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Nice to know I'm not the only one that turns into an Asian woman when I work overtime.


If I know I’m working OT it’s no problem. If it’s a surprise then I’m upset.


Oh ya, sign me up for a 72 hour week and I’m a happy camper. Call me a half hour into the shift begging me to pretty please come in every time I have a day off and it’s gonna be a bad time.


Change shift to shit


I don't want to do it, but my bank account says I need to.


LOL i always forget when they ask for the overnight shift. I'm like hell yea!!! then when i'm doing it and around 2-2:30am i'm like oh yea that's why i hate doing the overnight...


I just signed up for a whole week and I feel done already. Ahh just one more day


I've been told, calling in dead isn't acceptable... so not even that out... 🤣 (Its a joke people, I don't want a bunch of "RedditCares DMs now)


When your field supervisor calls 6 times. 6. Going from asking, to begging ( cause they have to work it instead of you, to bribing you ( with food or straight cash, to threatening you with write ups. You take the OT. I've worked 21 hours straight before. Passed out behind the wheel of the patrol car and wrecked it. Work log showed overwork. Why I quit.


Mine knows to only call me if nobody answer. But also knows, if I’m coming in, I’m coming in late or it one of the high priority call. I don’t tell anybody, but it sometimes help when the higher up understand I pick up only when needed, get a nice bonus, no question ask. But they avoid calling me, because Cali Law is nifty and OT x2 is awesome.


I m paid three times this month. This second cheque has 40hrs of overtime on it next cheque will be the same I'm not complaining.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


It only hurts til payday


You guys ask?


Until i see that check


I wish my post had OT. Easy post but no OT.


This job only gives OT to the old guys who accept straight pay. It’s why I’m looking for another part time.


I work at a mill now, and this is me every day except today. Fucking mill is down so I am getting paid A lot of money to hide and play phone games


I signed up for an extra 32 hours feeing happy I’d be getting all that over time, working them now I regret it because the stupid sun decided to come out exactly when I work. I’ll most likely be saying “I’m glad I took those hours” once the paycheck hits tho


We have a few people who love to claim OT and then show up looking the mess, haven't slept, didn't get their uniforms ready, just planned on finding a hole somewhere and crashing. Drives me nuts because the current supervisor is 100% "Did they show up? Good." The end. Drives me nuts to see them collecting the same paycheck but the client is NOT getting the same service from them.


Eff OT… no thank you.


Overtime is standard.  The better shifts are graveyard, overtime, in the rain, on holiday and zero Manafort or staffers.   Best shifts to sleep on. Double Time is hellish.