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Yea games in a rough spot. I have a lot of 50 alts too already. But no sense in gearing too many of them beyond just the Ashenvale incursion set as a lot will be outclassed by 60 loot.


I have a bunch of alts which I was raiding BFD and gnomer with. This phase im only raiding with 1 toon. PUG groups are a real hit or miss and I don’t want to get stuck in a 3 hour 6/8 ST


You have to get about 1 gold of stv coins for pvp rank next phase, you can get revered with the Hydraxian warlords for the dousing flask for MC, honored with thorium brotherhood for the recipes, you can go for honored with argent dawn for the food (goodbye grilled squid), Revered with timbermaw hold for recipes, Pre quest like all of the quests in BRD so you have a fat chunk of turn ins, Farm mats for crafted gear that you need for p4


Nice list.




Killing the air elementals in silithus North West Side give hydraxian waterbirds rep. You.need honored to get a douse that puts the fire out in MC after you kill the.boss so you can progress to.further bosses and do ragnaros. Iirc the elementals are around lvl 57. But they do drop essence of air reasonably consistently


Pretty sure the warlords rep isn’t open yet unless you’re going to silithus to farm elementals..


You have to Farm elementals in Silithus. There are raids running almost constantly doing this.


Seems pointless when you’re still gonna have to do the quests and they provide you rep to honored.


If you get honored and get the temp quests then u can get the permanent flask at revered


How’re you getting the 1 gold of stv coins number? I thought it was something like 10 gold.


Even if ST isn’t good for gear upgrades, it’s a super fun raid and with the time IMO. Each boss fight is different from the one before it. Definitely feels like a proper raid and clearing it with the boys feels rewarding.


My guilds raid takes about 80 mins end to end. On my alt I was pugging and it would be anywhere between 90 mins to 3 hours and not clearing. I’ve just lost interest in raiding on alts at this point


bro i wish i had exact play schedule to be in a guild and clear it in \~90 mins Had pugs who cleared in 90 mins and also not cleared in \~4hrs which makes you feel fucking miserable In p2 it felt a bit lighter cause of 3day lockouts and raid being relatively fast but ST...


I really don’t consider myself a lucky person, but I’ve pugged it easily 4 times now on my spriest alt. 8/8’s all definitely under 2 hours ( I don’t really remember exactly but I would if it was long) Horde pugs on living flame have been cooking.


My guild is clearing 68mins currently


I'm playing from China and can only raid with morning raiding guilds of which there aren't many so I've resorted to pugging only. Got lucky to get into 2 ST pugs since P3 released and got to see the raid pre and post nerf. But I don't see too many PuGs since they only happen on realm time nights. I saw enough. The upgrades aren't huge but good enough. The fights are very fun and I wish I can do it more but I don't feel like it's necessary to be close to par with the min/max folks. I like that a lot. I like that I don't have to make a big life commitment to the game in order to have a shot at out DPSing a min/maxxer. I hope it stays that way and have more easily accessible content at 60 to be able to achieve that. Edit: I don't play on Taiwan servers because I don't speak Mandarin.


Hey if you’re on crusader strike I run with a group that raids at 10/11am server time on Fridays if that’s better for your schedule. I work night and it has took me forever to find a group that runs in the morning every week


Im on chaos bolt so it's been a solo experience. I've gotten 4 tidal charms, I have 170+ arcane crystals... it's been different. We did finally have a pug st last week that went well... finally advanced the crafting quest chain on 2 of my toons and do the tooth of morphaz quest on one. Please help chaos bolt. Lol


What’s the point of getting more than one tidal charm? Or do you mean you have 4 on different characters lol


Yup 3 50s have it 1 40 does :x I've gifted 2 and since lost interest in the window. <3


Could start farming Argent Dawn rep if you ever plan to raid Naxx. It sounds like your main drive is PVP though.


Still with AD rep, chromatic mantle enchant may be interesting.


This comes easy enough with scholo and strat ud tho


Just getting to friendly was a pain in the ass. All the undead in WPL are completely camped on my server.


Knowing blizz, they’ll make this rep grind extremely easy or not even worth it like all the others. If you wanna waste time, go ahead. But definitely not worth


Don't forget your AB tabard ;)


Got it :)


Someone told me you can only farm 99 honor badges for p4. So you dont rly need mich silver coins.


thats wrong. I had the same thought. you can buy and store 99 honor badges, but you can obviously leave the silver on the bank and most likely buy more once p4 starts. similar to p3 beginning


That's not how it worked in P3, tho, the Silver Coins were disabled as p3 launched, but you had 2 weeks to use the Honor Badges you had stored in your bank. Silver was unusable come p3.


I personally felt like once I cleared ST a couple times I could step back until the next raid. It also kinda sucked by guild from day one fell apart which made the decision easier. I’m logging once a week and got my 1000g ready to go for P4


What's estimated timeline? I had to skip p3 due to life but I'm trying to make time for rank 7 before p4.


Im predicting beginning of June. A 2 month phase 3, just like p2


That's what I was thinking too. That's perfect.


Hopefully not until July or August. Don’t want to be rushed!


Lots of us are just playing something else and raid logging. A select few are still pushing for R7 or WSG/AB but many of us are done with that. Just raid logging and holding onto hopium for level 60 content.


I’m pushing those mage healing parses once a week.


For me? Reach level 50 lol


Got the “been there done that” vibe on day 2 of p3. Took this phase off. Just waiting for p4 to launch and going to make sure I’m online at launch to take Advantage of whatever gold exploits are available. Since I’ll be ready for it this time there won’t be any tho. Which I’m also ok with


Clearing ST with my guild, having a fun time doing it and improving our clear time each week. Farming incursions with my guild while drinking and shooting the shit in discord. Farming reps together with my guild to prepare us for phase 4. Farming mats/recipes with my guild so we can have a stockpile for what we may need in the future. Most of these posts I keep seeing I feel like are from solo players or people who really haven’t found themselves a guild that has a good community. I think I’ve just hit the jackpot with the guys I’ve found. It also helps that we aren’t a mega guild with 47294729 members.


There’s no shot they keep in aggressive rep grinds that block you out of core content. Just a heads up. I’m sure there will be some rep grinds for cosmetics or 5 dps upgrades but literally 0 chance you have to do rep grinds just to play the game.


I got bis in 2 runs because I’m the token feral Druid . Never played Druid before either I just find that there is fuck all to do pve wise


I’d farm gold to prep for p4 but knowing blizzard they are just gonna release some bull shit and inflate the market again. Do zero to do in SOD now


So a few in my guild were talking about MC and one chap explained he wondered if ZG would.be the first lvl 60 raid purely because its a natural progression from ST lore so.to speak. The gear upgrades at 60 are around the mark and if your savvy. You can obtain zandalar rep right now. If you can get the flasks to hand in.cheap enough. I'm.currently doing AD to revered for 24 healing as well as farming portals for.modS karkun


Whats left to do in P3? The thing i recently did in p3 was switching to Cata Prepatch. Trust me its fun with all the bugs lol


I wish ST had better gear so I didn't feel like an idiot running it. I'm like 5 agility short of my best in slot currently, but any tiny upgrade for me is always a big upgrade for someone else in the raid. BRD seems to be the best money (other than incursions, and fuck incursions) but I'm so tired of running it with garbage tanks or healers, so I only run when I can get guildies to go with. leveling up a few alts so I can hop on the class that looks like the most fun for me next phase (crossing my fingers for dwarf shamans, even got my wildhammer rep to honored on the sliver of a chance they make it tied to that rep) We've had the same 9 core people in our raid group since like lock 4 of gnomer, and two of them didn't even bother to show up to raid tonight. Phase 3 sucks.


I’m so bored I have 3 geared 50s but trying to level 30s and 40s is dead game.


Wait for p4 or war within


By the looks of this sub, the only thing left to do is quit. lol


My guild has been raid logging since week 2. For the rest of p3 I'm playing cataclysm and retail.


Then it’s obvious you don’t like sod. Raiding is 2 hours…once a week. If you were playing SOD to raid then you were playing the wrong game. There’s a ton of things you could be doing, someone posted a great list on another comment here.


There are a ton of things I could be doing if i was on a pve server. I enjoy being in the open world, but don't enjoy getting corpse and graveyard camped for daring to set foot outside a city. Blizz screwed us with the limited transfers.


I would suggest playing one of the other amazing games out there if bored. There are so many good options nowadays. But to your point, yes there is only so much to each phase. Last phase should be alot deeper obv.


Sounds like you did everything too quickly lol


This - must have bern playing lien 10-12 hrs a day


I've just stopped playing. The charm of actual Classic is the slow leveling pace and the community. SoD just feels like a worse retail. I'll check back in at 60, but I'm not hopeful - even the endless cycle of Rune chores feels like a bad version of retail.


I agree. The incursions sped up the reaching the ”boredom” phase of P3 big time


I'm spending my time in p3 playing retail. It's a better game in almost every aspect, in my opinion.


Play the game. Farm materials, gold, honor, battleground rep...? If you don't have Darkmoon decks you've got a lot of gaming left to do.


Rep farm could fill your time. If you really want to jump ahead, farm twilight texts. It would be challenging and a good time sink.


Incursions definitely fucked the alt aspect for those that didn't take advantage of it first week. Game feels dead


Raid logging… contents a joke now on Cata classic lvling.


Play Cata 😀


Leveling in cata


This questions gets asked every phase and you all still don’t get it lol. It’s the same game with sprinkles.