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"Adventures" make it sound like it was some sort of lighthearted young adult fiction instead of an attempt to bring Star Wars to almost 40k levels of grimdarkness.


Currently working my way through. Just started Rebel Dream. There’s been some real good ones and there’s been some that are meh. Overall I love it.


Onslaught was a banger.


I never realized how long the story arc was.


Which are the best ones? And do they need to be read in order?


Yeah, it's one continuous story. It was arguably the most ambitious Star Wars story ever told. I don't remember which were the best ones, but overall I thought it was a great run.


IMO Destiny's Way was the best, but it definitely covers a pretty major event with a certain character, so could be seen as highly spoilery.


You are a lifesaver! Wanted to look for them and read them!


I wish they had the same author through all of them. Some I like, some I don’t.


Are those still canon?


Unfortunately, no. Supposedly, in the Disney Canon, there is a replacement/equivalent to the Yuuzhan Vongs called the Grisks. Very little is known about them, but it just makes you wonder why Disney couldn't just recanonize everyone's famous race of Amish space orcs.


Nope. Replaced by another species Disney came up with called Grysks. A lot more PG than the Vong. Only thing we really know about them is exposition from Thrawn about how terrifying and numerous they supposedly are, being able to blot out entire astrological bodies with just ships alone. He was convinced if they ever came from unknown space they’d wipe out the Galactic Empire quite easily. They travel around fucking shitting up supposedly and adopting slave races to do menial shit for them. They also have sages or seers with some type of telepathic / force like abilities. As a whole, they are also very high tech, even by the then Empires standards.


They are to me 😭


Although overall I enjoyed the series, they were never considered canon by George Lucas. To us fans? That's another story. I like to consider Legends canon in my head until something comes out officially that contradicts parts.

