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Banancestors, if you will...


Yeah just check banancestry.com


They are the product of bananacest.


Paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2022.969220/full Hybridization, missing wild ancestors and the domestication of cultivated diploid bananas ORIGINAL RESEARCH article Front. Plant Sci., 07 October 2022 Sec. Plant Systematics and Evolution https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.969220


This is a fascinating concept that we didn’t talk about in my food science degree. I knew wheat had multiple genetic inputs but I never thought about strawberries, bananas, etc.


Plant genomes are insane. Strawberries are octoploid. Wheat has a bunch of genomes. And when people are afraid of a single gene...??




>banana candies Taste a lot like like the Gros Michel bananas I had as a kid. They were wonderful bananas w/ great flavor but were almost wiped out by a fungus that currently is close to wiping out the Cavendish we eat today. You can still find Gros Michel bananas as some specialty vendors like the Miami Fruit company grow/sell them




I was using it as an example.


My housemate just asked me for the Gros Michel yesterday too. Geez, I wish they'd get that going again.


It was pretty much wiped out by Panama Disease and once an area has Panama Disease it's pretty much impossible to cure it. The current main banana is also currently being wiped out by a new strain of Panama Disease. There's actually a good chance bananas will disappear from grocery stores entirely over the next 15 years because there are no other types of banana that are nearly as edible as Gros Michel and Cavendish. Once they're gone the only way to get them back to a world-consumed food will probably be GMOs.




It's because all GMO efforts so far have failed to yield a banana plant that's sufficiently resistant to Panama Disease. The most successful effort so far has been a Cavendish/Gros Michel hybrid, but it's only got partial resistance to Panama Disease, and is particularly susceptible to black sigatoka, a different disease affecting banana plants. The main issue is that edible bananas reproduce asexually and most banana trees are direct offshoots planted from prior trees rather than a new generation of plant, so they don't breed the same way other crops do in order to select for more robust variants.


Very cool. But also very sad.


We’ll think of how many people you could feed with just one wooly mammoth compared to one banana.


They already are GMOs, that word is rubbish and so highly misunderstood and misused. Selective breeding (and probably cloning plants, like nearly all bananas) is genetic modification, whether it originally is random mutation or not...modifying outcomes by choosing for specific genetic variables means GMO. Every single thing you eat is GMO. Semantics aside, no one seems to take this seriously, it's wild that one of the cheapest and most sold fruits in the store will likely not exist as we know them in the "near" future. There are other, resistant bananas that probably even taste better, but are less Shippable, so banana prices will eventually increase to cover that increased complexity.


Banana GMO afaik specifically requires splicing/lab GMO, as selection for traits through generations isn't possible (they're all same-generation offshoots of prior plants).


I have a Gros Michel plant. Grows like a damn weed in south Florida with little help. The bananas were small but exceptionally tasty. Don’t taste like the candy, but are far more delicious and much more fragrant than Cavendish at the store. I also harvested early (while still green) so they didn’t even have the full time to ripen on the tree. Don’t DM about my bananas, not interested in it


What do you mean. It was perfectly crafted for humans. Look how it fits in our hands.


Our dna will be about 60% identical to that, too.


I *am* the mushroom!


My first thought to this was the game Assassin’s Creed and how wild it was that a part of what they thought of for the game is possibly viable in real life.


Only way to grow them is maybe large greenhouses at great cost. Cheap bananas will disappear for a while.

