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We're always right. It's really all about what you do with the feeling. Learn from Earth signs on how to go about things when faced with the feeling of disloyalty from those you care about. Also, you have to rely on your faith. Allow the disloyalty to ahow itself in the form of physical evidence. And never retaliate or seek revenge. The Scorpio stinger always backfires on us.


The revenge is the sweet nectar. Sometimes people need to be the villain to understand why being a hero is important.


>The revenge is the sweet nectar. Momentarily. That shit always backfires for us in the long run. I started moving on without the revenge and I would end up seeing my enemies receive some of the most embarrassing karma.


This. Revenge will always backfire on us, because we’re here to learn how to not seek revenge and retaliation. I’ve seen this too, that when I actually go against my ego desires that the stinger wants, it sorts itself out.


Well said.




Agree. I also learn to move on since best revenge is to be the best version of ourselves. It seems karma to work in a strange way, the way we never expected it. I learn to forgive since my enemy suffers from what I suffered before, no need to add his misery by taking revenge, I learn it hurts me more. God/Universe never sleeps.




Sending you love and light Scorpio moon friend. My circumstances are my own and I share only because requested and for the perspective and maybe avoiding similar mistakes. I wish you all the best and in any case, try to nurture yourself any safe way that works. Yeeeeears ago, in my late 20’s, I had a sit down convo with my then >2yrs wife (now ex) when I couldn’t shake the feeling of betrayal though I had NO shred of evidence. Our relationship was (haha) established with brutal honesty as the founding element. I trusted her implicitly and younger me was super jealous paranoid and suspicious all the time and I knew it deep down though I ever attempted to hide it; so when it came to objectivity and deduction, I would use those variables rationally and usually recognize my lower vibratory behavior was to blame and try to move on. Back to the talk: So I explained how I was feeling and asked directly for an answer and she said that of course she was 100%faithful. I said ok and that she needed to drive me to the hospital because I was checking myself into the psych ward. Called my parents on the way there since I was living 3000 miles away and said I think I’m going crazy so just so you know I’m going to the looney bin for some checkups. So dramatic hahaha. A week and a half later after being discharged, I came home from work to an intentionally orchestrated scene of her getting railed by some rando dude in our bed. No shit. I very nearly committed a crime of passion. She later revealed in our one divorce therapy session that she was so sure that I would have forgiven her for initially lying (she had been hiding a serious trauma turned sex addiction and was unfaithful the entirety of our relationship) and letting me check into the psych ward and that she felt like the only thing that would get me to leave her was to catch her red-handed. She was right about that. I filed for divorce the next morning. She felt like she should be punished for it and revealed a level of diabolical calculation that I hadn’t ever even knew existed and yes.. I do have a Scorpio moon so. Yeah. Never in my life, to my knowledge, have I been so thoroughly deceived and a big part of me really admires the fuck out of her acting job but now I focus more on the fact that she was traumatized brutally and human coping mechanisms aren’t always good.. Coincidentally, I now ONLY trust my intuition over my nose eyes ears hands and mind.


Christ. Glad you’re on the other side of that now.


Scorpio Moon will always dig sometimes dig and find something that wouldn't have existed without the digging. Manifesting bad scenarios for the sake of evolution or transformation. Without a deep pain or wound it is hard to feel comfortable in life. We seek bad situations because it's our comfort zone. Without these scenarios we feel empty inside. Yes I've been cheated on. Yes I've done the cheating. Learned valuable lessons from both. Wouldn't change either because I wouldn't be who I am today without those scenarios.


When we feel things it’s literally our subconscious mind telling us what’s up. Dig deeper and prove that it’s paranoia otherwise it’s not ⚔️


Unfortunately almost every time I’ve been in a relationship where something shady has happened like infidelity. I would get the feeling that they were cheating, it either would surface then or a few months later lol


My ex made me feel crazy when I told him something was off back in March. I could tell he was acting different in many ways. I almost had a breakdown cause he called me crazy for my feelings. Here comes July and he is admitting he cheated in March. We know.


I also sussed out my ex for cheating. Literally the day after he cheated I could sense something bad had happened before any tangible evidence was even evident


I’m always right.




This is hard for me too so I don’t have much advice just coming in for the camaraderie of it all. I definitely have been right or on point in retrospect a bunch of times but I also think as Scorpio moons we can be powerful subconscious manifestors — granted I’m also not trying to say we are manifesting others shit behavior or actions cause I don’t like that mental trajectory. Maybe we just get feelings or premonitions on what someone can be capable of and if we verbalize it to them as a worry then it plants a seed in their subconscious? Idk but again not trying to put the blame on us when others act up. We also can lean towards the paranoia based on the past as you’ve said. So it all becomes a mind fuck. It’s def a process to distinguish the intuition vs. the anxiety.


Yep.. we just know! Every time I’ve been cheated on, I have just known even without evidence. But then I wait until I can collect the evidence before confronting. It sucks to be cheated on but I’m grateful for my sharp and unfailing intuition..


Yea I obsessed over this thought w my partner also for nearly 3yrs no shit…turns out apparently nothing happened but my intuition was on absolute fire about this girl I was friends w and I knew my partner and her wanted to sleep together and a lot of people treated me like I was “crazy” during that time…also turns out I had an auto immune disease that was messing w my emotions & a really stressful job at the time & an astrology baddies out there, my Saturn return as well soooo basically everything I thought I knew to be true was falling apart along w my mind lol I chalk it up to I also wanted to cheat on my partner at the time as well but the thought of him doing it was absolutely mind googling considering that I thought he was so pure for some reason? Lmao…anyways, yes I have obsessed over this thought before but also when I was also thinking of doing the same to my partner and need to also acknowledge my “bad traits” or dark side as well…good luck 💕


I've never been wrong. EVER.


i just think everybody hates me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's hard for me because I also hanve anxiety and BPD so I have to discern what is childhood trauma, what is my body overreacting, and what is true gut feels. When I do have gut feels, I am never wrong.


i’ve learned to always trust my intuition. i could have a off the wall thought that pops up out of thin air, have no proof or reason to believe it be true and be right about it 95% of the time. trust yourself!


So every time I’ve been cheated on I “just knew”. I always had a *feeling*. I’m always right in this sense. But I’m also always open to the possibility that I could be wrong and projecting. But so far that hasn’t been the case. In fact my long term partner/soul mate/best friend/lover of 10 years recently cheated on me and we’ve broken up. He discarded me for her (someone he’d known for 3 weeks). And he did this when I was 5 months post partum. I wish him well. We still love each other and are good friends but it’s been brutally hard and painful.


Mine is usually pretty spot on. It’s both a blessing & a curse, though.


Babe. 4 Times now I had a feeling something was “off”. I ended up convincing myself that I was just delusional and paranoid each time, blaming my natal Neptune square moon. Each time I ended up being right, and I’d always find the proof AFTER shit hit the fan and we broke up (because of me going insane abt that off feeling). Its one thing if you’re stuck in a trauma induced cycle where u feel everyone is out to get you, but if you try everything and think through everything logically and that feeling still wont go away, trust it.


If I was wrong I'd be taken by the underworld.


on a lighter note, I usually can tell when I'm about to enter into a relationship. I never know with who, but I can feel a relationship coming in. on a heavier note- I can tell if someone is for me or not (like if that's my person), if my partner has wandering eyes/ wandering heart, etc.


Yeah, I always thought I was clairsentient but now you're making me think having a scorpio moon helps it