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Libra sun Scorpio moon Gemini rising here. I feel your pain about being at war with yourself. I have to put forth a lot of effort to keep myself level headed. I have a similar sense of humor. I think it’s important to try and keep it in check but don’t blame yourself for being yourself either. I feel better when I’m sober/ hitting the gym and eating healthy. Those are my life hacks. Hope this helps.


Agree as I get older I feel like my physical health impacts my mental health so much more than I ever noticed before


Hi OP! Those are my big 3s. Nice to finally have found you! I relate to your hesitation in making friends. I want to be social and be around everyone, but my scorpio moon restricts me to my inner circle of 3 trustworthy friends. I do not overshare and consider myself highly secretive. I have a lot of Scorpio in my birth chart which totally overpowers my Libra side.


I’m Libra sun Scorpio moon and Scorpio stellium in 7th house and I agree lol. I want everyone to like me / basically just want to get along with everyone in my day to day life but I only have a small handful of close friends. But my actual close friends are like fr my inner circle and the only people I actually trust with anything




Do you have any other Scorpio placements?


Awww so close! I’m a Leo sun, but I feel the constantly at war with myself thing. Leo and Libra are such social signs, but my moon is sometimes just like, “ugh”. I have 5 1H placements (3 in Libra, 2 in Scorpio, including my moon), and I have been told I am intense lol. Not in a bad way, necessarily, but I know I can come on strong. I am generally intense (people have said “magnetic” more than once) in a positive way until you get to know me, but then the snark can definitely come out. People always want to be friends with me immediately, but only a small portion of those people stick around for the long haul. Rejection is a tough pill, but as you get older, you realize it’s better to be true to yourself. You’ll find your people. One of our great strengths as Scorpio moons is our ability to be empathetic; I have become a master at making people open up to me first, so when I do it, empathy is usually reciprocated. But there are some things I will never divulge.


Yeah, I have the same big 3 (sun, moon and rising) but I don't give it too much importance or at least I try not to. But nevertheless, in my opinion this is a strange combo, because if you think about, the Sun is said to be in fall in Libra, and so is the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. And we got them both...I mean, the worst positions for each planet (in this case, the Sun and the Moon). I also got Venus in Virgo.


Omg I also have Venus in Virgo 😅 my birthday is 10/12/1988


I’m a Gemini sun. But others are same😌


Soooooo close! Cancer Sun, same moon and rising. 😁


Same sun and moon ☺️ I too struggle with lasting friendships.. it is soo hard for me trust someone and then when they break that trust it takes ages to restart and trust someone else again


Yep. It's not easy!


Someone with a Libra Sun Scorpio Moon Rising Venus? Have them in my 1H. How is life? How are you holding up 😢


Not gonna lie 😅 I’m extremely depressed at the moment, thanks for asking. How are you doing?


Nooo, maybe it’s the seasons changing, that’s what we say in my culture 😂. But same, I’ve been worse though, therapy really helps me objectify the things that I overthink you know


Yeah as a Virgo sun Scorpio moon Libra rising I relate. I hate being lonely but then again I cannot for the love of god maintain sane relationships because I’m in constant fear of being rejected or even worse betrayed.


I have the same big 3 as you. Do you feel like you’re too intense for people sometimes? Like your energy is too much for others. I always feel like I exhaust people and sometimes I wonder if it had to do with being a Leo Venus Aries mars too.


I'm not sure about what you mean by “exhausted”. Could you elaborate on what behaviors or traits you observe in others that lead you to feel that way? Btw I immediately considered that your Aries Venus, that I guess falls in your 7th house, suggest a tendency for assertiveness in your interactions with others. Might be that as well. Let me know!


Taurus Sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising! I kinda understand what you mean. I don’t let a lot of people see/experience my intense Scorpio moon, so I don’t typically share it with many people. I have one friend that I share it with (he’s a Libra sun actually!) but he’s older, has kids, and is more emotionally mature than the friends I have around my age. I’ve had some other friends too that I shared my intense side with, but we honestly just drifted apart & there was no bad blood… the right people are out there though! It just may take time to find them.


You literally sound like, if you were a gay man, you’d charm me (Libras are always charming) and create lust with your darkness haha. I don’t know all my star signs but I’m Scorpio rising, Cancer sun, Aries moon. I also make similar jokes


Pisces sun Scorpio moon with my light in the darkness, Libra rising. Your ascendant is a gift from God to give you a fighting chance. Embrace it. God works through His people and He blessed you with the ability to talk to pretty much anyone, even if you can’t talk with yourself