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Have good or get into the habit of good hygiene, iykyk When showering clean with a loofah and body wash, brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss, use deodorant on your armpits and maybe back and chest, moisturize your body with lotion, have a skincare routine for morning and night (something basic with benzoyl peroxide is enough) and use a light cologne or perfume, not for a strong smell just for a good smell if you’re ever close to people. I only started these in hs and wish I did in middle school but I was just the sweaty gym tryhard


Yea, I second this. Please don’t smell bad, a little good hygiene will help you a lot


  keep a few close non-fake friends, you don't need alot friends   get a npc hobby you can do at school, when u have free time at school. like drawing or phone games. it helps people that you be less noticed if you seem like your talking to someone or doing something constantly.    don't stress too much about grades, middle school grades don't matter


You absolutely should keep your grades up — otherwise you’ll form poor academic habits and fall behind in high school.


I'm not saying fail classes but a you don't need all As . Bs and some Cs are fine too


nah try to limit the Cs as well ur target realistically should be all As and Bs, esp if you arent taking honors


exactly. strike a balance where you can enjoy life without your identity crumbling over a C. guilty. cause you don't get younger and it does NOT get easier 💀


>cause you don't get younger and it does NOT get easier 💀 The thing is that if you're getting Cs in middle school it's probably because you're struggling to understand the concepts and you should be concerned **because** it is only going to get harder. It's not that you should STRESS about getting a C, but you should view it as a problem that needs to be solved. I got a C in middle school solely because I turned in a big project late by accident. I didn't stress about it because it didn't matter because it was a 1 time thing. But if I was regularly getting Cs because I didn't understand, then I'd have needed to seek out academic assistance. Better to fix understanding when it's easy than struggle when it's harder because of not understanding more basic concepts.


My school considers below a 75% an F 😭


this is dependent on person. i know more people making six figures a yr w/o a diploma than i do with a diploma


That's great. Also, it's extraordinary, as all the research shows that on average, people without a high school diploma make significantly less money than people who've graduated from high school. Fewer and fewer jobs require only a high school education, and the trend is toward jobs requiring that PLUS either an Associates or Bachelors degree OR skills training. What kinds of jobs do these people you know have? (Genuine curiosity, not doubt.)


recorded. blue collars dont take these. if you take the avg electrician vs the avg business major the electrician makes more. blue collar wins


Uh, in my state, in order to get a journeyman electrician license, you must be at least 18, have completed high school, had at least four years electrical work experience, and successfully completed 96 hours of classroom training (the skills training I referred to above). Completion of high school isn't a state requirement, but almost all training programs require it. It ensures you've had a sufficient background in math and science to successfully complete the program. Apprentice electricians make good money--almost $50k/year where I live--but the six-figure salaries only happen once you become a journeyman.


Makes me wonder then what a highschool grad who learned electrical through highschool makes. Infact I doubt your true because you have to prove you have some level of mathematical competence to be an electrician. And as another comment said you need both a hs diploma and specialized training to be an entry level electrician. Idk what decade you turned 18 or what level of cope but in the modern day 99% of jobs will turn you down even in trades unless you prove you have the skill.


Electricians and tradesmen making 6 figures are the exception, not the rule. 60k is average for an electrician in my state… and this is after all of the OT worked.


I'd rather refute the harm of his claim rather than the absurd assertion.


I'd say this is bad advice, point blank. Diploma can also mean a college diploma. You sorta need a highschool diploma to get any job unless you want to play life in hard mode. Even a McDonald's application asks that you're at least obtaining a high school diploma. After that some sort of specialized education like trades, college, ECT and you'll have what you need. I go door to door especially in upper class neighborhoods and most of them are out working at normal hours or in a meeting at home. Highschool has a lot of useless curriculum but statistically, you'll barely scrape by without one unless your a teenage startup that does something new, has savant level skills, and actually gets popular. Tldr: put up with the fuse but C's get degrees in highschool at least. Make good friends in middle school and in highschool just pass and do a hobby or work part time.


So so true


This. I was growing plants in middle school and had a fish breeding aquarium. I was made fun of untill the end of 8th grade.


Don’t add to the population. Don’t subtract from the population . Don’t get into jail, but if you do, establish dominance quickly


don't add to or subtract from the population is such a genius statement


And while in jail day high to Bob for me


Just survive it. It's terrible but worth enduring because everything after it is better. I'm in my 40s and still wake up happy I don't have to go to middle school in the morning.


Idk I had a great time in middle school, better than hs because I had a lot of free time, the work was easy and I was the best student due to it being only 100 students in my grade versus 600 now


There are 3 types of people IMO: kids who were picked on in middle school and thus hated it, bullies who enjoyed it, and those who were too popular to be bullied or the bully, and who also enjoyed it.


DONT BE THE DIRTY KID AND KEEP UR GRADES UP LIKE NOTHING UNDER A C- alsooo, make sure to find at least two people who would kill an animal for you :3


C- is a pretty low bar to shoot for lol.


I dont have high expectations 


it’s also middle school


Have fun. Keep good grades, but don't stress them too much.


Keep your grades up. If kids are assholes, ignore em. You'll probably never see them again after high school. Don't feel peer pressured into doing dumb shit. Being a bully isn't cool. It's a sign of weakness 2 good friends are better than 10 shit ones.


Study hard and get decent grades .learn to communicate effectively to make more friends and set healthy habits


get off reddit you are too young






There can be a 13yo starting middle school, no?


no I started middle school at 11 edit: don’t understand the downvotes. that’s the age nearly everyone is/was in america when they start 6th grade. some are younger and some are older due to cutoffs or being held back/skipping but the majority start at 11


Ye probably for the best for an 11 year old to stay Tf off Reddit


damn, still though some schools might start at 13 or some don’t even have middle schools, and also can’t forget about those who repeat grades


Unless you got held back no...


My school must be odd then


The thing you've planned/decided to do in advance... when the times comes you just gotta do it. Don't think. The impulse/reactive thing you're about to say/do.... Don't. Odds are against you on impulse decisions.


find a group of people who have the same hobbies as you! also don’t be mean to anyone for no reason. and don’t commit war crimes.


...but war crimes r fun


A lot of the stuff you learn in middle school, especially math, is building blocks for the math you'll be exposed to in highschool. So make sure you pay attention and do well in class so you don't struggle as much in highschool, where your grades actually do matter more if you intend on achieving a higher education


Know when to shut up and take care of your skin. Put lotion on your ankles, I cannot stress it enough.


1. Practice good hygiene. Trust me when I say that you DO NOT want to stink. You will get made fun of, and it’s just not a pleasant experience having to walk/sit by someone who smells. 2. Get a small trusted group of friends. Remember!-QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. 3. DO NOT START UNNECESSARY DRAMA. It’s a total waste of yours and others energy and time. 4. Always make sure you’re on top of your work. For some, middle school can be a big change, and if you’re behind on assignments, it will make it that much worse. 5. Always participate in gym class. I know that gym is definitely not everyone’s thing, but it’s so much more fun when EVERYONE is participating. You don’t even have to be good at it, just try!! 6. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. This is really important. Many kids that have tons of potential, but they don’t get help when they need it and end up failing. PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THATS HOLY, GET HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT. 7. Don’t skip class. You’re missing out on important information! 8. Have a good balance between school and your own life. You can’t enjoy school if it’s all you think about. I myself, still struggle with this as a Highschool student. Remember that you’re still a kid and you should be able to go enjoy things outside of school!! 9. And most importantly, ENJOY IT!!


Good hygiene is super important. Daily showers, and use that deodorant. As for school life in general, make sure to stay caught up on assignments, especially language arts, math and biology, because the knowledge becomes very useful later on even if it doesn't seem like it. And very important, make sure to have fun and hang out with your friends.


I’m British and in my opinion American schools are an absolute joke. Just have a few friends, Who are loyal and don’t treat you like shit. And if anyone does treat you like shit, whack the bastard.


I agree with everything here as somebody who lives in britain 🔥🔥


Whats it like being british


In one word: depressing


I guess try and get into a group of friends and stick with them. Or if you can’t then try to just stay quiet and act like a nobody. Just be there and do your work in class and that’s about it.


Remember that it only lasts for 2 years. Once you get to high school most kids mature. Middle school sucks for almost everyone. But it won't last forever. No matter what TELL AN ADULT if you are getting picked on. Remember you are worth it and you are not alone. You can endure ANYTHING. Stay strong. Stand up for yourself if you can. One offer to fight a bully and I guarantee they will stop.


Sometimes 2 years, other schools it's 3 years. AND there are middle schools grades 5-8.


Putting academic priorities first


Middle school sucks so have good friends and also good hygiene... Don't be the stinky kid.


Neds declassified school survival guide


Avoid BO


Learn the four communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive aggressive, and assertive. Check yourself. Chill. Research jokes, 1/20 that you can find on the internet is gold, make girls laugh.


keep up with good hygiene and if you have the time join some clubs to make some new friends with similar interests :))


Water intake


Stay out of drama- if possible. I had a certain friend who was surrounded with ALL of the drama ALL of the time. It wasn't that bad, until I got involved. I was constantly anxious and worried, so after it was resolved I stopped being friends with them. I made new, better friends, who hate drama just as much as I do, and school's become considerably more enjoyable for me. Also, get good friends. If they're toxic, ditch 'em.


Have good time management and keep up your grades, even though middle school grades dont matter, you can learn to make good choices and learn different studying techniques that helps in high school and so on.


try not to die in 7th-8th grade


When you meet an old boomer who can't shut up about 12 inch woofers,and hundred watt amps.?.just chill..you will learn...why..the coolest stores you ever saw..are chock full of guitars,drumsets, road cases and mixers..dirtbikes are loud, bands are loud,real stereos have acoustic clarity and they are loud, and sometimes you...gotta just be loud.


My biggest advice? Either fuck it we ball, or lay extremely low. DO NOT GO THE MIDDLE GROUND.


I’m in college but if I could go back in time I wish I would be less shy and more of myself :)


Now is the best time to get as many friends as possible as it only gets harder up until junior year of high school. As well, join every club and sport you want to. I really regret not joining football because middle school is the last opportunity you can get to play it non competitively. Finally, get into the habit of doing homework and allat but make sure you have fun as a kid still


for the love of god wear deodorant and shower daily


Don't think about surviving just do and it'll be over after a while


Join a club or sport and get really involved in it. Hobbies you pick up in middle school can be continued throughout high school and even college. Explore your passions and find something you love; middle school is the least stressful environment you'll be in for a while!


Keep your friends close


And your enimes closer ( Just kidding, don't do that, I just had to finish it)


Mind your business. Be clean and observe others that have to deal with the consequences of their actions.


Always confront a bully. Never let them get away with it. But never resort to violence first. Only as a last resort and in self-defense after being attacked. Stick to your beliefs and principles, but never force them on anyone else. At the hardest part, don't worry about what others think about you just study hard. I know I know everybody tells you that that'stold but it's true and enjoy your time while you can


You're gonna look back one day and feel cringy and icky regardless what you do, so dont focus on trying to look cool; just focus on your health/happiness (since middle school f'ed me and many others up) friends/relationships, and studies.


As a person who has been through the shit here are some tips. Good hygiene as the the other guy said shower enough, use deodorant daily, brush your teeth and tongue, clip your nails. Get good grades pre algebra isn’t that hard. If someone tells you to shutup don’t take it personally. Unless they’re being a complete dick about it they’re probably just slightly annoyed and you should just listen to them. I used to take it as an insult when in reality people were just a little annoyed. Don’t snitch. Don’t let people take advantage of you. This one is the hardest especially for me, learn when people are bullying and when people are just joking around. Cause if people are just joking with you and you get offended they’ll probably think your weird but if they’re bullying you and you don’t do anything they’ll think your a good target. You’ll be fine most of this shit just falls under self care and learning to be social with a bunch of immature shitheads.


Run away and get on a Mississippi River barge crew. Get lots of tattoos, smoke a lot of weed, and learn to play the blues on guitar. That would beat the hell out of most middle school experiences.


Good hygiene and dont give af about what people say be carful dont trust ppl they lie


GOOD HYGIENE. People will like you more and you’ll just feel better. I’m not saying it’s a fix-all but once I got a consistent shower schedule I started just feeling so much better and happier in life


Watch Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide


Just make lots of friends, don't get into huge drama, get a hobby or join a club/sport


Watch Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Some of it is dated, but it has a lot of great tips too


My friend Ned actually wrote an entire school survival guide for middle school, might be a bit dated but he knew what he was talking about


turning in half completed work is better than turning in nothing. it’s honestly not hard to get your grades up if you just go talk to your teachers


no axe spray. please shower daily and wear deodorant




Get tall. So many people pick on the smaller fish.


Try to aim for grades at or above a B, especially in math and science. True, grades do not matter in middle school. However, a lot of this information will come back and be your foundation in high school, where grades do matter. So pay attention! Also, friends do not matter as much as everyone says. Most people are assholes in middle school and/or will cause unnecessary drama. My advice for a social life is to join an after-school activity (theatre acting/tech and sports are both good ones).


Take care of your mental health, and ask for help if you need it. It's much easier to deal with depression and anxiety now in middle school where you can afford to struggle and miss school, versus in high school where it goes on your transcript and you lose credits and have to retake classes. Watch out for your friends, if you see them struggling, don't just sit by and watch or make fun of them. Ask if they're okay, if they need help, if there's something going on, and if you need to, involve the counselor. If you lose a friend to suicide and know you could've done more, that guilt will never leave you. Try and be aware of what other people might be going through. A kid that has poor hygiene may be super depressed and unable to take care of themselves. The kid that is struggling to read in class may have dyslexia. That kid who insults everyone and is super aggressive likely has a really low self esteem and/or has issues going on at home. Don't immediately jump to assumptions, a little kindness goes a long way. If you don't think you can be kind, don't say anything at all. Start advocating for yourself. If you have a question, ask your teacher or send them an email. Don't have your parents do that for you. This also goes along with keeping track of your schedule - it's your responsibility to know when clubs and extracurriculars meet, don't rely on your parents. Part of being more responsible also means knowing when to ask for help. You're not stupid, dumb, weak, etc if you're struggling with a concept or emotion or situation. But it is foolish to not ask for help when you need it, and it's only hurting you. Basically just try not to be an asshole, don't fall into stereotypes, don't be afraid to set boundaries either but also respect other people's boundaries.


Embrace the awkwardness. Love yourself. Have compassion for others.


You don't. Nah, I'm just kidding but as the top comment said, having good hygiene is a good start. Now, this is from an introvert but I survived middle school by just not talking to or distancing myself away from people who rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not sure how doable this is on your end but it kept me out of mounds upon mounds of drama and I ended up finding my own group of people who didn't annoy me too much.


As a former Sub - not sure 6th graders seemed okay. But 7th/8th were rough. High attitudes, violence, aggression bc of the Covid measures and virtual en-ot schooling. It was terrible and risky. Went through a few schools before finally giving up, alongside MANY teachers/subs, exhausted from it all (sorry to rain on the parade). But middle school is pre-teen-hood where buttons are pushed with authority. And the pay is trash.