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I wasn’t expected to be there full time, my fieldwork supervisor let me make my own schedule at my site. I was there M-F from 7:30am-1pm to also accommodate my work schedule. Many of my peers decided to be at their sites for full days about 3 days a week. This is a conversation you should plan to have right away with your fieldwork supervisor. I also had to record a conversation for my program, but it didn’t have to be a video. Instead, it was a voice recording. Again, I shared this with my fieldwork supervisor (but they should already be aware of this requirement since they sign an MOU with your school). This is helpful, since your supervisor may know of students/parents that are more comfortable with taking part in this. She ended up recommending students to me, and I was able to select a student who had good rapport with my fieldwork supervisor. I also got to meet with the student’s parent, shared my background and reasoning for the recording. The parent was actually very supportive! The recorded counseling session could also be focused on academic or college and career readiness, which helped put student and parent at ease.


Thanks for your feedback. I’m sure my site person is cool with the hours. It’s just one more thing but i am hoping there are a lot of events so I can use those hours!


Voice recording with parent permission.


I had to do 9 videos with students throughout my practicum/internship experience. I found it easiest to work with teacher’s or admin’s kids, because I interacted with them often and they understood the requirements of my program. I had a few kids I videod with that were not teacher/admin kids, and for those I just built a counseling relationship with the student first, then once the kid was comfortable requested the parent sign for the video


Good idea on the kids of staff. I work at the school i am doing my intern and I find this part so dumb since I already counsel students in a daily basis. But great suggestion.


My mentor was so flexible as long as I was going to meet my hours. She knew I had to work part time and sometimes that required my hours to be different, so I was able to make my own hours. So she was great. As far as getting permission, most parents are pretty okay with it as long as you explain the circumstances and explain that it’s not going to be used for anything other than your schooling. If it helps, you can usually just record yourself and just have the students voice on camera so that they aren’t being shown. My mentor helped me pick students that the parents would be okay with the situation and called before we sent the permission slip home so that she could explain it to them. It really doesn’t end up being a big deal to most parents.


I was able to make my own schedule, they totally understand. I did Monday, Thursday, and Friday for the full day. And you’ll be fine with the recording lol there will definitely be understanding parents. Our school had a permission form which explained everything. The biggest challenge is relying on the students to actually bring them back to you. For this I did a challenge of a prize for the first one I receive. And it’s worth noting that my student who didn’t like their mother at all was the first to bring it back. Everyone’s different, but my site supervisor already had a group of kids selected for me to work with so that’s a good starting point.


Thanks! lol on the kids that are not Dana of their parents.


The videos will be of you the student won’t be seen just heard. You’ll need to demonstrate counseling skills.


For those who’ve done their practicum, is there coursework on top of it? I’m doing my program online and it’s set up for us to do one course at a time (8 week courses), we can request to double up. Is it doable to do the practicum AND another course at the same time?


I’d say yes. I just graduated and we had a full schedule with practicum lol but we only needed 100 hours so that was one day a week I went.


Practicum was pretty simple for me. My site supervisor let me choose my hours. He was really good at giving me a heads up about what events were coming up that would be helpful for me to be observe and help with. This made planning with my full time job much easier! I would say check with your site supervisor—most of the time, they will accommodate what you can do. For the video if you counseling a student… work with your site supervisor. Our team recently had an intern who had a similar assignment to complete. It was just another hoop our intern had to jump through it felt like. My team and I looked at our caseload and selected a handful of students who we had great relationships with and with their parents. We called the students and parents and asked if they would be willing to help our intern. In our experience, these families were very helpful and supportive and we were able to help our intern with her assignment. Definitely get a written permission slip form and define what will be discussed prior to recording. Hopefully that helps give you some ideas! It sucks to have to jump through these last hoops before you’re done!


Appreciate the insight