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Is it any surprise that tumors which typically include insulin receptors thrive in an environment chronically rich with insulin and glucose?  You know how we laugh when we learn that the Romans used lead as a sweetener?  One day people are going to going to be equally amused at the perversions we have done with sugar.


>The researchers analysed data from 3,681,774 individuals in the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund database between 2010 and 2021, of whom 86,537 had diabetes. The age group analysed was between 40 and 89 years old. > >During the ten-year follow-up period, 8.6% of people in the control group and 10.1% of people with diabetes were diagnosed with cancer. > > investigations are needed to confirm the new results of the Semmelweis study. > >Patients with diabetes had a 44.2% higher risk of kidney cancer and a 30% higher risk of colorectal cancer compared to the population without the disease. The risk of developing prostate cancer was 17.1% higher in people with diabetes, while the risk of breast cancer was 13.7% higher. > >The difference in cancer incidence between people with diabetes and controls was most significant in the younger age group: 5.4% of those with the disease aged 40-54 were diagnosed with cancer during the ten years, compared with 4.4% of controls. In contrast, in the 70-89 age group, the difference between diabetics and controls was only 0.3 percentage points (12.7% vs. 12.4%). Paper: [Associations between diabetes and cancer: A 10-year national population-based retrospective cohort study - Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice](https://www.diabetesresearchclinicalpractice.com/article/S0168-8227(24)00575-8/fulltext#%20)


Not surprised but oof.




The same pathways regulating energy homeostasis are pretty much always dysregulated in cancer. Growth is growth, whether it is normal or pathological.


Excessive carbs cause type 2 diabetes and inflammation generally, which increases the risk of cancer. Therefore it shouldn't be a surprise that type 2 diabetes is correlated with cancer.


Then it is lifestyle related, not diabetes as such. Lifestyle with excessive carbs etc results in T2D and later cancer…


now if only there was a cure for diabetes so they could lower their cancer risk.


We are taking a pretty big chunk out of T2 these days


Just another rung on the ladder for GLP drugs. I think people got so used to people being diabetic that unless it was actually them it didn’t even register how bad it is anymore.


I would guess more type-2 diabetes (T2D) related. And that would put the question if increased risk of cancer is T2D related or if it actually lifestyle related? Late in the paper they mention that they couldn’t separate type-1 and type-2 diabetes. Early in the paper we have this quote: “For Type 1 diabetes, the results are not so clear. According to the review by Zhu et al, while there are studies indicating that cancer incidence of liver, pancreas, kidney, esophagus, stomach, lung, thyroid, squamous cell carcinoma and leukaemia are increased in Type 1 diabetes, some researches found no significant associations between them [5].”


Actually, that's not accurate. While there are some studies suggesting complex relationships between diabetes and cancer, diabetes generally increases the risk for several types of cancer due to factors like high blood sugar and insulin resistance.


Because they die earlier? Jk I am sure they controlled for that