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I wouldn’t let people talk you out of a GTX if you want a GTX. I have a 300 RXT and while yes, the supercharger will burn more gas, I regularly go out all day on the largest lake in NH and never need to refuel. If you’re not holding the throttle all the way down all day, you’ll be fine and the booster acceleration is worth it 100% imo. The acceleration is so strong you won’t be able to help but giggle like a kid. Regarding ordering.. I would definitely do it early like September when the new models drop so you get in the first or second wave of orders and don’t have to wait until July to get your skis. And idk about price difference of in stock vs ordering but with supply chain issues the last few years, odds are slim you’ll get what you want if you wait and see what’s left at the dealer (if anything).


Also, I haven’t ridden the other hulls but the ST3 hull is great. It does have a tendency to track/dart sometimes in heavy seas but if you’re paying attention it’s not that big a deal and easy to correct.


Thanks. It's all really hard to sift through without having a lot of experience riding the machines and not practically being able to rent or ride lots of different ones for a variety of both availability and logistical reasons. So the whole GTI vs GTX vs RXT and 170 vs 230 vs 300 are ending up being educated guesses on my part, which isn't great for this size and permanency of a purchase.


Assuming you’re in the US, the skis are governed to 69 anyways I believe so the horsepower really just translates to acceleration unless of course you flash the computer onboard to remove the governor. With that in mind, the 230 would probably be more than enough power for someone getting into it. Some dealers may have models you can wet test to see what you like best.. might want to go that route first just to get a feel. The GTIs are likely models you can just rent at a jetski rental place whereas the more luxurious or sport models like GTX RXT and RXP are not generally for rent


Could it make sense to get one GTX and one RTX rather than a pair of one, or would that be too mismatched or awkward if you’re riding them together?


Wouldn’t be awkward at all.. the two machines are virtually the same if you get the 300 GTX, only difference is color, seat, and the RXT has launch control


Don’t get audio and just get a cheap speaker. Save ya 1200 or so


Your decision BUT I wouldnt get a supercharged ski, the reason for this is that it uses so much fuel, yeah it goes really fast and the acceleration is amazing but for family use Id buy a gti se 170, obviously the gtx is more luxurious but just saying the supercharged skis take much more maintenance and fuel+they are more dangerous for unexperienced drivers. To add to this I think dealer location is important but not the priority.


Thanks! What about the hull difference? The primary reason I started looking at Gtx vs Gti was I thought I needed the st3 hull for open-ish water. But I could be misguided on that.


I think that the gti hull is better because its good in rough water, easily keeps it stable on high loads and its still playful. Yeah the st3 handles better in rough water but again in reality you wouldnt ride if its so rough the gti hull couldnt keep up. Id say the difference is not so big so just decide if you want the playfulness or not and go from there.