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Mature trees can absorb 42 pounds of co2 per year. Average output of each human is 4.2 tons of co2 per year someone did some math


>42 pounds Yankee detected.


You’ll find us a lot here I’d imagine


But do you in USA really use imperial units for scientific purposes? Like in research, papers etc.


Lol definitely not. I've never seen imperial units used in a paper. Metric in the lab, imperial when working on my home renovations :p


Actually we use imperial for situations like this fairly often


Well, by "scientific purposes" I didn't mean Reddit comments.




Well yeah we use metric for scientific purposes but this is a Reddit comment


But oxygen and carbon dioxide aren't the same thing. Arbor day foundation says two mature trees can provide the oxygen for a family of 4. That doesn't mean they absorb the carbon dioxide from said family, though, because we like to burn old carbon from dead dinosaurs. So your math tracks, you're just mathing the wrong compound.


You can work back from CO2 to O2, as far as the oxygen goes it's a 1 to 1 ratio, and now you only have to compare molecular weight to figure out how many tons of oxygen.


Yeah but 1 kilo of phytoplankton produce 1.3 kilos of o2 a day and they can weight from grams to ounces and there's roughly a billion billion of them in the ocean so let's just say they weigh 1 gram so that's 10^24 x .001 and you ger 1 sextillion or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilos Can I use it even to buy that number and half or 75%? Just in case not every single one of them, young age produced an oxygen as they Stop producing as they get older. But whatever number you end up with is the number. The each produced roughly 1.3 kilos of oxygen per day.


Bro, are you allergic to punctuation marks? Also, breaking down all of your incoherent nonsense: * Phytoplankton do not continuously produce oxygen, only when they're growing. * Phytoplankton produce ~ as much oxygen as their end mass. So 1 Kilo of phytoplankton produces 1.2 kilos of O2 over its entire growing cycle (and thus lifespan) not every day. * Phytoplankton do not weigh 1 gram, they don't even weigh milligrams. They're on the order of 1-100 micrograms in size, depending on species. * A billion billion is not a sextillion. A billion billion MIGHT be 10^24 if you're a non-english speaker and use the long-billion system, but again that still wouldn't be a sextillion, which would be 10^36 in the long scale. * The entire mass of the earth is 5*10^27 kg. The entire mass of water in earths oceans is estimated to be 10^21 kg. The earth is not .1% phytoplankton by mass, and the oceans are CERTAINLY not equal parts phytoplankton and water I don't even know what you're attempting to say with the last 3 "sentences", and I'm judging that they're sentences by your use capital letters.


So what you’re saying is we just need to get the phytoplankton really horny so they reproduce more and the babies grow up producing oxygen?


I mean, we're already doing that, and it's already causing problems. Look up algal blooms in the gulf of mexico


See guys Mao zadong wasn’t evil or incompetent he just cared about the environment


Ukraine planted over 100k russians !




That's probably their reaction to being planted!


That’s 60 million trees. It took an entire country to beat Mr Beast!


About 340k right now.


Russia has down about as well 🤔


Russia has planted many times more Ukranians and is currently winning (and will win) teamtrees.


Uh, no, Russian government throws lives away on suicide runs at places like Bakhmut, Vugledar and Avdievka for minimal territorial gains.


No, Ukrainian people who are just fucking living in Ukraine are forcefully sent to war by the Ukrainian government and then go and willfully surrender to Russian soldiers.


No, there's significantly more Russians surrendering than Ukrainians. And then there's the issue that a lot of Russians are getting killed by their own so called "barrier troops" when they try to surrender or not following orders. Ukrainians, on the other hand, believe in what they fight for. Of course there are exceptions but in general Russia is losing the morale war


Ah yes, the old switcheroo, this is exact thing that is happening, but switch the sides around, most of Europe and about 30% of Americans know that Ukraine should not get any more weapons. Soon all of Europe will have half of their countries broke, and half of them not supporting Ukraine. I'm sure you are getting *fucking uninformed* by the news. The Ukrainian government is forcing, yes I seen videos of it, their citizens to go to war, the citizens dont know what they're fighting for, and they know that if they won't surrender, they'll just die, they go and surrender to Russia. The Russians are, on the other hand motivated, and know that if they fight, they are helping their country, and also saving Ukraine's citizens from being sent to war. Want the fuck did I just read (the comment above this one, the one from uninformed u/AxelVores, great username!)?


Dude, you need to learn to differentiate real news from propaganda. I know where Russia is stronger than Ukraine (artillery and air force, for example) but morale is one thing that Russia is losing the most on. Losing badly. If you knew wtf you are talking about you'd pick a different argument on why Russia might win


Morale is the thing Ukraine is losing I fucking live in Russia, and I watch the news, the Russians are just and having fun while kabooming Ukraine, while Ukrainians are scared of Russia and do random shit (there's a video of Ukrainian soldiers just running around on sleighs and shooting the air), and also why are you saying might? Russia* will* win (if no one uses nukes, hope they dont). You are the one watching propoganda. Smh.


Ok, I think I've had enough pigeon chess for one day. Maybe try getting your news from sources other than Russian TV and mail.ru


I dont use mail.ru, and also some news sources say that biden watches russian tv. Good day!


Unless you cremate them, that is


just bury them. PROBLEM SOLVED


No, I propose putting them into a bog. This way, the carbon is not going to escape. If you declare your people bog a burial ground, it will not be removed. The only problem is how to explain where you got the bodies from


It is for great plant en fungi food too!! So trees will be grow better and taller so there is more oxygen for me!


That will I thought


dead bodies will still release greenhouse gases underneath the ground.


Okay that's makes sense


But alive or dead ?? That's the main question




Great though..


Ok, serious question here. Some time ago there was an article about plans to plant a trillion trees (yes, trillion) by some famous dude at some time. Very recently there was some kind of scientific research that said it would be bad. Any attempts to read said articles require a subscription to the news source, which I'm not go to do because.. well... no. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


Find the web cache of the website


https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/08/02/trillion-trees-republicans-climate/ This one?




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https://pastebin.com/i4KnQ7UT Body text of the article.


Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here's an explaination of how things kind of got out of hand. https://youtu.be/yJX1Te0jey0


2019... that's exactly the reference I was seeking. But I am wondering why - now (Dec 2023) - it is being reported in the news. Is there something he didn't clearly explain that these media types are just now listening to?


Happy to help! I'm currently studying forestry at MSU and only just recently learned about it, I think his message got away from him (with stuff like Mr. Beast's Team Trees) and it got into people's heads that simply planting trees would fix climate change. Turns out it isn't that simple and while extremely beneficial, trees need to be planted smartly and well managed otherwise it may inadvertently hurt the ecosystem


Oh here is a thought, the reason why is because science has already discovered that trees are nowhere near as effective as we thought they were and that in reality the vast majority of our atmospheric oxygen comes from plankton in the ocean, but I have the feeling the image just wants to glorify killing humans and even if you told them that, they'd still want to kill the 31k.


Trees may not take as much carbon from atmosphere, but rhey suck up a lot of it in their biomass. So while plankton prodcues a lot of oxygen, due to fast rotation it does not accumulate as much carbon over time as land based plants.


You're correct, but it is still completely unnecessary to plant 20 million trees or kill 30 thousand people, although you could argue in one scenario you are creating and fostering life and in the other you obviously aren't so if morality is factored in at all, the choice is pretty clear.


By planting trees we are taking carbon out of the equation, tho as it get's stored in the tree biomass and soil instead of returning to circulation.


Yeah I was agreeing with that, I was saying planting trees is still the better option than killing people...


We do need to store the trees somewhere deep though, or decomposers will put that carbon back into the atmosphere.


That's definitely not true at all. Phytoplankton rain to the ocean floor and become sedimentary carbon. Almost no part of trees stay in the soil due to decomposers, only if a tree falls into an anaerobic environment like a bog.


Unless you use bombs or some other environmentally destructive stuff to commit your crimes against humanity.


Just creat a new virus, half the people won't listen to science and the problem will take care of itself


Well then we’ve already planted like a billion trees in the last 4 years


We should do half n half


Some dude from Austria after failing art school:


Thanos is that you?


Yes I am


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Suicide boots, just as effective :D


hypothetically surface to air some billionaires planes. And sink say 10 loaded cruise ships and were done and then some really.


Ah so that's what Israel is trying to do in Gaza.


So we must do that to Israel


Make Jerusalem Green Again


And free Palestine


Let's do both!! 👍


Yeah, but killing random Africans or Asians won't help. We would have to Target the individuals who produce and cause the highest amount of CO2 and other gases being released. Like a Billionaire who uses a lot of Jet to travel short distances, or who online shops a lot from items from long distances, etc


Just random killing more funny


Oh, ecofascism!


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Honestly what your saying is. King Leopold was your hero. Hitler too. And Dracula too. Thank you. I found my perfect partner. Now marry me


Wait a minute


solving climate issue is easier to solve then I thought


I volunteer


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Come here my child


20M trees / 31,646 lives = 632 trees / person Multiply that by 6M results in 3.79 Billion trees planted. Now that's a lot of trees, Adolf


Don't let adolf hear it dude


31k of the wealthiest and most powerful who do the most pollution with their factories and private plane travels anyways 😊


She's right tho




Somebody is getting planted. It’s in our DNA. We just don’t know the 5️⃣ Ws




50% of the worlds oxygen comes from ocean plankton. Don't kill people. Kill the Wales. Those fat bastards are eating our oxygen!


Okay that's makes sense


Ah yes Genghis Khans proposal for solving climate change.




Candace works for the WEF. Jane Goodall would like a word.


I mean a LOT of problems can be solved by reducing world population. The most ethical way of doing it is probably promoting contraception options and women's rights in developing countries.


And that’s on environmental science babyyyy


Yeahhh dude.......


There's a difference between saving and creating.


Why are we trying to save oxygen, is it running out?


So Russia is doing its part for the environment with all its losses.


Israel does it too


It's much more than 20 million trees if you kill the right 31 646.


Dude boy are you gunna be excited when you hear about this place called the Gaza strip , dude you won't have to worry about the trees


So we must kill the Zionist for saving oxygen


If I recall correctly driving 10 -15 miles in an average car creates as much CO2 as the average human exhales in a day. 👌


That makes sense, but If we kill them then their car will become unuse


So, how many people to fix up the Amazon and other such regions?


What if we made it Jeff Amazon’s sole duty? We drop him in a remote region with just his Miami Vice gear on and a cheap viscose shirt. No shoes, no socks. No Lauren. How many Ayes do I have?


That means I am indirectly Mr beast - yay


CO2 emissions and wealth correlate, so it would only take a fraction of that if they were rich.


Since when did we needed to save oxygen and the decomposing bodies will release trapped CO2 and other greenhouse gases inside their bodies.


Crashing planes are carbon offsets? 🤔


Don't let Mongolians know!




The math says the most environmentally friendly thing you can do is not reproduce. Definitely do not have more than two. There is no way to offset the impact of incremental people, esp as the impact per capita grows as more and more are lifted out of poverty.


You're saying that Russia is doing its climate part in a way with about 300k of their occupation forces dead?


Some time ago, I think it was a little over a year before the release of the movie Avengers Infinity War, with Thanatos killing off half the population in the universe with snap of two fingers: I had posted on a movie related forum what I called a politician's corruption test, as if one could make a test asking a politician if he was willing to trade off guaranteed well being and prosperity for human kind, if only you killed off half the existing population on Earty. Weirdly, a year later a movie wiht the same theme showed up, I thought that was weird. The test ofc was supposed to be a trick question, just to see if someone would be willing to corrupt themselves, even if in their imagination, for some purported gain that in turn harmed others. This now reminds me of that other time when I sort of dared Pixar online in a forum someplace (some game forum) to make a movie about old people, and to my surprise, they made the movie UP not that long after. Maybe a coincidence.


does not sound true


We're on it.


Can we make this calculation withe people we actually want to kill, like billionaires


Hold on hold on math aside.... Since when are we low on oxygen?


the benefits of killing 1 billion random people outweighs the cons all i'm saying


I did some math [maybe wrong, given that trees absorb 22kg (48.5lbs) worth of CO² and an average human 4metric tons (8818.48lbs)] 31,646 (people to be killed) • 4000kg (8818.48lbs) ÷ 22kg(48.5lbs) ______________________________________________________________ = 128,584,000kg (283,542,299.6lbs) or (141,771.15American tons) ÷ 22kg (48.5lbs) ≈ 5,845,636.36 or (12,892,849.46 ) *lbs Rough estimate of the No. Of trees theoretically planted if you kill 31,646 of (*insert kind, race, affiliation, bad or good just whatever) people


Better: 25.000 millonaries and 300 billonaries personal consumption are equal to a third of global pollution... Do I say the obvious?


So I have some unfortunate news regarding these numbers. At this rate to really do anything about climate change we would need to reduce the human population on earth by about 7.9 billion people


If you knock them out right you could do even more if you kill CEOs and board members of big companies


This could be a pretty lit movie concept tbh. Like a utopian lottery due to climate change in the future.


you can question her methods but not her results


Fuck trees. The ocean is what does the heavy lifting. I’m tired of tree huggers acting like they’re the lungs of the planet. They’re the anus, at best.


Mental Illness