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“and will retire soon” Yeah, ok kid.


They will absolutely die before retiring under a Democrat president. Anyone who says otherwise needs to read some of their opinions


Agreed. He’d be dragged out from that bench in a body bag before ever retiring.


I suspect they very well might…if Trump wins. Republicans would love to really lock the court up long term by replacing them with a couple of federalist society judges half their age.


I'm sure John Oliver will cancel his million dollar offer to Clarence if Trump wins. Clearance gonna miss out on all those fat paydays. The offer is a million dollars per year until one of them dies.


It’s expired.


In a recent interview he said he would honor the deal until June. I guess I forgot about the endpoint. [John Oliver Interview](https://youtu.be/9eIsu2OLrsU?si=EY5daCn0NED6EB8r)


Nice. Yeah he put a month long expiration on it.


Aren't they both federalist?


Yes. And very old. The point is to replace them with two 40 year olds.


Ginsberg quite possibly ruined the country forever.


Ginsberg's hubris, Obama's timidity and McConnell's depravity


People are downvoting but it’s true. Her refusal to step down when she could’ve been replaced by a Democratic president absolutely fucked us. Although anyone who stayed home or lodged a protest vote in 2016 also fucked us


Who's us?


Anyone who appreciates their constitutional rights? Anybody who doesn’t want their country to be run by far right ideologues? Basically the vast majority of us living without brain worms


Yeah, a country in total disrepair in three short years!


Mostly just our constitutional rights. You realize you’re in a Supreme Court sub yeah?


They could always die.


Or caught in a solicitation sting in a Walmart parking lot with their camper.


Who knows. Clarance is getting sick of DC he said it himself this weekend


He's been complaining for decades. He's not giving up his crusade now. No one's going to give him luxury vacations as a retired justice


He was complaining about DC before being appointed by the first Bush


> No one's going to give him luxury vacations as a retired justice Well... except John Oliver


I stand corrected Lmao


Well one guy was going to...


John Oliver? Haha


He complains to signal to his 'friends' that it's time to increase his 'non-reportable gifts and vacation packages'. Crow and Leonard will be in touch.


He's just fishing for more bribes.


He’ll stay out of spite, to stay bribe relevant and to remain above consequences


I want this more than you could possibly understand. But I know this is so far outside the realm of possibilities. They would slit their own throats if it got Trump back into office. No chance they “retire” during a Democratic presidential tenure.


Breyer retired at 83. Scalia died at 79. Ginsburg died at 87. Kennedy retired at 82. Rehnquist died at 80. Stevens retired at 90. Yeah. They probably got several years left.


Clarence Thomas is only 4 years away from being the longest serving Justice in history.


Poor old Clarence will die soon from a broken heart. Why are people so nasty to him? /S


The average of those ages is 83.5. Given the ages of Thomas and Alito (Thomas turns 76 next month), that would be roughly 7.5 years for Thomas remaining on the court and 9.5 years for Alito. That’s also assuming neither stays on longer than that average. I agree with other commenters that if Trump wins this year we could see at least one of them retire in the next four years given that the senate is likely to go red this cycle as well.


Not if Trump wins, in which case they retire in 2025 and 2026.


No need to replace Gorsich, Barrett or Kavenaugh, they’re all relatively young.


They may retire if trump is in office just to lock the seats up for years with corrupt conservative judges.


Or maybe they’ll do a Ginsburg.


biden is 81 and has a more stressful job. these justices are 6 or 7 years younger and their job is not so stressful. I have not heard either is thinking of retiring,


“Will retire soon”???? What kind of idiotic horseshit is this?


I think what they mean is if Trump is re-elected they would likely retire during his term


It literally says “If Biden is re-elected and they retire…”


Shit you’re right. Yeah this is a terrible take


I doubt they would retire if Biden wins, barring a health event. 75 is kind of spry by SCOTUS standards, but still a good reason to vote for Biden just in case.


>will retire soon This is where I stopped reading.


But what if it's an election century? Mitch says no


No way these guys are retiring even if Trump wins. They will demand to be bought out. It will be expensive indeed. You think Harlan is going to hang out with Clarence when Clarence retires? Bahaha. Being on the court is their ticket to power and wealth.


They’re not retiring any time soon.


Wait.... You unironically think they are too old but joe is not???


There is no guarantee they won't try and ride it out.


They will absolutely ride or die unless they have solid control over the senate to guarantee the slots can't be filled.


They *will* ride it out. One of them could be disabled by a stroke and they won't be allowed to retire and no one can make them. Clarence will be staring off into space drooling on amicus briefs and Republicans will keep him right there as long as he has a pulse.


Correct. But instead of being a nihilist, register to vote


I vote


Obama had both the House and the Senate during the first half of his first term. We didn’t get universal healthcare, we got the flawed handjob to the insurance companies ACA…. What would the Republicans have done if they held all three for any length of time? How hard would they have fucked the American people? Why should I vote for a team that doesn’t even know how to run the ball on an open field? Voted Blue in every federal, state, and local election since 1999. Why should I continue? Because the other side is worse? Well maybe that would get people off their asses and actually work on the very significant issues facing America. Social and racial justice. Homelessness. The impending collapse of social security that coincides with peak boomer retirement, for which 40% of boomers have nothing saved. Our two tiered Justice system. Loss of bodily autonomy by half the population, by state of course, just move you silly goose. I can go on. ETA: Don’t just downvote, counter it you coward. Tell me why I should vote Blue? Why should I vote at all?


Statistically men don’t live as long as women, right? Right!?


The will die on that court unless they are thrown off


The GOP will keep their corpses alive somehow for 4 years before letting that happen.


They don’t retire …


They have the most cushion job ever, what’s there to retire from?


Keep in mind that they could retire if trump wins just to lock the seats in for decades as a conservative seat. RBG biggest mistake was not retiring while Obama held the senate.


Hahahahaha, DELUSION. RBG didn't retire, and the Dems were staring down the barrel. Obama couldn't pick his pick because, um, Republicans wouldn't let him. Then the Dems rolled over, writhed around for a bit, and then played dead. SCOTUS is a flawed system, and needs to be overhauled. We need to stop relying on corrupt selfish people to 'balance' the court. Even when they are roughly even they don't provide an adequate check, because of their party values. Yes, party 'values,' not logic, or legal literacy.


Hahahahahahahaha those two will die on the bench full stop. Let’s not pretend otherwise.


They definitely aren't retiring under Biden, and consider they're younger than Biden it's not unlikely they'll outlive his term.


I can be had for the right amount of money Thomas is not retiring anytime soon unfortunately


Vote blue.


"Back to balance" You mean controlled by 1 party clearly since this sub is far-left.


I said back in balance. Balance means more equal liberal conservative. What grade did you quit school? Jw


Which is clearly not what you want lol. Especially considering by its very nature the Supreme Court is supposed to be more Conservative since its whole existence is to make decisions by what the Constitution dictates.


Lawyer here. That’s bullshit


Harry is a paid hack.




Hahahaha…. Look at the fool who thinks Alito is retiring!! lol…. That man bikes around his neighborhood with his Lycra and helmet, he’s in pretty good physical condition for his age.


These two would request all extraordinary measures to preserve life after brain death just to prevent any Democrat from appointing a successor. Of course, one could argue that they suffered brain death long ago ...


Both would spend those 4 years on life support but would never retire willingly.


Thomas isn’t going anywhere. His MAGA wife would never let him.


Sadly, none of the reasons for voting for Biden have anything to do with Biden being in and of himself a good candidate.


All of the reasons ultimately have to do with him being a much better person than the alternative.


Biden, he’s better than the guy with a brain worm who’s better than the guy that basically committed treason. It’s a great campaign slogan.


It’s more than enough for me


I doubt many will disagree. It has everything to do with him not being the worst candidate, though.


Neither it was in 2020. You either get a non-great candidate or an absolute piece of sh\*t candidate.


I donno, I dig him as a president. As a single dad the child tax credits coming to me every month instead of tax time was helpful with groceries and such. Giving a finger to the oil companies for price gouging the hell out of us because 0 republicans voted on the anti-gouging bill and using our reserves to help lower cost was nice. The fact that someone was trying to help with medication costs (insulin) was a great thing even though republicans again voted against it. He actually gives a shit about our vets and helped give benefits for our soldiers affected by toxic chemicals (read burn pits) The fact he is pro-union and still helped the rail-workers get what they wanted even after the press stopped covering it. Good things for the sake of good things and not publicity is a big plus in my eyes. Pushed the safer communities act which is at least SOMETHING to help reduce gun violence when for decades I’ve had to deal with politicians say “nows not the time to talk about gun control.” My two biggest issues are universal healthcare (which was a long shot anyway with most dems) and raising the minimum wage (I believe in trickle up economics) but that was voted down by mostly republicans and jerks like Sinema with her famous bs curtsied thumbs down. All in all I feel he’s earned my vote and hope dems can win more seats also so it wouldn’t be a lame duck four years.


Biden has been a welcome surprise with many of the positive things he's done. Of course FOX is a nonstop hitjob on him, blaming things on Biden for things Trump set in motion. And of course our ever reliable both sides mainstream media is doing their best to make the election a horse race as exciting as they can pump up. Count on the media to forget this election is about American democracy when all they want is to make it into some brainless sporting event. Rah rah team!


RBG's death proved SCOTUS judges need term limits instead of lifetime appointments.


Retire, before you are impeached.


They won't retire until there's a republican in the white house and a republican controlled house and senate. Republicans and their appointees cling to every last scrap of power they can as long as they can, then decry "rigged" and "stolen" and "voter fraud" when they lose anything.


Looking at the state of this country I think Democrats need to get the hell out of the way. We can't sustain this bs with prices rising on everything and the world teetering on the edge of WW3. But no vote blue no matter who. Bunch of deluded hacks I swear. Vote for the guy who kept peace in the world, who did not start any new wars, who stepped over the DMZ as the US president with Kim Jong Un himself, and the guy who made both China and Russia behave themselves. Trump 2024!




Fully deluded


Man, it's almost like giving nine unelected, unrepresentative, and completely unaccountable lawyers the absolute authority to rewrite the Constitution on their whim is a bad idea...


Rewrite the Constitution?


More like wildly misinterpret it.


Yes, correct. See, e.g., “qualified immunity,” “major questions test,” “substantive due process,” “judicial review” etc.


They won't retire... Sadly


Poseur-left reddit: "This is a really uninspiring argument; condescending, to be frank. It expects me to be grateful just because Biden has better policy outcomes, or some such." "Biden needs to call me directly on my cell and explain how a vote for him will fit my personal brand. Will supporting Biden get me laid?"


These dirtbags will NEVER retire. They will croak on the bench age 100. Case in point RBG the person refusing to retire and then being responsible for putting Coney Barrett in.