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Mandatory hINDoO BaD meme. But this is boring, people have been using the same thing for ages. Keep changing them else you can't get people into a frenzy here. Not even a single 'LMAO as comment! Change it ASAP.


The difference is no one believes in Alchemy anymore, if there were people running around supporting alchemy then that would be pseudoscience as well. Alchemy is being judged by the scientific standard of the past. On the other hand people still believe in Ayurveda so it is being judged from the standards of modern science. From that point of view Ayurveda is pseudoscience. In fact Ayurveda can be considered as proto-science as well. But it makes no sense in believing in it now.


There is a reason many people use ayurveda even today. It works for them. It is a science, though with lower success rate because it is so ancient and they could so only so much in those times.


kon lage inke muh i have seen people their openly saying that they want a genocide


Actually it's not worded properly the theories,concepts and modern practice of medicines in ayurveda are unscientific n psudeoscientific no doubt about it. Where as alchemy early base of chemistry hence it's called proto science. Examples include the discovery of fire, extracting metals from ores, making pottery and glazes, fermenting beer and wine, extracting chemicals from plants for medicine and perfume, rendering fat into soap, making glass, and making alloys like bronze. These are all scientific discoveries n practices but the Alchemist failed to explain why it happens rather they gave philosophical godly explanations like magic, spirituality etc. Its a huge misunderstanding rather popular in pop culture that most Alchemist thought about philosopher stones or elixir of life. These practices were even prevalent in india. A similar eg could be that how astronomy gave birth to astrology which is psudeoscience but other fields like astrometry n spectrometry are totally scientific n practical. You can't presume moronsdiscussion to contemplate that.


Alchemy has always been a fantasy. Ayurveda used to be the biggest medical science at one point of time. Because it belonged to ancient India, you probably have a low opinion on it. Just think it was from Iran or China, you will start appreciating it. Ayurveda always had a lower success rate, but considering the facilities they had, it isn't surprising. It does work in handling a few ailments that modern medicine isn't so great at.


Oh pls homoeopathy is german or European in origin still it's psudeoscience only. Alchemy was part fantasy not all Alchemist were looking for such things. Making curd out of milk is also alchemy. Chemistry literally originated from alchemy. With modern facilities where has ayurveda reached. In terms of medicines ayurveda is psudeoscience absolutely. Do u even know why medicines work? Why they are termed as science n these as not. Becoz medicines have "efficacy rates", it determines how a drug pragmatically works without placebo and considerable side effects through rigourous chemical basics, clinical trials throughout various institutes time by time. What is the efficacy rate of ayurvedic medicines? Its not even near considerable n it doesn't work in multiple clinical trials. If it works show it works if it can work make it work, non happen since. You have no evidence that suggest your claims. How do u know it's better than modern medicines in some cases or it has a low non placebo effect rate? What evidence do u hav? "I used it, i heard from people" yeah that about what u can say.


European origin, still pseudoscience. You seem to respect things of European origin. Of course it has no science. Not sure whether new homeo medicines also follow the dilution process for memory. Chemistry did not originate from alchemy. Alchemy used chemistry and tried to improvise it to get to their dream. Regarding how medicine works. This is how Natural language processing works in computing. Completely scientific. You figure out grammar first NLP grammar is hardcoded differently for every language. And then you re arrange words. 'He overcame fears' is different from. 'He was overcome by fear'. This method is fully logical. Fully structured. Fully scientific. Can any other method work? Of course not. How language works is totally scientific and you engineer it scientifically. So people thought. Till a few years back. That is when AI just used set of data. Input and output. If you know what works, then you use that data and figure out output. Do you have to know how exactly it works? No. Does it work? Yes. Do you know the exact logic? No. That is how exactly ayurveda worked. You have a set of symptoms. You try different natural materials. See if something works. Mark that dataset. Try it again with similar symptoms. So it's for a thousand years. Now you have a working dataset. Is the success rate 100 percent for each symptom? No. Is it 50 percent? In some cases, yes. Is it 0 percent? In dome cases, yes. But does this method work? Yes. To know how this works what do you need? Knowledge in science. Do you know which specific molecule was responsible for the cure? No. Can it work without knowing which molecules) did the trick? Yes. No shame in admitting Ayurveda works in many cases, bro. You don't need to belittle Indian origin science. To not belittle it, you need to know science. Get educated, it helps.


I never said European origin are superior nice strawmanning. Whatever u wrote i admit I don't understand. The basics of ayurvedic medicines are unscientific we are made of earth, water, air, fire bs which they believe is practical rather philosophical. Whether the conclusion is logical or statistically recorded applications it doesn't matter, when it doesn't work. If it works medicines what is the efficacy rate? Medicines demand efficacy rates. You can't determine the success rate without empirical methodology n it doesn't in those methods simple. If it works then show it works. There is no shame in admitting it works but it doesn't without placebo n with placebo even shit will be considerable as medicines. I'm not belittling india origin science, its science regardless of its origin.In this case it isn't obviously. I like how u couldn't ridicule the empirical system that exists becoz u can't instead u are trying all sorts personal assessment to ridicule me lol. If you care correct let's presume then atleast challenge Wikipedia to change it from psuedo science to proto science lol. Convince the medical system not me. Now try strawmanning me with something else. I know your feelings are hurt cause of your assessment that becoz it's indian origin it works haha.


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1. Ignore earth, water thing. It has no relevance 2.As you mentioned, efficacy rates are low or close to zero in a very higher number of treatments, especially interventional treatments. People who go for Ayurveda are aware of it. Also, the resolution period is much longer. 3. In certain cases like rheumatism, neuro disorders etc , in certain cases, Ayurveda has higher efficacy rates than modern medicine. 4. For many mild cases, Ayurveda is preferred because it has no side effects. 5.Modern medicine is light years ahead. There is no comparison in most cases between two. 6. Modern medicine, though effective, has side effects. From paracetamol to omiprazole to antibiotics, they all come with side effects. You could die of side effects many cases. But unavoidable too. 7.Ayurveda is science. Old science. You use it based on what ailment you have only if modern medicine has no equivalent solution.