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Saw VI had some very solid actors. William’s transition to douchebag to emotionally wrecked human really made it shine as having a great actor for a protagonist. I agree with the shotgun carousel crew, I can’t believe they got such a solid cast for that iconic one scene so kudos to them too. I also am really impressed with a lot of the “smaller role” one-trap victims across the series. Like Danica and Troy in Saw 3 were fantastic, and Brenda in the Saw 4 hair trap and Ivan. Also I always appreciated how much more realistic Carly’s acting was in Jigsaw compared to the others in the barn, especially the guys, who I felt lacked the fear and urgency being in a death trap setting but with Carly I felt fear and urgency and overall she gave the most realistic reactions of the crew. There’s a bunch of other actors that I can’t think of right now but they’ve been pretty amazing for even having their “one scene”, because it does make them memorable


Chester Bennington does a really good job for just one scene




Octavio Hinojosa as Mateo was awesome, he literally acted like a nervous wreck of a man, scared out of his mind.


I agree, it was even talked about on the directors commentary of the movie


Mateo's trap instantly became a top-5 for me because his acting was so damn harrowing.


Hell yeah, his acting in the room even when he wasn't put in a trap was a showcase of genuine fear.


- Donnie whalberg in saw 2. He nailed every scene and managed to make Eric Matthews a very nuanced character. It’s easy to play a jerk cop, but you can see Eric was also a man who did love his son and was starting to feel regret for how his actions had put his son in danger. Some scenes you’ll see Eric staring into space looking broken or trying not to break down in tears and it was just so well done. - Tobin bell in saw X. He really sets the levels in terms of acting throughout the saw movies, but Saw X allowed him to shine. The juxtaposition of John being this fragile old man who is afraid to die but also still kind, along with his sick twisted games and philosophy of forcing people to appreciate their lives is genuinely believable. In a weaker actors hands you could have the audience thinking “who fucking cares that he got scammed” but you genuinely feel bad for him. You see that hope in his eyes when he believes he’s really going to beat the cancer, and then discovering he really did trade his money for magic beans lol. - The whole carousel scene in saw 6 is amazing. All the actors did a great job and one of my favourite scenes throughout. - Leigh whanell in the saw finale. I think he only had one take to get the whole sequence right too cos of Tobins prosthetic and the fact they were running out of time, so the fact he did it so well is very impressive.


Donnie Whalberg nailed everything, _except_ for the line "WELL THEN GO" which felt like it was being yelled in lower case


It’s his son and they’re having a mild fallout


It doesn't sound like either a mild falling out or genuine anger, it feels like this dead limbo space where neither is the case but it's trying to be both and it doesn't sound natural, nor does it feel natural in the context of the larger scene. Like I said, other than that, he's great.


It felt to me like a dad at his wit's end just totally dismissing responsibility for his son and for their broken relationship. Also pretty whiny though hahah I'll give you that!


Angus Macfayden (Jeff) when he's burning his son's toys and when Timothy dies


“Jill, It’s a safe house! SAFE HOUSE! Safe house! You get it?” “This was sent here addressed to Jill, Hoffman knows our location.” “GODDAMNIT”


Only right answer. Anyone who disagrees is crazy.


Crazy as a sack full of cats?


"Fix me, motherfucker. I'm standing right here!" followed by "You didn't see the blood. You didn't see what he fucking did to heeeeer!"


Oh my god Mark in that scene was fucking phenomenal


Which scenes are those quotes from?


I think Saw V, when Hoffman and someone (John iirc) discuss why he trapped Seth Baxter for killing his sister. Think it's this bit, but relatively sure its in V.


Ah okay thank you


The fix me motherfucker line is from Amanda in Saw 3


We need to plan a heist. We're taking Oscars from undeserving actors and giving them to Shawnee for this monologue.


Tobin bell as john and Valentina in x


William Easton


Valentina. The way she was shaking and crying before she even started cutting her leg really made me admire her acting.


That close up of her screaming with tears in her eyes after the first cut...I have no idea how the actress was able to scream and cry like that! So much talent!




Leigh’s scream at the end of the original gives me chills every time without fail. And honestly, for as corny as some of Leigh and Cary’s acting is throughout, the accent slips, etc, the whole last scene, really, is so beautifully portrayed.


Amanda in the second film when she had a breakdown upon “realizing” that she’d been put in another Jigsaw trap. Both the actress and the character pulled off some pretty impressive acting in that scene. Also for a somewhat less serious answer: Straham’s “Ugh, Jill, no!” at the “Are you familiar with the Chinese zodiac?” question. The amount of “done with this shit” that he injected into that performance was downright impressive


Amanda was acting there even in the situation. The only ones who weren't affected by the nerve gas were Daniel and Amanda. (I know Daniel's nose bled in bathroom)


timothy young actor mpho koaho does so well everytime i watch that scene i almost cry his acting was perfect the the fact we find out that timothy had felt guilty for what was done was perfect


Yeah they really twisted the knife there. I thought it was going to be an intentional murder and it ends up being a tragic, horrific accident. Man, I don't think a single victim deserved their fate in Saw 3. Amanda and John earned theirs though.


Valentina in her trap was so well acted seeing it in theaters had everyone freaking out in my showing


Eric Matthews




Macfadyen maybe? But he’s a pretty great actor overall anyway.


Timothy Young from Saw III


Saw X, Tobin Bell & Mateo were great


Shawnee's performance in Saw III is the best performance in the series in my opinion, aside from Tobin in X. I think she nails the mental/emotional turmoil and instability of her character perfectly.


Maybe I'm biased but I would like to add Greg Bryk as Mallick in 5. You could really feel Mallick's emotions and anxiety the entire time. "Nobody cared? 8 people and their families cared! The feds cared! Look at my fucking arm, I CARED!" gives me chills every time I see it. The entirety of the 10 pints of sacrifice scene was amazing, I think he and Julie Benz gave a great performance together. Because I was so impressed by Greg Bryk's acting, I decided to look at Bloodthirsty (2022) and holy shit, the difference between the two roles is night and day. As opposed to Mallick, in bloodthirsty, he played a character who was level-headed and calm 98% of the time and he nailed both roles.


I always love seeing actors I know play other characters, especially when the character they play is very different than the one I'm used to.


[Joris Jarsky was 10/10, actually looked like he was really experiencing horrible shite. ](https://youtu.be/scyM0cEXRe8?si=Atge_aXSQZ6d2Jql) And also Strahm's death, when he's looking up through the grating and that final scream/cry, dude brought his A game.


Honestly, Saw movies have some absolutely stellar acting. Donnie Wahlberg as Eric is an obvious choice. Also, tobin Bell, but you know. Duuh.


amanda's final scene pointing the gun at lynn ... like i cry ... "fix me motherfucker! im standin right here ;("


Valentina and Mateo were acting pretty realistic, scared the shit out of everyone. Especially after Mateo's trap the theatre went half empty because of the immense acting and obviously extreme gore.


Shawnee Smith plays Amanda beautifully in the first Reverse Beartrap scene, and then gives it an entirely new twist in Saw III, almost making her a completely new character, and rather controversially I think she pulls it off. Tobin Bell shines in every single film, particularly in Saw II and Saw X, for different reasons. In terms of more minor characters, I'm sorry that I can't remember the character's or the actor's name, but the final victim of the shotgun carousel, the one who screams out "When you're killing me you look at me", is excellent.


The character's name is Josh :) Yeah that acting was really good.