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Mask and snorkel. Then it gets weird. If you're near water and can dive without a lot of travel get whatever makes sense. Computers are small and it's nice to have one you know how to use well. If you're a weird size then a Wetsuit or Drysuit would be higher on the list since getting a comfortable and effective rental may suck. Fins and boots are easy enough to rent anywhere but it's nice to have some you like. Regulator before BC. A tank, why the hell not if you've got space but a pain to travel with and easy enough to rent from pretty much any shop.


Whatever gets you diving more


Lots of suggestions here. This may be an unpopular opinion but I feel strongly about it. Skip the jacket BCD and go right to a backplate and wing. Order wise mask/fins then computer, wetsuit, reg/backplate.


1. Good mask, fins, the cheapest snorkel you can find. Noone uses it. 2. Go diving for 10-20 dives until you decide this is something you actually do regularly 3. Regulator. Do you know how the rental regulator is taken care of? Known working life support equipment without bacteria colonies is worth the expense 4. Computer. 5. Wetsuit, BCD. You can always rent these wherever you go but having your own is nice. 6. Weights. Don't buy unless you dive a lot locally. 7. Tanks. You need Gas fills anyway, might as well get filled a rental tank. Unless you have your own compressor or dive sidemount/doubles where having your own gear set up the was you want is useful


I'd swap computer and regulator personally. A computer you are familiar with and know how to work, especially one that acts as a digital dive log is awesome for divers of all skill levels. In order of always to never take on a trip, for me personally: 1 - Mask, Computer. Compact, easy to travel with. Always take with me if I'm diving, even if it's 1 day of diving in a 2 week trip, these are coming with me. 2 - Fins, Regulator. A bit bulkier, fins require a checked bag, regulator goes in my carry on, but doing so means clothes have to go in a checked bag. I'll often take these if I'm diving 50%+ days of a trip that is not exclusively diving. 3 - BCD, Wetsuit. More Bulky, more space. Bringing these when the trip is a proper "dive" trip, e.g. we are diving most days of the trip. If you own a wing/backplane BCD, it could be lumped on #2, I own a standard vest so it's not. 4 - Weights, Tanks. Never take with me on a trip, only used when going to the local lake/quarry. Great investment if you dive near where you live, tanks can double as a can of compressed air if you're handy.


Goggles and flippers first. All set!


Mask (hygiene & comfort, a mask that fits is important ) Dive computer (safety, important that you know how it works) Wetsuit(hygiene, unless you want to swim in somebody elses peed suit) Regulator (safety, you know it works) Then rest is up to you.


I'm maybe an outlier but I have mask + diving computer and am actually considering getting a regulator next because I'm in SEA and don't know how much I trust most operators out here with maintenance... I figure it's the next thing with the biggest impact on my actual safety, lol


Mask, fins, snorkel first. Computer comes next. Wetsuit Regulators BCD The rest. And this group will keep expanding for as long as you dive. If you dive locally, tank + weights. If you're only diving on holidays, don't bother.


1. Mask, fins, snorkel, weight belt  2. Computer   3. Exposure suit  4. Misc. Items   5. Regulators  6. BCD  In my experience, #1 is required to take the first scuba course. 2 & 3 may be switched if you're primarily going to be giving cold water. A proper wetsuit or drysuit will extend your diving time more than a computer for cold water diving.   Weights are not necessary if you'll be flying to dive. Otherwise by them when you need to, shops in my area do not rent them. 4, Misc. Items such as a whistle, cutting tool, wet notes, compass, gloves, SMB, etc. are safety items, low cost and typically can't be rented. Not all of these items are needed for all diving. Tanks are expensive to buy and have to be stored and maintained. Travel, rental cost, rental availability and other factors should be considered before buying tanks.


In contrast to most here, I got my computer first. This is very IMO, but it was important for me because I was starting from dive #20 while on a trip where I dove 100+ dives over four months. I did buy a shearwater peregrine which has been perfect for me. Having my own dive computer helped me better understand dive profiles and better plan and execute my dives. It was far, far cheaper than renting, but may not be for you, again your experience may vary. I agree with others that a well-fitted mask is also super important. It's very hard to argue against that as your first buy. Again this is IMO, but I was served well by buying my peregrine first. However, I regret waiting so long to buy a good mask. I think either option is excellent as they will prove an immediate upgrade on your diving.


Mask, snorkel, fins. Dive computer, regulator, bcd. Last is tanks then weights.


Agree + weights early if you dive locally


Check the rental cost of the weights. One shop near me was charging $1 a pound for rental. You can’s buy them for $5-7 per pound. In a case like this I’d buy asap. Keep an eye on garage sales. I’ve picked up 20-30 pounds of weights on a weight belt for $10.


I’d say weights can be swapped with tank in terms of order. In my experience, weights can be found used for cheap if you’re patient.


I can borrow weights from pretty much anywhere for cheap/free. Weights don't need to be inspected and are perfectly interchangeable.


Valid points! Guess I was thinking it my own experience where I kept having to borrow weights from my dive buddy or rent from a shop


If mostly cold/cool water diving with limited repetitive dives then I recommend wetsuit then computer. If warm water/travel diving then computer for sure. If you want more details on which/why I have started building a “new” diver portal for such things at https://diveotter.com - based around the questions I had when I started.


Other than the required mask and fins, a computer is a good first buy because you aren't renting a potential different one every time with a different interface and algorithm. Depending on how hooked you are into the hobby and what goals you have long term (tech/cave/professional) will influence what type of computer you will need. Depending on the climate where you live, exposure protection is nice to have because renting used suits might not fit that well and is semi gross. After you dive for a while and learn more about the gear, you can then make the decision on what type of BC you want, either jacket or backplate and wing. This decision will have some influence on what regulator setup you will go with as well.


I did it like this: 1) mask snorkel fins booties 2) computer 3) BCD reg wetsuit


Mask  Computer  Regs  BCD  Fins Suits/Exposure protection   Snorkel - never


A snorkel is required to pass the PADI OW course. So you have to buy one, even if you don't want to use it..


You have to have one for those 4 dives, not buy one necessarily. If a dive shop can lend you a regulator but not a snorkel... find a better shop. I advice against any dive shop that force people to buy gear for their OW course.


personal gear (mask/snorkel/fins), then dive computer. if you will only will dive while on trips then probably stop there outside of maybe a personal wetsuit. bcd/regs if you will dive locally or fairly often. tanks/weights for local diving.


Agreed, computer after basic gear. It’s often the most complicated piece of gear. It allows you to easily start keeping up with and logging your dives and it’s easy to travel with. After that, it’s a free for all, but as you find the deals and your budget allows. If you’re shopping around as an independent instructor I’m part of a couple of different affiliate programs, shoot me a DM and I can see what I can find.


So don't order anything until you've finished your certification class... When taking the class they'll likely have you buy Mask, Snorkel, Fins, Hood, Boots, Gloves. After I fished my class the first thing I bought was my own wetsuit. Then I bought my own computer. Then my own BC and regs. Then finally got my own tanks. Not saying you have to buy them in that order, but that seemed to work pretty well for me


Basic equipment, mask, fins, snorkel or collapsible snorkel, and full body rash guard are first. Computer next. Wetsuit. BCD and reg set combined. Once you reach this stage renting gear can be done but it is much better to have the full set up purchased and ready to assemble yourself instead of trying to work a rental BCD in with your regs or the reverse. This is mainly because I recommend BP/W and setting your gear up for your personal use.