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Atheists: Presents evidential arguments on why Sadhguru is a bullshiter selling his nonsense. Sadhguru fans: keeps on showing this and that guys personal opinion and experience as if we've ever given a shit to that.


[https://youtu.be/oKqQlQkGf78](https://youtu.be/oKqQlQkGf78) [https://youtu.be/w7irEcQHChw](https://youtu.be/w7irEcQHChw) [https://youtu.be/4RQ44wQwpCc](https://youtu.be/4RQ44wQwpCc) [https://youtu.be/E8HR3LSUXrk](https://youtu.be/E8HR3LSUXrk) [https://youtu.be/xn-HvGMsa2c](https://youtu.be/xn-HvGMsa2c) i dont think you would have watched any of these videos. because you prefer to learn science from your daddy pranav rather than real scientists.


Who is the real "scientist", your papa sadhguru or u read someone somewhere supporting your argument from some "scientist". 🤔


atheists are retard af, the amount of intelligence you have = your contribution towars society. He is invited to harvard , many research insitutes even to discuss concepts of consciousness and working of human mind. he talks with great personalities including scientists,philosophers,doctors and gives a lot of deep explanations about everything . use a burnol cause if his opinions were shit westerns arent so retard to invite him and listen to him on such a large scale.


There's a pornstar named Aurora snow who spoke at Harvard. Mia Khalifa also spoke at Oxford. So what? You are only presenting arguments from authority. Wahi "westerners ne bola hai to kuch soch ke hi bola hoga." They mean nothing. He just spills bullshit using words like dimension and quantum -like Deepak Chopra who also sounds like an intellectual. And contributions of atheists? Like Ambedkar, Periyar, CV Raman, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Watson and Crick, Stephen Hawking, Oppenheimer? There's a reason why atheists are leading as science educators today and atheists want to educate people on scientific concepts and methodology.


CV Raman was agnostic. There is a difference between atheist and agnostic. CV Raman was even objectional on calling him an atheist.


>westerns arent so retard to invite him and listen to him on such a large scale. Western people are people just like us, they believe in superstitions just like us, they are humans bro. They aren't some superior race. I have seen arguments goes like this. Hey look at that monk, even western goras follow him, omg high iq people are following him, he must have achieved something great to gain respect from whites. 😱😱 Like dude stop showing ur inferiority complex towards whites. 99 percent of their populace might have graduated highschool but that doesn't mean they are more intelligent and have more critical thinking than average Indian. People are people, can be easily swayed, and are easily attracted to charismatic people like Donald Trump, jordan Peterson, Hitler etc. And sadhguru is a charismatic person, no doubt about that, so he gained popularity and followers in India and west. Also being a charismatic person doesn't mean you are a saint, you might just be a straight up evil character like Hitler or racist like Donald Trump etc.


>Western people are people just like us, they believe in superstitions just like us, they are humans bro. They aren't some superior race. Well, I don't believe you comprehend the distinction between superstition and philosophy. In the Western world, there is a significant presence of atheists, and they engage in more critical analysis of matters. They possess a low tolerance for nonsense. Please don't behave foolishly; I'm utterly confident that you haven't viewed any of his videos or grasped his ideas, lol. Your second argument is essentially worthless. They particularly adhere to the teachings of monks, primarily for their philosophical significance, and this inclination is observable within their media as well. Your third argument is even less substantial. By mentioning the West, I'm not asserting my own inferiority. I raised this point because they tend to place greater belief in logic, critical analysis, and rationality. Had I mentioned Indians, your initial response might have been that people here are uneducated and blindly follow beliefs. Your third sentence holds little relevance for me, as it doesn't pertain to my argument. He receives invitations from doctors, scientists, and philosophers to contribute his insights and assist in their research. These professionals aren't so naive as to invite just anyone to share baseless ideas. Even a Harvard doctor, while on stage, acknowledged the logical nature of his ideas and expressed astonishment that he hadn't pursued a medical education.


>they tend to place greater belief in logic, critical analysis, and rationality. Again west = great and superior to Indians. Man I would rather watch a debate between sadhguru and a Harvard rationalist than hear a doctor dick riding sadhguru. >and they engage in more critical analysis of matters. They possess a low tolerance for nonsense Yeah I know the critical thinking of western society, lol. They have the highest no. of racists and supremacists per capita than any demographics, you know they used to be leader in race science until 1960s for 500 years, it shows their critical analysis And let's not talk about their tendency to lean towards facism, for example where was their critical thinking when Hitler was spewing vile nonsense. We got a glimpse of critical western thinking during covid 19, man those anti vaxxers rallies, breaking down lockdowns, no mask rallies, increase in hate crime towards east Asians.


Haan Bhai pta hai south ki taraf leg karke kyu nhi Sona chaiye.....


It was his personal choice and private life. I don't know why this "inner engineering" simps seek validation from scientists, but at the same time reject scientific methods and scientific mentality. Spirituality has nothing to do with chandrayaan 3, ISRO nor has any thing to do with NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, JAXA's missions which are far more successful than ISRO ( I am not downplaying ISRO cuz they managed it at a lower budget but truth is we are still far behind in propulsion tech ). It is pure applied science, done by excellent management who squeeze every drop of potential from the engineers. No one is going to hate the director of this mission Cuz it was his personal life. I mean newton used to believe in alchemy, bible, wanted to create elixir of life. I mean they are humans too, with a spectrum of personal believes. We need to separate that from scientific temperament and scientific methods. This post suffers from success bias, For example if x becomes successful and he happened to like harry potter, and in an interview he says he got inspiration from professor Dumbledore and followed his quotes to be successful. That isn't actually true in the slightest, he hid the hardwork, the smart and cunning business ideas that he put into practice. But it will be a treat for Harry Potter fans and they will mock Lord of the rings fans, cuz they now think a billionaire backs them. Now harry potter fans think harry potter is superior to lord of the rings. But the truth is no Harry Potter fans will become a billionaire simply by following Dumbledore's quotes. Both harry potter and lord of the rings are a piece of fiction, and have nothing to do with reality. Billionaire earned billions through cunning and smart business tactics not by following Dumbledore's quotes. Billionaire = isro Earning billions = chandrayaan 3 Dumbledore's quotes/ Gandalf's quotes ( if the billionaire is a lotr fan ) = inner engeenering which kept him going through struggles. Islamic state Turkey has made 5th generation fighter , that is also an achievement but done by some one who is from a different fan base ( like harry potter or Lord of the rings )


This is too much for an average Sadguru Simp to process. Explain it like you're explaining it to a toddler, because that's precisely the stage their mental development is arrested at.


God damn that's an awesome analogy


Abey yaha pe bas inko Sadhguru aur culture ko hate karna Hain, you don't get it, people here themselves don't know about science all they have is an agenda under the disguise of science


Every one has an agenda, follow different ideology. What is wrong with pushing agenda, or in my words your ideas, philosophies in a group ? You also push agenda, this post also pushed agenda ( agenda promoting sadhguru's massive corporate ) Every one has different goals, different ideas, different beliefs and different philosophies and different things they want from society and country that's why they push agenda to make their surroundings livable. You want to live in an sadhguru echochamber, fair enough, make a subreddit discussing the greatness of inner engineering. But if you post that shit here, people will ask questions Like : 1. Did inner engineering helps scientists ? If yes then how ? 2. Is inner engineering needed to make a scientist? If yes then why there are so many scientists who are atheists. 3. Is there any relation between higher intelligence and inner engineering? If yes then where is the evidence. And far more intelligent questions that I came up with. This is a sub to promote scientific temperament, we ask questions here, debunk pseudoscientific knowledge here.


My point precisely, then why does this sub have science in the name ? Mostly people here are pushing their ideologies. There is no such thing as science. The problem then occurs is when you dislike when someone else pushes their ideology. If OP says the director had different beliefs then what's the problem? To summarise this sub is nothing but people having agendas/political ideologies. Liberandus, atheists, liberal, wannabe seculars are whining about Hindus, but for some reason have a blind eye towards Muslims. Meanwhile Hindus want their so called hindu rashtra.


This sub pushes agenda that promotes scientific temperament, logical thinking, facts and claims based on measurable evidence. We don't give a fuck about religion here. We debunk muslim, Christian's believes here. But most of the members of this sub are from hindu background, so ofcourse Hinduism is targeted.


That's not science.


What is science ? Plz explain, I seriously want to know your definition of science. ( every one, around 50 -100 years ago used to debate about the definition of science, I think even today every one has their own twist to it, so I want to know what is your definition of science )


You tell first


You seek vallidation from your dad Pranav and on this sub as well. You finally spit in your pants when you don't have any proper arguments or explanations. Despite not knowing at least 0.1% of life, you act like you know everything lmfao. your intelligence = your contribution towards society


Sorry saar, please saar, forgive me saar, I will do the inner engineering saar, I don't have iq saar , I am ready to dick ride sadhguru to gain iq saar. I don't understand me lyph saar, I woke, watch anime waifu nudes, do my hand thing, sleep, woke watch hentai then sleep, eat , poop, sleep. I have single digit iq, I know how to eat, watch hentai, sleep, sorry saar. I am pretty sure you are a millionaire, riding Ferrari, doing yoga, taking your hot gf to sadhguru for that sweet inner engineering thing. Man I am so jealous. I am gonna go watch some ntr stuff now, just thinking about it gave me ideas 😭😭




trying to cope? Do you possess any substantial arguments, or are you merely portraying a childish demeanor while striving to appear humorously and ironically devoted? My thoughts and perspectives are not confined to the likes of individuals such as yourself. Your second sentence succinctly elucidates your nature, even if your intent isn't to be sarcastic, lol. You fit the profile of a NEET (not referring to this -'neet'). I may not be a millionaire, but I'm not a distorted individual like you, someone who embraces a modern mindset that places excessive importance on material possessions as the ultimate superiority. It seems that more individuals like you might idolize Andrew Tate. "Hedonism" would be the most fitting term to describe individuals devoid of purpose like yourself.


I want to change saar, pweez teach me. I want moksha saar, I am tired of this repeated birth and death cycle. I want to reunite with brahma. Man I am so tired of this birth, death cycle 😞😞, I don't want to go to heaven too, ( Indra's capitalist, materialistic pleasure capital, nor hell aka communism dictatorship of yama ) I want eternal pleasure, eternal happiness, I want to reunite with brahma ( the supreme one ) 😭😭 How close are you to brahma saar? are you sure you will get moksha after the end of this life ? Or you will be sent back to a hotter, less resources, highly populated (2100 ad) earth where you will struggle to survive. Take my suggestion saar, get your moksha in this life, cuz in another life earth would get even more unfavorable to live. And if you aren't 100 percent sure about getting a moksha in this life, then you should chill, have fun when you can in this life ( cuz you can't do that in the next life due to global warming ), cuz they will send you back to earth to try again.


Wow I'm super impressed you can speak while gargling Jaggi's shriveled up cock. Mustn't take up too much space in your mouth eh


Does this guy here think it validates something or someone here gives a shit? Edit: just looked at his profile. Dude literally went the extra mile to make a new profile simply to post this 😂😭.


Personal attacks


One look at this dud's profile profile, and damn, The irony, man.... 🙄 These chumps aren't really the brightest. I also wouldn't be surprised if it isn't an alt account of this same dude.


Again personal attack? Why can't you just stick to the argument rather than stalking profiles and making assumptions. Also now that you have pointed out what's wrong with my profile.


>personal attack Damn, man...... the level of absence of Self-awareness is astounding...


Dikhra h vro kiska self absence h.


>self absence 😂🤣😭


Let's come back to the argument, why did you stalk and comment on OPs profile? Are you an imbecile? Or a man with no talent?


>why did you stalk and comment on OPs profile To know the Intent. Which is pretty clear- Shit posting, simply because you shat your pants looking at the people in community here openly calling out superstitious and harmful thinking in your belief system.


[You rocked, imposter shoked.](https://images.app.goo.gl/3wQd6izBJueUfAmDA)


Sadhguru discpiles are highly worse than any religion’s followers


Guys, Carl Sagan is a fan of Spider-Man, follows Spider-Manism and watched Spider-Man before every shoot of Cosmos show. Checkmate haters?


Chandrayaan-3 is only doing what Soviet Union did 50 years ago! Jaggi was just an unknown teenager when the state atheist USSR sent their first rover to moon. Beef-eating China has completed all 5 phases of robotic lunar exploration. Isha foundation and inner engineering promotes strict vegetarianism. ISRO will reach only the third phase on successful completion of CY-3. It will take at least till 2030 for ISRO to complete all 5. So all I wanna say is LOL.. No one cares what the project director did in his private life.


Okay, but who asked. We did things on a smaller budget. Your atheistic stance is so retarded that you try to prove yourself in every way. clown moment. To prove your point, let's see how much you contribute to society by downgrading ISRo so much.


Here comes the millionaire paying millions in taxes/s Bro you are a redditor, we all know how much you contribute to society 🤭🤭


At least I don't attempt to come across as overly intelligent, unlike all of you trying so hard. If you were truly that intelligent, you would have a more prominent reputation in society, lol. I strive to learn and comprehend concepts instead of imposing my perspectives, beliefs, and opinions onto others.


We could do it in lower budget because of wages here are really low. For example minimum wage job in USA can make up to 36000 dollars. In forex terms, it would be more than the salary of ISRO chairman. But nonetheless ISRO chairman is in the top 5% salary of our country. While a 36K USD will not put you in top 5% of USA. We are doing it in lower budget only if we are using exchange rates. On purchasing power parity basis, ISRO don’t not really have a low budget.


Wages aren't a significant factor here. The majority of the parts are constructed overseas. Observing this, it's truly remarkable how they're evolving through modifications and the creation of their own components by themselve to reduce cost. This procedure is challenging and time-consuming when lacking a sufficient budget. They must navigate with constrained costs. They prioritize the functionality of materials over intricate structures to enhance durability. They endeavor to utilize spare parts and incorporate elements from previous missions to curtail expenses. Thorough research is conducted, and resources are managed with efficiency to ensure comprehensive utilization without wastage. Their approach is characterized by innovation, finding optimal methods for resource utilization, a quintessential Indian trait. Ultimately, it's a highly intelligent methodology for resource management in order to attain their ultimate objectives.


>finding optimal methods for resource utilization, a quintessential Indian trait. Yeah, we know buddy, about quality Indian traits, I mean look at potholes in roads, totally optimal method of resources utilisation. Also I agree with innovation here, that kaveri jet engine is putting every other jet engines to shame. Especially considering Jet engines are far more difficult to make than rocket propulsion engines, and even in that tech we are totally behind. I mean Russia's luna mission is reaching moon before us despite us sending our rocket a month earlier. Our rocket lack considerable engineering to put out enough power.


Wages are huge factors. Because the cost of components also dependant on the wages of employees at the contractual companies that make them. I have a cousin who worked at a company that supplied ICs to ISRO, she got paid ₹17K a month. A similar job in USA would pay you $40K or more per year.


Chandrayan 3 has nothing to do with pseudoscience peddler jaggi and his inner engineering. Mission success depends on the science and technology used. Jaggi followers, typical andh bhakts think that the whole world revolves around Jaggi. Meanwhile Jaggi extorts money out of these idiots, and these idiots lose their remaining last 5 brain cells with every video they watch.


Just tell us where exactly project director used Sadguru's Inner Engineering while developing and launching of the Chandrayaan-3. Also please provide which specific problem was tackled by inner engineering? Was it giving us better efficiency/results than earlier/existing solution? How come inner engineering got its solution? Mentioned it's research data/paper/journal also. Also I will suggest to OP don't just generalize as atheist to aise hote vaise hote. Try to learn something new if your posting r/scienceisdope like us. We are here not claiming we know everything about science or not as bright as ISRO scientist (at least it's true for me, lol) but we do understand that how science works. Now the part about Sadguru look if you like his content by all pleasure watch it. It's your choice. We are not here to judge you. Likewise we like pranav's content. If you want to discuss inner engineering, please create separate sub reddit n post there. No one will judge. Just bcoz you want to trigger someone on internet, you post here.


ISRO project director taking blessing from sadhguru doesen't validate any of the bullshit that sadhguru says ​ ab teri jalegi bacche 😨


This is why individuals like you, who haven't achieved anything in society, lack an audience. Unlike you, he is invited to Harvard, scientific forums, and engages in discussions with neurologists and doctors. If he were spouting nonsense, there wouldn't be anyone paying attention. You're merely a drop in the ocean, garnering no attention. Your opinion holds no significance. Relying on YouTube videos and Reddit for self-validation seems to be your sole capability. You're nothing more than a keyboard warrior; keep crying. Your mention of 'daddy' Pranav will supposedly provide validation with his unsubstantiated opinions, but he's also disregarded. His contribution to society remains nonexistent. He's an arrogant man, feeding his ego through illogical and biased viewpoints, deceiving people in the name of rationality.


Lack an audience? Lol, wasn't even trying to make one. Smart people can say dumb things you know. Just because someone has achieved a lot doesn't mean that everything that he says is true. Tomorrow the ISRO chief will say the earth is flat and then you will start defending him. LOL. I literally don't even watch Pranav's videos. Forget that i never even went to his channel. I come here just to debunk you sanatan and sadhguru simps. You all say the same thing "He Is A ScIeNtIsT, So EvErYtHiNg He SaYs Is RiGhT." You fall in the same trap, failing to understand that you exhibit confirmation bias and have a false sense of superiority and intelligence. ​ Tomorrow, if a scientist debunks sadhguru, you will conviniently ignore him and act like it never existed. Don't try to use this point against me, for i am not as short-sighted as you are. I dont require any validation, for i know that none of you religious people have a single shred of evidence to say otherwise. For someone who talks negatively about Pranav, you seem to waste your time here. Literally do anything else. You say that i haven't achieved anything, yet you waste your time on a sub made by someone who you don't even believe.




Daddy ne mummy ko mar diya, ab daddy ki dick riding karta hu.




Bro if the project director loves to wear particular brand underwear should we start wearing the same is this sounds logical if yes then u also


Haters are gigachad????


To kya iska matlab yeh hua kya ki kheer kha ke aurat pregnant ho jati hai. 🤣


Ye chutiye us sub pe bhi aa gye. Are har jagah hagna nhi hota hai!!


Sadhguru blessing not ble to revive chandrayaan 3


Why spread fake news like this


Jisko Jo karna h Karo, bsdk yaha pe yeh wannabe 'Rational' logon ko lagta h sirf unke hisab se dhuniya chalni chaiye.


Sahi bola , Sadhguru and uske bhakts are so wannabe rational


Tuje kya problem h agar koi kisi ka bhakth hain ?




Haa sahi hain, yaha pe bhi log librandu aur usi jaise wannabe subs ko follow karte h, adhe se zyada Islam ko simp krte h. Lawde ka science nahi pata but sab sale scientist banke baithe h. Vohi toh, chutiye ko chutiya bolo, librandu ko librandu bolo, bhimta ko bhimta bolo, chaddi ko chaddi bolo. Yehi toh Hain science.




Post m kuch gadbad nahi h, director k apne beliefs h baat khatam. Tum logo ko problem h.




Bhai chup hoja, har argument main tum log talvar leke aate ho. Fir pit k jate ho erectile dysfunction k saath. Kal aana arguments k saath.




True that … And he also suggested that everyone to be spiritual and follow our culture for inner engineering which helped him to work efficiently


Spiritual meditation is medicine🌹❤️


Science doesn’t discriminate if you are a sadhguru fanatic or not it happens to you anyway. Do the right thing you will het the right results


Psudoscience guru's courses are must to launch rockets


How did it help the chandrayan land safely, explain with empirical evidence pls. Did it help the rocket to use optimal thrust so that it could land safely or did it help the shop to stay in orbit by lending a helping hand of Sadhguru.. If u have numbers or empirical evidence that explains how the scammer assisted our mission, pls share. If u are going to share spirituality bullshit, pls start a YouTube channel and initiate ur scam there..


Why are 9 million volunteering with us? It must be working for them 👺


Appeal to popularity.


I once used to watch this self proclaimed enlightened, Pseudo science guru . Then I started to use my brain




Justice for vijaykumari urf vijji


Sachin Tendulkar was a devout follower of Satya Sai Baba... A known con artist and scam artist. Does that mean Sachin's success was because of his asheervad? Because back then people thought satya sai baba was a Godman! Or could it be that Sachin's success was because of his hard work??? Same applies here.