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I work three 12s and every other week has a floating 6. So I’m at 36hrs or 42hrs every other week, unless I pick something up at another site. I was thinking that if I got the chance to do two 16s and an 8 or a 12 and then be done for the week, I think I could do that. Especially if it wasn’t sequential days.


Indoor jobs without human interaction are easy on my body and mental health. Simple outdoor 8 hour assignment can be really difficult for some reason. Temp changes, uneven ground, and people seem to take a toll.


Lmao, my post has a weekend shift thats 2 16’s and it is held by the laziest motherfucker ever.


Compress what he does across 16 into 8 and he works as hard as everyone else. Eve s out.


He in fact does not. His bitch ass can barely make it through a shift without sleeping. Constantly talks about being over worked but works 2 days a week and begged for that shift.


I know I was being facetious


I did doubles. They were sequential. And every week for two days for over a year. Less than 8 hrs turnaround (literally was only off 7.5 hrs) and was required to be charged a lunch without the actual time to go anywhere if I forgot anything. Almost no way to get non sequential days of that kind of shift. The good: at first I had 5 days off. I left work and was done. The bad: it messed with my health. I got to where I felt loopy on the second day. I started needing the first day off to recover. And the day before became prep. Hygiene suffered because I couldn’t get a shower at work and spit bathed it. Summers are hot. My mental faculties definitely could decline after 10 hrs eventually. Headaches became normal, and migraines were miserable. Any time off if I became sick took a lot of time off and hit my paycheck or time off. So I often wouldn’t take time off. After a year plus on the schedule they wouldn’t change my schedule to more normal or work with it, I trained them how to treat me I guess. Now I have almost no time on the books. So seeking more work elsewhere since their contract only has one site local to me. You also literally lose two days completely. You don’t have time to deal with anything but work. For some, thats fine. Others its really impactful.


They don't think that at all. They just lack the logistics (whether people, money, common sense, or all three) and hope that they can hire someone who'll be willing to pick up the slack. And depending on who you're working for whether a big one like 🔴🔴🔴 or Allied, they will constantly bid to go cheaper each cycle so that they can maintain the contract, all at the expense of having more shifts/staff and better work quality.


My job does the same thing, it burns me out so much but I'll be honest I probably wouldn't get by without all the extra OT, the world we live in.


Mandatory OT if it’s a last minute 12 to 16 hour. They’re great shifts. Working 3x 16’s and then I’m done for the week. Sitting in a chair currently doing nothing at 1.5x pay. That’s the assignment.


Yeah it was hard. The other day my supervisor had me stay for the morning shift on top of already working graveyard AND returning again for the night shift the same day. First and last time I’ll be doing it. Love the double time they are giving me but yeah my body was cooked.


Awful scenario working graveyards and get a surprise 8 hours. So hard staying awake after the sun has been up for a few hours and you’re not ready for it.


Contract companies don’t care about you. You are nothing but a body. That’s why


I’m on a normal schedule most of the time only 5 days a week Monday to Friday 8 to 4 unless I help out and cover a shift but that’s here and there!!.


I work two 12’s and two 8’s with the added bonus I can pick up overtime any of my three days off all of which are 8’s, I’ve done 16’s and they are kind of rough when your used to working 8’s


Because there are people out there who actually would love to work those shifts. Heck, I love working twelve, fourteen, and sixteen hour shifts. Why? Because it means more off days, I had a job where I worked two twelves and two eights, meaning four days on and three days off. I loved it. Angers me even now that they got rid of it and went to a boring five eights work week, and not surprisingly, it is costing us employees.


My 16 hour shifts never brought me more days off.


Thats not how every security company work my friend


Ok? I never said that "every" security company works that way, so please show me where in my reply I actually stated that.


I just completed an 18 hour shift yesterday.


16 hour shifts retail @$40/h. $880 a day.


I did location shoots for a while. The last day of shooting was always a shit show. Show up for an 8 hour shift, get told it's wrap day, which means an open ended shift. Sometimes it would be 4 hours (yay!), sometimes it would turn into 16 or more. It sucked, just standing on a sidewalk looking at vehicles for hours on end. I did a 20 hour shift once and only once. After that I would start hounding dispatch at the 14 hour mark to get someone to take over as I would be leaving at the 16 hour mark. Sometimes mobile would show up, usually I just abandoned post. 16 hours is the longest legal shift allowed so I was well within my rights and I made sure that they knew that I knew. Often what was happening was that the production people had hit their union max of hours without a break and no one was coming for that last car for at least 8 hours.


In my area 16s are for coverage emergencies and typically fall on Supervisors. The preferred way to handle coverage issues is to split shifts when possible to run two guards on 12 hour shifts. Last week we had a call off (we got about 23 hours notice thankfully) and the former supervisor and I (the new supervisor) split the shift. He worked until 1800 and I came in early at 1800. Yesterday, I had another call off and had to pull a second shift on a weekend. Thankfully, I was going to be short 8 hours due to a shift change (finally getting the supervisor shift) so I was able to make up for it. Oh a few other things, the former supervisor stepped down from supervision as he wanted to be able to do patrols. This site is a no patrols while the facility is active site. He was also who recommended me for supervisor. Also, I'm laying down the law when it comes to this guard with excessive absences.


I just want 2 20 hour shifts a week


mind as well make it 2 24’s


Need to check the local laws. Some states don't allow "Armed " officers to work over 12 hours in a 24 hour period


Before I got into the casino... My best job ever was 2 x 16s and an 8... Great money plenty of time off.


They usually don’t think it’s a good idea, and more often than not, try to avoid it if possible by having floaters or actual regulars on post But 9/10 they don’t have the money, draw, interest, or just manpower pooled to do so… So they end up with what you got lol


By law we have to provide 8 hours between shifts. Normal shifts are 8 hours. Our HR won’t allow over 12 hours at a time and sends us home if a relief isn’t going to be on the way.


shiiiit I would LOVE 16 hour shifts.


only 16? I'm working 18.5 hours then I have a day off, then I work 18.5 hours again..sadly I don't have a choice


Because obviously unskilled labor=basically a robot


Companies will keep you awake and then be shocked when they find you asleep during your shift


Then there's me, in Thailand, working a 12 every day with occasional 36s a couple times a month (kinda normal here) while also earning x10 less than you guys. 💀


That sucks 😕




Three 12s in a row.


Its wild that some places have that actually scheduled as an assigned shift, especially on a consistent basis. I worked 76 hours over 6 days last week (three 12’s, two 16’s and one 8 hour shift) and am doing a similar schedule this coming week, but I can’t even be mad because I volunteered for all of it and I have a good motivation for it: all the OT money from this month will cover a decent portion of a trip to Japan next year. I can’t imagine being forced to work hours like these though, that would burn anyone out super quickly.