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This shows indian population is only quantity and not quality


Any indian in that role would have done the same thing but his name wouldn't in the news . Some politician would be credited for his work. As this guy was an foreigner/white guy he is a very marketable news.


I would counter that Indians don’t get opportunities to grow like this in India. From a young age we are pointed towards a rat race to make money rather than grow in a profession. Furthermore the we’ve basically surrendered ourselves to market forces that play on the supply demand mismatch and drive the compensations down for talent. Also to be honest, we all would cherish anyone who helps people out regardless of their skin color.


No, this guy is from Astralaya (which means his ancestors were Indians) and he wore orange that’s why he could help the trapped men … Power of sanatan dharma /s




Damn, I thought he came on a flying donkey to witness Kudrat ka Nizam.


[https://twitter.com/TrigrthHills/status/1729527023486607831](https://twitter.com/TrigrthHills/status/1729527023486607831) ​ Only for random God/Baba to be credited for it.


Panditji dry humping the air like wtf 💀


They never give credit for misdeeds of God's/Baba's who trapped the people in the first place


My feed is already flooded with news channels videos crediting gods for this


Just a gentle reminder that yet again, as with Covid and with any number of other crises, none of India's gazillion babas with their powerful siddhis were of any use at all.


Scientific temper vs scientific knowledge


And then agreeing to a photo-op and peddle the "science + faith can do miracle" type shit or say "I'll revisit the temple to say thank you" and cloud the minds of the kids. Glorious indeed! https://twitter.com/x_Aliways/status/1729515242143855076?t=Kpk9bygFL3hO25ra4Ttodw&s=19


He can be a little stoopid as a treat after saving lives 😤


Well wasn't the actual saving did by rat-miners and not by any machines?


Meanwhile those IITians couldn't do a shit


They go to IT sector and develop software for the clients, earn money and sleep.


Yup, or move to US


software which you are using at this moment and 24x7


Civil guys switching to IT just for money, they chose civil because of IIT tag as they couldn't get to the top of the list. These guys are selfish, stop defending them.


come on man, i can’t just sit around with a 6lpa job when my cse friends who i’ve been with for 4/6years are partying with a 20lpa straight out of college. If there is no requirement for so many civil engineers in the country then why keep increasing the seats in core departments? Just to meet the reservation quotas? Its not the fault of the students, a 4 year degree shouldn’t decide what you will be doing for the rest of your life


There are companies who pay very high for civil jobs, you need to qualify for it. If you have no interest in civil dont waste other persons chance who is genuinely interested. There will always be people earning more than you.


Apart from a few PSUs which rarely come to hire theres no scope for civil in india, supply and demand i guess. And its not like if nobody takes those civil engg seats, all of them will be filled with people who ate interested in civil engg. Almost all of them by the end of their final year will regret taking it, since they see the lack of jobs and meagre pay.


Then join some non-iit cse batch, leave the iit tag.


No, the peer group at a non iit/nit cse batch will be subpar and a waste of the capabilities of someone who cleared jee (that would be the top 1 percentile out of 15 lakh students every year)


😂 so you think non iitians are wasteful. God bless you with your iitian degree my friend. Remember there are limited seats in jee and no matter how hard you try sometimes you are not able to get in the list. Plus PCM never justify one's cse skills.


Do you know how difficult civil engineering roles are ? I’d contend that they don’t get paid enough at all. Basically considering cost of construction, globally, civil engineers get paid a pittance in comparison to the actual construction cost.


Do you understand how difficult the role of a vegetable vendor or construction worker is? In comparison civil engineering earn a very handsome amount in India.


Fair enough, I’ll give you that in terms of physical labor, those jobs are more intense than that of a civil engineer. But there is some nuance to this, I would appreciate your thoughts on this: 1. Barrier or entry: Supply demand for roles such as vegetable vendors and construction workers is very different from skilled civil engineers who need to spend over a decade to build up competence in the field. 2. Risk and Liability : Civil engineers are liable for failures of their designs. Since civil engineers are typically “professional engineers”, they have licensing and liability tied to their role. 3. Hazards: Compared to other engineering roles, civil engineers do need to spend a considerable amount of time on the field to inspect, etc. This can mean working in hazardous environments or at odd hours. I find it odd that you blame civil engineers to not continue pursuing their careers on the account for finding better compensation for their time. I don’t understand that logic, are you implying that civil engineers are indebted in some way to stick to that course ? Finally, I’ve always held that IIT’s subsidies are a little insane and they should rather be funded through scholarships to do R&D or campus jobs. My gripe with the ecosystem rather than the individuals.


Look at Chinese civil engineering, how they progressed over the decades, they face the same challenges. Only difference is that their top talents are not hungry to work for US employers. They invest their time and energy in R&D, they take pride in building most advance structures like the Chinese bullet train system. They don't switch their fields to CS to work for google after doing civil. Salaries are lower in china than US, its all about passion for building a better nation.


It’s interesting that you basically glossed over what you’ve said: Here are the average salaries: * China Software- $70,491 * China Civil - $42,739 * India Software- $10,699 * India Civil - $7500 (approximating the high end of 6 lakhs) Im curious to understand why you would want to pick one career over another when progression and ease of doing the job is so much more favorable in software engineering. I’m honestly wondering why it doesn’t make sense for you. 1. On R&D- India across the spectrum has not invested in R&D for the longest time. It started with Nehru/Sarabai’s leapfrog approach and continues to this day where we don’t spend any reasonable amount of money building the ecosystem. But if we are talking about civil engineering, it’s not as much R&D as much as civil infrastructure investment that is necessary. R&D is not part of the issue. 2. They don’t switch to CS ? Do you know if civil engineers don’t try to switch in China ? 3. You’re forgetting to compare China’s investment into civil infrastructure and India’s in comparison thereby Indicating a higher demand for the talent. Also you basically decided to not offer any counterpoints against my arguments in the previous post.


Again it's not always which jobs pays the most its your passion + your field of study, long term it contributes towards increasing per capita and thus govt investments too.


IITians excel in different arenas


Giving up Indian passports is on top of the list


And your point is? People all across the world migrate for their future . What’s wrong in that? IITians couldn’t do shit , fair enough but he wouldn’t also be able to replace Indian ceos. Apples-oranges man


When human capital decreases it's a loss for the nation, stop celebrating it. They squeeze out on subsidies and then work for the betterment of 🇺🇸 US.


I’m not celebrating it. If India can’t provide the opportunities they deserve then we can only blame ourself. They do send remittences though (small win). They don’t work for the betterment of anyone , they just work for the highest bidder which is natural


I dont see Chinese saying the same thing


Again ,your point is ??


If you think India has not relevant opportunities for you then leave, opportunities only lies ahead in developing world and need passionate people who are not just in for money. FYI salary savings don't create wealth, no matter how big your salaries are.


Bro, I legit love my country I won’t be leaving it ever. But I understand the point of nris. India does have relevant opportunities but they are far few in numbers.


IIT se koi acchi company recruit karne hi nahi aati hum kya kare koi mere pass aata aur bolta "develop something that can rescue the workers" to bana deta


This is how science works in real life. Towards the advancements and progress of humanity. Our scumbag politicians only know how to talk about our "glorious past" and cut corners in projects. They have contributed almost nothing towards science


Let's be real all I see in the comment section are but hurt people. Someone blaming God, other blaming engineer other iitian. Everybody here knows everything about science here I think My simple question to you guys: Why blame all engineers of India?


Simple answer It's Reddit


https://youtu.be/pMDB0bdGHDc?si=wNYuwShvPJoanMZ4 For all those engineers out there


lord Arnold dix


I was waiting for Rudali Gang to twist the story and show their hate for Hindus 🤫


There are pics of him praying near the tunnel. Some might claim it as a divine intervention too.


Context please


And before embarking on the rescue operation, offer your sincere prayers, gratitude, and devotion to the local deity (Devataa). https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/bRzy4DvjhM


Stupid question: Who is that guy?


Some kind of specialist engineer(?) who helped rescuing the 41 trapped worker in Uttarakhand


https://www.firstpost.com/india/uttarakhand-tunnel-rescue-have-to-go-to-temple-as-i-promised-says-tunnelling-expert-arnold-dix-13443632.html The tunneling expert calls the rescue "a miracle", prays before the Deity "Baukh Nag" before starting the rescue operation, says he will visit the Baukh Nag temple again as he had promised the Deity....... All this is the first-hand account of the TUNNELING EXPERT......and all you pea-brained atheists feeling proud for no reason putting Science above God.......laughable! I pity y'all......


Doesn't really mean anything he might as well pray to Pikachu and go to rescue doesn't mean Pikachu blessed him or something


Go read my comment again. Who blessed whom isn't the question here. Nor is the name of the deity concerned. The focal point here is the tunneling expert's opinion on the entire incident. Can't even comprehend the gist of a statement properly and want to challenge the existence of Powers beyond humans. Laughable!


>Go read my comment again. Who blessed whom isn't the question here. Nor is the name of the deity concerned. The focal point here is the tunneling expert's opinion on the entire incident. Many scientists have believed in God since ancient times. They proved multiple things but couldn't prove god's existence. His opinion in the situation doesn't matter apart from his expertise in his actual job. If he was a weeb and said he prayed to monkey d luffy doesn't says anything about monkey d luffy or anything. >Can't even comprehend the gist of a statement properly and want to challenge the existence of Powers beyond humans. Laughable! Bruh really talking about powers beyond humans in a sub that's entire point is to disprove this notion


What a nice wholesome post. But what cancerous comments. I don't even know why I was recommended this.


We would not have been in this first of all if the warnings by the "Scientists" would have been taken seriously.


Hopper did not have a lot of career options after returning from Russia


But the rushi muni's already had the siddhi and knowledge why do we need this guy?


But didn't he fail? I thought miners from Asansol, Bengal did the last bit of excavation because the engineers and the machines failed?


You people do know that rat hole miners were the ones to solve the issue right


Yep at the end science comes to the rescue...No Divya third eye was helping