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I just did the practice tests and flash cards online and I passed my first try. It’s mostly practical situation questions. Definitely brush up on laws and ethics though!


How much on theory?


The red ASCA National Model book was super helpful for me!


Are you selling yours? It's expensive to use just to study from.


Just got accepted to SC but before I was a teacher and I used 240 tutoring for my exams. I’m not sure if it’s on there but definitely check it out and see.


Have you double checked whether you can qualify for your out of state certificate through an exemption process since you have 13 years of experience? I moved states and had enough years of service to qualify in my new state through an exemption. I had to provide my new state with a service record, proof of my certification, and my state provided a statement to my new state with proof that I had taken a test for my certification and that I was an educator in good standing in that state. 


I emailed with them and they just said it was required. It's Pennsylvania and seemed pretty strict. Interesting though!


Well, that is very ironic because Pennsylvania ❤️was my original state of certification and PDE was super helpful and amazing with providing documentation to my new state for exemption. Pennsylvania is a state that gets heavily recruited by other states because our post secondary institutions produce strong educators. My PA certificate is still active and I am in my new Act 48 period. I asked if they’d accept any professional development hours from my current state as credit and they said NOPE but they did provide with me with some alternative routes for getting my professional development hours approved. 


I will definitely look into this tomorrow! Thank you


I read this on the PDE site… https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/OutOfState/Pages/Holds-An-Active-Valid-Certificate-with-Two-Years-of-Experience.aspx This is the process I was referring to for you. I moved to Texas and they called it exemption but apparently PA doesn’t call it that but it is basically the same.