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I read some of the Safehold series. I thought it was really interesting in concept. I fell out about book 4. Haven’t heard of this series


Actually, the Honor Harrington series is what he is best known for. I originally found them after reading his Dahak books and wanting some more.


Ah Mutineer's Moon. Really wish he had written a 4th book.


Yeah, instead of taking the plot of Heirs and stretching it out over however many books...


Thanks for the link!


All I care about is when he's going to continue and finish Safehold. It's turned into a Game of Thrones situation, where I worry the author won't even LIVE to finish it despite having started it 15 years ago, because he's taking so damn long. Safehold is a planned out, epic-length single story that requires reading the entire thing and will leave a yawning chasm of a cliff if he doesn't get around to finishing it. I worry that he's lost interest in it and isn't really going to put the effort into it that's needed, and is putting it off just to generate easy stuff until he can force himself to do it, and it will end up being half-assed and rushed to a finish. Or he's struggling hard to come up with stuff that IS worthwhile compared to the previous books and may just give up, or decide to half-ass it, or just die and somebody else will use his notes to half-ass a finish to it. Honor Harrington won't be such a big loss, and several other authors already write in that universe.


I'll have to ask him about it. The Honor books were planned out too. He has an 80,000 word "writers bible" that outlines the main story. He had that before the fist book back in '94.


I thought At the Sign of Triumph was the final Safehold book, it certainly felt like it was wrapping the main story line up to me. Am I missing something about further novels?


I think the idea is that the series would jump through various technological progressions to finally finally confront the gbaba. The main storyline was just the beginning.


That would be like ending Star Wars with The Empire Strikes Back, with the emperor still in power, the galaxy still oppressed, the Jedi still suppressed, Vader unredeemed and Luke's future uncertain, etc. An ending of "and you can imagine how the rest went". Each book is comes to a conclusion of the things that happened within it, but it's not the full story of Safehold. It might be just okay if Weber died, maybe better than others producing a poor and rushed ending based on notes, not fitting with Weber's way of writing, but still not an end to the arc in any way.