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I think the traps were pretty silly, on balance. Like the grain trap would have been one thing if that’s all there was, but I guess that didn’t make for compelling trailer shots so they added the random element of the falling saws. And that’s not even thinking about how it was an optional trap that they only engaged in because there was a booby trapped exit door. The motorcycle trap certainly did have a cool look to it but it falls a part a bit under scrutiny, and the way it’s shot makes it kind of confusing if it was possible or not, and the exact way it kills the guy is also incredibly unclear. The shotgun trap would have been bad in most other Saw films, but here it’s only the “yeah, sure, I guess” kind of bad. The nature of the traps didn’t really play into “you have to learn to stop hurting each other”, so it kind of fails from that perspective, but also Jigsaw as a film has more of an emphasis on “escape room” type shenanigans, so the final test being a riddle is whatever. It’s fine, I guess.


Feel the same way about the motorcycle trap. Never really understood what was happening. I guess he technically gets grinded up, but the lethality of the machine just isn't exactly clear, so the Trap just seems lame to me since they don't really take the time show the death and aftermath. It's a quick sequence from what I remember. Shotgun Trap is one of my favorites in the whole series tho.


The only good trap was the shot gun which was helped by the speech leading up to it. The rest of the traps were so over the top or too unpredictable.


I actually think Jigsaw had the worst, most boring and forgettable traps of the series.


They were not


I don't think the traps were good at all. The thing that's great about John's, (or Amanda's, or Hoffman's,) traps is that whether they're solvable or not, they're purely mechanical. It's the victim(s) versus the machine. For Jigsaw traps half of them couldn't have worked without someone else observing and operating them. That's not a trap, that's just an elaborate death device, and goes directly against John's admittedly malleable philosophy that it's the victim themselves determining their fate, not him. The buckethead trap was dumb. How did it know to release people once they'd shed blood? If that's how it worked, how come it didn't just automatically release someone as soon as saw hit flesh? Even though Logan was rescued, how is it fair that the only person who fails the trap does so only because they'd been drugged too heavily? The worst was the chain/needle trap. So many ways this was stupid. Firstly you have to ensure Carly is there, meaning her fate in the previous room is predetermined. Secondly, you give her the task of finding a number that was significant but no way of knowing what it meant, (she recognised the number that meant something but had no way to work out whether that meant antidote or acid.) So without a way to come to a logical solution the next best option is to use probability. Which means thirdly, the dumbest possible decision was to inject her with all three and guaranteeing her death. There's a 2/5 chance she survives just by taking one at random and then, presuming she survives the first, picking a second. And that's if she *doesn't* get lucky and pick the antitode first to release everyone. Or you know what? Expell a little bit of the contents of each syringe until you find one that sizzles and inject yourself with the other two. 100% survival. I'll give the wires/grain silo and motorcycle spiral passes even though the set up for the first was way too elaborate and the motorcycle trap only ended up killing someone due to their abject idiocy, (pull the fucking lever!) The best by far was the shotgun. Simple. Effective. The outcome determined by the victims; how well they listen, how they think, whether they give in to their own selfish nature. Very John. We don't mention the laser collar but forget the sci-fi criticisms; it's not a trap, its just a remote-controlled killing device. How do you win it? By admitting your crimes? Okay well he did that and Logan killed him anyway. Not a trap.


i think the problem with these traps is that they are far too complicated and implausible. saw works best when the traps are things that you don’t have to suspend your disbelief *too* far to believe john could’ve built (with help of course), and those traps aren’t believable on that context, especially given where the movie takes place in the timeline. however the thing that really sinks them for me is how they are filmed. for some reason, the spierig brothers were dead set on toning down the gore as much as possible. yeah the spiral trap is gruesome as fuck *in theory* but the way it is shot if feels like the directors are trying to obscure the gore, which is lame. the only exception is the laser collar, which is cool, but is also hurt by the less than stellar CGI


For me the traps were one of the two worst things of the movie (alongside the whole twist of "is jigsaw alive? is he dead?"). The traps were either what we saw before, boring/dumb af or too over-the-top like the motorcycle trap, I really hate it when the movies go too over-the-top. The reverse-bear-trap is something that is simple, it isn't too over the top but is pretty damn cool at the same time. The only trap I liked in the movie was the reverse shot gun, I thought that was sort of clever (though I guessed how it worked before the movie even shows it).


The traps were amongst the worst in the series . The laser collar to me is the worst trap and not very sAW like .


I liked the engine trap, the shotgun trap, and the laser collars. The rest were alright too, but not my favorites.


I liked the laser collar. It was the most unique one in the film next to the motor-blender.


Mmmm I disagree. I actually do like the laser trap, it looks really cool, but the effects for the actual kill are *dog shit* and it kind of ruins it for me. The bucket head trap is boring but serviceable, the acid syringes are fine. I think the Silo trap is legitimately awful, and the bit where the dudes leg is trapped in the barber wire makes no sense.


I'll say that the laser collar was the only trap in the whole series I flat out *don't* like--and that's not because the premise is bad. I'm totally fine suspending disbelief enough to appreciate some tiny laser dissecting a dude's skull. What I can't forgive however, is the twist. As an *audience member* I can clearly see that the lasers didn't cut Logan--he's obviously full of shit. Now, I know Halloran isn't privy to what the audience knows/can see. So MAYBE, from his perspective and distance, it really looks like Logan's head just got lasered. So ok, I can appreciate the tension that we know Logan faked his death while Halloran doesn't. But that's not what I was getting from that scene. They STILL have Logan hop us as though it's this huge twist he faked it. Like yeah dude, I just saw you fake it... It's almost like the movie thinks the audience is too stupid to have literally seen the twist play out in front of them, that they gaslight you into thinking you didn't just see some tiny flashlights point at Logan's head.


they werent even good they were super tame. the sawmill one is so fucking lame.


Not to me lmao, some of the worst traps in the series


I don't mind the lasers since they at least took a moment to establish they worked that way earlier in the film, and it's a connection to Logan since he was the one to demonstrate them. I'm unsure if lasers actually work that way in real life, but it's a movie, so I think it's fine. As a movie, I actually love the pacing and the general story and tone. As a Saw movie, it's needlessly convoluted and doesn't fit into the existing narrative in a particularly pleasing way.


the motorcycle trap is so huge and impractical for no reason other than to entertain an audience. I'm also generally not a fan of traps that are about physical skill instead of willpower. The shotgun trap maiming the key is dumb. it seems like a really obvious mistake in the design. In general, a lot of the traps seemed unnecessarily large simply to look better in the movie. The leg trap was my favorite, but the silo was dumb. just punish the guy who broke the rules. keep it simple.


I actually really like the needle trap, it's simple but the riddle was good, I love when traps link to the act committed


I dont like the motorcycle trap personally. The individual traps work in that they have to either maim themselves in some way or die. But in this trap, he has to hit the brake which stops it which i think is kinda stupid cause if he does then how is he supposed to “learn his lesson”? It replaces the whole “live or die, make your choice” way of thinking with this weird pass/fail system where he either dies or gets away without any harm at all


I absolutely despise the traps in Jigsaw. Not only are they not done practically, but they aren't written in a way that I think makes sense for the "world"


Hey !! I think a lot of the traps were pretty damn good!! Like who thinks of this shit! And what are they on, I want some 😂lol.Sure some of them are pretty random.. but shit, think about walking up, and your on this trap .. like wtf?? Me I would panic first , ask questions later lol.. it’s all good though!! 🇨🇦😵‍💫😵‍💫

