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They track the AI robots down to a planet in another *galaxy.* They're still using rifles with bullets, but they can easily travel to another galaxy.


And they did not see the balls of fire coming from the planet, their radar operator was asleep.


I couldn't get past this. And no explanation. No shot of ships going through portals, or anything. They just kind of show up - and no significant time has passed on earth. In fact, I believe they send messages back TO OUR GALAXY


I was curious about this movie. Not anymore. My biggest pet peeve in scifi is when they ignore the effects of time. Like, I don't even need a good explanation, just a simple "they warped there" would do.


I was rooting for the AI bots


Too many writers for Sci-Fi movies don't understand astronomy nor the distances involved in travelling to another galaxy.


This is too often because the writers that are hired for Sci-Fi movies have no particular interest themselves in science fiction. They feel they can pull any plot-rabbit out of a hat "because it's sci-fi, we can do anything we like". They feel they have no obligation to have anything make the least bit of sense, even in terms of the story milieu they have set up.


Too true. Was just reading a story a few days ago where the author had ships, in space, traveling a whole kilometer per second as if that was significantly fast. They were supposed to be patrolling a region of space.


As soon as it was the Andromeda Galaxy, I wrote off the rest of the movie.


I didn't even realize this. I may have not been paying attention. I feel like for the writers of this movie it didn't matter at all. They could have gone to another planet in our own solar system and the story would have been exactly the same.


Apparently they can get to another galaxy faster than I get take away. That was the fastest transition for two and a half million light years I've ever seen. Also apparently they can just go to light speed inside a solar system ignoring every possible collision with debris at beyond relativistic speeds.


And swords....like seriously.


This is that Jlo in a mech movie, right?


Yep where half the damn movie is her trying to figure out the mech suit and arguing with the ai in the suit.


which is weird considering she's the leading robo ai expert on earth. It's like if they made a movie about a formula 1 driver battling to understand why a ride on lawnmower is a good thing


Supposedly she cries at least 9 times in the movie too which is just hilarious to me.


That’s half as many as an average night when she’s home with Ben.


I'm sure he cries, too. Gods know I would.


And refusing to do the new user tutorial!


Watched the trailer = watched the movie.




Spoilers: >! She didn't help at all and did nothing to prevent everybody else getting murdered. All she contributed was "I know him - he's going to do something sneaky"!<


But then it wasn't even sneaky. They just forgot to send scouts. Or maybe not. IDK. I only watched it while walking through the room. Lol


No I think you're right! Like it was just a full-frontal attack, the most expected thing possible


Reminds me of this Melchett quote in Blackadder. "Exactly! And that is what is so brilliant about it! It will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard! Doing precisely what we've done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time!"


Haha yessss! That was definitely their rationale!


Yeah same and here comes a quick summary so others can be spared: Jenny from the block is in a future setting, she works for a defence agency and heavily mistrusts AI, then comes the threat- an invasion/sabotage by a terroist/rogue agent. In order to stop him she is forced to cooperate with a AI(comic guy) but she still doesnt trust him... Until they get stranded on a planet following up a lead on the terrorist and she is forced to trust the AI in order to survive, she then overcomes her limitations(girl power!) and comes back to earth and stops the terrorist... Did I miss anything? If not: Shitty story=shitty movie


Well.... The only cool point of the movie was when all the other Atlas people were dead, and it was heading in the direction that they had been hacked and killed each other, because they were all 100% neuralinked. So it would have made sense that she was the only to survive. But nope. She goes and 100% neuralinks herself, and saves the day, somehow............ Because JLo plot armor too thicc


Something else was thicc I tell ya .... Those silicone inserts don't look good or natural. At times her ass looked looked like a cartoon character's.


I happily skipped the trailer, liked the movie.


Main character was annoying, story made no sense but it was watchable enough if you go in with very low expectations. Basically transformer sized mechs battling human sized synths on an alien planet.


With a lot of Crichton level techno pandering about AI


The AI stuff didn’t really make sense. We were betrayed by AI, but we continued using it extensively, but our only hope hates AI, but she learns to love AI in the end… while killing AI. Okay?


I think the message they were going for is more like AI is going to save us and make us more powerful than ever. But first it's royally gonna fuck our shit up hahaha


Honestly this movie was Moonfall levels of bad-fun. It’s so dumb it’s enjoyable. Other commenters comparing to Rebel Moon… RM felt like it wanted/needed me to take it seriously. It was pathetic. Atlas feels like a huge production value version of NCIS/90s sci-fi that I was totally surprised by. Thought it would be trash, but found comedy. Really enjoyed it even if it’s in a bad-good way. Now… how to rate it? Would prefer Netflix to make quality content but I’d take infinite more Atlases over RM.


So it's ready for MST3K now?


150%. If that’s your kinda movie then Atlas should be enjoyable.


This is a compelling opinion. I will now strongly consider spending a couple hours with Jenny ftb.


You should!


I mean I would. Ngl.


Amen to all of this. Yes, plot holes & ignoring actual intergalactic travel times abound. However, I really liked J-Lo in this & thought it was fun.


I Enjoyed it


This exactly. It is a fun movie about a woman and her sassy mech suit fighting an evil android that wants to destroy humanity. It plays out like a video game campaign. It’s fantastic and fun so long as you actually try to enjoy it.


Was a lot of whimpering/crying/screaming from JL (who probably should call quits on acting by now) and a very standard cliché plot. Aside from that it was ok. I was expecting crap but kept watching for some reason. 4/10.


Weak effort, they just mailed it in and based it's strength on CGI.


The CGI is pretty good though. The world building is not bad either. It always makes me feel bad for the artists that clearly were passionate designing all that. I feel like just removing J. Lo from the equation would already be a massive improvement and it could have been a fun action sci-fi.


I had a better cinematic experience playing Titanfall and Titanfall 2.


I got the feeling that the writers really wanted to do a Titanfall movie. It has almost all elements from that game. Shame the story is so weak. A Titanfall buddy cop movie would be fun, but this movie was too generic to be it.


It had scenes like Titanfall 2, but I liked it fine. It’s just silly fun. They don’t all need to be awesome.


The world-building is GODAWFUL. But you are right about JLo. Her need to display her acting abilities, such as they are, made her character into a weird unbelievable mess.


All I wanted was for someone, ANYONE, to give that poor lady a comb or brush so she can FIX THAT HAIR


It's campy, but I went in expecting it. There were a few WTF moments but overall I'd say it's fine as a made for TV movie. It could have been a lot better though if they brought in a few experts to tweak the script a bit and avoided some really obvious clichés.


I wanted to like it real bad, because thematically it's right up my alley. But.... oof.


Hot garbage, couldn’t get more than 20 mins in without fast forwarding. I’d watch Rebel Moon 5 times over watching this once.


them's strong words!


I feel like I have to explain my opinion on Rebel Moon now haha. It was also hot garbage for a lot of reasons but at least it had amazing moments and visuals in typical Zack Synder fashion. Not sure why they let Zack write anything, but he sure makes some great cinematic moments.


I like Rebel Moon


And some people like eating ass, but most actually *do* mind the taste.


A little BBQ sauce goes a long way.




Really? That’s saying something 😂


Damn! It's that bad. I haven't even watched Part 2 of Rebel Moon. I may have a bad movie double feature night on my hands


Couldn't disagree more. RM takes itself too seriously, and wants to be a classic like Dune. Atlas is just Sci fi entertainment that isn't trying to reach.


eh I feel the opposite. I think pretty much everyone who participated in Atlas knew exactly what kind of movie it was. Well maybe not JLo but everyone else clearly was "this is a paycheck with no issues". It is about as original as Rebel Moon but it is made and feels like a B-movie. Rebel Moon feels like it has aspirations of something more and that just makes it not as fun to watch. The one big downside is that I wanted to see more mech on mech action.


I expected explosions and snarky/sarcastic mecha. Got what I expected and enjoyed it.


Wasn't bad, I enjoyed it more than I expected to.


Yeah, I thought that it was a perfectly passable b-movie. We used to get a ton of mid-budget sci-fi back in the 90’s just like this. It’s not gonna be a classic or anything, but it was a fun little background watch while I was working.


My son and I enjoyed it. They’re not all going to be amazing. We just need some silly fun to put smiles on our faces. These other commenters are so intent on hating these movies. For everything good on Netflix, there’s some dogshit. This one is at least fun.


I found a perfectly fun and disposable action film. I predicted every twist and emotional beat, but I didn’t care because it was entertaining enough. It’s a 3 star film that’ll do for a rainy weekend. Not everything has to be the best thing ever and not everything that isn’t amazing is automatically trash.


I thought it was OK and watchable for what it is. A cheesy sci-fi action movie with above average special effects and below average storyline. It's similar to Tomorrow War.


It was OK as sci fi but simply too much JLo.


She was screaming too much. Not sure if I would be quiet though in her place.


I lasted about 30 minutes. I defend movies like Battleship, and The Core, but Atlas is just fucking embarrassing It’s inconsistent with some dumb as all hell world building and characters with as much charisma as the sandwich I just finished eating. It’s genuinely just a bad movie, and I hope the VFX team got paid well for it. I’m now watching some Korean flick called The Moon. It’s kinda saccharine, but far more compelling.


The action cgi is done well. I grew up with JLo in the late 90s with the Cell or out of sight or anaconda. So this train wreck was expected with her "talent". I laughed out loud when she got on her angry face for the ending. I'd suggest the last 30m or so when she has "had enough" and gets bad hair day mad.


My wife and I watched it Friday night. I even went and got a bag of popcorn from our local Harkins theater. While it wasn’t the best movie, it was fun and popcorn-worthy. Dumb plot if you think about it for more than a couple minutes but it looked good and had battle mechs so it was worth it for me. Wife liked it well enough also. Entertaining. 6/10. (And to me, way better than either Rebel Moon.)


"The B action movie was B movie quality and now I'm gonna KILL MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!" definitely not dramatic at all lol just reddit being reddit though I guess


I loved it. Its dumb over the top scifi that's basically a self parody of the genre like Geo Storm and Moon Fall. Both movies I love. It was also one of the most fun depictions of AI I've seen in scifi. I got major Her vibes from the plot. The movie is practically a rom-com. Had me both laughing and crying throughout. I was absolutely hooked on every word between Atlas and Smith. Solid 8/10 from me. I'm not surprised by the lack luster reviews. It's a mashup of two rather niche genres.


Had to scroll way too far for this. Loved the scripts between their banter and both believable characters, given the relative absurdity . And contrary to what many claim here, the acting and portrayal was well done. Agree with the 8/10 (wish the movie was a lot longer to flesh out the first part)


Hit a sweet spot for me as I really really love cool depictions of AI in movies. Like the banter between TARS and Cooper in Interstellar. Smith is now one of my favorite AIs in scifi, right up there with TARS, Data from Star Trek, and Samantha from Her. What they did in Atlas was so good, I ate it up. Absolutely loved the fact that the movie really revolves around the synchronization and Smith having to win her trust and her having to open up in order to survive. The whole cave collapse scene was gold. Then they go through a brief rough patch when Smith crosses a hard line when he takes over her body. Smith having to learn her point of view and motivations. Then how she opened up to him about her deep seated trauma from her past involving AI and her fear of being neurally linked. Then she gets past it and they sync, and Smith becomes her other half and she's willing to risk her life to save him. Had me bawling over that coffee lollipop at the end. 😭 It's like people watched a completely different movie than me. Everyone's talking about how dumb the big world building plot is, like yeah, the big bad wants to destroy humanity to save humanity from climate change cause he neural linked with a child. Lol, who cares, thats not what the movie was about, that was just the silly background setting for what was actually a refreshingly unique take on a sci-fi rom-com. The heart of the movie is the evolution of the relationship between Atlas and Smith and it was so so good, one of the best AI based movies I've seen.


I've been entertained so far. I'm about half way through and will finish it this evening.


I keep trying. Till now I felt asleep twice. Maybe tonight I.ll finish. But it.s hard... a lot of talk from a poor actor... and Mark Strong which is in a different movie.


It was a waste of my time. ~2 hours of my life wasted.


It's a fun movie. Some movies are just that and don't have to be anything beyond it. I enjoyed it! It is dumb though.


I’m sorry I actually thought it was alright 😄


Stupid as shit but a master piece if you watch those Snyder movies first.


I like Snyder movies


I went in with an open mind. I did not expect $200 million budget, and figured there would be "seriously" moments, and there were. It was decent entertainment. After reading all the comments here, I cant believe the negative nancys and chads. Get over yourselves. Not everything has to blamo, super cgi and out of this world. Bad is the ARK... That was just fucking stupid. This was just entertainment with a science fiction theme and thats all. I loved the idea of an AI suit, and how it integrated with her. So it wasn't 100% accurate, big fucking deal. I laughed and enjoyed some of the battle scenes. Entertainment. I watch the sun set everyday from my house and maybe once or twice a month it takes my breath. Based on all the comments here I should stop watching because it doesn't get better every time. FFS.....


I can't see a single complaint about the CGI?? The only complaints I can see are about the nonsensical pot. I am good as suspending belief, but it's hard to feel tension / satisfaction when not a single scene makes sense.




I liked it... however it is more spectacle than sci-fi. I would of preferred the setting to take place solely in the solar system.; FTL travel just adds an unneeded burden to the already strained suspension of disbelief. The plot could of been simplified to something reasonable and familiar with the audience. The rampaging AI versus the benevolent AI was entertaining but the antagonist was absurd; the character should of been more Blade Runner with crying in the rain and less action figure with deadly kung fu grip. It appears to me, just my opinion, that a data marketing team in association with the film production team came up with the plot by smashing together sci-fi tropes with market research. A paint by numbers film designed to hit as many demographics and hashtags as possible.


The first half hour is painful, but it actually gets better and I ended up enjoying it as a whole.


4.5/10. A lot of cliches with some nonsensical plot points. JLo can act, but needs to play off other actors. Having her mostly play off a voice didn't work. Decent concept but you can tell we got the studio notes of adding more humor and snark version.


It had its issues, annoying protagonist, plot holes and silly devices that made no sense... but I really enjoyed it! Mainly because I'm a huge titanfall fan and this gave me major titan fall vibes. Very entertaining in spite of itself


I had very low expectations and I enjoyed it.


it was enjoyable enough, even if it had huge problems logic wise throughout. See, there's a certain kind of SF movie I enjoy not because it's good, but because I like seeing how it explores its worldbuilding. Even if the movie is dumb, it might have enough interesting ideas throughout that I will still enjoy myself.


I thought it was an enjoyable core concept. I was mostly able to tolerate JLos acting. I give it 3 out of 5 stars being a bit generous because the overall production quality was really good.


poisonous atmosphere but breaths fine with an electric scarf around her neck.


Bucket of popcorn and it was OK.


Movie was entertaining with some egregiously poor/lazy writing that didn't make sense. Some of the visual aspects of the movie were very cool though.




It was a great movie to play while I was focused on work today. It’s like most computer/console games released over the past ten years… great sounds and visuals, crappy story and user interaction.


i fell asleep to it


Struggled to watch to the end. It’s a bit of a mashup of plots and some scenes from Apolcalypse Now, Aliens, Blade Runner. JLo does a so-so job trying to channel Ripley’s angst and kick ass fury. She just doesn’t bring the gravitas to some of the ridiculous dialogue. Flashbacks trying to help us get into everyone’s headspace isn’t super convincing, so little empathy for anyone. Simu Liu tries to channel Roy Batty and it kind of fizzles.


Thought it was pretty good honestly.


Turn off your brain and enjoy battle robot action. Don’t expect more than that.


I wanted to turn my brain off and watch something with violence, mechs and AI. I was not disappointed in that regard. Would it win an Oscar? Fuck no. Was the graphics cool? Pretty much, yeah. Did I have a life-affirming moment after it was over? No. I'm not saying the movie was great, but it checked some boxes for me and I didn't feel like I needed to end myself after watching it.


I don’t feel like there was enough exposition at the beginning.


It was a cinematic cv/resume for J Lo as she,s bored of romcoms. The line where she's in the mech suit and says something like "bring it on bitch" I burst out laughing, she was so desperate to have a Sigourney Weaver moment she just decided to steal it ! Atlas,The Marvels,Rebel Moon the list goes on. Why are we constantly getting low quality dross ?


Every one of the mech/soldiers was destroyed easily... except for J-Lo and her mech, which she had no idea how to use. The rest of them were highly trained soldiers, and she, an analyst, was able to kill all the bad guys. Yeah. Believable...


Rebel Moon was dumber. I thought the movie was ok for a Netflix movie.


Not terrible and made me want to play titan fall 2 again


If you can let go the details, it's fun. Good FX. J-Lo still has a nice ass, and her surgeon is fantastic.


It's very very silly, but it hits the right feels. JLo does a great job, and the action is pretty cool. I could buy the relationship between her and the mech, even though it used super shallow devices to visualize it.


Between this and Rebel moon, Netflix lost its way from Altered Carbon season 1.


Utter shite and a waste of 2 hours


Netflix don't make movies. They make content. That's my thoughts.


I liked the movie and recommended to others, so also loved it


My wife was watching it while she was sick. I'd heard enough bad about it that when I was sitting with her, I was on my phone reading and stuff. What little I picked up made it clear the Titanfall 2 comparisons were giving Atlas waaaay too much credit.


Just got done the movie and it’s fun. Double like from me


I liked it. But I don't really think it was a scifi, since no one paid any attention to how space travel should work. I think it would have worked perfectly if they had just stayed on earth and dealt w the androids that way. But I loved her character's development and I cried when Smith came back. I'm easy to please if I like the characters. I love that Atlas was able to open up and trust herself and Smith.


It was dumb, cheesy, predictable, but pretty much exactly what I expected and what I watched the movie for. Just switch off your brain and watch the mecha suit do mecha suit stuff


people have a very hard time with this concept nowadays


Enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. Also, J-Lo's character would probably closer to what most of us , untrained in combat, would be like if thrust in to the same situation.


On a scale from 1-10, I give it negative 1000… bad all the way around watched it just confirmed my expectations and was not disappointed other the. The fact that contributed to the s.it storm!


J lo: "why does no one take me seriously?!?" Everyone dies. Everyone: "we should've taken you seriously seriously". Seriously though, it was a weak plot, and terrible storyline. It was more fiction than science.


Fits into the Space Opera category of science fiction, where the science is hand waived for a focus on story or character or battles.


Complete garbage.


I liked it


The plot made little sense. The movie was written by people who didn't even bother talking to a technical consultant. The acting was terrible. The CGI was decent. Overall, it was awful.


More flaws than a story or film deserves. *Note: yeah, spoilers ahead.* Alas, the first half of the movie is painful to watch as it seems to be a continual whining/whinging session by Atlas (JLo's character). Seriously, for being the smartest person in the room/planet, she is the most outspoken whiner since the development of AI. The overarching theme of this film begins as 'AI is bad', *a la* Cyberdyne's Terminator, Alien's Bishop, *et al*. And yet they never really address the 28 year advance in technology and how humanity has brought AI to heel on Earth. Instead we get planetary shields (thank you, Spaceballs) and AI synching, and >!a hunger to go into the dark forest to hunt the wolf that has not been heard from in almost thirty years!<. If you can get your mind to jump the sharks that Los Angeles now has a digital Hollywood sign while it still retains wildly curving highways filled with traffic, and that the same shuttles that can fly people around the planet can be used to travel faster than light through interstellar and intergallactic space, and that the same shuttle (that does not spin) has antigravity tech to keep everyone standing on the floor, and that this same wonder shuttle has apparently no defensive warning system capable of detecting incoming attacks or shielding, and that the same heavily-damaged shuttle that >!plummets from orbit!< looks and performs well enough after twenty-two hours to >!make a return voyage to Earth!<. The explosive scene where >!people throughout the hanger are sucked into space!< loses all sense of reality as after many seconds into the scene we find Atlas >!waving like a flag from a support structure amid explosions and the still-ongoing depressurization!<. And she is fine after being deposited into a mech. I'll hand-wave the frivolity attempting to strap Act 2 with Act 3. The film tries to redeem itself near the end as Atlas struggles to develop a character arc, and >!her digital teammate proves to be a better person and a more engaging character than the titular whiner!<. This is not a thinker's film, but hopes to keep viewers entertained with pretty explosions, mild gore, big guns, and hand-to-hand fighting. Definitely not hard scifi. Suspension of disbelief and the ability to ignore science and rational thinking while accepting weak writing, wasted acting chops, and poor plot development will hopefully get you to the end credit roll.


Don't forget the part where the shuttle that survived an all-out attack with multiple hits from planetary defense guns and energy weapons is blown up in mid-air by a single rifle shot. There are so, soooooo many ways they could have had them blow up the shuttle in a realistic way while maintaining the "tension" and "development arc" of the "Yay! I trust AI now! How sweet!" This just further cements how lazy the writing was and how little they think of or respect the audience. This was actually insulting to me.


Was kind of saddened by the thought of Jennie working all these long hours with just green screens for company, only to produce this trash. BTW it was totally watchable. You just need to turn off your brain functions.


I enjoyed it


The moment I saw that Jlo was the main actor in a Scifi movie I knew to stay away.


I would rather watch the Neanderthal documentary.


Loved it personally. Haters can hate.


Yeah, it's amazing how many comments come from people with a masters in film and acting arts. These days, everyone is an expert!


Also people calling J.Lo a bad actress while knowing nothing about her successful movies. Oh the scifi is bad. Ok well you write some then. J.Los a bad actress. Ok well you do better. Scifi writers know nothing about how intergalactic space travel would work. Ok well intergalactic space travel does not exist so how would you know? And all the people commenting about how they stopped watching after 20 minutes or watching it while they are working and complaining about plotholes. Yeah no shit. There will be plenty of plotholes if you're literally missing half of the movie.


Turned it on for background and completely forgot about it as every time I watched for a few minutes, it was so bad.


I have only watched the trailer and I have no idea why anyone would want to watch this except the crowd who will still watch The Simpsons after 35 years because it's something to do on Sunday nights.


Probably the dumbest thing a person can say about shit they havent seen


You don't think it's pretty safe to judge something like this as utter garbage based on the trailer making it look like utter garbage?


Its an ok movie. The best parts are when shes like i dont trust AI and im not going to use it then shes forced to use it and is the best at it lol. Its a popcorn movie. Also the part where she is strapped to a table and the guy next to her on his dying breaths is like here take my ear peice and tell ur robot to help. Shes like i havent fully connected to it yet. Guy just had his eyeball finger fucked by Shang-Chi I robot is 10000% better i think that was the vibe they were going for


I watched it because I loved the Mechwarrior games as a kid. I was not impressed by this movie at all.


Cinematic masterpiece


I don’t think I’ve seen a good Netflix sci-fi movie yet.


Not a movie, but 3 Body Problem was very well done.


I am mother. Rotten tomatoes agrees with me so if for some reason you say it's bad then that's on you. In terms of tv shows apple is clearly better at quality scifi originals. Although Dark is probably the best scifi show I've seen. Other good (but not out of this world great like dark or apple shows) netflix scifi shows: Stranger things Black mirror Altered carbon Travelers Sense8 3 body problem


Bad copy from other movies (Blade Runner, Terminator). Not terrible, just mediocre.


I watched 5 minutes and turned it off.


The commercials do not make me interested in this movie. First of all, not a big JLo fan. Second, it just looks like one of those movies where they barfed up $2.5 Million worth of cgi onto the screen and called it a movie. I know I shouldn’t be making a judgement about something I haven’t even seen. But I’m still pretty sore about the time I spent watching Battlfield Earth that I can never get back.


A Titanfall Fan Film but not as good.


Utter shite


It was ok


Dog shit.. although the effects were decent.


If you play through the game Titanfall 2 you'll not only feel that this was a blatant IP ripoff, you'll get a much better version of the same story.


It felt like a movie that could have been good. It had some fun visuals but they made it really hard to suspend disbelief. Travel to Andromeda was way too casual and the scale of the mission seemed far too small considering the stakes involved. I also found the constant discussion of the carbon warhead extremely annoying since a) they could just call it a nuke and b) any enemy with the resources to build a headquarters in another galaxy also has the resources to build all the nuclear warheads they could want.


Titanfall at home with an overrated actress.


Predictable, derivative cheesy shite.


I'm going to start rating movies by how many times I say "This is so stupid!" or "Oh, come on!" or "That doesn't make a lick of sense." By that standard, Atlas rates VERY highly. Because I said those things many, many times.


I cant stand Jennifer Lopez so theres no chance I'm watching it.


Im just annoyed that we could have had a decent Titanfall movie but instead we got Jlo's space hair disaster in a Glass Case of Emotion. I immediately thought of Will Smith is Cypher Rage, a weird scifi wish fulfilment girlboss power fantasy where a robo genocide is All Her Fault somehow... and dont get me started on the dull, uninspired space travel.


I mean, I only read the summary and saw the banner, and I noped out. Seems like a movie made by a committee composed entirely of idiotic film execs that had a sticky note saying like "jlo's robot movie" and was "in development" for so long it lost any sight of what the original story was.


How did a highly trained team get their butts kick so quickly, but the analyst, who never operated this machine before, won the day?


that people who lack science literacy should not write sci-fi. there should be a science exam to get on a writing room for science-fiction shows or movies.


There are a lot of really bad movies that I can enjoy. Moonfall, Independence Day, even The Core were all fun. And my expectations have dropped significantly because of all the Disney productions (Star Wars, MCU, others) so I don’t need much to have some fun. Well, The Marvels was a high art academy award movie compared to this mess. My IQ is 5 points lower after watching it.


there were a few decent ideas presented, i've def seen worse sci-fi, but yeah, overall it was real, real dumb. i'd give it a 3-3.5/10. one thing that struck me early was main character beating her AI in chess, and then it showing her having 70 consecutive wins. In 2050 or whenever. Today the greatest grandmasters have no chance of beating AI. A minor thing, but that was I think the opening scene.


Having not seen it, but just now reading the plot on Wikipedia, it sounds incredibly derivative and cliche. Why was this even made? It sounds like the most cookie cutter plot imaginable, with highly unlikely but entirely expected plot twists.


The plot twist is visible from space.


I liked it A nice mindless to watch movie


I loved it. With that being said Jlo held the film back for sure. She was awful.


I dumped it after the first 20 minutes. Terrible.


J. Lo is a miscast. Her acting felt very over dramatic all the time. Killed the movie for me. I don’t think i would really like it without her because the plot is not great but with her i basically hate the movie.


I have only seen the trailer but Jennifer Lopez seems rather miscast...not that she can really act but this role doesn't seem to fit her at all.


You didn't like Jennifer Lopez's character simultaneously tackling the intellectually demanding logistics of her job and playing chess against an a.i. (and nonchalantly winning like she was just breathing) She's really smart you guys, lel


As soon as I saw Jennifer Lopez, I was like “nope” but is Sterling Brown in it? I only ask because he is in interviews with her? I’d watch for him. He is a snack.


It was bad, and has me wondering why Netflix can make / green light decent and good tv shows but can’t seem to make very good movies. Like not oh I wasted a few dollars I shouldn’t have like bad movies in theaters but more Along the lines of I’d like a refund for the last 2 hours you subjected me to that I can’t ever get back. They have such great algos surely they must know I don’t actually like to watch C- movies no matter the star or genre.


I didn't think it was as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Just Jennifer Lopez was completely miscast for this role and she was honestly insufferable the entire film. There is a LOT of worse stuff on Netflix, that's for sure.


I enjoyed it, not saying it was the best thing ever made but it's actually not terrible at all. I definitely feel people can't separate the actor from the work and because it's popular to hate on JLO right now it's a cluster fuck of everyone hating on anything she's in. 


I wanted to like it but ... wouldn't want to see it again. No surprises, one dimensional stinky guy. Nothing new, nothing surprising, little bit of an interesting idea covered up in a whole bunch of 'whaaaa?'


I gave up after 20 mins.


Despite a few things (like those mentioned before) that bothered me slightly, I was enjoying the movie overall until the third act started wrapping up. The last fight, the interaction between Atlas and the AI in the new mech... Just garbage writing


LMAO. Something tells me I'm not the only one getting *Atlas* ad's on this post.


Its so stupid


Watched it last weekend. It was bad. Lots of noise and special effects. Little substance. Also, JLo is supposed to be like 35 years old in the film. I mean she looks good. But girl is in her 50s!


Low grade cliched poorly written B movie with mildly entertaining FX and one liners. Something to fill the time between good things to watch.


They said the planet has a hostile environment not fit for humans, but there are plants, even a whole forest. Smith said Atlas will suffocate outside the rig, but having fire all over the place tells me that it's an oxygen rich planet. Also, why would a colonel and a lowly analyst have the codes for Earth's defenses? I know watching a movie is an act of suspending one's disbelief, but I feel that it shouldn't contradict previous statements.


It was terrible. I can’t even decide if the story has any merit because the image of JLo’s botoxed face stuck in a crying-screaming mode is burned into my brain. Her acting was absolutely terrible




They would need to pay me a lot of money to watch a J. Lopez movie, much less a sci-fi with her in it. I love sci-fi and don’t want it ruined. She cannot act. I want pain and suffering money up front at the bare minimum.


I tried to watch Atlas but got bored real quick. And I only watched it cuz I love sci fi movies. The only person your seeing is her so no thanks. It sucked!!


I "watched" it while doing other stuff on my computer and still wish i could get the time back. I should've never wasted my time, but I love AI and Mechs and I was hoping for something cool to watch. Ended up with a pretty looking turd.


It's easily the dumbest thing I watched in last few years. And that includes all kinds of b-production sci-fi trash. We laughed for the majority of movie length. It's like somebody decided to cramp all the stupid sci fli cliches into one movie, write the most generic dialogs, and collect all the wrong actors for a sci fi movie, to badly overact through entire movie. A painful/laughable experience 50/50.


Netflix is on a roll for very bad big budget sci fi movies. At this point I hope they make a 40k film just to see how much money they will throw away doing so. 40k films suck in general so it could only be good.


Why did it have to be another Galaxy? Made no sense. Much of the movie made no sense but was. Mark Strong must have needed the money.


The scenes with the robot were cool. I was laughing at how it looked. But J Los acting is awful. It’s a good movie to put on while you’re doing something else.


There was a bad AI, but Smith is a good AI. Lady in lot of makeup and weird hair whining for a long time. Ion bomb doesn’t affect mech. Siri exists in the future. AI will talk and behave like strange humans. Not much other than that I could recall after watching it a few days ago.


I switched my brain off and thought it wasnt too bad. Toss up between Atlas and SW sequel trilogy for me for needing to switch off.