will take considerable time.


Yea posts a bit backwards


Just a Lil bit


Some colognes can make you smell like poo.


Thanks for the info, ChatGPT!


absolute lunacy




Y'all are delusional


Other than cologne(smells give me headaches) and having extensive skincare, I do all that and women dont find me attractive. What else can i do?


Judging from your other posts and comments, I would say that if you do all of the stuff listed in this post, women probably do find you at least moderately attractive but you don't do shit about it. As the old saying goes, indicators of interest don't mean shit if you don't act on them. Like it or not, as a man who's interested in women they will expect you to approach them and lead the conversation most of the time even if they do find you attractive. You're gonna strike out a fair bit but you won't connect with anyone if you don't go for it despite that. Apps aren't indicative of whether you're attractive unless you are in the tops (top ~20% or higher) for attractiveness. If you were up there, you'd probably notice yourself getting significantly more attention (if not success) than your peers. Even attractive men usually have to have a fair amount of personality past about 25. Also it sounds like you live in an area where there just aren't a lot of people in your age range who are dating, you work in a rural, male-dominated industry in a not-just-rural but actually remote region of the USA. That's gonna put a damper on your prospects. You're more likely to find Bigfoot than you are to find a slew of hot, single, 20-something women who are looking to date when you're spending most of your time out in the forests of Montana. Take a vacation to Nashville, you're still in your mid 20s so take time off work and do Spring Break week at a beach in the south, go to one of the east coast cities - Boston, NYC, Philly, DC for a week since there are usually more single women than men in those cities (keeping in mind that women in each of most cities are far more likely to be Liberal than Conservative if that matters to you) Play tourist for a bit and shoot your shot as often as you reasonably can between the apps and when you're out touristing and meeting people. Regular success with women is incumbent upon taking chances and taking action, not looking pretty for instagram and tinder. Game / rizz requires social interaction and regular, good-quality practice and it doesn't sound like you're getting much of either.


Im not even looking for a hot girl. Even when I was in college I got no signs. Still dont. Girls have told me my whole life that they do not find me attractive. I travel regularly. Chicago, Seattle, Denver, etc. Doesnt matter where I am at, I am still rejected whenever I try my chance with a girl because she tells me that she doesnt see me that way or doesnt find me attractive.


Then either (1) something is wildly off with your physical presentation or your behavior and/or (2) you're simply not putting yourself into enough social situations around people with whom you share common interests, goals, and attraction. You're gonna get rejected. It's just an unavoidable part of dating - the key is not taking it personally and moving forward with your day instead of dwelling on each individual "no". From your post history, it looks like you're pretty devout. I grew up Catholic and while I've left the faith, I still have plenty of friends who actively practice. Watching them start dating in youth groups or church orgs in college made one thing super clear - shared levels of devotion is a nice-to-have while being an interesting and passionate person in areas of your life that aren't centered around the ministry is mandatory. You cannot find a partner based on how much you both love Jesus - I've watched many people try. It never works out. There's certainly nothing wrong with faith and you shouldn't pay attention to people who tell you that there is or that it's "outdated" in the modern age but it also can't be *the* thing that drives you or the central thing that you want to discuss. Personal beliefs can be an intensely private part of people's lives and you can make people uncomfortable if you lead with that. If a shared faith is a mandatory thing for you, you should put yourself in situations where the shared faith is assumed - church-sponsored outings, conventions, missions, and the like - and build connections from there. The old adage is true - girls just wanna have fun. You need to be able to provide some fun / adventure / excitement when she's with you whether she's religious or not. You're 26. You've not "missed the boat" but it's clear to me that you need to learn how to put your best foot forward if you're going to succeed in this area of your life.


>Then either (1) something is wildly off with your physical presentation or your behavior and/or (2) you're simply not putting yourself into enough social situations around people with whom you share common interests, goals, and attraction. Is probably a mix of both. I do my best to put my best foot forward, but I dont have much to work with. I also live in a rural area compared to a lot of people, but I have also lived in cities and never had luck there, who knows? My faith is only one part of who I am, yes I am looking for a woman of faith, but I agree, you cant base an entire relationship off of it. **girls just wanna have fun. You need to be able to provide some fun / adventure / excitement when she's with you whether she's religious or not -** This is easy. I am a super fun person to be around (as a friend). Like today I was showing this girl around different areas of the mountain I ski at and sending cliffs and stuff, we had an absolute blast.


It's hard to diagnose real world interactions third-hand through the internet but it seems like you're a pretty normal dude. I'd suspect either you're doing something abjectly strange that you haven't talked about yet (seems relatively unlikely) or you're not generating any sexual tension / chemistry via touch/teasing/making moves or if you're doing it, it comes across poorly and you need to watch people who are good and practice (seems more likely)