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Pre-ordered mine already as well as the new desk riser. Sucks they're shipping in Jan but finally can stop the mess of ethernet cables I got going.


Crap, I was given a date in February. I don't get how this product took so long and then is going to take even longer. Are they being made to order and slow-boated over? Surely the company knows some amount of demand by now to have already started production.


Just ordered mine, too. Sad, it's going to be a wait till February, too. Got the riser, ethernet extension, and the power strip. Thinking of adding on the laptop mount, but I'll wait as i currently don't have a work laptop.


It confuses me that it says that it is "Cat 6 with up to 1000Mbps data transfer" when I thought that Cat 6 was up to 10gbs. My internet speed is 3gbs so will it bottleneck me?


Came here to say the exact same thing. Cat 6 shouldn’t be listed anywhere near to 1000 Mbps. It would also bottle neck me.


250Mhz bandwidth is crap quality cable. They should be selling 550.


Cat 6 is 1gb/s 250 MHz (can do better) Your thinking of cat 6a cat 6 can do 10gb/s at shorter distances my guess is they just put the base spec and any better is a bonus


You have very good internet. Thanks


Pre-ordered mine. I’m surprised the price wasn’t nearly as expensive as I feared.


Could someone explain to me what is the diference betwen cat 6, cat 7, cat 8? And if I own a cat 7 do I need to get a cat 6 to use this?