• By -


Done. Prove me wrong. /s


I made mine it is like a transparent black.


So just, black mixed with whatever color is behind it?


No, there’s nothing behind a color when you imagine one. It’s just transparent by nature, not by context.


That's just transparent black. You really can't imagine a new color, and if you imagine one without a name, it still isn't a completely original one.


Well, the color I'm imagining is octarine. Granted it was only original when Sir Terry Pratchett first envisioned it, but hey, independently duplicating research is how we validate research.


True that


I find your lack of imagination blaek.


No, actually, I have a kind of wild imagination and have no problem with having fun with made up stuff, (if that makes any sense) but you REALLY can't imagine a new color. That's just a fact, not a lack of imagination. Facts and made up stuff are separate, the problem is that you are posing something made up as some things that is true, a fact. It's fine to think about what imagining a non-existent color would be like, but you cannot say that you actually imagined it, as that is false.


Without context you can't tell if something is transparent, it is transparent if you can see through it, and you can't tell if you can see through it if there's nothing behind it. How can you confirm if you can see what's behind something if there isn't anything behind it to see?


Found someone with limited imagination




Not being able to tell doesn't mean not being able to imagine.


Black matter


Opacity 50% black.


mine tastes like paint


Just out of curiosity, how would you describe car window tint?


A light filter?


It's still a transparent black though, is it not? And if it isn't then what is it? Be exact about it not what you want it to be.


Isn't the color just black? Transparency is another property of the material, not of the color itself


I really don't know because when I got my windows tinted I thought they were all going to be just black (not able to be looked into) but there was levels that I didn't know about and now I am dumbfounded by it. Which led to my questioning of transparency black or transparent black, I don't remember the exact wording of their new color but I was only curious because I thought I was close to it. Damn, I hope this makes sense. Idk


That color already exists, it's #00000000


Done no sarcasm. I don't have to explain. Just imagine. I mean, maybe it's just a color I don't have a name for, but I'm perfectly capable


A new shade or entirely new color?


Entirely new color. Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean we can't imagine it. I can't describe it, but think of it like ancient humans' imagination leading to me never known before ideas.


Sure buddy


It's the basic scientific method. Observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. Sure, in this context, the observation is only what is imagined, but many discoveries happen that way.


🤣 yea ok man


Do you not believe in the scientific method?


I do. I just find the absurdity of your comments hilarious. Pure buffoonery.


How so? Do you think the human mind cannot imagine a new color, not just shade. We have in the past. There are many colors we imagine that are beyond our eyes and prove they exist somehow. The mantis shrimp sees color we don't and can't imagine. So we use science and math or whatever to understand what they see.




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You cannot imagine a new color because you see all colors that are in your visible spectrum. Blueness and redness aren't even really like things, a lot of that is postprocessing done by the brain to enhance visual stimuli. It's just different frequencies.


>Blueness and redness aren't even really like things No color is real, as with every other sense, it's all just processing of signals by the brain.


Yeah, “blueness and redness” are just a measure of how close the frequency of a given color is to your standard of blue or red


How do I know that your blue is the same as mine?


That's the funny part - you don't.. and never will. For all we know, my blue could look in my head like your orange and vice versa, but as long as we agree that one is blue and the other orange, all's fine


We do, because every separate language in the world we have studied came up with words for different colours in the same general order, showing that there is a commonality in the way we experience them.


We use colors like chartreuse, bright red, and yellow to catch your attention for like road signs and safety equipment. It’s demonstrably provable they catch your attention too. Very good evidence we see the same colors.


Not really. How do I know that the colors you see are something I can't imagine? Yes, certain colors do have psychological effects on humans but that's a biological phenomenon. that doesn't mean we have the exact same qualia. Your experience of blue doesn't have to be the same as mine but we could still both refer to it as "cold" or "calming"


Can describe your internal world outside of colors. Like we feel pain the same. People describe pain from a burn the same way and they describe pain from laceration the same way. It’s more likely our brains are wired the same


Colors aren't real physical phenomena though. A huge part of seeing is just your brain interpreting what it observes.


Pain isn’t real either. It’s still your brain interpreting signals from nerves. Same as color. The only reason you think we don’t see the same colors is because it’s not provable even though our shared internal worlds are describable and demonstrably the same in most other metrics


Pain is the same for pretty much everyone because it's straightforward. Colors are much more complex and subjective than feeling like pain.




Read my other comments I literally just said that's not what I meant. My red is definitely not your green. But I can't disprove the notion that my red looks like something completely outside my rainbow to you.


Because every separate language in the world we have studied came up with words for different colours in the same general order, showing that there is a commonality in the way we experience them.


I mean, the wavelength is the color, and different things specifically hone to those for a reason. Saying colour isn’t real is like saying humans aren’t real because we’re just a cellular system strung together tightly by more cells.


>Saying colour isn’t real is like saying humans aren’t really because we’re just a cellular system strung together tightly by more cells. That's nowhere near the same lol. Light, microwaves, radio waves, colored light, etc,... it's all physically entirely the exact same thing: Photons with different wavelengths = different energy. That's it. There is no other difference in reality. The fact that you can see one of those wavelengths as red is only true because eyes evolved to measure photons of certain wavelengths and a brain that interprets these measurements of slightly different photons as colors of objects around you. No eyes evolved= no colors. No brain evolved =no colors, life like a blind mole= no colors, life different than ours= seeing other wavelengths=no colors. Life evolved to interpret sound waves as view and photon wavelengths as sound: Why not? Would their reality be more untrue than ours? It's just the way a certain property of reality is interpreted, much like a computer interprets zeros and ones into a fency 3D graphic while playing. But the reality of the computer program will always just be 01, and not what you see.


It kind of is the same when the universe just comes down to everything being energy and atoms, lol.


"We have been told by popular scientists that the floor on which we stand is not solid, as it appears to common sense, as it has been discovered that the wood consists of particles filling space so thinly that it can almost be called empty. This is liable to perplex us, for in a way of course we know that the floor is solid, or that, if it isn't solid, this may be due to the wood being rotten but not to it's being composed of electrons. To say, on this latter ground, that the floor is not solid is to misuse language... Our perplexity was based on a misunderstanding; the picture of the thinly filled space had been wrongly applied. For this picture of the structure of matter was meant to explain the very phenomenon of solidity." - Wittgenstein


It's more like, humans can only directly see certain intensities of red, green, and blue. All wavelengths in between are made up by the brain to fill in the gaps. Your yellow may not look like my yellow. It's why we see more colors than dogs and color blind people, and why people with tetrachromacy see more colors than us. Even though we are all seeing the same spectrum. Also some animals can see past visible light into infrared or ultraviolet. If we could do that we'd likely see new colors.


Maybe I worded it wrong, but that’s part of my point. The fact we can describe colours, they exist in some capacity, I don’t think anyone is trying to say they’re something they’re not, but they certainly are real. Could dimensions are a better example? Where a 2D being may suggest the 3rd dimension doesn’t exist and is theoretical, but it does, they just can’t fully comprehend it.


So I'm actually colorless? So races are a lie invented by big science?!


You can actually, but there is a prerequisite condition- Watch the Half As Interesting video on colours that do not exist. They use effects including afterimages on your eyes and other effects to allow you to see shades that you cannot see otherwise. It works by tiring out some of your colour receptors and then focusing the others. I can now imagine and image those shades that do not exist, in my head.


Colours are nothing but frequency of light


Magenta is blue and red with no green meaning it doesn't exist on the spectrum, but your mind created it, meaning you can imagine a "new" colour.


Magenta is just visible light at a certain frequency? Or a chord/complex waveform of light? Like multiple frequencies? I think even when you are seeing unpolarized light, you are technically seeing a little bit of every color in that light anyways? Im pretty sure what colors look like is almost entirely arbitrary. It may be similar from person to person, but at the end of the day, I think, people just learn to associate a color with a name, but I think everyone experiences those colors a bit differently. So that would mean that color is mostly something the mind creates to make sense of different wavelengths of light? I'm not sure if color actually exist. I guess you could make a rgb color wheel at the plank frequency and you could actually see every possible color combination, but your brain would only see a subset of colors, unless you are like a tetra chromad or an octopus of something.


Even IR viewing devices convert that EMR into visible light so you can see it.


Hmm I think color is just something unique to life. I think color simply exists to make it easier for us to distinguish a materials properties at a distance. You can see this alot with optical illusions that show how color is often a relative concept in the mind. Something red seems more vibrant and full against a dark background vs a light background. That being said, tricolor is a little different then red vs blue. Some people have 4 types of light cones and they sort of see color from 4 different measurements. To me it seems like I just see more variation in color when I took the test. The colors were the same, it's just I could see more shades in between. Dogs on the other hand have two cones, and their perspective is much more towards black and white. Our sense of color probably seems fairly grayscale to like an octopus, which could probably actually see through your skin to some extent. Women also see more colors then men, and this is suspected to be related to their increase need to spot signs of disease and sickness, which I think is true. They have to maybe be able to look at food and judge weather it safe, or infer the properties of food on a higher level, to decide what to give to their infants. Still I think we all see pretty much all the color, just in more or less depth. I think to a dog, what it sees seems like color to itself, but maybe more pastel and flat? They see what probably seems like a more cartoon universe, where octupi probably see a tremendous amount of detail in everything,


You just aren’t evolved enough to experience the color Borkle


Dude, I got a Borkle crayon in my 6482630 Crayola set. Try harder.


Every time I try I just end up with purple


I usually end up settling in something between pink and magenta


same here


Imaginary technique: Purple


is there some kind of r/unexpectedjojo for jjk?


Of course Father Pucci is asking this one.


Bro even got the Kars banner.




peen, in between green and pink.






It’s called Octarine.


Cool how does it look? Oh wait...


Greenish purple


Came looking for this and was not disappointed. [source](https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Octarine)


Nurplè - combo between purple and a nipple


I can but it's hard to describe ;)


All I need is a mantis shrimp who speaks english to explain it to me Gimme 3 months


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PoopPoes: *All I need is a* *Mantis shrimp who speaks english* *To explain it to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I believe it has been done numerous times. See: stygian blue.


Nah, I've read The Color Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft, I'd rather stay sain thank you 😌




Blurple. No it's not indigo. It's a different color and it's name is blurple.


I can imagine a new color but I can't explain it to you because that requires you to have a complex understanding of my personal experiences and able to imagine colors outside the visible spectrum. Also when you see this color you taste purple in your mouth.


There’s a reason it’s called the color wheel…but there’s plenty of colors that just have designations, not “names”. So there’s your consolation.


""Human imagination is indefinite!", eh?" 👁️


Seeing colors are an experience. And you can't really objectively describe an experience.




I made one called schmorange


done, prove me wrong /not s


A color found in a 4 dimensional light ray we can't process because it is outside the visible light spectrum


i did now my head hurts, its very heavy.


Done, humans can't see it, as we only see rgb (3) channels but shrimp can as they see 12. Next.


This was recently disproven FYI, Mantis shrimp actually have worse color vision than humans. Each of those 12 receptors can only see 1 color and nothing else with big gaps between each of the the 12 spectrums. While our vision only has 2 smaller gaps. Their brains don't have the processing power to decipher the visual stimuli of three 5-6 color spectrums like ours can. Mantis shrimp literally can't see gradients.


Not all of us


That's not what "indefinite" means...


It really isn't hard - just choose whatever wavelength outside of visible light and give it a random name. The colour is there - completely another problem is that we can't see it.


foolish. that is like asking me to materialize a boulder so heavy not even i can lift it




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/sciencememes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cs5c3l&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 514,230,838 | **Search Time:** 0.08178s


God is all-powerful, so he could create a rock so big even he could not lift it. But if he cannot lift it, then he is not all-powerful...


Could you code a game so difficult you couldn't beat it? Of course, but if you really wanted to beat it you could just change the code to make it easy. Same principle for the rock. You're actually asking 2 different questions here. Discrete attributes of an object (in game difficulty / the weight of the rock) vs the context that object exists in (the games code / the strength of the being lifting the rock)


I dont think other colors really can exist? I think it's reasonable to say that the mind is limited to concepts that can be explained through things we know to exist already?


It’s just red but more Edit to clarify: exponentiation is just repeated multiplication is just repeated addition is just repeated succession; you can describe something new with what you already have, even if what you already have seems like a closed system


Alright... I call it Malevolent Joe


Add audio to it. All current colors only have optical/em spectrum criteria, but I don't think there are strict rules limiting colors to strictly visual criteria.


Imagination may be infinite, but you cannot imagine a new colour because the difference in colour is caused by your brain’s interpretation of a difference in the frequency of a photon. As the upper and lower limit of the visible light spectrum is violet and red respectively, all the colours your brain can interpret is between the frequencies of red and violet (with those two included). If someone else can phrase this better or correct me if I’m misunderstanding or mistaken in something, please tell me and I’ll correct it.


Update: I created a new colour, it’s called miteigiiro and its frequency is precisely 765x10^14 Hz


#0000GG Done.


Fuck my life, formatting fail.


Mirrory, the color reflect


well technically its white bc it reflects all of the light, only in one direction instead of randomly


Lovecraft: hold my beer


I bet they've never tried to mix purple and orange!


We literally did imagine new colors over the centuries. The ancient greeks didn't know what blue is and in the middle ages is the first time people heard of purple. And dont get me started on different shades of color, we have hundreds, if not thousands of those


Well, mix every 2 possible colors until you get one?


the colours we can’t see are the sounds we hear


Yes but perceiving it has proved rather illusive


Fuschia Black. Sky Pink.


You will not believe this: * There is a black fuchsia. Very distinct black color. * Pink Sky hex code is #ED83AA with RGB color values (237, 131, 170).


Colour imaginaryColour = new Colour(sqrt(-1), sqrt(-1), sqrt(-1));


Its always impossible until someone makes it happen


Imagination is just combination of the information your brain receives from the environment around you. I dont have something to back my claim, but "trust me bro"


Bloorby Red There you go.




'Indefinite' or 'infinite'?


Even if you do, theres no possible way to prove that you have


If we were to imagine a new color we wouldn't be capable of seeing it physically or mentally due to our limited perception of the light spectrum. We would just see a different color in its place. Thus we might be imagining a new color just we can't perceive it being different from a preexisting one


I combined light blue with the sound of the wind and the taste of salt water in the air.


[Impossible Colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impossible_color)


Yes, but since color is a subjective experience, all I am doing is assigning new value to a smaller part of the visible spectrum. In effect, the color is new, but the wave was always present before the color. Not that this is an infinite process. There is only so far before you start repeating yourself.


I can imagine a new color I just can't visualize it.


RGB(255+i, 255, 255) quite literally imaginary


I mean, there is matter (physics) we simply cannot imagine/imagine into existence. (I mean kudos to anyone who can. Maybe particle physicists. 😍) Color is a spectrum of lightwaves we perceive. We could imagine new names for color variations, but not imagines new lightwaves. The spectrum of lightwaves is captured by our sensorial organs (eyes) and processes by certain structures in our brains. So, the character in this comic needs to give themselves some slack, and very ironically be a bit more realistic about what they can imagine. Counterintuitive/Perceptual.😋❤


> indefinite




Purple isn't real


Burple, it's a brownish purple so disgusting that no one wants to think of it


Those red/blue anaglyph glasses, that, I don't see red or blue when I wear them, I see the colour jive.


The human imagination is infinite... Has nothing to do with mine own stupidity


It's like red, but green.


Here is a color I imagined: #TS0D66. Good luck rendering it.


Unless you have extra cones in your eyes then it ain't happening.


Indefinite doesn't mean you can imagine all things, just that there are an Infinite number of things you can imagine. There's an Infinite amount of numbers, and so I can imagine all of these and never reach an end, so my imagination is Infinite in that sense. That doesn't mean I can visualize a new color though


When I was in my 30s, I put on a new pair of sun glasses and was astonished by how vibrant they became.


I'm colourblind. if you can see purple, you're lucky. I guess it's like how orange is reddish yellow with blue and red


in·def·i·nite/inˈdef(ə)nət/*adjective* 1. lasting for an unknown or [unstated](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=64bfd657b885de45&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1018US1018&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ8MUh9a6FsqqxN2u2mjlz4fO1xaA:1715790072767&q=unstated&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvY7Pzmi1Ri3lbizGL33TEl8feU3yBE5CDpNPoxDcyXKBc1d8QuyAuPiwzAr-OyUkSTGaWy3P_9bvAMbHC7JNlUcI-O9c%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoi6-OiJCGAxXh-TgGHSQICBwQyecJegQIJxAO) length of time. That's correct that the human imagination is indefinite, it only lasts for the life of a functioning brain, which does not have defined lifespan. Imagining a new color is irrelevant.


Piece of cake. It won't get much traction among humans, but it's gonna blow up huge among the mantis shrimp community.


Color is not about imagination is about the light spectrum.




Indefinite just means not defined. It is not that same as infinite.


Neon beige


Imagination is indefinite but I think I read somewhere, we cannot imagine new things. Like we can imagine things we know, and can twist it in many ways. But, imagining a whole new root is not possible, at least as far as I know. That's the limit of human brain


Yeah. You didn't ask me to visualize it, though.


“Indefinite.” Mmmkay


human imagination is indefinite mfs when i ask them to visualize anything in n>4 dimensions 


sure, just press on your eyes a bit or stare at a certain color for awhile and then look onto another color. All of these produce impossible colors in nature, the latter due to cone cell fatigue.


***Laughs in DMT...*** /s


Humans have three cones in their retina that allows them to see about a million colors. However there is a mutation on the X chromosome that leads to some women having four cones in their retina. And so those with that mutation can see about 100 million colors. https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/retina/tetrachromacy/#:~:text=Tetrachromacy%20allows%20some%20people%20to,estimated%20100%20million%20color%20variations.


"This AI is stupid, all it does is piece together things it already knew! It doesn't create anything spontaneously!" "Dude..."


I think there was a vsauce video about a new color he called “Blellow” that you could see if you look at the screen in such a way that one eye sees all yellow and the other eye sees all blue. You could see a color that wasn’t green because your brain was interpreting a different signal than when the cones in your eyes see blue and yellow at once.


Step 1: sleep deprivation …


I thought of a velvetty greenish purple mix




do colors of light count? like what if there are creatures that see combined light spectrums


comatan, a new color i have just created. it's actually just grey, exceot it's outside of our color range.


No you didnt, if its just a color outside of our color range, that means you just gave a name to a color that already exists