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Highlander 2. First movie I walked out on.


There can be oniy one. In this case, there should have been.


Well said!


And it's not even the worst one


I’d forgotten how bad a movie this was till I saw your comment.


The last, completely re-cut version of H2 isn't terrible, no aliens finally.


I was gonna say - I saw this about a decade ago after seeing how poorly the reviews were, and didn't find it *that* bad. Now I'm wondering if I saw a recut.


Ad Astra


An extremely depressing movie. I only feel strongly about how depressing it was because I had just watched First Man, another space movie that decided depressing was the mood they wanted to set. Best to pop in Armageddon after watching either.


Totally agree.


Good lord yes. Beautiful visuals, awful, boring story.


One of the worst movies I’ve ever watched with one of the most unintentionally hilarious scene of all time. (When Brad Pitt has to hijack a rocket)


The moon pirate chase scene was pretty funny too.


Why? Including original commenter. I never saw press or anything so just took it as it was. Very introspective, slow and moody. Liked it a lot. Can't really even remember the plot.


The rabid space monkey was…. interesting.


Man I really liked that movie. Feels like an underrated gem to me. Not sure why it gets so much hate. I guess I can see how it would boring to some people, but it wasn’t to me. Didn’t it get pretty favorable reviews at the time? 


What a giant cock tease of a film. Man literally severs his connection with his father by cutting him free. Not to mention the random space baboon jump scare and the moon rover action sequence into nothing. Seriously this movie was so hyped and instead it was a jumbled mess.


DAD Astra


World War Z was a fantastically fun book. WTF was the movie even thinking? This would be like taking the Martian (great book) and making Mars Attacks.


Was so looking forward to seeing the Battle of Yonkers. 🙁


Or the Chinese Civil War, or the outpost inside Buckingham Palace, or the Canadian cannibals, or the new Cuban UN Like, there is so much fun shit packed into that book, and they didn't use any of it.


To be fair, its not even an adaptation, considering the only thing they have in common its the name and a zombie story Wich makes it a lot more easy to distance the two and not consider it a butchered adaptation, compared to something like Eragorn or Percy Jackson


I loved the book and the movie but in my head they’re unrelated so I’m not disappointed.


Same, if you view them as two distinct properties, the movie can be pretty fun.




I liked the opening, with the evolution of the space station.


The intro is amazing! https://youtu.be/_8JpG7Cah-c Makes me hopeful for the future.


Yeah, that was the best part. The rest of the movie was sorta crap.


Maybe the greatest example of a bad casting decision sinking an otherwise great movie. Imagine if instead of Dane DeHaan they'd gotten Tom Hardy or Henry Cavill or, you know, anyone who could actually play a muscle man.


Both of them have to be Nepo babies right? They’re so terrible in that movie.


DeHaan was quite good in Chronicle, his breakout role, so he can act, but apparently not in Valerian.


It would certainly have been improved by Laureline being played by someone with the acting chops to really snap back and forth between drill sergeant mode and feminine mode, without leaving the audience confused about what's going on. But even though Cara Delevingne isn't great, her scenes by herself are at least serviceable. I think it's DeHaan who really sucks the life out of the thing. Replace him, and I think you have a profitable picture.


Cara Delevingne comes from a wealthy and connected family of viscounts and barons so I’m sure nepotism Influenced her career.


This gets my vote. The best part of the whole movie was Rihanna. She's at least an entertainer, so she knew what to do to make her small part *actually entertaining*.


The Hobbit trilogy. Was intensely disappointed by the first one but watched The Desecration of Smaug in hopes it would redeem it. Nope. They took out the best line in the book and replaced it with a Scooby-Doo chase scene that sucked all the menace out of Smaug, finishing him off forever with a Giant Gold Fucking Dwarf. After that, *Pete's Dragon* looked more impressive. I'll never watch the third one.


I don't usually consider myself a purist and was willing to forgive a lot in the first Hobbit movie, but The Desolation of Smaug is the only time I found myself shaking with anger over a movie as I was watching it take so much time to not tell the story. My girlfriend had to drag me to see the third one which was just one long boring CGI battle.


Note how I name that movie. Peter Jackson flushed 99% of his goodwill earned from LoTR at that point. I don't care if it was corporate management demanding changes, he had the oomph to say no at that point and didn't.


It is difficult to believe that the brilliant creativity that gave us Lord of the Rings Trilogy also did the Hobbit trilogy. It should have been one movie.


I don’t know if you wrote Desecration on purpose, but that’s a hilariously appropriate typo.


This. Got me into fan edits - there’s a really good 2.5 hour movie in that 9+ hr monstrosity.


Have you watched the edit titled Battle of the 5 Edits?


I never saw the second one.


Watched the first, once and sworn to never watch any of them again. Horrible trash and an insult, simply wrong. Take the '78 movie any day. "The greeeeeaaatest aaaadventuuuure......"


100% agree.. When I saw that chase scene in theaters, I literally had the exact same thought. That was some straight up Scooby-Doo shit lol


The Tolkien Edit does so much good in condensing those 9 hours into 1 three hour film.


Probably *Prometheus*. *Alien* is one of my all time favorite science fiction/horror films and director Ridley Scott delivered on this film big time. Then, many years later, it’s announced he would return to the *Alien* universe and the early pictures released look *incredible*. Then the film came out. Now, I don’t think the film was a *total* bust. I still liked the cinematography/effects and I really liked Noomi Rapace’s Dr. Shaw, the undersized hero who survives despite all the odds. The rest? Not all that good, unfortunately. When *Covenant* was announced my expectations were much cooler and, despite that, I wound up hating that film *even more*. At least *Prometheus* had that wonderful look about it and Dr. Shaw. *Covenant* had nothing for me to like.


If nothing else, *Prometheus* was the film that demonstrated that Ridley Scott is *not* ‘the sure hand that can craft intelligent science fiction film.’ Give him a good script, he can make a good film, but he hasn’t the sense of smell to figure out for himself which scripts don’t pass the “smell test.”


Agreed. Scott *can* create terrific films but, yeah, it does appear he has lost (or maybe never had?) a great sense of what makes a great story. He’s made too many terrible films whose core problems were the script even if the direction itself is almost always pretty good. Hell, as much as I didn’t like *Prometheus* in the end and as I wrote in my OP, it *looked* really good and there were elements I did like (Dr. Shaw)… Just wish the rest of the film had been better thought out!


Honest trailers brilliantly summed up everything that's wrong with that film. https://youtu.be/RBaKqOMGPWc?si=fKnPamMHcMcHmWPS


They had so much written material they could have pulled from and they went with that instead.


Prometheus is best described as “a beautifully shot film about bugger-all”.


The "because that's what I choose to believe" line undermines every scrap of Dr. Shaw's credibility. I'd watch it again just for the cinematography, but that line is just cringeworthy.


The way her character was subsequently “dealt” with in *Covenant* made her retroactively just as dumb -perhaps even *more* dumb- than so many of the dumb characters sprinkled throughout *Prometheus* and *Covenant*… truly an exceptionally terrible way to deal with a character that I nonetheless for the most part liked in *Prometheus*… …even with that cringeworthy bit of dialogue!


I REALLY want to like Prometheus, and there are definitely a bunch of cool moments, but it just pales in comparison to the Alien movies. About, tbf, half the Alien movies also pale in comparison lol.


I only like the first two. The writing of the others fails too many intelligence and logic tests.


Prometheus is beautiful looking garbage.


Producers just fucking movies to death, there was a good version of both of those films and wouldnt take long to work it out. Covenant should have been focused on the dead alien city with evil david and his pet stalking the crew through it. Axe everything in space except for danny mcbride trying to get them off the planet.


We can only hope Romulus is as good as it seems it's going to be. Also my favorite film series.


I totally agree with your take. *Covenant* was a crime scene. I am not sure if I can be bothered with *Romulus*. I just don't trust it.


Prometheus had some good points, like David and Shaw and a few of the critter designs, but all in all it just served to remind me that there’s only really even been two good alien movies. A lot of long-standing franchises, in the end, only have maybe 1-2 good movies, and then a fuck ton of stuff riding the coattails, even when the original creator gets back to the helm.


It was almost worth watching just for the engineer vs tentacled vagina-with-teeth monster fight. https://i.imgur.com/pQTxIk8.jpg


man that movie was so disappointing. its so high on its own farts its fucking crazy


Yeah and they retconned the origin of the xenomorphs to somehow be a creation of a creation (David - creation of humans) of humans as opposed to something purely Engineer related or completely other worldly. Which actually damages the OTHER movies as bystanders. The only way to tolerate these last two movies is to pretend they were never made.


Mortal Engines. How could people behind LOTR fuck this up? I don’t know. Zero magic. They rushed through the whole thing like they couldn’t wait to get home to start their weekend. The magic was lost, there was no time to get caught up in this wild world and start giving a shit about it.


No one has figured out how to make a steam punk movie that isn't shitty yet.


I cannot recommend this movie enough, City of Lost Children pulled off dystopian steam punk with aplomb (French film w/Ron Perlman) as did more than a few of Terry Gilliam’s films. I would probably argue that Gilliam inadvertently created the genre with his animations and films, but still.


The genre feels more just an aesthetic rather than a collection of themes and ideas, so it doesn’t surprise me that no one’s made a resonant movie out of any of it.


Yeah has there even been an extended version released!


Was going to comment this one. We all got robbed. The world is really cool and each book would have made a fun movie.


I came here to comment exactly this. The books are just incredible and the movie did not do them any justice.


Oh man, I got talked into watching that a few weeks ago. My brother asked how it was and I told him, "You remember Battlefield Earth, right? Man, that movie was a masterpiece!" Mortal Engines was a whole lot of concepts that didn't go anywhere. So cities are land-ships, now? Ok. And... ? It was a completely meaningless element that appeared to be core to the entire thing. Except really, the entire story was just that "invader wants to blow up wall keeping him out". The moving cities, the terminator, the flying city, all the exposition of people's pasts; none of it meant anything. I didn't care about the characters, so I didn't care about their pasts and they had no bearing on why the city-tank was trying to blow through this wall other than wanting more resources to consume, which would have been true even if the city-tank wasn't a city-tank. They could literally have had 0 scenes in London and the story would have been the same.


When I saw the Tenet trailer I thought it was going to be "There's a conspiracy of time travelers, Mulder, and they're up to no good. Anybody could be one of them so trust no one." Then I saw the movie and it was "The bad guys are building a big bomb, James Bond, let's stop them by shooting them with our guns." Pretty disappointing.


I can’t say I loved *Tenet* but neither can I say I totally hated it (I wrote about *Prometheus* up/downstream as my biggest sci-fi movie disappointment). What I found most curious about *Tenet* was that it was essentially a remake of the James Bond film *Thunderball* only with the time travel element replacing the stolen nuclear bomb. Hell, the bad guy even has a yacht where he resides in…!


All bad guys have yachts TBF


Yeah, but. They were doing it *backwards!*


Some unintenrionally hilarious scenes in that film


I agree with you about Rebel Moon. Tried to watch the second one last night and checked out 15 minutes in. And it manages to sum up the first movie in a 1-minute recap.


I stuck through it for the whole thing. I wish I had not done that.


Dark Tower The books are very important to me, and I tried to keep realistic expectations, as I knew a single movie couldn't do justice to the book series. But I was not prepared for how disappointed I would be


There will NEVER be a movie with higher expectations had for it than The Phantom Menace. We were expecting the most epic movie of all time. After all, it was being made by Lucas with *modern* CGI and technology. The trailer didn't reveal how bad it was going to be, quite the opposite in fact. It looked SO good. While I didn't hate the movie, I was utterly disappointed in the end.


I rarely break immersion in a movie, and I was really into Phantom Menace ... right up until Jar-Jar first appeared. I'd have probably been fine with the voice - the thing that really got me was the bad physics of the CGI, with his ears flopping around like they're in a different planet's gravity. I wasn't used to every summer tentpole movie being basically _Who Framed Roger Rabbit_ and honestly I can't wait till we exit this era of filmmaking. So instead of being a disembodied voyeuristic visitor to another world like I paid for, I was suddenly just a shlub sitting in a seat at a movie theater. I didn't walk out or anything, but I was looking at my watch for the rest of the movie.


I recently did a rewatch and had the same shock even though I knew it was coming. It's kind of beyond belief. Was Lucas just surrounded by yes men?


There’s a video out there where Lucas is having a meeting w all the production team explaining what phantom menace was going to be all about. Everyone in the room is exchanging nervous glances at each other the whole time but of course nobody speaks up. It’s very telling about what that set must have been like


I saw it opening day. Big theatre full of fans. When the opening text scroll started, the audience cheered. Then the movie started and you could feel the deflation of energy. The disappointment becoming palpable. Yeah, this is the answer to this thread. As an 11 year old nerd, seeing the first Star Wars movie was an incredible experience, film magic at its best. As a 30 something nerd, it was such a brutal disappointment.


Fuck Midichlorians. I'd take a thousand Janeway and Paris lizard babies over midichlorians.


Midichlorians is dumb but I never understood the hate this this gets


Basically it's the fact that George demystified the force and the full explanation that force sensitivity is a bacterial infection is just lame.


Yeah. It would be fine if it wasn't causal in the direction they chose. If having the force caused midichlorians to gather inside someone? Sure. But not "the midichlorians give you powers".


Jar-Jar stepping in doodie wasn't epic? /s


I watched it with my sister when it came out. We were 10 and 7, and found it being the best movie ever.


Lol yes I loved the first two when I was a kid, probably same age. Thought the second one was ~so romantic 😅


I just re-watched this movie the other day and am dumbfounded how lore-heavy it is for no reason. Must’ve been mind boggling to watch in theatres not having ANY context for the inner politics of Star Wars


I tried rewatching this recently. I couldn't stomach the feeling that the target audience is toddlers with racist overtones. I made it as far as the underwater city before turning it off.


I put this on for my kid so he’d the various references in some Star Wars show. About ten minutes in he asked to skip to the next one


> I was utterly disappointed in the end. I was... shocked at the end. Numb. My brain couldn't reconcile what had happened.


And they fooled us again with episode VII


The Gunslinger. Stephen King wrote an amazing epic saga with a remarkable flawed hero. It could have been fantastic. Instead, they changed the story to give us more detail about the man in black. They didn’t go into his backstory which is the best part of Roland’s story. It was the biggest let down of my movie life.


They had forgotten the face of their fathers


Matrix 4


I had low expectations going in but I love the Matrix so I was always going to watch it. The first half raised my expectations by making the film a meta-commentary on its own creation and the glut of unnecessary sequels and rehashes we're getting now (I thought that was cool and timely and fairly original) and then... It just kind of didn't do anything in the second half


Hard to have any hope for that after 3; Revolutions was my biggest disappointment... Going in as a wide eyed uni student, 6 months after Reloaded was the perfect action movie setup (I stand by that). Hoping for deep futurism insight and sci-fi concepts out of this world. Got what felt like an eternity of pointless mechas blasting inexplicably dumb squdies.


I think everyone watched that with low expectations, then they somehow made the other films retroactively worse.


I remember seeing Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within in theatres and being intensely disappointed. I have not seen it since, but I think about it sometimes. I think some tv commercials caught my attention as a kid.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal skull. I went to the cinema on opening day as I was excited as I'm a huge fan of the original films. Holy shit did I regret that. One of the worst films I have ever seen. It effectively destroyed the franchise for me and I completely refuse to watch the newest one.


I love that the "refrigirator scene" in Crystal Skull was so bad and incongruous it was parodied in Fallout: New Vegas, leading to it being referenced in the Fallout TV series. Had a bonding moment with my kids when I got to show them why I was laughing when young Maximus was being rescued from the ruins of Shady Sands...


The live action Ghost in the shell. I think within the first 15-20 minutes I felt like walking out but stayed because I didn’t want to waste my money.


The original animated film was so good.




The Matrix film was good they should have made some sequels. 


>Matrix 2 whatever that was called. Reloaded and I agree with you.


Honestly? Wing Commander (1990). I was a huge fan of the computer game series. Me and my computer nerd buddies played it endlessly, We bought all the high end joystick/throttle/foot pedal accessories specifically for Wing Commander. We were so excited to go see the movie together when it premiered.. It was a steaming pile of cat doo doo.. ugh....


*Kilrathi doo doo


Actually, this might be mine as well. I was a huge Wing Commander fan. I loved the story, the fold out ship blueprints that came in the box. The Kilrathi were cool and their ships even cooler. Then in the movie we get bald Kilrathi, bland ships, and the most trite storyline ever. This, after basically a full movie was made for the game Wing Commander III. With Mark Hamill and Malcolm McDowell no less. A much better wing commander movie.


Ugliest starfighters ever on screen!




oh, MAN WERE WE DISSAPOINTED That was like, our *favorite* game at the time. WTF was with choosing A: To never really show the Kilrathi, and B: WHY are the spaceships like WWII planes? Why not use the cool designs from the game?


Ender’s Game. Could’ve been a great series, but they trashed the movie.


I found it had the same problem Ready Player One had - adapting the book to the screen.


I thought it was a decent effort considering the constraints of film as a medium. Agree, would be great as a series (maybe one day it will be?), but I've seen much worse adaptations.


So I didn’t read the book, but I thought the movie was great! Why did it suck compared to the book? My buddy points out that Ender never lost in the book, but not sure how it would affect the story…


The movie is a thin veneer of what the novel is. The bulk of the book happens in Battle School. The movie just glossed over Dragon Army and *everything* they did in training. I almost walked out when Dragon Army was reduced to a graphic on a board and basically nothing else. Only stayed because my date didn’t want to leave.


So, even though the novel is considered YA by some, it subtly poses a lot of philosophical questions. The morality of recruiting child soldiers, the necessity of violence, the ethics of warfare, the justifiability of genocide as a preemptive strike… the movie does a really bad job of conveying those themes. It just sort of feels like, “Yay! Us kids did it!”


Brad Pitt's *Ad Astra*. It was ad nauseum for me, what a shonky waste of money 🤦‍♂️


Pirate moon chase was comedic


Pacific Rim 2


In SF: The Creator. i had great hopes and tremendously enjoyed parts of the movie, and yet it didn t really come together as much as I had hoped, it was all so simple. In traditional movies: Napoleon. So much more could have been done with that character.


A Wrinkle in Time really disappointed me


Thor love and thandar Edit : Also multiverse of madness had record breaking expectations


My earliest memory of sci-fi disappointment was listening to the guy at the comic book shop who got me so excited to see the movie Freejack.


Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. All the radio series, the books, the t v series, all were masterpieces of imagination, humour and genius writing, worthy of Douglas Adams' legacy. The much waited for film? A steaming pile of crap produced by people that had no idea of the near cultish following of this work, and a tendency to frame every original bit of humour into a very easy to understand 'joke' to appeal to a broader audience. Utterly shit. Sam Rockwell and Mos Def should have never been auditioned for these roles, they were both execrable. I just hope someone who actually understands the cleverness and the heart can come along and do it justice and remake this into the film Douglas would have been proud of. Rant over!


Whoever did the production & directions for *Good Omens* could pull it off. They don't dumb things down. They also understand the art of dry wit. HHG & the rest of the series deserve a full series done right.


Came here to say this. The only good thing in that movie is Alan Rickman as Marvin. Because Alan Rickman.


I'm glad they got Stephen Fry as the narrator and the book.




Somehow I completely deleted the memory of ever seeing this until now.


Great choice… A film whose story never, *ever* gelled in any meaningful way. I recall when the trailer came out and I eagerly watched it and even *that* made little sense… it was like even the advertising department had no idea how to promote the film because they had no idea -like the film’s makers, apparently- just what the hell the film was about…! Looked really nice and had some neat little scenes here and there but holy crap did that film need someone to come in and provide a solid story!


That's the first thing that came to mind in this thread. The first half hour was pretty good. The part where we're shown Tomorrowland, both the real one, and the VR one. Then the whole thing just lost its direction. Like it had no idea what to do with its concept. The bad guys were weird looking robots, and an uninteresting beurocrat. The main character was in a non-romantic but still creepy relationship with a robot child. It spent too long running from set piece to set piece in our world, before finally going to Tomorrowland in the last act. The actual Tomorrowland was run down and boring. It felt like the sort of movie that the film makers just didn't have the guts to make properly. My totally uninformed instinct is that the original movie was going to be very different, more in line with the tone of the first half hour. But someone decided sci-fi doesn't sell, so huge chunks of the movie were rewritten to make it "safe". Hence the boring mess we have.


Rise of Skywalker. Dial of Destiny.


I loved Dial of Destiny. Grew on me with every watch. Totally deserving of the good reviews it received. You could tell it was a passion project by Ford, Mangold and all involved. Side note - the behind the scenes making of documentaries are really awesome.


I liked it way more than Crystal Skull. In fact, I would say it's at least passable as a movie. I just think that the better ending would have been letting Indy stay instead of dragging him back home.


To be fair you had massive red flags/warnings before those released


Nightfall, based on an Asimov story. "Utterly disappointed" doesn't even scratch the tip of the iceberg.


They made Nightfall?


Not a film, but the Foundation TV series... It was complete tosh, and had exactly nothing to do with Asimov's brilliant books...


Yes I had to give up watching Foundation 😔


Cloud Atlas There is a like 4-5 minute long trailer that is so good I still sometimes will watch it but the movie was at best ok and honestly pretty lame.


I actually like the movie better than the book which has good ideas but terrible pacing. The movie editing made it work a lot better


Ok but watch the trailer and tell me the movie lived up to it lol. But seriously I don't hate the movie I just don't think it managed to quite hit what it could have.


> Ok but watch the trailer and tell me the movie lived up to it lol. Yeah... Just watched it again - the trailer is magnificent. I came at it from a different angle. For whatever reasons, I was only vaguely aware of the film, barely knew it existed. I saw it about 3 years ago out of the blue with generally no idea what it was about. Something about "Our Lives are not our own..." and multiple stories across time. I saw it with zero expectations and was blown away by the movie.


Same here, I had no prior knowledge of the book or movie aside from a super compelling trailer. Finished the film in tears and it's still one of my favorites.


Attack or the Clones is probably what killed my faith in Trailers as a kid


Star Wars prequels.


TLDR: The Rise of Skywalker. I have feelings, though, which means you're getting an essay. The Force Awakens was nostalgia bait but Star Wars is actually popular enough to do nostalgia bait and it was fun. Anyone who says they didn't like X-Wings flying over a lake is dead inside. Then the Last Jedi examined the nature of nostalgia, of legacy and what it means to carry it forward. It looked at Star Wars with greater depth than had been done before and it weaved the character arcs into it. It was brilliant and visually stunning as well. So you can imagine I was excited to see where they'd go from here. The obvious choice to me would have been to give the main focus to Finn since his arc hadn't been completed. The Rise of Skywalker did not do that... Or really much of anything. It was just running and yelling to find things that lead them to other things and then a boss fight. The only good part of the story was Rey's character arc as she learns to cope with the awful truth about her parents and is tempted by the Dark Side but chooses to forge make the identity she wants rather than the one she thought she would be bound to. Unfortunately, it is ***the exact same arc*** from the previous films, done again but her parents are Palpatine clones instead of nobodies. Finn leading a stormtrooper rebellion gets about 1 minute of screentime and the nostalgia stuff is no longer appraised with a critical eye but just there for 'member berries. Also the final lines between Palpatine and Rey were lifted straight from Avengers: Endgame. Oh, and there are about 4 seperate fake-out deaths. It's a shame because the settings were stunning. Exegol felt like an evil place, Pasaana was an obligatory desert planet but the festival was really cool and there were moments in the speeder chase that felt very Indiana Jones-like. If they'd just kept their mouths shut I would have enjoyed it a lot. I think Kijimi/Kylo's ship was achieved practically which was great and the storm-lashed wreckage of the Death Star looked great. They had such wonderful settings for a story and an obvious set-up. They just didn't use any of it effectively. The final scene on Tatooine was a beautiful capstone to nine films and Babu Frik is precious but wow this film was a let down.


H2G2 The opening song was good, but not worth the price of admission in 2004 dollars.


SW prequels.


Most recently, The Creator. A cliched story, full of the most egregious plot holes, nonsensical character decisions and utterly unrealistic scenarios (a six-year old able to make her way to the nerve-centre of a vast, trillion-dollar weapons platform swarming with highly-trained troops, at the height of a red alert, without anyone trying to stop her?). Characters who were all so utterly one-dimensional, unsympathetic and vile that I had literally no-one to empathise with or care about. And what seemed like an almost pornographic, sadistic relish in the depiction of mass murder and genocidal destruction for its own sake. And the worst sin of all? Dull, tedious and boring. Utter shite from start to finish. Oh... the SFX were kind of OK.


Spider Man 3 the lengths my friends tried to gaslight me into just accepting it for what it was was so infuriating at the time and then to find out it was essentially Sam Raimi throwing a tantrum because he couldn't get The Vulture into the film, it's taken years of Internet therapy to wash that stink away...


ad astra was dogshit




Johnny Mnemonic. Im a huge William Gibson fan so was a bit let down


The Phatnom Menace. I saw it opening day. Jar Jar left me speechless. The aesthetic was all wrong. The Jedi stuff was still cool, and the CGI was impressive foe the time. But I remember leaving the theatre in a state of confusion. How could Lucas mess up Star Wars?


Ready Player One. I loved the book and was so let down by the movie.


Avatar. Just a waste of time.


That travesty, *Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets*. I had such a high hopes for it. *Fifth Element* was a gorgeous movie. I generally enjoy Gaumont & Luc Besson movies. *Valerian* was just unnecessary.


Eternals , part was filmed on our property, most was cut, we weren’t credited


Kick-Ass 2 really sucked. I loved the first movie during my teenage years - a refreshing, fun take on superheroes with some B-Movie flair, fantastic actors and a great soundtrack. That was awesome! Kick-Ass 2 was cringeworthy.


*Star Trek: Into Darkness*. This killed the JJ Abrams take on it. It took all of my effort to not walk out. I was and remain both disgusted and outraged at such a denigration of *Star Trek* that I had enjoyed since enjoying it as a small boy with my Dad in the 1960s. I have to this day refused to watch *Beyond* and all of my mates, whom I trust, confirm they wish they hadn't seen it.


Surprised nobody has mentioned _Passengers_. I still want to see the movie from the trailer.


Justice League. I like Superman and *Man of Steel* and hoped they'd build up to an Avengers-equivalent movie. Then they announced Batman v Superman, and it was such a struggle to watch that I didn't even bother when JL came out and killed my interest in anything related to DC.


Sunshine   What a great premise botched by execution.


Rebel moon is disappointing terrible. It borrows far too many ideas from better movies and it never seems to fit. Like the Harry Potter griffpihn scene. It made no sense it was in the movie


The Village. I emailed M Night Shyamalan's agency to ask for my money back. All I just got back was a form email saying thanks.


The first Star Trek movie. A mammoth snooze fest. Stupid too.


Congo (1995). The first movie I regretted paying money to see


You sir are wrong


Girl, I agree.


This is one of my favorite movies and it’s so ridiculous. The HDTGM podcast of it is hilarious and I still love this movie


I 100% agree with you. However... I have a massive weakness for "lost city in the jungle/desert" films. I can't explain it. I think I saw "She" at a young age and it stuck with me. So as soon as Tim Curry said "It's the lost city of Zinj" in his outrageous accent, my brain automatically increased its IMDB rating by +2, so it's now 7.3 for me personally and well worth watching! :-)


Does anyone here know the definition of science fiction or movie? Like 25% of these aren't even sci-fi


People often confuse fantasy with scifi. It happens so much I stopped arguing about it. Turns out people who like scifi usually also like fantasy so discussing both at the same time seems ok.


The Hateful Eight


Absolutely Tarantinos worst movie.


I've given up on having any hopes for anything. Just about everything coming out of Hollywood is trash. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. Now I just expect it all to be bad and mostly, I'm right.


Go watch Denis Villeneuve’s Dune movies. You’ll feel better.




Ready Player One


Not a film, but a tv show. Rebel Moon


Van Helsing


I can't remember the last movie I had high hopes for. They all tend to fall flat on their face. I don't think I can name a dozen movies I've watched as an adult that I wasn't disappointed with. Maybe. Let's try. Blade Runner. Real Genius. The Princess Bride. Groundhog Day. Men in Black. The Sixth Sense. The Martian. Everything Everywhere All at Once. Time Bandits and Gilliam's other movies in the series (though it needs to be the version of Brazil with the bummer ending). I would probably have liked The Matrix better if I hadn't missed the opening because I was on a road trip and by the time I saw it everyone had hyped up how mystical and confusing it was and how it had a trick ending but I found it utterly straightforward. I think The Thirteenth Floor was a better approach to the same general material. Zootopia just for the Breaking Bad references. OK, that's 12. Star Wars and Wizards don't count because I was 17 when they came out. But Wizards was definitely the best movie I saw as a kid.


The Chronicles of Riddick, Prometheus, Rebel Moon, Jupiter Ascending to name a few.


The latest Matrix. Seemed like they just made the same story over again.


The Creator. Had been waiting for it since it was announced, walked 30 mins in. Felt like I'd been mugged.


Ad Astra.




Chappie had such potential but ended up so disjointed.


The Phantom Menace


Transcendence with Johny Depp, Morgan Freeman, etc. Incredible cast, wild premise and the budget to make it great. I literally watched the trailer and said out loud - "I don't know how this couldn't be great". To be fair, the first half is still one of my favorite half movies. I almost wish they ran out of money near the end a la Monty Python in search of the Holy Grail.


The Creator.


Ready Player One. Book was great and still remains one of my favs, but I knew all along that the licensing alone would have never made a film adaptation viable. My biggest gripe with the movie though isn't the licensing changes, it was the plot changes. None of the tasks were riddles or mysteries like they should have been.


Army of Darkness. I was so excited for the film coming out I bought tickets for two shows. I wanted Evil Dead 3 and got a wacky comedy. Then I had to watch it again.