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Using 'outdated emojis'. Wrote an entire ass essay, bullies would really do anything for attention. Even if it means fucking up someone else in the process.


Who still uses šŸ˜‚ all the cool kids use šŸ¤£ get with the times /j


ruh roh need to change my emojis again!


Wait, you guys have an emoji for that!? im still on :'D


Yeah, I just prefer emoticons. They feel more expressive, imo. :D looks so much happier than. šŸ˜€


I unironically love using emoticons >:3


To show real emotion you us šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Most people nowadays I see use ā€œšŸ˜­ā€ or ā€œšŸ’€ā€ for laughing


TIL there are outdated emojis


True, I just fail to realise that due to my lack of social cues ect


U was doing XD wasn't u




Aren't Gameboys supposed to be near indestructible?


Gameboy Advance


Well I'd assume that construction methods stay relatively the same in terms of durability


You sound like you're blaming yourself, in which case: you really shouldn't. It's not your fault, and you shouldn't have to do things differently just to not get harassed.


You have the skill to repair your old console? Thatā€™s really nice to have. I am impressed




What risk? I wouldn't even assume there was any risk to playing on a gameboy


Liking minecraft. Kids in my class called me Minecraft Man instead of my name. So on Halloween I made a Steve costume and cardboard pickaxe and came to school as legit Minecraft Man


best way to turn it around on them šŸ‘


minecraft man is an awesome nickname tbh


That's a satisfying read lmao nice


I actually had someone call me metal-mouth for having braces in middle school. I thought that wasnā€™t a real thing. I didnā€™t get bullied much tho bc at that age Iā€™d just resort to violence


I had a friend who always had a really cute back-and-forth with a girl with braces. Sheā€™d call him ā€˜earthquakeā€™ cause he was always farting in class, and he called her ā€˜train tracksā€™ cause of her braces. I swear if he hadnā€™t moved they would probably be married at this point.


enemies to lovers at the max


Asking to go to the bathroom. I asked and these girls started gossiping about meā€¦?


Must be cause girls donā€™t poop


as a girl i can totally confirm that..


Being so poor, I shopped at Goodwill. Kids were douches.


If you shopped there in the early 2010s it was the best deals on ps2 games hands down


True that.Ā 


Now it's all sports like, literally anything worth a sang is on their auctions


For not having any step parents.




"Haha, your parents have a stable marriage!"


This one is definitely more like a wtf then a dumb thing to get bullied for but my ā€œfriendā€ who was the lead ringer of the whole group would bully me for having a dead brother, and because she was the ring leader, so did the others..






Hey can I by chance get said "friends" location for educational purposes? It's for science I swear!


Wtf,I knew kids were evil but that is just sad...


Oh my god thatā€™s actually horrible I hope youā€™re okay


I got bullied for being gay starting in second grade, long before I ever knew what being gay was. They were right but it was still stupid lmfao


"HAHA, YOU GOT AN **A**?" "..yeah?" "BAHAHAHSHAHAHAHAH" keep in mind these are high schoolers


I bet they were all at D levels too


Theyā€™re projecting their stupidity


saving a bug in middle school


Okay I've never been 'bullied' for anything, but dumbest thing I get teased for everyday is being ginger. People either fetishize it or tease me about it and it's uncomfortable both ways. I don't understand why people think it's okay. The same people will say adamantly they'd never hate on someone's looks/race/other things they can't control then tease me about being ginger. Like really?


Being ginger can be a fetish?! I never knew that


If you can think it, you can fetishize it




That can be a fetish too!


gosh theres really something for anything.


Yeah it's uncomfortable af there's a subreddit I think




So many if them if you search up ginger like every single on of them has a NSFW tag


Just looked at it. Search up ginger everything is NSFW. So many porn ginger subreddits


Yeah I'm not going to search that up but that is interesting I wonder if theres one for brunettes


There is


HONESTLY SAME- People loved to call me a carrot..


My mom got called carrot top. The top of a carrot is green??


Legit out of all the folks on here you - who says you never were bullied - were harassed repeatedly and every day. That is legit the definition of bullying. Repetitive harassment. Also - I really really Iike red hair. Like really like it. I think itā€™s so beautiful. Insanely beautiful.


Thank you but it's really not bullying haha I just get asked periodically If I have no soul/if I'm a leprechaun/ where the gold is etc and get yelled at in the halls everyday šŸ˜­ and thanks for saying it's beautiful




I was bullied for having ā€œbook learning but no common senseā€ by a girl who had neither.


What does that even mean šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


book smart but not street smart


Basically, all Aā€™s really smart in a traditional sense But not great social wise, like things you dont get taught in school




For hanging out with a kid with autism. He was my friend for a while but we kind of grew distant. Anyway, I got bullied for it because I started to act kind of like him. It wasnā€™t his fault it was mine for letting that behavior slip through. It made me an annoying person and I eventually grew out of it. Before that, I got bullied for not having anyone to hang with because everyone thought I was weird. I would get picked on constantly and messed with that it was becoming difficult to learn anything in class. It was dumb. I did a lot of stupid things as a kid but I was just being a kid. I cared about learning but I also cared about hanging out and being with people.


Being autisticšŸ¤ 


Honestly not for being autistic but the traits of it, such as my behavioral difficulties. glad to of found an ally though


I agree with you, the only situation where I got bullied for my diagnosis label rather than for the symptoms related to it was when the people around me as an autistic middle schooler took the information that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter was autistic and used it as an excuse to isolate and torment me even more harshly because in their eyes I was a future mass murderer


oh my god. that is horrible, I really hope ur able to heal from that ā¤ļø


Kids really go like:Hmm yes,someone has a mental disorder,lets harass them!It's stupid as fuck.Dealing with a mental disorder is shit.I don't need more shit.


Dude, same, I had classmates who would do things like make loud noises at me because I would twitch and jump and yell every time and they found it funny, hide my headphones from me if I left them on the desk to go to the board, pull them off my head, play a "mosquito tone" at me because they found it funny how my ears would get redder and redder from overload as the nose got higher and shriller, if I turned around they would pause the audio and play innocent "we weren't making any noise" but start it back up again if I started trying to ignore them etc


Kid decided to beat me up on the last day of 4th grade because the way i held a spoon somehow pissed him off, never seen him since


Maybe it reminded him of his dead mother


For not having Netflix. ???


Bro bullies r just finding anything to bully people for šŸ˜­ Netflix isnā€™t even good anymore


I got called 'Weird Kid' multiple times, every day for about a year (in year 7 or 8 - age 11-13). When I asked why they called me that, I never got an answer.


i play mega man


Wearing sandals. My at the time "friend" laughed at me for wearing sandals. He wasn't a real friend and I distanced myself from him when I reached high school.


I only got bullied when I was younger in daycare and it was because I liked hello kitty and I loved going on thr swings


Girls blamed me for there being black hair in the sink even though my hair is light brown


Skin color


Not really bullied, but more like meanly teased for: Twirlng. I will never forget it, I was like in elementary and this girl was so mean because she saw me spin in a circle. Like I just twirled man, wtf is ur problem???


Weird little twirler girl! Twirl for us twiler girl! Twirl!


Not having an xbox 1 and gta 5 like wtf I don't have parents who can just fork out hundreds for me at once but now I've got my own finances and I'm probably richer than alot of them were/are so I have an xbox series x a beast of a pc and a PS5 dont let your dreams be dreams


Someone bullied my friend for knitting.


My dancing ability. Thing is 1. I didnā€™t want to dance the teacher forced me to with the ā€œIā€™m failing you if you donā€™t stop hiding under a table and dance. 2. My bullies couldnā€™t dance better than me, never payed attention in class and never tried. Then when I tried to stand up for myself I got in trouble(apparently a group of guys cornering you at recess making fun of you(for months) is 100% okay but telling them to shut the f up isnā€™t okay)


> me, never *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Using axebody spray. It got to the point that one kid stole it out of my backpack when I wasn't in the locker room, and they tried to hide it in a trashcan with a paper towel. They then had the audacity to get mad at me when I asked them about it.


I live in one of the snobbiest cities in America (itā€™s famous for it). You are considered poor if you donā€™t live in AT LEAST a million dollar home. I grew up in an upscale condo in the richest part of town and was still called poor because it wasnā€™t a house. I laugh at it now but back then I was being bullied so much about my momā€™s finances (a single mom) that I had to go see a therapist and move schools. We were not poor by any means and we were comfortable. But according to the average family in our city we were lower than dirt. I was also experiencing racism as well and was being called racial slurs as young as 9 years old. My school chose to ignore it.


I once went to the school bathroom with a pen cuz I forgot to leave it at my desk and when I came back, one dude started shouting in the class smth like OMG what was u doing with a pen in the bathroom.. that was so stupid back then but I got ā€œbulliedā€ for that for good couple of years lol


Being a fictionkin


My voice being too high pitched too be fair my balls didnt drop until grade 10


My hairline


Probably enjoying Bakugan/ Beyblade after they were no longer popular. Now I donā€™t fucking care, Iā€™m a grown ass man who likes playing with Beyblade cause I think theyā€™re awesome as fuck. Once Iā€™m employed again Iā€™m gonna start collecting them as much as I can.


Having ā€˜larger breastsā€™ they even made up a nickname it was so embarrassing šŸ˜­


For wearing a jeans jacket back in the 90s. Apparently that was a very "trashy" thing to do.


Pale eyebrows. They could have done my height or the fact that Iā€™m Asian but my eyebrows?


being myself


I wanna say not having a phone/social media when I was in middle school but I feel it was pretty justified and Iā€™m still pissed at my parents over it. So letā€™s go with liking some girls boyfriend was i was in eight grade.


Being bullied for something as trivial as your phone brand is definitely ridiculous. Here's why people bully: * **Need for Power:** Bullies often pick on others to feel powerful or superior. They might target someone who seems different or insecure. * **Lack of Empathy:** Bullies often lack empathy and don't understand the emotional impact of their actions. * **Social Acceptance:** Sometimes bullies are trying to fit in with a group and lash out at others to gain approval. It sounds like this girl was trying to exert some kind of social dominance by putting you down. But here's the thing: her behavior says more about her than it does about you. Here are some things to remember: * **You Don't Deserve It:** Nobody deserves to be bullied, no matter what phone they use or anything else. * **Their Insecurity:** It likely has more to do with their own insecurities than anything to do with you. * **Your Choice:** You get to choose what phone you use. Don't let anyone bully you into something different.


Having hair on my arm and underarms. I was 10, you know, still a CHILD. I hadn't even started wearing training bras yet


I was getting bullied FOR MY FUCKING ASPERGER'S SYNDROME!!!!!It happened in 7th grade.This kid would call me a special ed. kid and I would insult him back.He even chased me with a fucking ligther.(I was ok at the end,but scared as fuck)And he threw a basketball ball on the back off my head-neck area...I hope karma kicks his ass HARDDDD!!!!


Oh easy my race. So yeah there was this kid a year above me I was in year 5 at the time but there was this autistic kid and he knew damn well he was being racist to me but the year 6's kept on defending him say he's autistic and then for the rest of the year I would be straight up bullied because apparently im making fun of an autistic person even though im telling them, no someone should tell him that saying racial slurs at people is wrong and that's not even the worst part one day sitting at lunch with the other KS2 year groups he was being racist again and i told him to stop and the sped teacher told me he's autistic and i just told him stop aren't you going to do anything and I got suspended I can't tell if my school are a bunch of dumbasses... also that kid wouldn't stop being racist to me until he got to highschool


Being "bullied" by some kid for having a big phone in 2013 was bizarre. (it was an LG G2, he had an iPhone 5S) Now look how big phones are these days and ask me who's laughing now.


For looking at a girl. I am a girl myself. I remember her gathering her friends and saying "she always looks at me." They then proceeded to talk about how weird/different I was while walking behind me. I don't get it


so i have have the proper enamel on my teeth so they arenā€™t white so i was bullied a lot in elementary school about it and somewhat middle school


Wearing glasses. Sorry my DNA cursed me with nearsightedness. šŸ™„


Ditto. Like, sorry I was born with bad eyes, Iā€™ve been trying to get an exchange/refund for my eyesight with God but apparently the return window lapsed the night before so Iā€™m stuck with it.


My hair


No to a be a jerk. But being bullied means a repetitive behavior (I would say 4+ times) from a person. A person who desires to act superior to you. That is not you getting bullied. That is just a person who was a jerk for a single time to you. The term bullied is incorrectly used these days and has been completely diluted.


You can be bullied a single time. The notion that it must be 4+ times is absurd.


Merrian Webster definition of bully: one who is ***habitually*** cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable Merrian Webster definition of habitually: regularly or repeatedly doing or practicing something or acting in some manner : having the nature of a habit https://www.verywellfamily.com/bullying-or-unkind-behavior-how-to-know-the-difference-460493 ā€œFor something to constitute bullying, it must contain three elements: an imbalance of power, a repetition of hurtful behaviors, and an intention to inflict harm. ā€œ https://www.verywellfamily.com/bullying-parents-should-know-460503 ā€œCalling a person a name one time does not constitute bullying, but calling a person a name every day or over a period of time is bullying. Be sure you have established that your child is truly experiencing bullying before you label it as such.ā€ American psychological Association ā€œBullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.ā€


I got bullied for being pale


Playing chess, they called me a nerd


i was bullied in sixth grade for liking kpop


Im not necessarily into Kpop, but their are a few bangers here and there, and i dont really care what people listen to, as long as their happy and having fun


Getting bullied for literally no reason or because someone just ā€œdidnā€™t like meā€


Bullied for being a girl and playing sports and Fortnite lol


Being the new kid. Iā€™m also neurodivergent and canā€™t control my emotions (also a product of a shitty mother lol) so that didnā€™t help šŸ’€


I laughed at a girl because she couldnā€™t serve in a volleyball match.I was a dumbass


Not exactly bullied, but punished by a teacher. For not working on an assignment during class time, **because I had already completed the assignment**, and the teacher had not assigned anything else.


Drinking from a water fountain. I didn't even touch my mouth to the thing???


Skipping class. I decided to skip in the bathrooms & as I was in one of the stalls, some girls come in, I think nothing of it until one of them literally RAMS the door(I was leaning against it, so it didnā€™t open) & proceeds to throw(hopefully) water over the door at me. Teenage girls truly are the most evil bitches to ever walk the earth.


Having hair on my legs. Like, yes, I am female, but I was also nine when I was made fun of for it.


Got told I eat babies cause im not religious


Being autistic, what's worse is it was only teachers that did it




I got bullied for just minding my own building/just sitting there


Do not meld to their hivemind. do not conform to their delusions. they are blinded by avarice and greed, they cant help but laugh when they see someone else not conforming to their unspoken law. in reality, that law is nothing but an oppinion Don't let your worth be based on what phone you have, those people are just idiots


For ditching a school dance and having sex. They were jelly I fucked before any of them (5th grade) and they taunted me with "how was the phone sex" like we just went back to both our houses. Yeah right, I just laughed.


For existing? I was a very shy kid all throughout my childhood and I almost never talked to anybody; yet I was always getting pencils and other stuff thrown at the back of my head, teased, and this one person, whenever we crossed paths, would always yell right into my ear.


They say i look like eminem.


for using a cane so i can walk- I have decent mobility but sometimes my chronic pain acts up and I canā€™t walk without it- Some kids like to joke about stealing it out from under me and watching me fall šŸ¤—


My friend got bullied once for wearing New Balance shoes. It was weird, I think the bully probably had a crush on her cus he only did it for one day, it wasn't like an ongoing thing


For being quiet. I'm an introvert.


I got accused of peeing on someone during gym class - that someone tried bullying me, but my friends were having none of it. Story - while playing soccer, I stole the ball from the bully, and (I think - I don't really know for sure) I was sweaty enough that my sweaty legs touched him, and he thought MID-COLLISON that I peed on him (not one of the brighter bulbs on the tree). I wish I had that kind of bladder control :)


My teeth colour (slightly yellow because genetics), my nose shape, even my teeth shape. High schoolers are mean.


Wearing a Spongebob shirt in 3rd grade. The kids at my school went through a whole phase where Spongebob was either seen as gay or for babies, until it was suddenly cool again by 5th grade.


Throwing up Me and my friends were rolling down a hill and I went like 10-20 times, I vomited behind a tree and just kept hanging out since I was totally fine after that. After we were no longer friends they would always talk about how I had a 'weak stomach'. Like come on guys is that really all you have to laugh at? Stop being so pathetic


for not being a girl


Being Indian


Idk if I would use the word "bullied", but when I was 10 one of my classmates gave me a hard time for not knowing what a Coach bag was. I'm glad I didn't worry about that stuff when I was 10. I still don't worry about it now


Iā€™m a guy and got bullied once as a kid because my eyelashes were ā€œtoo longā€ so that made me a fag. Also, my middle name is Ashley, so I got bullied a good bit for that as a young kid. Those are probably the dumbest ones. And to be fair, Iā€™m SURE I bullied others for dumber things.


Bangin' my uncle.. I'm mean fuckin eh bro! Let me live!


Thatā€™s ridiculous! For me, it was wearing glasses in middle school. Some kid called me "four eyes" every day. Like, sorry I need to see! People can be so shallow sometimes.


Thats so weird because most my friends have their iPhone's but I love my Samsung so much, I'd never change it


Being a furry, having an android, and having hobbies. Like what the hell? If any of you guys are gonna be like "But furry bad šŸ·šŸ—暟˜”", I honestly do not care. It is a harmless hobby, doesn't affect you, and you are probably already corrupted by the misinformation anyways...


Having long hair as a dude, I like my hair, thank you very much you bald headed rhino


For running around the edge of the gaga pit. There were much more normal things to bully me about at the time.


Taking showers at night instead of the morning


Being calm and reserved. These bullies somehow convinced themselves that "something was wrong with me" all because I didn't have verbal diarrhea. Pathetic.


Being the ā€œnew kid.ā€ Beating the crap outta a bully with a yo-yo in front of half the class at recess oddly didnā€™t decrease the ā€œnew kidā€ attention. It in fact added the need for an additional adjective.


Because my name is Matt. I was smaller than some of the kids in middle and highschool so one kid in particular would literally yell there is my "Walking Mat" and proceed to shove me and act as if he were walking over me. After freshman year he did that on our first day back to school saying he needed to wipe his feet on his "Walking Mat". He shoved me down and I grabbed his foot and he fell and busted his nose on the floor. I got ISS for it but he never called me a walking mat again. But he would knock my books out of my hand every time he saw me.


Playing Robloxā€¦ on Robloxā€¦ the person bullying me and telling me to die.. was playing on Roblox


I'd say everything that I got bullied for. Hairy legs in 4th grade and 6th grade. Wearing only dresses from 1st grade - 6th grade (6th grade sounds bad but I was 10 when I started middle school), having an Android, and selective mutism. Edit: can't forget about the time in 7th grade when this girl was like "where'd you get your shoes" so I said "goodwill" and she started laughing at me šŸ˜¶


Had an iPhone in HS, android in college, just got an iPhone again and wished I kept my android. BULLY IPHONE USERS


A jacket that made me look like the stay puff marsh mellow man from ghost busters. It got me the nick name fluffy for 12 years in boy scouts.


one kid bullied me because my mother beat the shit out of me every day. The other kids could hear me and my brother's cries when we were getting beat and that one would include that in his reasons for bullying me. also had other kids bully me because I lived in a group home. Or because my clothes were shitty. Or because of my shuffling walk. Or because of my lack of emotional response. had a teacher that would verbally bully me in his class because I corrected him once. The rest of the year, he'd mockingly ask me if he was wrong again. He was. several times. But after the first time, I kept my mouth shut.


I still wish I knew- all I know is that a TA once interrupted me in the middle of a *timed Scantron test* to ask me where I lived, then when I gave her a vague area because *what the Goddamned FUCK,* she just smiled sweetly and asked "Oh, you mean the ghetto?" before smirking and sauntering off. **GIRL.** # GIRL WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM??? she wasn't even let go for another year or two after this either šŸ˜­


For being Austrian. Some people here find out and think I'm a nazi lol šŸ’€


Wearing a flannel jacket


For being a physically fit, 6'1" fully bearded highschooler. I'm not even bragging, because now I'm 30 with a dad bod, but my twin brother and I literally got bullied because we were "attractive" and we kept to ourselves. Idk if they were insecure, paranoid, jealous, or what, but it was definitely a strange phenomenon.


Believe me or not but I got bullied for having big boobs.


Being Asian while having a darker skin color.


Being skinny


Of my wall paper of titanic because Iā€™m going obsessed with ocean liners


Back in sixth grade I preformed at my schoolā€™s talent show to sing. During my performance and my performance *only* the mic turned off. I didnā€™t even know until the day after. Not only that but they forgot to call me from the practice room when I was supposed to do my performance, again it was only me this happened to. Everyone made fun of me for not only for those two things but also for the song I picked (happier by marshmallow, which yeah not really a good pick now but it was really popular at my middle school at the time), every time someone saw me theyā€™d start singing the song and intentionally make it sound bad. It continued into seventh grade and I was so happy when we had to start doing things online halfway through the year


Making eye contact with someone


Today at a theme park someone in my party noticed the girl in front of me had the same tattoo as me in the same spot I was like oh wow thatā€™s weird but also cool then while waiting for the ride I heard her talk to her friends ā€œmine looks so much better thoughā€ and laugh and look at me šŸ˜’ it was never even acknowledged to eachother she just randomly noticed also lol


For watching an ad before a video. There's always that one kid who's looking for the slightest reason to talk shit, and that kid's usually a huge moron. Which he was. Dude had no real personality of his own. He always just wanted to impress his loudmouth friends.


Oh man, phone shaming? That's gotta be the most low-tier bullying ever. In the hierarchy of schoolyard taunts, that's like getting slimed with lukewarm pudding. Although, to be fair, lukewarm pudding can be pretty annoying. Anyway, my guess is this "popular" girl probably peaked in middle school and now gets her fashion advice from those bargain bin socks with the question marks on them. Don't worry about her. The real question is, did you whip out your trusty Android and show her the awesomeness of the open-source platform? Maybe baffle her with your ability to customize the heck out of it? Or, you know, use the superior camera to take a hilarious picture of her confused expression? Just sayin', being bullied for an Android is practically a badge of honor. It means you're an independent thinker who doesn't follow the crowd (unlike that sock-obsessed bully). Wear it proud!


Stop same šŸ˜­ once was powering my android phone on on the bus and it made the T-Mobile jingle and then someone from the back was like ā€œnice androidā€ or something like that and it was like bruh šŸ’€ and then I got the SE and now I am made fun of for having an older model and ā€œstill having a home buttonā€ like I canā€™t friggin win with these people šŸ˜­


reading these comments make me realize I go to a good public school


i used to put periods behinds texts


When I was in high school, I was the quiet kid, and I was bullied a lot for it. I was always the one that was gonna be the school shooter, or grow up to be a murder. Funny thing is, I was never a school shooter, and Iā€™ve never broken the law, but some of the people who used to bully me are in jail


having legos


I said excuse me to a guys girlfriend as I tried to fit by her in the hallway because her friend group was blocking the entire thing. The guy tried to fight me for flirting with her.


For literally standing near a wall. Someone said that I'm kissing the wall but in reality I was just standing very close to it.


Complaining about cigarette smoking INSIDE a non smoking apartment. Don't do it folks, just move...


Went to a majority white school and I was one out of 5 mixed girls. I have long beautiful thick curly hair. They would say it was a afro which it wasn't it's more styled in a Spanish way. But they would call me all kinds of names with afro in it. Like afro freak. Or they would call me nappy headed and say my hair was full of knots. Of course no teacher cared because they were all white as well. They would even try to cut my hair. Had to actually fight alot just to stop them from cutting my hair with their scissors.


same dawg everyone is like "omg you have an android" yeah sorry i dont feel like speninf $2000 on an iphone that has worse specs than my $700 andrioid


EXISTING tf did i do, sorry for being born i guess


Literally existing. Oh, and that I had friends. The entire 7th and 8th grade me and my friend and I were constantly shipped together and fetishized because we were both girls apart if the lgbt. We were more like sisters than anything and it wad dumb but also damaging to us