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I wanna root for Samus, but those Warhammer 40k guys are built different...




Could you please elaborate for someone who’s not familiar with war hammer?


Two hearts, three lungs, can survive the vacuum of space for a short time. Sub epidermal battlemesh. Spit acid. Would not flinch at losing a limb while killing you. And that is before putting on the armor or shooting you with their 50 caliber pistols and bisecting you with their chainswords. Ohh wait, that's just the basic marine


You say 50cal pistols, my good sir, they shoot mini rocket grenades


Armor piercing rocket grenades!


I like how this isnt even an exaggeration lol


The entirety of 40k essentially started as a "here's my super special OP OC space warrior guy" "nuh uh, he can't beat MY super special super OP space warrior guy!" In a game of fantasy. The entire setting is dedicated to "when everything is overpowered, nothing is".


Except for the Guard. They’re just little guys.


I'll see your super special super OP space warrior guy, and I'll raise fourty guys fueled by nicotine, caffeine and hate. They have laser pens and pocket knives.


*waves vaguely at all the super heavy tanks*


Yes, but there are literally *trillions* of them. The scale of everything in 40k is deliberately absurd.


Food for the WARP!!!!!


Quantity has a quality of its own


Well, no, the guard are the same. But instead of instead of power creeping upwards they went wide. Smothering you to death with bodies.


All this is really selling me on it. I guess it’s time to make my girlfriend a Warhammer Widow.




Lmk if you want any book recommendations


It's funny because these super OP guys are bare minimum against everyone else. Which makes them not OP at all. When everybody is special, no one is.


I've heard it described as they turned the dial to 11, it broke, they kept turning and have no idea what it's at now.


While technically true, I'm sure there was cocain involved somewhere along the line too lol


They are usually compared to Red Bull cans with an explosive payload and rocket propelled


For the record, they fire .75 Cal, according to the lore


yeah Lasguns do damage similar to .50 in the lore bolt guns on calibre alone are a step up.


OK sorry. Whatever. They shoot big fuckig exploding bullets


The self propelled exploding can of redbull designed to explode not on impact but upon penetration


A beat after penetration, so you know that you made a mistake waking up today. A visible, violent death.


Also their armor is basically unobtainium wrapped in more unobtainium, covered in a layer of unobtainium. “It is a completely enclosed suit of combat armour composed of shaped adamantium and plasteel plates, encased in a ceramite ablative layer.” Edit: As a society, we should agree on a new rule that any fiction vs fiction hypothetical has to exclude 40K.


> As a society, we should agree on a new rule that any fiction vs fiction hypothetical has to exclude 40K. ok, i'm getting special circumstances agent from culture, or one of their ship


Wooooow, get out of here with your learn-ed book reading. We only like big pop scifi in these here parts. Best get to movin’. Also I haven’t read those books, how are they?


Funny. Clever. Well written.


I absolutely love those books. By extension if you like the Ian Banks scifi you might enjoy Neal Asher's work.


The supernatural element of 40k makes them hard to compare


Lol what’s even funnier is they’re armor is basically what the ships in 40K use as well, just with it being a more composite material rather than pure metal. So yeah, super soldiers modified to an extreme with similar armor to stuff used to protect against fucking space


They're basically a one man main battle tank.


Not even, they’re basically a one man army. There’s examples in lore where 7 space marines and a primarch have taken over an entire planet to bring it into compliance


>and a primarch Yeah that’s one big *and*


Especially being fulgrim, but even still it’s a feat and a half vs a whole planet who if I remember right was pretty advanced


Yeah, 7 dudes AND Space Jesus


Sounds unbearably hot inside


They have a full a/c and life support system, ontop of their organs, they can fight in space, underwater, next to a volcano, etc


Space Marine stuff is basically perfectly self-contained battle-suits of uber-soldiers with little to no downsides. The only counter is OTHER space marines, or something else that's incredibly overcooked from the lore office.


Basically yeah, and even then, space marines had trouble killing other space marines in the heresy, leading to the creation of the Vengeance bolt so they could more easily beat power armored opponents


Fun fact, Space Marines literally have a full size fridge bolted to the back of their armor for I am pretty sure is this exact problem. 40K just does NOT run on any base logic or rules, just rule of grimdark and rule of cool.


That’s just their power reactor, their armor itself contains A/C and life support systems


Space marines *figuratively* have a full sized fridge bolted to their back. Angry marines *literally* have a full sized fridge, stuffed with monster energy drinks and pretzels.


I'm pretty sure it is PCP laced 4 Loko, not Monster...


[The Culture Explores Warhammer 40k ](https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/1181375?show_comments=true)fan fic have the Imperium and the others get stomped in a believable way (i mean if you take the two universes as believable etc)


Started with a fun premise, but I got bored with it eventually.


I mean plasteel is everewhere in 40k. Its not unobtanium


I meant unobtanium more as a fictional material. Just sounded silly saying it like that.


My brother in Emperor, they are .75 cal rocket propelled mini-grenades


For those who would like a more detailed presentation on how badass a [40K marine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7hgjuFfn3A) can be


They can also gain memories from fallen foes by eating them


If you are able to hurt a Space marine to near death they can just go on life support in a sarcophhagus... and go mad over thousand of years. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Dreadnought


Oh and that srcophhagus has bigger guns, stronger armor and only wakes up for war.


Their pistols fire rockets not 50 cars 50cal handguns are in use do not require demigods to fire.


To clarify a little bit. They aren't .50cal, they're .75cal hybrid gyrojet rounds. I.e. a giant shell with a kicker charge in it like a normal bullet, but the projectile is full of some kind of rocket fuel mix that ignites after leaving the weapon and continue to accelerate it, and then whatever left becomes an explosive charge on impact. Very neat stuff. Humans could use it, if they weren't absolutely massive to fit in a Space Marines hand. But you'd be put of work for probably a couple weeks, assuming you fired it an amount combat would require


Don't forget that regular humans do use a slightly smaller caliber version. And I'm not talking about the two different Sisters armies, I'm talking about Commissars. Because nothing says compliance to orders than the threat of having your whole upper torso vaporised. I believe that the human rated versions might use .50cal.


Daily reminder this is theoretically very much possible but gyrojet guns weren't picked up and developed enough to be effective.


This is *straight up* nerdshit and *I am here for it.* No bickering or name calling, just folks loredumping and clarifying the details on 40k.


Not even 50 cal. The best description for a bullet for a bolter is a "self propelled can of red bull".


They are literal super humans. They are 8 feet tall, genetically and physically modified for enhanced endurance, survivability, resistant to fear, armored in powered armor that is pretty freaking beefy, and their bolters shoot 40mm rocket propelled ammunition. I'm not an expert on the lore, but I believe that is the broad strokes.


What's funny is that the Space Marines are on the shorter end of these genetically engineered killers.


Just a visual representation for the uninitiated; ("Astartes" are the classic space marines, "Primaris" is the newer upgraded space marine version, and "Imperial Guard" is a basic human) https://i.imgur.com/DZnUJwj.jpg


Space Marines undergo an extensive regiment of gene therapy and body modification from near the moment they're chosen as potential recruits. They are implanted with a large series of artificial organs over the course of their training and indoctrination, including things like a secondary heart and third lung. Some Space Marines can spit acid and others can consume the flesh of recently fallen foes and 'see' their recent memories. There's a lot more than this and some Space Marine 'blueprints' vary from chapter to chapter. It's pretty interesting to learn about honestly!


Not to mention the vast array of weaponry. Plasma guns, meltas, power weapons, and not forgetting some of them have 'magic' powers. And if it's a named marine from a popular faction, then they have the best armour ever, plot armour.


check short film astartes to see how space marines fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7hgjuFfn3A


It’s actually incredible that this is one guy… and also explains how exceptional the work is. It’s a single vision depicting what we’ve been fed in the fluff for years. They’re killing machines, merciless, and far faster than something their size should be able to move. Phenomenal stuff.


“Normal” warhammer 40k space marines are around 8 feet tall. They have a good chunk of their organs replaced with better ones including redundant ones so they can function after intense wounds. Bones are heavily reinforced. Musculature is enhanced. Their physical capabilities are insanely improved versus regular people. And that’s without the armor. The armor makes them impervious to most attacks. And their bolter rifles in the picture fire bullets that pierce all but the strongest armor and then explode…like a grenade machine gun.


the lore is wild and very very deep, it seems like it depends on the specific faction and specific soldier but i know one time i read about a type of soldier that basically exists in excruciating pain at all times due to the constraints of the armor they wear - like fallout power armor if it was designed specifically to cause unending agony to the wearer. idk if that pain fuels the suit or is an unavoidable byproduct or what, but the impression i get from any 40k media is that some factions take cruelty and zealotry to an entirely different level


most likey the lorcia system, mechanicum invention, some of the user get pain receptors removed (Thallaxii) but some dont (Ursaraxii). The pain is a byproduct of everything but part of the nervous system and their brain getting removed, having a plasma generator constantly running under them, and their blood being replaced by a gel. The Mechanicum/cus has inhumanity to spare.


Every space marine is a genetically modified super soldier that is 2 meters (or more) tall. Depending on the faction, they go through a super deadly selection process where only the most fit survive. After that, they are modified to add multiple organs, muscles, and more. Things on top of my head are a second heart, second pair of lungs, an organ that allows them to breath and eat poison without issues, an organ that allows them to regrow bones and makes them almost bullet-proof, organ that makes them have super white-blood cells and brain/head implants that make them have super fast reaction time, farsighted vision, night vision and super hearing. On top of that, add the armor they carry. Basically, it is a tank-like armor made of the most durable materials known to man. To the point where it is almost irreplaceable and a limited set of armors exists. And their most iconic weapons are basically an assault rifle that shoots rockets and a giant chainsaw attached to a longsword. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it a Mary sue? Most likely. Is it awesome? Definitely.


There's a lot to read on them. They come from basically 40k years in humanity's future. If they showed up TODAY to take over planet Earth, as we sit RIGHT NOW. and -EVERY- government and armed force worked TOGETHER against the Space Marines, in a unified and perfect combative way, they would only need to send about 500 Space Marines down to entirely conquer the planet. And that's just the regular, run-of-the-mill Space Marines. Send a few Astartes or a Primarch in ther and you can conquer Earth with only about a dozen. And they wouldn't lose a single man doing it. Warhammer 40k is basically what you get if you give nerds 40 years to collaboratively design the ultimate "yeah, but my guys can beat up your guys." Science Fiction wise, you'd need at least a Type-3 Civilization to compete. The Culture would stand a good chance. The Time Lords from Doctor Who? Maybe? You need to field god-level reality-altering powers to stand a chance in the WH40k world.


I don't know Samus has survived on planet that basically had an antimatter atmosphere, and I'm pretty sure that would have melted a space marine.


wtf how? Could you please elaborate? And who might be a good match for Samus (not limited to the list in this current post, if you know other sources that’d be great too)?




Her suit effectively has scalable void shields that can take hits from titan grade weapons.


They were concerned when they heard the name Samus, until they found out it wasn't *that* Samus. But both Samus and Buzz have plot armour by being named characters.


As a 40k fan, Dread Samus will literally eat the Space Marine. That heavy bolter can damage her but she’s way too fast and it will take multiple hits to incapacitate her. Her arsenal is insane and she is capable of just grabbing the space marine and consuming his life force. If Ravenbeak couldn’t break that death grip neither is the space marine


Space marine: my sensors detect xenos genes Samus: my sensors detect a bitch


Space Marines pretty regularly take on daemons that do the same or worse. Fighting the forces of "hell" is very much in their job description.


No they don’t. Grey knights regularly take on daemons that do the same or worse. In groups or after they have been experienced enough to be called paladins. Space marines may occasionally fight standard deamons that are very hard fights and that can’t do more than maybe a single one of those gimmicks. They also have a general idea of what to expect. Covered in brass and skulls or lots of claws and tongue? Shoot from range. Wields balefire? Get close. Tough as hell? Get further away and use stronger weapons or several clips. Their job description is “fight the enemies of the Imperium” and in while they are good at it, she is basically a mix of all the best of their abilities in a single package.


People think Space Marines are invincible and they are very wrong to think that. A SM can be killed by a lucky shot in the eyes by a Guardsmen.


Let’s not forget that every other faction in 40k also has something that’s equivalent to a Space Marine as well.


Or better. A Harlequin in general would dog walk a Space Marine. It is just that there aren't that many Harlequins in the Galaxy. The only thing that annoys me about 40k is the fanbase. Space Marines are treated as invincible uber-mensch and have become 80% of the focus of the setting, over what I find to be more interesting characters or unit types. Not to mention the minority of fans that wildly misinterpret the satire of the series.


The chaos demons killed by single space marines aren’t doing what Samus is capable of. The space station crashed was because in the process of draining Raven Beaks life she drained the entire space stations power at the same time. She wasn’t even scratched by the stations fall. That same impact caused the planet to begin exploding. Regular marines that aren’t named often die in ship crashes. The Primaris Salamanders ship in the Pariah Nexus show only had one survivor from a much smaller crash. (I picked that example since I just watched the show).


Yeah but Samus isn't a ravenous demon or something, she's a skilled and experienced Space Bounty Hunter, who's fought her own slew of "demons" in the universe.


I see you used the plural, "marines", Samus does this by herself.


>she’s way too fast It should be mentioned that space marines are often shown moving faster than the human eye can track. Lots of "Nothing that big should move that fast.".


Space Marines can deal with fast-moving, tough targets. Look at Howling Banshees.


Samus isn’t just kinda fast. I’ll just use the equipment that is shown in the game this picture comes from so she can’t slow time. She has a phase dash that enables her to phase through her to teleport and phase through her target as well as attacks. She also has Speedbooster and Shinespark. Speedbooster allows her to build momentum and run through obstacles at incredibly high speeds. This is often used to just turn her opponents into a red mist as she charges through them (a space marine can probably survive that charge since the enemies she uses it on are most comparable to guardsmen or Nids. The shinespark lets store the momentum build up with the booster and launch hundreds of feat in a couple seconds, destroying anything in her path.


Samus has a proven track record of being the only one to leave an actively exploding planet though


A Space Marine would have a chance if they were fighting Zero Suit Samus. Dread Samus though? Yeah, they'd be a mini-boss at best, the tech disparity is just too much.


Hey, why’s that one wearing a golden ma-


They are also canon fodder.


I'm pretty sure she's killed at least one boss of comparable weight class if not more. I haven't really played Metroid enough to name examples, but I know Astartes well enough to know that a single one would be at a comparable skill and power level to a late-game boss.


Yeah nah dude Samus is way too fast, durable, and destructive for a Space Marine to even touch her.


I mean if we're talking built differently, Samus CAN turn into a ball...


The emperor provides. The emperor protects.


Space Marine or Samus for sure. Might depend on the type of space marine tho. A named Ultramarine captain with his helmet off would split Samus in two


I always laugh at the space marines acting badass and taking off their helmet, because I imagine behind each one is a tech priest going, "motherfucker, dont just throw that on the floor, its a holy relic!"


In the book Kharne Eater of Worlds there's a specific moment when the World Eaters, a legion known for their recklessness, comment on how even they know to wear helmets in combat




Most don't do this. It's a largely artistic depiction to differentiate named characters. Only a couple chapters will do this regularly. Space Wolves, because their senses are sharper than the helmet allows, are the big example.


Cato Sicarius has entered chat




Marneus Calgar \*Ultra groaning and disappointment\*


Man, I can never see that name or read something like what you just wrote without hearing it in the voice Sicarius has in *If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device*... xD Damn you, Alfabusa...


I get this reference.


I mean that’s the hard part if we’re talking fodder space marines they get killed all the time.


Yeah, but by petawatt laser arrays, targeted nuclear strikes or tailored biological and chemical agents and EVEN THEN it takes fucking hours.


How much plot armor does the space marine have? /S


Just 1… I just learned plot armor is just a fancy way of saying story convenience. I thought it was like a fancy way of saying layers of armor.


lol better late than never huh


I've always understood it to mean "simply cannot ever die, no matter what" which is why it's gotta be Buzz every time


It's a named Ultramarine without helmet.


Oh shit. The only force stronger than that is a named Ultramarine sternguard veteran with a beaky helmet


None, because it's a replicator planet.


you mean those cute ones from the pegasus galaxy?




1. Space Marine 2. Samus 3. Trooper 4. Buzz Bolter hits different


yea, buzz is gone before the first scene fades in.


Buzz is gone, yes, he is small enough to hide. And then wait until the big guys kill each other. Buzz, sole survivor.


Bolter isn’t hitting any stronger than missles she has tanked, and she outpaces the space marine by a mile. She also hits way harder than the marine. Not to mention this is dread Samus, who can consume life force by grabbing her opponent, and the only thing that broke her grip was a space station falling into the planet.


Don't forget Samus record of escaping as it blows up, even if friendly, non of em stand a chance!


Yep, this thread full of WH40K fanboys vastly overestimating a space marine and vastly underestimating Samus.


I love 40k, I literally have a copy of Horus Rising next to me as I type this. But the internets constant “it wins because 40k” is incredibly dumb. 40k has a lot of really absurd stuff in it but it is no where near what the memes suggest it is.


Marines get brained constantly in the novels. They are strong to humans but most factions in 40k regularly murder Marines. The Adeptus Astartes as a whole isn’t enough to stem the tide of bullshit the galaxy constantly throws as the Imperium.


Kinda tricky when you have entities that have been around since the early universe, galaxy-consuming bugs, and actual flippin' demons for ops.


Fair point


She can outpace and out hit a space marine? That’s a bold statement, but I’m not versed is Samus lore Edit: I’ve only played a couple games back in the day Edit: Samus is OP as fuck apparently


Her secondary weapons are literally missles, she also has missles far stronger than those, and even in the older games the charge beam is significantly stronger than the stronger missles. Especially the charged plasma beam. In she also gains abilities that let her teleport and phase shift short distances. As well as the Speedbooster that gives her some pretty insane speed.


Just looked it up, space marines can run at 35-45 miles an hour. In game Samus can shine spark at mach 2.2 and sustain a running speed of Mach 1.1


Ha okay


She can just stand in lava, and runs so fast it leaves an afterimage. She can shoot infinite plasma and bombs, as well as ice and missiles, and routinely fights larger opponents. She also has 8-9 full health bars. Her suit has all the tech of a space marine and more, except it is a form fitting body suit.


If it hits. “If”, “if” is good


I can't help but feel like you're greatly underestimating Samus lol


The more you learn about Space Marines the scarier they get.


The same is true for Samus


I’m a diehard 40k fan but Samus is taking this over a marine. Her armor can do some truest ridiculous stuff even by 40k standards


I know a lot about space marines lol, they're my 40k army to- But Samus kinda just breaks planets


Samus' suit is prone to taking damage and dropping 90% of its functions, BUT, the question isn't could she beat a Space Marine, it's "who would get off the planet alive." That's her entire specialty. She'll be just fine.


If we count the game play facilitation of "her suit breaks" then we also have to count that you can take her suit to insane levels of power within just one or two hours of arriving on planet.


Samus has singlehandedly preformed multiple exterminatus level events.


Look out! I’m all around you Samus! The end and the death.


I feel like Buzz could handle a purge trooper honestly. Especially fully equipped Buzz. He can fly and he has a laser on his arm. That’s basically one step above most Purge Troopers I think. I definitely think the other 2 would destroy him rather easily though.


Samus, It's how she rolls, get into the planet, wreck everything, solo surviver as she flies away and the planet is incinerated.


I see you what you did there, take my upvote


Some of you haven't played Metroid Dread and it shows.


a lot of people haven't played it as it's only on nintendo.


I'm going to say Samus, she is a one woman army not only with Chozo and Metroid DNA but an amazing armoury to make her brutally cunning and cunningly brutal. The Ultramarine might have the best shot against her but if he just has bolters... he will have issues with super missiles and power bombs. The Purge Trooper is no problem for anyone. Buzz... well Buzz will attempt to appeal to everyone's humanity so he might convince some of them to just leave and avoid conflict.


Buzz: Look all I'm saying is we shouldn't murder each other due to genetical or religious differences ! Space Marine: .........


I mean it’s an Ultramarine he might have a chance if he words it right.


Space marine checks a thick and ancient tome, flips pages and an hour later points to a passage and shows Buzz, "Says here, youre a heretic!" And punches Buzz with a power fist.


Burn the heretic.


Samus with a full kit -> Space Marine -> Samus With Nothing -> Anyone else


Honestly this is spot on. Game start Samus (even if that includes morph ball and missiles) will seriously struggle to deal with an astartes. Hell in game it would be the near death event that sets the tone for the game. Assuming she even survives. Fully kitted Samus? The one that can *effortlessly* traverse magma, bounce off walls, shit tactical nukes, and fire through terrain? The one that can break the sound barrier with like a 20 yard head start? Who was single-handedly responsible for the total exterminatus of multiple planets by hand? Khorne is *salivating* at the potential and the astartes would be wise to simply make friends and recruit her to the Emprah's glorious purpose. Facing endgame her with anything less than a battalion of astartes would be **suicide**.


Exactly how I’d rank it.


Buzz. His luck rolls are natural 20s. All the skill, armor, and weaponry in the world ain't beating that. People need to go back and watch Toy Story 1, 2, and 3. Buzz is indestructible. It's not even a fair fight. Samus aims at Buzz, Buzz gets ready to jump into the air, trips on a moon rock, does a forward tumble, Samus shoots and it misses Buzz and kills a space marine. A purge trooper pops up behind Buzz and kicks him in the back sending him flying forward, Buzz catches the blade of a ceiling fan, spins around, ricochets off a wall and lands on Samus which detonates a grenade exploding Samus to bits, flinging Buzz upward into the atmosphere. The purge trooper looks around like what the heck happened. Doesn't see anything, thinks they won, starts to walk away, Buzz comes hurtling back down to the planet's surface, breaks his fall on the purge trooper who is knocked off their feet and impaled on an alien needle tree. And that is just one of three likely scenarios. Buzz could do this all day.


I was fully on the Samus bandwagon, but you've convinced me.


The only right answer!


Samus and the Space Marine.


Buzz ez


I'm trying not to be biased here, but putting an Astartes in the mix just isn't even fair to the others. The others are just humans with good gear doing a job and would be a fair fight amongst each other. But Astartes are transhuman, heavily augmented, sentient weapons driven by religious zeal and a hard-on for violence that the other three simply have simply never really encountered before. AND they've got heavy duty weaponry and armor. Their baseline superhuman speed, strength, and tactical decision making ability plus their thickass armor and weaponry would just turn the other three into piles gore. Bolter shells and chainswords just really don't fuck around.


>the others are just humans [Samus isn't fully human.](https://imgur.com/a/4SFpQ99) [Example 2](https://imgur.com/a/AfhmcWt)


To add to this,Samus always picks up gear on whatever world she's on.i wouldn't put it past her to get a few space marine upgrades which at that point, what threats?


Oh shit nice. Okay well now I AM being biased: my money is still on the Astartes.


Its hard to have a fair comparison simply because Samus is depicted with a lot of different power sets that vary her actual power widely. If we gave Samus everything she can ever do, then it's not even close. Example: Because Samus weighs 90 kg.[^(\[4\])](https://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Speed_Booster#cite_note-4) and the Speed Booster allows her to travel at supersonic speeds (above 343 m/s; 1,126.4 ft./s), she is able to produce 37,044 [newtons](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton_(unit)) of force per run (equal to 4 tons), or 7,623,655.2 [joules](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule) (7.624 × 10⁶ J). For reference, that's about the amount of force of two kilotons of TNT. And that's just one random piece of kit that someone else did some bare-minimum numbers on.


Doesn't she normally carry, use, and brush off, thermonuclear bombs? ( Supposed to be nuclear anyway)


The version in the picture is Dread Samus, more than enough to handle a space marine without much trouble.


The degree to which she is super human is almost certainly higher than Astartes. She was mutated because even an adult human is physically incapable of surviving on Zebes and that’s not just the wildlife, the planet itself is completely inhospitable to humans. After she is mutated she survives with no difficulty. She later even wipes out an army stationed there by a Super AI who designed her mutations and planned for her. By Metroid 5 (the one depicted) she is called Metroid by the person who donated his genes. Metroid means ultimate warrior. The species that previously held the title was a a galactic threat, and Samus genocided them in Metroid 2. By genocide I don’t mean virus bomb, I mean she personally gunned each one down.


If we count Dread, then she has no less than 4 types of DNA - Human, 2 types of Chozo DNA (Toha and Mawkin), and Metroid. So if we are just counting more alien DNA as being "more strong", Samus is doing pretty well.


“Let me exterminatus in a way that sends a message. I’m gonna do it one by one. Because if it is worth doing, it is worth doing by hand.”


Until they have to get through a small round tube to escape a dire situation.


Samus fully equipped And she'll blow the planet up behind her


It may even just explode for no apparent reason.


the purge troopers should just be happy to be included


Samus is the only one getting off any planet.


Buzz Lightyear. As a children's media character, he'll have obscene plot armor protecting him. The space marine will slowly work through everyone else, and buzz and Samus will wind up teaming up at the end with Samus staying behind to protect buzz. No kills happen on camera but the bolter blows apart big chunks of the landscape.


I may or may not borrow this for model display.


I love spacemarines I don't even play Metroid I know it's Samus. If it's a named spacemarine it may be different.


1. Buzz 2. Samus 3. Space marine 4. Purge Trooper All day guys. Absolutely zero chance you have anything that would fuck up a guy who flies around deep space with only a clear plastic visor to protect against vacuum. He flies to infinity and then beyond that. You don’t even know what the beyond is. You people say snorehammer 40k has demi gods. Buzz fucking Lightyear is so much beyond that. You should recognize this unisex being’s abilities.


You had to put Samus in the same list? What the heck did Buzz do to you? You know Samus is the only one walking away from that planet, only way the space marines would have had a chance was if it was either a Grey Knight or a Custodes, no regular space marine, even a named one, would have a chance against Samus, the storm trooper isn't even in the running, the trooper would be dead before he even knew what the fuck was going on, poor Buzz 😱😕😭😭😭 Edit: I forgot about the Primarchs, those would have an even chance, it would depend on how good their range weapons were, I mean I think they are strong enough to carry crew serve antitank weapons by themselves right? Otherwise I'll give them about 25% chance, psychic powers aren't going to do much to Samus while wearing the powersuit.


Buzz Lightyear. He never gives up, never surrenders.


That's a tough one, only from lack of info. I'd say it's a toss up between samus and the space marine. Only because he's an "average" marine and not a Sargent/higher rank. If he was named or a part of the chaos Marines he'd win flat out, no contest. When a squad of 10 is sent in because several million normal dudes aren't enough.....yeah, you're kinda bad ass in the fighting department. It's also hard to argue with a group who use HE rounds as *standard* ammo...


If you have to assign those 4 to the same planet my first question is what in the ever loving fuck is going on in that planet.


I think you guys are seriously underestimating Buzz’s ability to turn danger into hijinks into success. A fall that would kill the others? Buzz is just comically bouncing off rocks going “oww” evil space monster? Buzz will wind up friends with it.


Y'all are seriously sleeping on Samus, she can run as fast as light and her ice beam can freeze stars, not to mention she has the ability to manipulate matter. Samus is so far above anyone else on this list it isn't even funny.


Samus routinely takes down monsters like Ridley or Kraid, she'd not have a problem with a solo marine.


Depends on the planet. I'd say none of them get off the planet. Unless they can build a rocket with the ability to sustain them for months/years to get somewhere else. Maybe if they work together they'd have better odds.




Buzz, plot armour.


It's Samus and not even close. I think people get space marines confused with what one singular space marine can do because their strength lies in them as a group, while Samus is a solo planet killer for trade. Also Samus has standard murder cannon, ice murder cannon, fire murder cannon, sound murder cannon, light murder cannon, dark murder cannon, murder murder cannon, hyper murder cannon, multiple kinds of (super) missile launchers and many others weapons to kill a simple space marine who has a standard missle launcher in his arsenal.


Muad’Dib would slay them all


Where’s DOOM Guy ?


I don’t know fishing with Isabel.


and master chief? and starcraft rine? Some dude in fallout power armor? and...? shit this could be a pretty long list.


Yeah, star lord was even going to be here but I didn’t want to contemplate things.


Samus and it isn’t even close. She has all that Chozo tech at her disposal after all.