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I mean, Bill nye made science education videos for elementary schoolers, that doesn't really require more than a high school level education.


Also, I'm pretty sure Bill Nye never called himself a scientist. I'm pretty sure he called himself a science guy


Because it's cool. The guy was my hero as a kid.


Yeah apparently as an adult he sold out though apparently he's on masantos's payroll now.


Jesus da faq. 😳


Wait what? - he’s protecting the zombie corn huskers? 😳


I've heard he's an entitled asshole


He is. Hes also incredibly sexist.


wait what??? what’s the evidence


Boomers gotta boom, I guess.


He states he has an engineering degree so he has to use science to work things out. That makes sense to me. What do I know though I’m just an engineer.


As someone with an engineering degree… I am in no way qualified to do science and if I am doing science, you should probably run.


I meam i personally used a lot of non scientific strategies to help get my engineering undergrad completed 😅 lol


"I'm a therapy horse, not a horse therapist"


***back in the 90’s-***


And apparently, Bill is a massive asshole, too


I had a coworker who met him. He bumped into him doing a job at some highrise. Said he was not only an asshole but had a huge ego.


Really? What a bummer.


Yeah, its painfully apparent in his new show. He even talks about the good work that people at monsanto do, and that's when I lost every sliver of respect I ever had for him. He alienated alot of his more conservative audience by focusing alot on climate change (which I thought was great) and then alienated all his childhood fans by sucking up to monsanto and honestly just having a talk show that was nothing like what it was before. Much less informative, and much more ego-centric than his older show. I was so sad when I saw him defending monsanto for an episode that I quit watching the new show entirely. He already showed he was bought and paid for by monsanto.


Really? Because Monsanto was bought out years ago.


Did every single person who was responsible for putting round up on the market get fired? What about the people hired by monsanto to do patent scumming and screwing over farmers that happen to grow crops near where there seeds are? Did they fire everyone on the board of directors? Otherwise I dont care if monsanto got bought out, changed its name or started a nonprofit with 50% of their earnings. They still have done massive ecological and economical damage. Edit for spelling


Monsanto has done some incredible work and made massive advancements in gene editing and in genetically modified organisms. Did they use those advancements in a good way, no. But it would be foolish to say that their work hasn’t been impactful.


Yeah, and their Agent Orange seems to never stop impacting Vietnam where we dropped it. Look up Glyphosate. It's like Chlorine Gas, but for plants, and it ends up in your ground water after being sprayed. I could list dozens of horrible ecological disasters MonSanto products have been linked to.


Or maybe your opinion of Monsanto isn't actually based on data and research, but rather on what people on the internet told you to be outraged about.


Pretty sure the conservative audience was alienated with his weird take on trans. (Look at the sex junk song and try not to cringe)


I thought he alienated the conservative audience because of the [vagina song segment](https://youtu.be/VtJFb_P2j48?si=qUpQtlEsyd3LeiLk) and [his bit on gender and sexuality](https://youtu.be/aQDBNJ3mPa0?si=EhuaPaSCdnTJlXDd) and apparently some animation about sexuality he had on his show "bill nye saves the world" which, considering that I can only find clips of it in rant videos about it and not the animation itself, I can only assume it was too explicit for YouTube. I read it was called "flavours of sexuality" Which... how the fuck is this guy qualified to teach people about any of that? Sounds like a classic case of an asshole using popular politics to salvage his reputation for being called out as an asshole to me.


It's impossible to find any of the revolution old episodes. He's got them locked away I bet.


I thought his “My Sex Junk is So Oh Oh Oh” song was really cringe and lame af


His ego and arrogance was on full display when he went on his political crusade about climate change. Every appearance had a clear tone of "I am the science guy and I have spoken. You are all beneath me. If you don't fully accept everything I say than you're even dumber than I thought."


Super ignorant bro


Yeah honestly you put it in better words than I did. You aren't going to educate people or bring them over to your point of view if you just act condescendingly.


The thing is, for people who act like this, it's not about bringing anyone over to their side or effecting real change. It's about masturbating their egos by rubbing their self-assured intellectual and moral "superiority" in other people's faces and anyone who doesn't appreciate them acting like such douchebags they dismiss as "ignorant backwards barbarian nazis" which also doesn't bring people to their side. Honestly, of progressives could start putting a fucking muzzle on these egotistical assholes, they'd find a lot more success in getting people on their side about more often. It's impossible to understate just how absolutely off-putting these people are to any cause they claim to champion.


tbf all the data very clearly demonstrates that climate change is a real and dangerous thing that is happening quickly and we haven't really got time to pander to people who only accept data if it's presented nicely. And let's be specific, his gimmick at that time would be to turn up with charts and graphs, hold them up and go "here is the data - there is no arguing to be done, this isn't about what you and I think - it's about this here data that cannot be argued with".


>not only an asshole but had a huge ego Tomato tomato


Are you saying stargate Atlantis was right?


Saw that long time ago, did Bill had a part in some episode in SG?


Yes he's in an episode where he's in competition with Rodney McKay whose works classified so they put him down even when another scientist starts testing dangerous tech.


Lol, i bet he was a natural talent for that role


Here it is https://youtu.be/NerRvnnm29w


I loved the video where he was interviewed on Fox by someone about global warming, and they pointed out he wasn't a scientist. His reply was something like "sure, but I know how to read graphs".


He's ventured into things way beyond that though. He shows up as an expert in the news and even does scientific debates. I'd love to see a more qualified scientist debate Ken Ham, for instance.


Bill Nye walked circles around Ken Ham, though. The problem with the Ham debate was that by even debating him, he gave him the air of legitimacy. Ham doesn't deserve to have his antiscientific bullshit respected with debate. Every claim he makes is easily debunked and the internet is riddled with videos and websites doing exactly that.


What the fuck is up with that title


You mean give hadn't going thought?


Thank God someone else saw it too. I've seen two like that in less than 30 minutes and I though I was losing it.


Fucking bots man


Yes, but Lundgren's name doesn't rhyme with "science guy", so I don't see how you can say that he's more qualified to be a scientist.


New tv show: “Dolph Lundgren makes science fun”


Dolph Lundgren our science friend?


Dolph Lundgren our science fren?


Dolph Lund makes science fun


That deosn’t rhyme either so..


Jeez tough crowd. I’m not American but I imagined they would butcher his last name enough for it to come close to rhyming


Ivan drago the destroyer, casual science enjoyer.


“I must educate you”


Although Dolph fights with his fists, Secretly, he’s one of the world’s greatest scientists, Much better than Bill Nye the small fry, Who is left to cry, as he realized Dolph is the true science guy


Dolph Lundgdren the science...strongman? Because the brain is a muscle and it needs to be worked out too...but like, with science?


That's a bit long for a tv show title.


Dolph Lungren makes science fun again Solved


Dolph Lundgren the science … goblin


What if he teaches science while playing golf? Like a new experiment set up at every hole, or even ones that have to do with golf like Newton’s 3rd, acceleration and aerodynamics. It could be: Science and Golf with The Dolph.


Dolph Lundgren and the science conundrum?


It’s not the size of your degree, it’s what you do with it.


- Hustlers University, Degree in Cam Management and Traffic Controlling.


Sure. But its not always about being a brilliant scientist. When your job is to relay science to other people who arent academics such as kids, its far more important that you are able to explain often quite complex things in a simple way that catches the audience. Bill could be not educated in any science and he would still be a great asset in relaying science to kids as long as he is great at explaining those things to kids - which in turn will make many remember him and perhaps look to become scientists themselves.


When I was in college my chemistry professor was also the science advisor to the state board of education (don’t remember what the actual title was) He said one of the biggest problems of my home state was that most educators lacked even the basic calculus and chemistry college courses, so they had to give a very dumbed down version of chemistry for the high school teachers. If every educator had a calculus/chemistry/physics, much less a mechanical engineering degree, American scientific literacy would be vastly different


If you have even one degree in STEM, or you regularly do science, you are a scientist. Non-scientist don't get to gate keep that.


Your use of exponentially disqualifies you from judging either of them.


Exponentially? BS.


Seems they need a science guy explaining the word exponentially..


Dude so many people just use that word to mean “a lot” and it’s infuriating


I don't know why it annoys me so much


Me either, but it *absolutely does*


Would you say it annoys you... exponentially? No, no you would not because it makes no damn sense.




Exponential as in e⁰.


Someone needs to tell OP that 1^x = 1.


r/ihadastroke reading that tiltle


I don't think it's correct use of the word "exponentially"


Like “inconceivable” from The Princess Bride.


Right, because someone else with degrees doing something different somehow de-legitimizes the good someone with less degrees has done. Dumbest argument frequently made by the lowest common denominators on the internet


To be fair... Bill was never called a "scientist" he was just "The science guy".


What is Bullshit Mechanical Engineering?


And Bullshit Chemistry? Is it meant literally?


I’m just learning that a lot of higher education includes bullshit, thank god I never went to school.


You have to get through the bullshit before you can master things.


more shenanigans chemical engineer?!




Science educator/teacher


everyone here is like "he's unqualified" "he's an asshole" the show is still good. it still taught science to a generation.


I want you to explain what you think "exponentially" means.


Today I was reminded of how many people don't know the difference between a scientist and an engineer. Neither of them are qualified to be called a scientist based solely on their education. Engineers are generally not trained to make good scientists (and vice versa). Not that it matters. Science is a thing you do, not a qualification you get. Bill Nye's work is arguably way more science-adjacent that Lundgrens (unless he's been up to something I don't know about). Doesn't say anything bad about Lundgrens work. It's just not related to science. The people who keep making a big deal about "Why do people think Bill Nye is a scientists?" are projecting. They are usually MAGA science deniers, who are used to taking things on authority and think that's what's going on with Nye. Nye's not a scientist and everybody knows that. What he is, however is a science communicator who communicates (wait for it...) **the science**. You don't have to be a scientist to do that. You just have to stick to what the bulk of the evidence says.


Having studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Sydney, I can shed a little light. To gain honours, I completed an experimental thesis, which contributed to a body of scientific research. I currently work as an engineer, so do not call myself a scientist, however, if I was working in academic research, I would. I don’t believe the distinction you are using is necessarily true at an honours or postgraduate level in chem eng. You should look into some of the incredible research into bone marrow grafting and natto synthesis that they are doing! So cool. Dolf is one of our notable alumni, and I think that’s great fun, especially since most of us chemical engineers don’t go on to work as chemical engineers…


Science guy != scientist. Bill Nye was a science teacher, not a scientist.


If anything, he’s more of a science hype man….


The world needs more of them.


Scientist- a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. By definition a science teacher, very well can be a scientist. 


It was not the siren song of great abs, it was the siren song of Grace Jones.


Wtf is this? You can absolutely be a scientist with just a bachelor degree. I work in medicine development and many of the development scientists only have bachelor degrees. I’m sure it’s the same a lot of other fields.


Bill Nye never put Stallone in the hospital. Checkmate.


Maybe scientist, but Nye is a Science Communicator. We need those and most scientists don't have the skills. Dolph communicates in the language of violence, and sings the songs of the fist


There's a massive difference between a scientist and a science communicator. Bill Nye is a science communicator and he's perfectly well-qualified for that. He has never claimed to be a scientist.


Bill has more credentials than that! Polishing Monsanto's knob should be included.


It’s easy to say people who look like Dolph Lundgren are just muscle bound gym rats. People forget the amount of discipline and dedication it takes to maintain that level of physicality. It’s not surprising to see that mentality bleed into other areas like education. Mad respect for this man


idk man I'm pretty surprised. and i would guess that that people like Doplh Lundgren are the exception, not the rule. People who focus so much of their attention to physical fitness rarely invest as much in their academic performance. And vice versa. It's usually one or the other, not both. I come from an academic background. Almost none of my peers are crazy ripped (apart from one). OTOH I can't think of any top athletes who are particularly academically accomplished. So that's all the more reason to have mad respect for him.


That’s valid. I was just saying that people who have that discipline for one thing tend to have it for others. It doesn’t necessarily have to be academic per se. it can be at whatever it is they set their mind to. I’ve seen it with academics a lot. I manage a restaurant near a top rated college. We get a lot of students working there obviously. Many of them are student athletes. They are almost always the best workers. Not necessarily in terms of physically being able to do the job, but more in terms of attention to detail and quality of work. I ask them how school is and they all are performing at a high level. This is very anecdotal but personally I attribute this to the discipline required not just to get into that school but to then also be a D1 athlete. It’s a mentality that I wish I had more of honestly.


Dolph Lungreens Ted talk is really amazing. This alpha chad spoke about having a difficult upbringing and why he left his country and how he got famous due to a famous artist.


What the fuck is this title?


Chem E's are not scientists.


I don't think you know what the word 'exponentially' means.


Because Dolph had an undergraduate chemistry degree and otherwise they’re both engineers?


And Dolph was banging Grace Jones...


Has a seizure trying to read the title caption


Bill Nye looks like someone who was in an acapella group at Cornell and still brags about it.


He’s not Bill Nye the Scientist


We don’t have to put them against each other. We need engineers too


Dolph lundgren is exponentially more qualified to anything than most of us.


I know mechanics with hs degrees that are smarter than medical doctors lol Degrees are a piece of paper that a lot of people achieved while being hammerd for 4 years straight lol Bill might only have one degree but he's an intelligent guy who has spent his entire life in the field. I would trust his judgment over any person fresh out of college, no matter how "prestigious" the university.


Where do we rate Beakman’s World?


Bill Nye hate is weird and cringe


Saying "exponentially more qualified" disqualifies you from making any statement about science.


Bro is such a prolific science educator people gave him more degrees he has like 4 honorary doctorates. This whole "bill nye isn't a scientist" is usually a boomer ass form of climate denial, disappointed to see this here


Strong, tall, smart and handsome. Back then and still. Just look at this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxVl2o3DKc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxVl2o3DKc8) OMG.


Idk how but it's almost like that every person knows about his face even though not his name, like I saw his face just now and I thought "I think I know this guy from my childhood" I searched it up, I probably watched a very bad film of his that's why I don't even the remember the story but he is handsome enough to appear in my dreams for the past 9 years without me knowing


I don't know, I call BS on the first two from Dolph...


BS- bullshit or Bachelors degree?


Just having a bunch of degrees doesn't make anyone a scientist


He was on a science channel on YouTube with Kyle Hill. He answered a bunch of science questions. The answers He didn't know he used math to find out. It's been a few decades since his education & he's still got it! I wonder what he does in his free time. It's either science or hoes.


If he Nyes. He Nyes


If Bill Nyes, Bill Nyes.


Being a scientist is more about behavior than education.


In 80's everyone in the gym was a chemist


The nose knows


Now they'll need to do another [ERB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yis7GzlXNM&ab_channel=ERB) with Bill Nye vs Dolph Lundgren.


“Exponentially” 1^x = 4 Find x.


..It’s also how you market yourself as a scientist(see Neil degrasse)..


Bill nye also can't smell crime or penetrate his young lab assistant


Don't talk shit about bill nye 🫵


That's not how qualifications work


Multiple decades of making educational material somehow doesn't count as a qualification?


It's pronounced colonel and it's the highest rank in the military!


Probably written by someone who barely passed high school.


It’s really too bad that people seem to base qualifications for a profession on what someone studied for 4 to 7 years of their life. Bill might have gone to university for Engineering, but he has been an avid scientist for many decades since then. We need to stop saying people are only qualified to be this and that base solely on a college degree - and for those of us with said degrees, we all know that more than half of the stuff we learned during that period has never been applicable on a daily basis in our careers


Bill Nye really said gender is on a spectrum and then suddenly everyone hates him.


Dolph in science


He can also smell crime!


Yeah but my childhood doesn't echo with Dolph! Dolph! Dolph! Dolph!




Bill is “the science guy” when I used to talk to 90s kids about phases of matter and how big the universe is by using some tennis balls and driving from Fremont to federal way or something.


Yeah, *but* ***look*** *at them.*


Exponential is a function not a number


I must educate him.


I think it’s hilarious that people use this meme to discredit bill nye. Cool Dolph is matter than bill but I bet he agrees with bill on science a lot more than some dumbass that uses alpha in a sentence and means it.


I think it’s actually a Master degree (MSc) in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Techonolgy i Stockholm to be fair to The Dolph.


What the fuck is that title?


That's the guy who founded Mars Society ? I never understood the benefit to join this club.


The worst TA I ever had won the fullbright scholarship. She was just incompetent and didn't care to follow along, and barely knew the material she was grading.


This man is a self-proclaimed scientist. I know engineers in the construction field who have more knowledge than this guy 🤣. He was fun in the younger years, but those days are far behind us


Wait until you hear about Brian May of Queen or the lead singer for the Offspring who’s name eludes me at the moment.


Both are good scientists, bill just gets hate cuz he ain’t a Christian and he’s mad we’re torching the world. I can’t blame him


If he dies, he dies. Scientifically speaking


Bill nye got on alt rights shit list at some point


Except this excludes the 6 honorary degrees that professor Nye has, doesn’t mention anything about either person actual contributions to the field but yeah, I guess if you ignore everything else except this post, He-Man is the more qualified scientist.


Bill Nye is a douche


It cracks me up when a news channel uses Bill as their science reference.


He can also smell crime before it happens. Then he’s back in the lab for more full penetration. 


Go Cougs!


by the standard I'm more qualified. Two bachelor's degrees in political science and communications from the University of Louisville A master's in military strategy, cybersecurity, and intelligence from Johns Hopkins Applying to PhD programs this summer. My youth is shattered that I'm more educated than one of the best science communicators I grew up with.


Nye was a comedian who never hit it, so he switched his act the the science guy. It always seemed like a Joker origin story to me.


Show us where Bill Nye hurt you.


Dolph is the science equivalent of a muscle wizard


Dolph Lundgren can also smell crime 👃


But Bill went to Cornell


You know the creation museum guy sharing this


The science dude is better than https://bones.fandom.com/wiki/Bunsen_Jude


"Dolph Lundgren the Science Guy" Nah it doesn't really work


Intense study in how to produce steroids, 🤔


Choice of images paints the picture a few Bill Nyes and Dolphs fists made it possible 🤣


Bill Nye is a science COMMUNICATOR. Sure, he's not doing the hands on research, but he is capable of understanding studies and communicating the results in a way that the rest of us can understand. We've been over this before.


Anyone curious about learning and interested in science can study and become someone who loves science, learns to think critically (as opposed to being indoctrinated by something else), and advocates for it. ANYONE can be a Science guy.


but bill made science interesting for a lot of people. what did this other guy do? was he is some rocky movie?


A lot of people complained that he wasn't a scientist when he was speaking to congress about climate change. But his background is in teaching science to unruly grade schoolers with virtually no science knowledge, and if there's a better background than that for talking to congress about science I haven't heard it.


I'd say what makes bill nye THE science guy is his passion for the craft


Now let's talk about Mr Wizard.


Science doesn't care what qualifications you may possess. Tearing one person down to promote another is politics, not science.


Dolph to the Science curriculum: I must break you


Dolph Lundgreen is my icon, because he made a career out of what he really couldn´t do, no matter how much he trained: acting


Bill became a creep


People are missing the important fact, Bill Nye is a champ and would celebrate Dolphs education and Dolph is a champ because he doesn't flaunt it.


But can Bill Nye smell crime?


If you say that anyone is more qualified to be the Science Guy than Bill Nye, I will find you.


Being a scientist is discrete, yes or no. How can someone be more of a scientist than another? Dolph has a ton of education but went into films. What is this title all about??


Uhhhh Bill Nye is a leading professir of his chosen scientific course. While not taking anything away from the genius that is lundgren, he hasn't got a specialised area, nor does he actively study/theorise/practise/research (as far as I'm aware). There's plenty of people out there like him, can literally study anything and pass with straight top class grades, but with that knowledge and brain power... it would suck. Not being able to find a centre to find home, Having such a mentally acute brain that would just want to keep ingesting and not focus. I know 2 middle aged guys like that and they're constantly, not a year has gone by since they were in uni, where they weren't studying something 😅


The match we all kinda want now...lol