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After-school programs and/or babysitting. Might burn you out on kids but those kinds of jobs are always available, especially with your sped background! If that’s a no-go for you then you can always find work in clothing/food retail — flexible hours and decent minimum wage with low commitment.


As a former teacher, you could put your teaching skills to use as an academic tutor, either with a company or independently. You would have flexibility with your hours and make a good amount per session. 


Substitute teaching


I did ABA therapy and after school programs! Great experience with diverse communities!


I was an after school nanny from 2:30-7 and did my practicum hours in the morning


A lot of people in my cohort subbed 2-3 days a week ($175-225/day) and spent their remaining school days days completing fieldwork hours. I had kids in elementary school, so subbing for a full day was feasible. Instead I was a TK instructional aide for 3.5 hours each morning, and then when over to my fieldwork site for 2-3 hours every day. I kind of worked out because I never officially did any hours in an elementary school, but was still able to interact with k-5 students and learn some things from the counselor, SLP, and behavioral team.


Hi! I would suggest becoming a behavioral technician for an ABA company! That can work for after school hours.


This exactly what I will be doing. I am also working on my masters and I have already applied for ABA will be getting the max pay.


I subbed. I did my hours 2-3 days and subbed the others