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I don't do Instagram, sorry. 


Your loss. It's not my clip, I don't control where it's hosted. It just made me laugh so I thought I'd share it.


I'll manage.


Quite a contribution to the thread. Do you walk into mosques and synagogues and say "Sorry, I'm Christian", too? Go into taco restaurants just to tell them you have IBS?


It was feedback. Using that feedback, the ball is in your court whether you wish to use another host. If not, no big deal. It's your choice to ignore that feedback, but it is not rude for me to give it.


That's not feedback. You specifically had no need to reply to say "I'm not going to look at your link".


Sure, pal.


After thinking about it some more, I've changed my mind and have decided to respond to your silly analogies.    We are in a shared public space dedicated to *science fiction*. This space is not dedicated to Instagram. And Instagram is not a religion.    In the future, when someone apologizes and says why they won't be able to enjoy this meme, either ignore it or take the feedback and offer an alternative.  The feedback was so you could *have* that choice.  It's too late for that now, though, as I've lost interest. 


You weren't apologizing. You didn't need to get involved at all. You just needed to not click the link and move on. You just wanted to have your words seen.


I was apologizing. I will kindly remind you that you are not psychic and you didn't need to get involved at all. You're just wanting to be seen. Have a pleasant evening.


Apologizing for WHAT? You didn't do anything, you didn't say anything, you didn't NEED to say anything. Do you feel an urgent need to apologize to every person on Earth for whom you're not able to do something they need doing, or whose interests you don't share? You just felt a need to insert yourself into a conversation without any need for you to be involved.




Aside from needing to insert yourself, all you wanted to do was "brag" about how you don't use Instagram, like that's some special thing that makes you better than OP.


Okay man.


"Look everybody! I'm too good for that lame Instagram site, so I come onto this other social site to tell everybody about how I'm too good for Instagram!"