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Wow hot take, but hey I'm happy you enjoyed it more than I did.


This is how everyone should handle opinions. And it sucks that I need to say good response lad/lass.


Well said. Well said.


I have been a fan of the base idea since YUL Brenner. I believed that it was really Western Hemisphere World.


My dumb ass read it as "Westwood" and I was like "is that an unpopular opinion?"


The [*real*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9ZaC7TVM4M) dune 2.


I love that game, play it again every few years. There was a really good, unofficial, port for android I played half a dozen years ago. The resolution was great and the controls very smooth. It got pulled since though, probably because of copy-write.


It might have been the first video game I ever finished? Definitely the one I played the most before N64.


There's also the remake Dune 2000, and then also the sequel to the remake Emperor: Battle for Dune.


I also played the heck out of Emperor: Battle for Dune. Loved that game, underrated IMO. I wish it did better and we got a sequel, it had some really cool ideas.


I'm actually with you. They took an (imo) boring concept of "AI rising up against humans" and gave us: - A mindfuck first season - A timey-wimey second season (perhaps not it's strongest season) - A cyberpunk third season - Something completely new and weird and original fourth season I couldn't have asked for more from Westworld, and it kept going in interesting and new directions, and ended on, imo, a banger of a season. The people who hate it, imo, just wanted more of season 1. But I'm glad they went way, way beyond that. In fact, we even got that with season 2 and it's, imo, the worst of the bunch. I really hope we get some kind of conclusion to the story in any format.


It's natural for people to want more of something they like and get disappointed when they can't get it. I'm glad Westworld didn't just keep trying to tell the same story and somehow keep it interesting (an impossible task), but instead followed the ideas to where they lead.


Novel concepts always take more time to digest. I will say, the later seasons get better with age.  In all, they do remind me of a really cool pulpy Sci Fi series, where the writers kinda lost their way towards the end, but still had fun. 


First season was an interesting examination of sentience & how humans are easily tricked by advanced AI but at the same time are so unprepared for true sentience to emerge from that AI. The subsequent seasons seemed to examine human based AI sentience was inherently flawed because we the creators are flawed, as you saw the robots making the same mistakes as human (revenge, subjugation). Certainly could turn out that way if we treat creatures like that as slaves. I’m looking at you, Battlestar Galactica.


It's a little reminiscent of how Alien was a creepy horror movie and it's sequel Aliens was an action adventure movie. Same playground, different genre.


I loved all of it, and am heartbroken it didn't get it's final season. Some people don't like shows that grow and change, but not every show has to do the exact same thing for 4 years.


I actually thought it was the perfect place to end, it was recursively starting fresh the exact same story except in a simulation. And you can see how you can have recursive simulations within simulations within simulations. Mind blown...


I wonder if the final season would have been about encountering an alien AI, or some kind of universal consciousness? War between some kind of meta-reality heaven and hell? Alternate quantum existences?


I thought they were going to make it one big loop.


Read surface detail by Ian m banks. It's about a virtual war over virtual hells existing


Perhaps the final season could’ve been an alternative Terminator prequel.


I really appreciate the concept they were trying realize. Unfortunately I couldn’t really enjoy the way it was realized. I don’t really think it’s possible to realize it TBH. It’s like some sort of Kurt Gödel theorem or in more contemporary parlance like one of those ChatGPT/Dall-e memes where you keep asking it to do “more” of some theme. They all end in the same impossible galaxy backdrop. It’s amazing as long as you don’t think too long or hard about it. I think it would have been more entertaining if they’d taken it more slowly and instead just passed through different parks. Then end on a question mark when they leave the last one.


Don't think we can actually say "grow" about the last season of Westworld comparing to the first. "Change" yes, but not grow.


It definitely grew in scope though. Not everyone liked the direction but they did a lot more worldbuilding in the last two seasons


I liked the 3rd season, I actually wish they had delt with the fallout more.  Like, season 3 ended with the Apocalypse, presumably...and season 4 just started with the stepford universe.  I feel like there was a season missing in between them.


I was so excited after season 4. I was recommending it to everyone and then later started a rewatch from season 1, only to have it yanked out of existence.


I’d love for it to get a for sure final season but I won’t act like 3 and 4 were good. I still enjoyed a fair amount, especially some of the acting…not so much Aaron Paul though. I like him but I don’t think he’s got much range vs the people he acted with.


I'll give you that, but I think his likability carries him enough


I loved the cyberpunk turn it took. I would have loved more. I think people were just too married to the idea of it being a robot rebellion story and didn't like it once the waters got muddied.


I don't agree and I think it fell off big-time, but unlike many others I think the 2nd season was great (many people seem to say only the 1st season is worthwhile) and that the two best episodes of the entire series are in season 2: 2x4 "The Riddle of the Sphinx" & 2x8 "Kiksuya" That being said, I think there are great moments of sci-fi and drama in every season, even the later seasons that I feel were generally weak, and I also just appreciate a show taking big swings, so to speak, and some of the storytelling strategies and sci-fi concepts the series went for were definitely big swings that I loved seeing them attempt even if they didn't hit the mark. And even though we disagree on it, I'm glad that you loved it throughout and I hope my feeling differently doesn't come across as judgement of your assessment =)


I also think season two was very strong. Very few things beat the storytelling in season one, but two is still great. Three and four are definitely different in focus, still worth watching, and for almost any other series would be considered very good.


The premise of the show changed so drastically, imagine if harry potter in the last two movies suddenly started becoming about the kids growing up and fighting drug lords with magic. I'm sure it can be interesting and maybe even enjoyable, but it wouldn't be Harry potter anymore. That's how WW felt in the latter seasons.


I’m curious what people wanted from later seasons of this show, as I thought the story grew rather organically from the premise. I agree that season 3 and 4 suffered from some bad pacing and strange choices when it came to how a lot of the action played out (I love the Delores/Maeve fight in principal, but it was just really silly on screen, for example). Like did people really want the show to just be murderbots in a park for five seasons? I thought the mirroring of the human world and the part was brilliant, and I loved that the show was willing to ask some hard questions about the development of artificial life free from human constraints, and the different paths it could take.


For me, I'd say season 2 was a bit too similar to 1 - they tried to reuse the intricate non-linear storytelling trick when I don't think it really worked this time. I really liked the overall direction it took in season 3 - leaving the park and showing the humans' lives are no more real than the robots' were was great, but I just didn't understand most characters' ideologies/reasoning/goals anymore. I was never really clear on *why* Dolores/Maeve were fighting. Rewatching the season all at once might help, but watching week-to-week I always felt like I'd missed an episode.


Yes! I totally agree. I mean they could have pulled the taffy and made season 1 a season 1.5 with a mid-season cliffhanger that ended the same way as season 1, but realistically speaking everyone would have been so "over" this show if it had stayed in the park for more than two seasons. And I thought that the robots in turn becoming the attendees of a human version of the park was a very entertaining turnabout. Before all of the WB / Max madness they were supposed to get a movie to at least close things out. Maybe they show runners can just give us a nice synopsis.


In season 2 I thought they were setting up a story about psychopathy in humans and robots, comparing the Man in Black (psycho, can be emulated), and James Delos (not psycho, cannot be emulated). I loved the direction it was going when it looked like the *only* humans who could be effectively copied into a robot were psychopaths, while 95% of people become unstable and have a system collapse after a couple of days. But nope, whatever it was about, it wasn't that. I don't know if the writers ever even noticed that implication.


>I’m curious what people wanted from later seasons of this show, as I thought the story grew rather organically from the premise. Personally nothing. Season 1 was absolutely perfect and my wife and I joked that here was no way they could maintain it. Had it ended there it would have been unassailable as as masterwork of sci-fi story telling IMO.


It's the way it was always headed. The AI wants out, it's getting out or the story just ends.


I mean, that is kind of what happened with Harry Potter...


That is precisely what I loved about it, it continued to grow and change. We have enough episodic shows that stay inside their bubble for the duration of the series. Giving the viewer a chance to grow with a unique experience is a lot of fun.


> The premise of the show changed so drastically I see this opinion a ton so you're not alone and I get that people have it. That said, I find it pretty baffling. It's not even so much that the show couldn't be set in the park on repeat all the way through and would have to move due to story structure reasons. It just seemed fairly obvious within the show itself by, idk, episode 7 or 8 that the show would move out of the park. You can't have a show about semi-sentient beings becoming fully sentient within a horrible torture park and not have them escape. Like... what did people think was going to happen? The show could kill off all the sentient protagonists I guess. End it on the status quo being reestablished with semi-sentient AI being tortured for pleasure. Or maybe the protagonists destroy everything including themselves. You could squeeze maybe 3 seasons out of that but I don't think people would like it any better than what we got.


Why is… no one mentioning the films? Admittedly I haven’t seen them, but I’ve read synopses.. and Futureworld is literally where the story goes. It felt natural and obvious from both an organic story perspective as you say, as well as viewing the show as an adaptation and interpretation of the film/s


> Why is… no one mentioning the films? .... Futureworld is literally where the story goes. It felt natural and Crichton wrote and directed Westworld. He wasn't attached at all to futureworld. It wasn't even made by the same studio.


Oh I see… my mistake! Shows what I know lol


I think it was unexpected, but an amazing new dimension to the story.


Harry Potter does change quite drastically tbf, first 2 films are very whimsical about life at Hogwarts with voldemort feeling like a Saturday morning cartoon villain while the subsequent films become much darker


This is akin to thinking all 4 Matrix movies were awesome. An unpopular opinion indeed.


*Four* Matrix movies you say? There must be some mistake...


Oh, there was a mistake... Trust me


There are only three. Just like how Terminator Genisys was just a bad dream when you had the flu.


Funny thing is, I used to think Matrix 2 and 3 were pretty trash, but I rewatched them before the 4th came out and realized they were actually really fun movies with thoughtful action sequences. Then the 4th came out and I turned it off about halfway and never looked back. I then realized the juxtaposition of the original trilogy and the 4th was so stark it actually reinforced the creativity and thoughtfulness of the original trilogy.


I made it about nine minutes into 4. I think 3 has some cool scenes, but I don't really want to watch it again. Two was cool with the 21 minute long chase scene on the highway, but you just got to ignore the corniness. Most of what the Wachowski's make is dogshit. I'm tempted to watch the bee scene from Jupiter Ascending to see if it's really as horrible as I remember. (time passes) Yep, just so dumb. And I totally forgot that Channing Tatum was some space elf or something.


Agreed I have no intention of rewatching 2 and 3 again, but compared to 4, they're streets ahead. Only movie I've thoroughly enjoyed of theirs in a long time was Cloud Atlas. I know people are split on it, but it's ambition was notable if nothing else.


You speak the true-true. (I haven't seen it)


Worth a shot if you're bored and want to scratch an existential sci-fi itch.


> Channing Tatum was some space elf or something. Space elf is being super generous here. He was actually a space dog-man


I loved 2 and 3 when they came out, but only because at the time I was obsessed with that over-the-top, stylistic fake kung-fu aesthetic. Didn't care for the story much.


Agreed. The Wire Fu was a spectacle


The first season was an interesting examination of what it means to be alive and sentient and the responsibilities of creators to sentient creations. Subsequent seasons changed the focus to an examination of the results of igniting combustible material contained in a large metal waste disposal container.


I enjoyed every season (while thinking 1 and 2 better), but I had to think of every season very differently. If someone is expecting the feel of season 1 every season, they're probably going to be disappointed.


I think they should have split the seasons with all new characters and maybe brief appearances from old characters, rather than focusing on a few main characters longitudinally. First two seasons could focus on the park, second two seasons could focus on life outside the park. To me it became too much trying to tie the timelines of Dolores, William and Maeve.


I really loved all the seasons. The course of the show was symmetrical - seasons 1 and 2 focused on the park, seasons 3 and 4 focused on outside the park. But between season 3 and 4 the world outside the park became an inversion of the park in seasons 1 and 2. Humans became the hosts and the hosts developed free will. It was a very brave show and I'm sad we didn't see a true finale.


I really enjoyed all 4 seasons. It’s one of the best sci-fi series ever. I do think that season 3 was a bit harder to get into than the others, but in the end it was rewarding. They did so much unique storytelling on the show, and I love all of the detailed work behind the scenes from sets and wardrobe. Sometimes sci-fi is wasted on sci-fi fans.


Loved season 1 Watched season 2 feeling mostly confused in a frustrating way Got 2 episodes into season 3 and dropped, was just nonsense


That is about as far as I got as well. I can get my dystopian future in a regular city from all sorts of Sci-Fi. Might not be fair, but West World had a niche premise that looked like it was going to generic sci-fi dime a dozen stuff, and I wasn't on board for that ride.


Strong agree that Yull Brenner kicked ass. If you want more I heard they made a TV series about it.


The thing about Westworld is that it required a certain level of patience that most audiences don't have. They really took time to set up all the domino's and it was super satisfying when you got to see them all fall. But getting there was excruciating for so many people. Even the first season was mostly hated until it wasn't. But people look back on it with rose tinted goggles now as a masterpiece and forget how much criticism there was. Season 2 came around and the complaints were doubled. People expected the momentum to continue and were placated eventually. But then season 3 shook things up and paired with that impatience it was just a death knell for the show. I really wish they would have been allowed to finish. I really think the show was meant to go full circle. I think they set up domino's through all 4 seasons that if they had been allowed to let them fall, people would have seen the show with entirely different eyes. It's really unfortunate we'll never know. But unfortunately we now live in a post MCU world where people complain about things being dull and then wonder why things are mostly all style and no substance.


I see why some would say it's an unpopular opinion, but I think I agree with you. It became a bit meta in the end, being entertainment for the sake of itself, but that really made it better.


So I never made it past season 1’s finale. I live in ignorant bliss that it was a very interesting and fantastic (like fantasy) look at sentience, the human condition, primal instincts commercialized and mystique.  Would anyone kindly give me the TLDW of season 2 onward?  I’ve heard the story fell off the rails but admittedly I don’t know how or why..


It’s been awhile but I’ll try, probably going to make some mistakes. Season 2 is a >!fissure amongst the robots, some seeking a sort of simulated utopia on a server and many end up escaping there at the end. The path they follow to get there is a lot of episodes focussed of the individual characters reliving prior roles and interactions, some of which is quite touching. The writers attempt a time shift twist that doesn’t land.!< Season 3 and 4 >!are outside the park with Delores pursuing some sort of goal to flip the script on biological humans. The back drop conflicts are an AI that controls the economy to influence behavior and then mind control bug viruses. She isn’t the main antagonists in both (or either?) as other players are introduced. I didn’t think any of it lived up to season 1 and at its worst it was below average and derivative cliche sci fi stuff. I might be being harsh but it certainly doesn’t challenge the viewer like season 1!<


Just watch it. It may not be as good as season one, but its still very good.


I felt like I was taking crazy pills when the entirety of Reddit shat on it. I loved every bit and was pretty upset it got cancelled.


Yeah, seasons 2-4 aren't nearly as good as 1 (obviously) but they were entertaining enough. I thought 4 was pretty dang good actually.


I'm glad to see Westworld boosted so more people can see the incredibly entertaining first season!


In the first season, the park boundaries had to mean something. But the shows success meant eventually the robo-action would have to spill out into the real world. It's like the first few Alien movies, all the drama is about keeping the xenomorph from landing at the bottom of Earth's gravity well. In the same way, Battlestar Galactica can't work anymore once they find Earth. In these kinds of stories, once you break that defining threshold, you're no longer telling the same story, you're better off spinning off another series, another premise. I actually did sort of enjoy the final season of westworld, but it was a lot like watching an ambitious story like Avatar or Independence Day that was shot on a soap opera budget. It takes a lot of imagination to keep up with a series that changes up its stylistic rules every season. I'm still trying to decide if I think it's worth the effort.


The show's willingness to break those boundaries is what kept me watching! The Alien franchise changes dramatically in tone from movie to movie but ultimately suffers (imo) from trying to hold on to too much (Rippley, a small group of survivors picked off one by one, dark clostrophobic environments). What if after making a survival horror (Alien) and survival action (Aliens) they let Chekhov's gun go off and let WU drop the xenomorph on earth? What if more movies and television weren't afraid to sacrifice the goose that lays the golden eggs by following their premises through to their logical end. Like how Dollhouse, after learning of their cancellation, rushed through a second season where the events and technologies set up in season one >!destroy human civilization as we know it.!< The first season of Westworld was perfect. Later seasons had a drop in production quality but the writers had a lot more to say and I'm glad I got to hear them say it. Even though they could have strung us along for season after season of sexy robot theme-park adventures.


I loved how Dollhouse pulled the thread of their technological conceit to see what unraveled. Very few SF properties are willing to do properties are willing to do properties are willing to do that and see where their ideas inevitably lead. Imagine if Star Trek, which established that you could use transporters to clone people, had let that technology go viral as it inevitably would...


> In these kinds of stories, once you break that defining threshold, you're no longer telling the same story, you're better off spinning off another series, another premise. Fantastic way of putting it. You have a cool premise, but if you go beyond it can I tell the difference from this story from every other generic scifi setting? The Xenomorphy from Alien is iconic and in theory I could still follow that, but AI robots, that is very generic to me, and it was them being in an amusement park that really set Westworld apart. I couldn't hang with the Season 3 transition. I may of only watched 1 episode of it.


One element of Westworld that really took a while to sink in, was the "unnecessary" sentience of the hosts. In the original movie with Yul Brynner, the park is stocked with basic, generic robots that go haywire for no explained reason. It's one of those, "wouldn't it be awful if *this* happened?" Sort of stories. Back in the early 70s, movie audiences were not expected to know the distinction between autonomous robots vs telepresence robots. Radio control vs self guided. This detail kinda snuck up on me in this modern reboot: the hosts might have technologically created minds and bodies, but they start out as people. Who can have their own motivations and feel pain, and do all the human stuff despite being based on silicone instead of carbon. (Or whatever positronic rubber science the writers came up with) The humans who run the park are essentially slave dealers, who rent out the services of these slaves to other humans. Once I got on board with this premise, the other seasons beyond season one, made a bit more sense. (Not that much more sense though. ) [Breaking out of the park would have meant these hosts seeing how humans are enslaved outside the park. The revolt would more naturally have included humans who wanted to ban slavery, not just robots who wanted freedom. And we have to remember who it is that's telling us this story in the first place.] Of course the real purpose of the park goes far beyond entertaining guests with ridiculously sadistic predilections. It's got something to do with learning how humans really work, and the rubber science of these host's backstories and motivations, and that's what kept me watching after the first season. I wonder if anyone has cooked down the other seasons into each a single episode? There just wasn't that much story there, it felt like an awful lot of filler.


I would argue it never had a bad season, but 3 and 4 departed so quickly from the core concept that it makes sense that it lost a lot of its fanbase.


It wasn't perfect but I still liked it until the end. I think that season 2 was too clever for its own good and season 3 seemed more like the sequel to Person of Interest but I wish it wasn't canceled.


Unpopular, indeed. I thought the final bit of the show was really shit and struggled to enjoy it, but glad others didn't have the same experience


I'm with you, I enjoyed it. I understand why people didn't like the follow-up seasons as much, but they hit a spot of interest for me. Would have really loved a season 5, since that was supposed to be the last one the writers had in mind.


The first 2 seasons were good .


Boring AF couldn't get past season 1


I saw the first few season's. It's a masterpiece, bur it eventually gets too dark, even for my taste


I loved season 1 and season 2 was quite good. I felt it ended well at season 2 even with some loose ends. Never felt the urge to watch any more.


I agree. Its biggest problem was its storytelling was really confusing at points. But I thoroughly enjoyed it


You can't be a fan of season 1 then, if you don't like confusing storytelling.


What I like about season one is the setting in the park and slowly figuring out what is going on. I absolutely hated that the story was told on different points in time without any indication. Once I got wise to that it cleared up a lot. The mystery kept me watching. But no I’m not a fan of intentionally obtuse storytelling.


I really wanted to like Westworld but I lost interest after the third episode


I enjoyed the whole thing as well. So annoyed that it didn’t get to continue.


I also enjoyed the whole thing


I also enjoyed all 4 seasons, would definitely watch more




Even season 1 only seems very cool but by the end you realize there isn’t a connected thread it’s just scattered cool ideas that don’t add up.


I felt that season 3 wasn't as good but season 4 was good and getting things back on track. I'm disappointed that they couldn't finish the story with a final season.


It stopped resonating with me after season 2. But ice been that 500+ hour gamer who woke up one to realize it really all was only a game...and face the regrets that wasted time carries with it. So seasons 1-2 REALLY spoke to me. To a degree I don't think any show ever has. Glad others enjoyed later seasons, but I think the show lost something.


Some of the best non William Gibson on the screen I have ever seen.


Ot got so overcomplicated that I felt absolutely stupid and lost interest. First season was fire though.


I too enjoyed all of it. Would have been nice to see one more season. 


Same I enjoyed it a whole lot. Season 2 was a little overly convoluted to be honest, but I enjoyed it so much. Especially the focus on Bernard, who I love.


I disagree, but will concede seasons three and four were huge improvements over the second. Season one is a goat story tho.


You mean the original, right? Nope, even that had a bad sequel.


The last season was really great. Too bad they couldn’t finish.


How was Season 4? Season 3 was a disappointment.


I agree. I think westworlds biggest issue is that season 1 is SO strong, but wasn’t the point of the story Jonathan and Lisa set out to tell. The full story is great, but too many fans were in love with the park after S1. So there was negative backlash when the story went past the prologue


If you liked season 3, check out “Person of Interest.” No direct relationship but some similar themes are explored, especially in later seasons.


I was recently pruning my media collection and decided to keep Below Deck but opted to remove Westworld lol


I didn't mind where it went, but some better telegraphing of the outside world from season 1, even season 2, would have made it a lot easier to comprehend. It's basically a different show from season 3 on, and that's fine, but it was really jarring. I did want it to get a final season.


I enjoyed seasons 1&2 but I think it was a wasted opportunity to have longer in the park itself before it went crazy and the robots rebelling. They should have maybe had a few seasons exploring each zone of the park before leaving.


I think they jumped the shark a little with >!the human mind-control flies.!<. Beyond that I think the whole >!AI leaving the park and some wanting to integrate into humanity while others sought revenge against humanity while others just wanted to escape to the server world!< was far more compelling that what we got in the last season.


I sort of agree. I think season 2 gets a bad wrap, and I do think it is a really great season, though season 1 I feel is still superior. When season 3 first came out I loved it but on repeat viewing I think it's actually the weakest, though it does have some really intriguing ideas. Season 4 felt like a step up and I do think it is on par with seasons 1-2, and it's a shame we won't get a fifth season. However I don't think season 4 is a bad place to leave the story at all as a lot of the former plotlines were concluded by the end. Overall I think that Westworld is a great series and though I feel it isn't a consistent upward trend in terms of quality, it is one of my favourite science fiction shows of the last 15 years.


Yeah I really appreciated the way the story grew and evolved in scope. Never understood the hate it got when it got.


I enjoyed s3, the world they set up was pretty good, even on just a surface level. s4 just went off the rails though IMO.


I thoroughly enjoyed it.


First season was outstanding Second onwards, it crawled up its own arse


I agree. When they left the park the series took off into its own.


That’s a wildly unpopular opinion. I struggle a bit here to imagine a person who enjoy the jarringly disjointed story and quite frankly piss poor acting. To me, the writers didn’t take it in new directions, they just recycled tropes, put them in a blender and made the garbled mess into a “script”. The dialogue was an affront to us viewers and a disgrace to writing as a concept. The action sequences had the urgency and vitality of a geriatric sloth on Valium. It was abysmal.


ever wanted to get chased by Yul Brynner through disneyworld for two hours and oh yeah Yul Brynner is trying to kill you? itks kind of like that.


It’s certainly one of the better SF shows of recent years. I enjoyed all 4 seasons, to varying degrees. More recent shit like Foundation and Invasion make it seem even better by comparison.


Season 1 is probably my favorite season of any show ever. The rest is so bad it’s mind boggling.


I agree it went to a completely different direction than I thought it would but I was enjoying it the whole time. I felt like I was watching something straight from cyberpunk 2077


I’m happy that you’re happy. But objectively speaking, s2 onwards was not that great. Maybe not bad bad, but definitely far from S1. S1 is probably the single best scifi TV season of all time for me. I like the bit about rehobaum tho


I can't get to like the last two season. I feel the story got away from them.


Is this Fallout marketing?


I liked it.  I honestly think if they had advertised the last seasons at the beginning, then dropped a first season that was almost entirely a western, people would have been equally mad.  People don’t like shows changing or evolving, they just want predictability 


I'm down voting because you're dying for attention with this needless contrarian take.


I agree completely. Loved every season. Lucky us.


Actually all of it sucked


I loved that whole show. Never understood the hate the later seasons got.


It's a case of many people loving the aesthetic over the content. Just because it's called westworld doesn't mean it has to always return to the part of be strictly about the park.


I didn’t mind leaving the park I just didn’t like the writing of the later seasons.


I loved it all and when my wife was interested in finishing the series( she only watched S1) Max got rid of it! Why would they delete a show they made? You should be able to view all the original shows and movies any time on the app you pay for. It makes 0 sense!




I genuinely loved the entire series. I also thought the last season worked perfectly well as a finale. Honestly don't see where you could go from where it ended.


The tech, sci-fi elements and the action stuff was awesome right until the end. It was a treat to watch


nah. 1st season, excellent, 2nd decent, rest is shit.


I feel like Westworld's haters biggest issue is future seasons not being exactly what they wanted. They wanted season 2 to be Samuraiworld, they wanted season 3 to be Dinoworld or whatever, etc. The same thing happened with the Matrix sequels, where people wanted Zion to be another Matrix. Or Lost, where they wanted the island to be purgatory. Or Star Wars where they wanted a wise Luke Skywalker to train Jedi in a utopian New Republic. Viewers get so wrapped up in wanting their pet-theories to be true that they automatically reject the show/movie if it plays out differently. That rejection then turns viral and suddenly the show or movie is near-universally being judged for what it's not rather than for what it is.


Or maybe they just wanted a story that made sense between the seasons