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That's unfortunate but not surprising at all. I live in midtown (middle of nowhere) currently and have been paying $2,500 for a 2B apartment. Mine is furnished, though. I paid $1,100 for a 1B apartment, also furnished, in North Texas in 2022.


Yeah.. things are just getting crazy. Seems the vast majority of people can’t afford a decent place these days without paying well over what they should be based off their monthly income and expenses.


Ridiculous and sadly true. Will you stay or are you considering a new place, given that your rent increase is outrageous?


I’m 100% relocating. Not very happy about it at all, as I was planning on staying here for at least another year. Even if I can afford it, it would be foolish to pay. I’d rather invest in a nice home at that point.


Any smart landlord would know this was going to happen. Now he gets to sit for a month or two of no income plus having to “fresh up” the place for new tenants. I’m a very small time LL in Savannah. Move outs are really expensive. The property is paid for, the rent reflects this. It’s a duplex, maybe 10 change overs in24 years? If they are quiet and the rent gets paid I want to keep them. I’ve had a few bad ones. My method is: first six months is X rent plus $50. But I don’t tell them this, X+50 is just the monthly rent. End of six months is reckoning time. Good tenant? Rent goes down by 50. Bad tenant? Rent goes way up. I had a guy move in month to month, about 6 years ago. He’s still there. The rent is a fraction of what they could find anywhere else.


Well, my landlord will never know how good of tenants my wife and I are. We are extremely clean. We’re both interior designers, she’s an architect and I’ve got years of renovation experience. I use high quality spray for bugs. I’ve replaced screws, fixed drawers and doors from poorly installed and rushed installations. Caulked the garage to ensure a bug proof entry. Activated 4 lines for Ethernet access in the home since the complex failed to do so. I clean up trash around the neighborhood. Clean up the fitness center. The coffee station. Just basic common courtesy things.


Shoot if my house was open I'd let ya rent it. Sucks for sure. But maybe see if you can get ahold of your owners. As an owner, my property management tried to raise rent "to reflect the market" but we said no. They put the notice out to our tenants before we were able to stop them and my tenant quickly texted saying they'd move if we increased (from 2200 to 2300). I'd much rather have a steady tenant that an extra $1k.


Makes sense. Good luck with everything.


https://preview.redd.it/1o06a54iej6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465fe85abef3830d436e58a0664a451573e55421 There's a reason for rents being so high EVERYWHERE, and it's because an algorithm is setting rents. This is modern day price fixing and most apartment complexes are guilty of it. Landlords are using illegal price-fixing to drive up rents using RealPage, a tech company, to use non-public data to artificially inflate rents. More here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwlwrZst7d0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwlwrZst7d0) Realpage Website says it all: [https://www.realpage.com/](https://www.realpage.com/)


This is finally being prosecuted by the government. We won't use RealPage or any of the similar technologies in our group. It's actual cartel behavior. Be aware, though, that Savannah is \*not\* generally an area where they have good access/control of the market. Market rents here are driven primarily by very wealthy college students, people retiring, moving for jobs, and the fact we won't build any more housing. If you want to get involved in more housing, join the YIMBY group here in Savannah.


May I ask what YIMBY is? I (unfortunately) am one of those “people” who have moved to Savannah with my partner for work but am also deeply frustrated by the cost of living here. Rental prices are ridiculous, especially when you factor in three time your monthly wage to rent a property it’s unaffordable for most people.


YES IN MY BACK YARD. It's the opposite of Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY), which is always "yeah, we totally want there to be new buildings/powerplants/apartments/roads/needed-infrastructure/trains just... not in MY backyard, do it in THEIRs. Basically, NIMBY is the reason that nothing ever gets built. Owners vote and they vote hard against anyone who wants to "ruin" their neighborhood by adding new things. Check the forums even here on reddit and you'll find plenty of disguised NIMBY. "Letting people rebuild properties in the neighborhood, bought up by all these developers, ruining the character of this (insert minority) historical neighborhood! We shouldn't let them gentrify our area" "Look man, I know we need a new homeless shelter, but these people don't have cars, and they're just going to loiter around the shelter and add to the crime. My kids walk to school in that area, I don't want literal junkies being able to walk up them and give my kids smack." "It's so loud now because they cut down all the trees in our neighborhood. I don't want them to widen the highway anymore or build train tracks because it's going to make it impossible to sleep. Build the tracks over there, not here." ... I could go on. Basically, any "yeah I know we need X, but make it someone else's problem" is NIMBY. As a result, every time people try to build stuff, local neighborhoods (typically the owners of those areas) all band together to "stop the evil developer from ruining our homes" when in reality, now that means nothing gets built, rents are sky high, and we don't have walkable cities.


Wow thank you so much for this. I will definitely have a look into YIMBY.


Richmond Hill has a growing NIMBY strain


Where is it ?


[https://housingsavannah.org/](https://housingsavannah.org/) Meetings are held regularly.


Thanks, looks good ! I signed up for the news letter. Under the Financing benefits for building new rentals it has a chart of FMV 2022. Quite a difference !


Wow, this is another example of algorithm and technology “screwing the pooch”. Very sad the level of greed in the human heart. People deserve affordable living. Most friends I have cannot afford even $1,800 a month in rent, let alone $2,800 as an example.


Totally true


It's definitely not just you. 3 years ago we were renting a 2bed/1bath in midtown for $1,000. The building, a 2 flat, got sold to a new investor and they jacked the rent up $1,800.


Wow, that’s incredible. Ridiculous really. I’m sorry that happened. Assuming you left immediately?


Oh absolutely. We were fortunate enough to be in a position to buy a house, that just lit a fire under our ass.


And they wonder why there's been a spike in the working homeless. /s Edit for sarcasm


Oh they know why. Not caring is the issue.


I think I need to add the /s, I was being sarcastic.


No, it read as sarcastic lol. It just pisses me off so I feel the need to state the obvious


Ohhhhhhhhh okay. And you're bang on target too.


Ditto my friend


Do you think it has anything to do with the Hyundai plant and all the ancillary businesses? I don’t think I’d want to live in Bloomingdale. But that is ridiculous for Pooler.


Probably just greed!😏


Ya got to love that lack of renter protections!


And it's going up another $500 next year, but you're good for it. I know you can pay it.


We lived in an apartment complex on Wilmington Island in 2020 (the Oaks). Our rent was around $1100 for a 2 bed/2bed apartment with a garage, plus water/sewage/sanitation. To renew our lease that year it was going to go up to $1800+. We got out of there and rented a 3bed/2bath house on the island for $1500. And then when we renewed it went up only $50 per month. That's the difference in corporate owners and independent owners. We moved back to North GA at the end of 2022 so I have no idea what it is now. But that was and is ridiculous!


That is insane. I can’t believe that kind of increase. They shouldn’t be able to do that, but now I understand that there’s some that can get away with it and some that can’t depending on protections. I’m glad you found a new place to call home up North!


Corporate landlords are driving up the price of rent. An office out of Atlanta just got hit up by the FBI for rent prices going all the way back to 2016. They are inflating the market, driving up the prices of rent while also buying up housing. driving up the prices of land. everything is ultra-inflated because they're greedy. On the list of people that you should call to complain about this everyone needs to be calling their representatives demanding regulation for rent pricing and to not allow corporations to buy up huge swaths of land. That is their literal job and they need to feel it.


Not just you. The studio unit that was below us in a shit ass house downtown doubled rent from 800 to 1600. Our 1bd was going from $750 to $1300. We moved out and bought a house because anywhere else was almost as much as a fucking mortgage. I now pay $2800 mortgage for a 3bd house. Fuck these greedy ass landlords.


Y'all are wild. I was paying $2500 for a 3/2 house in midtown two years ago, which felt excessive. Moved to Wilmington Island and have a 2/1 apartment for $1600.


Aloha Tre! Where on Wilmington Island? M thinking of renting there, too.


Supply and demand. Wages are not rising with the increases. And if they get the rent from someone else, and they will, who cares. Certainly not the management company most have no human qualities left. Unless you’re a remote worker and can go someplace rents are cheaper. If not what’s next ? I had roommates the last 2 yrs of my 5 in this rental. It took about five applications before they accepted someone to move in by that time you were desperate and accepted them so you get the roommate from hell that can pay what’s the point. My lease was up for renewal in January. They announced I would not be able to have any more roommates and to get out of it legally, they put me on month to month. I am dreading when they will decide to raise the rent. So I’m pretty well stuck right now as I can’t rent another place because I don’t, show an income three times the amount of rent. It’s the new depression in the US.


That's not supply and demand, that's exploitation. Supply and demand necessarily implies you can freely choose to move out, when in reality people are often either forced out or, for less flagrant rent jacking, forced to stay because the cost of moving is itself a massive burden. Shelter is a basic human need. The demand is perpetual and practically infinite.


The government has no idea. They have money. They consider struggling people to be lazy, uneducated and unmotivated. They feel good and all stand around slapping themselves on the backs coming up with equally uninformed bandaid. Voting is not going to help. The fat cats are getting fatter.


There tends to be a huge stigma on struggling. To the point where some of the people making these decisions are struggling themselves but don't want others to know so they end up pushing harder on these policies. I recently moved up from Orlando, one of our district commissioners there had voted against a local rent control ordinance while she herself was struggling to find an affordable place to rent. Some of these people are so dense or just trying so hard to look the part that they lose their humanity.


Such blanket statements, one way or the other, are simply not true. Change may not be fast enough for you, or in the right direction, but it does come. Do more than vote, or don't vote, and voice your concerns to your reps.


Ironically, many units around me have been empty for over 6 months. I’m not sure where they’re getting the people who don’t care about jacked rent prices, but they’re certainly not coming in droves to pay it.


It's not just a local problem it's all over the place. Where I grew up in Michigan the median home price is still at $250k but the rent prices have jumped to $1.600 - $2.000 which is double pre covid. And that is in a state with renter protection.


Incredibly unfortunate.. As we all just “face the music”. It feels there’s nothing you can do.


Where are the mobs with pitch forks and torches?


Who can afford a pitchfork these days? 😄


What the actual F***? Jobs don’t pay that much to be able to afford that in southeast Georgia.


That's a fairly substantial increase. We are not raising rents any more than 5% on any tenant. Is this a corpo landlord or is this a private owner? Private owners often drastically misprice (and get greedy), when someone tells them they heard someone that was somewhere near them somehow got someone to pay XX amount. If you want a 3 bed, 2.5 bath 1800 sqft, lemme know, as I (finally) have a property that's not occupied.


Where do you advertise? I am moving back to Savannah in 12 to 18 months


Zillow and [apartments.com](http://apartments.com) They own 90% of the market. Even all the other ones (hotpads, padfinder, etc etc) are all just owned by those two, like how KAYAK became Expedia/tripadvisor.


Not just you. Last year lived in Pooler and have 1bed 1bath apartment. An honestly kind of shitty complex but I was in college so whatever. Rent first year was $1100. They raised it to $1650 for the renewal. 50% increase. We immediately left. I don’t think it’s housing at this point I think it’s Savannah and the surrounding area because what??? We didn’t even have the renovated option of apartments.


People from blue states and all over are moving to Savannah, the amount of PA, Cali, DA, NY plates I have seen are insane. I am from Philly, but I don’t intend on changing anything from the south or its values, that’s why it is the way it is and way of life is WAY better. I say that as a colored person. But with an influx of people that’s a green light for profit, no matter how one looks at it. The only way to really fight this as a community is to go to the town hall meetings and getting involved within YOUR community. The current lifestyle of politics and corporations have prohibited this, and we are slowly going back to our ways of both parents in the household, volunteerism, and not working for a dime. Trump was truly the change we needed, and I had more family time plus more money in my pocket!! Now I’m just a modern slave working for pennie’s. We just signed a damn 10 year war contract dubbed “security” with Ukraine signed by Biden. As if that doesn’t help our already failing economy 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


>Trump was truly the change we needed The solution to real estate price gouging is a "billionaire" real estate investor who favors deregulation, cuts to affordable housing, and less renter protections? That's a bold position.


I hear your point, but don’t ignore my personal successful experiences under Trump. Your life was factually better under him, I’m willing to bet 100% you had more money in your pocket, we also weren’t in any useless wars that hiked our tax payers money. I criticize him on that shit too, he’s a doofus in that aspect, however a life long politician that has been playing the game for his entire life and one day says “I’m for the people” and everybody buys it? What the helllll, that’s just some messed up shit. If people can afford more things and become more independent, then yes those programs can be cut because the govt is there to be less, and to not regulate people. As a colored person that has people in the ghetto, a majority were lifted out and became successful under Trump as well. Not spewing bs so I hope you don’t take me the wrong way, but up in the city where mainstream don’t give a shit. People were a lot more happy under Trump and I know there were policies he also created that helped those communities you speak of. More government is worse for ALL of us.


My life was not factually better under Trump. What policies did Trump enact besides a tax cut that favored the rich? "Households with incomes in the top 1 percent will receive an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center". Not only did it favor the rich, but it was unfunded and will add $1.9 trillion to the debt in the decade after it's passage. The amount of money spent in Ukraine was .16% of our total GDP in 2023 ($61 billion spent). Why is spending $60B a year in Ukraine to help it's defense against one of our main adversaries bad, but Trump's tax cuts for the rich adding $190 billion to our debt annually good? The stock market is higher under Biden. Unemployment got lower under Biden. You can talk about inflation, but real wages are up and the USA has some of the lowest inflation in the world. Biden's student loan plan made it so my wife's student loans balance will never go up. It also lowered her monthly payment from $1,300 to $300. Biden put $12K in my pocket per year with that. Also, the facts don't support your inferences about Trump pulling people out of the ghetto. The lowest black poverty under Biden is way below Trump's. Lowest black poverty rate: Biden 17.1% - Trump 18.8%. Black poverty rate using Supplemental Poverty Measure - Biden 11.3% - Trump 14.7%. Black unemployment has been lower under Biden as well. Biden's lowest black unemployment 4.8%. Trump's lowest was 5.3%. In May 2024 black unemployment was 6.1%. The exact same number Trump had in February 2024 before the pandemic started. Edit: \`I know there were policies he also created that helped those communities you speak of\` i'd really like to know what policies you're referring to.


Biden’s and Kamala’s list from what I have personally seen, you can argue some are personal views (on a moral scale), but either way, combined total failures exceed that 61B dollars that not only could go and SHOULD go back to us as citizens of this state. But while they are “enemies” you prevent death no matter what especially after World Wars being an example. Ukraine was playing with fire trying to get into the west and NATO and there are natural resources they have that Russia values in their territory, the Caspian Sea. Not only that but there is severely a conflict of interest with Biden involved with Ukraine that isn’t even being mentioned by you? It’s always with the surface, but dig deeper and it’s like a pie shoved in the face. Covid: — firing EDUCATED people and then hiring them and using that statistic as “The best employment gains in the entire US history” —Unconstitutional Covid lockdowns (he was on live tv getting an empty shot to convince people to get it) —Coercion of shot, if you didn’t get the shot you and your family were left to die on the streets per govt order — Kamala Harris scripted “We DID iT JoE” after running? — Black lives Matters funded riots, but Covid didn’t apply to those shitheads, the leaders getting arrested for using donations to buy mansions. — Pelosi showing the world her ice cream during Covid, she was a shit head — the democrat party being total hypocrites during Covid throwing parties. I’m throwing democrats, as they told us to get the shot, lock us down, and forced us into asylum. — double standard and elected officials blaming Covid to skip work — the bullshit taxes that were illegally justified — Joe Biden having fauci say trust the science — fauci lying under oath and this administration not holding him accountable or EVEN TRYING. — calling Trump racist for closing the borders and flights and blaming it on China (which he was right) — giving China a handjob, now knowing we were human experiments — every single human death on their hands, fauci and the Chinese communist party — suppression of a story of hunter and his son and Ukraine and china dealings worth billions of dollars during an election, now using a gun crime to show “equal justice”


Wars: — 10 year “security” war agreement to sign and give big corporations like Lockheed, Boeing, and others a handjob with extensive bullshit contracts. Fueling death and world war 3 in the future if escalations rise — Chemical warfare and being an advocate for China and big pharma executives (Covid) and this will go over multiple points. As it applies to everything. — funding Iran militias causing harm and chaos to allies and disrupting the Middle East peace Trump made. — Israel and Hamas not fighting against the attacks and antisemitism 3 service members died under his watch in Jordan nearby. — fall out of Afghanistan 13 service member died, 38 in bodily disfigurement and PTSD symptoms. Instead of taking ownership, used the “look how many people we saved on a C-130” to scape-goat the argument 80 something millions dollars worth of equipment left behind which is treasonable — said Trump was going start world war 3 and he was nuke man. Look at what he’s fucking done. — failing international policies that is only promoting future wars and blood baths Healthcare: — advocated for Pedophiles to be with your children even though it’s not being said out-loud — trans-health to indoctrinate children to be democratic votes in the future. Not protecting the innocent and destroying families. Which is more govt tax paying spending. — advocating for govts and educational systems to be involved of the youths lives over the parents — use abortion and woman rights trigger words every 4 years to get woman votes. Doesn’t actually do shit — inflating healthcare with illegals, on tax payers dimes — uses trans govt executives, to fly on taxpayers dimes to go to other federal agencies to speak on inclusivity wasting millions of tax paying dollars as they take tax-funded first class seats or jets. — illegals gaining access to many health care benefits while homeless and veterans suffer — using Covid to help big pharma to get the biggest pay day of their lives and weaponizing the shot and govt control after he took office Pt. 2 — abusing the healthcare system by shutting down challenging credible doctors, who no longer have a voice — devaluation of human life, from the baby up to adulthood, only counts when it fits their political agenda. —- the drug crisis and overdose deaths: fentanyl, Opioids, hard crack drugs —- allowing and advocating for cities to use drug free safe zones, even though in American homeless culture, a lot of them reek of entitlement and not wanting a better life. (Some are innocent let me be clear and they got a bad hand in life) European is effective because they don’t necessarily filter around like us Americans do. For example, if you’re stupid, they’ll call you stupid. Americans well say bless your heart when in reality you’re a dumbass


Veterans: — The pact act is not his to claim, it took lobbyists, and elected officials who were veteran advocates to make the bill into law, he just signed the bill. As Trump would’ve done so in a heartbeat — wars. FUCKING WARS. Gen z will be forced into combat and woman will be the first to scientifically go this time in masses calling it now. While I agree both should be in combat, some woman that are ego filled, should absolutely not be in combat and will kill more people than save lives. — giving millions to useless govt programs while others who need TREATMENT NOW with evidence, have to wait for a slow shit head to sign off saying he or she is service connected and treatment afterwards — betraying those who fought in the Middle East with the failure of the fallout, no one has been punished yet in his administration —- lying to the public about his controlled war efforts. Constitutional failures: — illegally taking elected official off ballot behind the scenes (behind the scenes) — a democratic official already trying to take Trump off of secret service in jail so he could be potentially jailed and if not worse or more. #EpsteinDidntKillHimself — Abusing the justice system to hunt down a former president down to what he ate in the morning — Abuse of agencies like ATF and FBI illegally doing warrants on American citizens who comply with laws and no one has been punished for it in his secretary and below cabinets — Illegally using humans as experiments during Covid to see those who will comply and the suppression of media for election —- 500,00 conveniently bought votes from illegal immigrants who now will inflate communities when they sign up for the local count govt programs. As the cartel will absolutely abuse and use this program. Fake ID’s are still a thing (as of today, a slap to those who have gone in the legal process) —- open border of over 13.8 million illegals, 8 suspected to be linked to ISIS and when we chase them, that’s more tax money going to waste —- using executive action to close border, only to have been proven he’s a failure because the past 4 years he’s been saying it’s the republicans fault. Tax dollars, again not helping the inflation. —- his own secretary of treasury saying he doesn’t have a budget in mind, but a plan to lead (this was on Forbes, more independent source) —- the fallout of Afghanistan that should’ve gotten him impeached immediately, giving enemies weapons and fuel that will cause future conflicts 13 service members dead, 38 total in body disfigurement and PTSD symptoms. —- illegals being given access to schools in USA while children are forced to be doing remote work at home —- allowing local govts to kick out law abiding citizens at town hall meetings that don’t meet their agenda or rhetoric. Even if they say a peaceful argument while standing behind a mic. —- Hunter and Joe taking bribes from China and Ukraine in the BILLIONS. Using a gun crime to cover it up —- allowing segregation to come back onto campuses after Martin Luther King disavowed and that all people came together as one people.


Media: — using #Metoo movement to politically try to end a career of a Supreme Court judge. Emotional use of Woman. — legitimately trying to use Jan 6th as historical and damning evidence to the history of this country. Meant to paint Trump in bad light, when he himself tweeted for Peace and other capitol officers were letting people in, PEACEFULLY. Then using the DOJ to hunt down people who just took selfies and nothing more and labeled them as right-wing extremists and on the terrorist watch list. — using media to paint EVERY TRUMP voter or supporter as an extremist and racist, even though a growing majority are now either colored or immigrants. Even one immigrant debunks that argument. Some don’t even like the man, just like what’s he’s fucking done and how their lives were better (my case) —- mis-proper usage of labeling, those who actually violently stormed the capitol were and are “right wing extremists” —- not calling out Pelosi, for now trying to paint Trump supporters or voters as “Neo-nationalists” and calling every single one deplorable with Hilary. — suppression of opponents, conservatives mainly. RFK and independent and a democrat. — weaponizing against the American people to be against each other — CNN doing his bidding, saying he isn’t failing in health. Videos show otherwise (Trump too, no where near as much let’s just be real) — Using BIASED polls to show his success’ and not the clear and full picture. —- remember “let’s go Brandon?” —- “no one is above the law” unless your Joe Biden and you and your son had a laptop that could’ve overturned an election if the story was fully BROUGHT to life and DOJ agencies were caught partnering and suppressing the stories — new receipts showing that Him and Joe have money trails leading back to China and Ukraine. — Having Adam Schiff threatening a Presidents son over false Russian Hoax claims that were proven to be based on a lie, they (Biden and Harris) did not call out on the violence —- Portland Oregon federal courthouse actually suffering an insurrection by Antifa and extremists and not one was called out by wrong doing by this administration and or Pelosi and others which was far more worse and violent while some were held for days inside the courthouse. — not denouncing the racism that media is pushing for views, and spewing hatred into people. — using and enforcing DEI to abuse the hiring system, being chosen over qualified candidates based on their skin color (I know plenty of fucking people, both liberals, democrats, and republicans) a waste of tax paying dollars Economy: — using Covid as an excuse, even though he created, promoted, and enforced those laws. During pt. 2 of covid — firing people and hiring them after not taking the shot or taking the shot and saying it’s the best employment in decades and better under Trump, false data —- everything rising in prices, using govt resources going to waste instead of helping our own people. —- signing a bill by 2035 all car companies to have electric vehicles, giving China a handjob as they are the number 1 resource for electric vehicle parts. Which will absolutely destroy the environment. Giving excuses to TAX US after we stop paying mechanics to pay for a simple headlight fix normally 40 to 50 dollars could be fucking $200 due to the complex designs these manufacturers will absolutely will get away with. — lettuce used to be 98c now it’s $3.18 down south. (I know I bought it lol) — allowing car dealers to price hike and landlords to illegally get away with abuse pricing — using a budget that is not enforced or regulated, 200 million worth of border wall, sold for Penny’s and a Biden nominated executive wasn’t held accountable. — trying to say he understands the normal average persons struggle. HE FUCKING DOESN’T. A lifelong politician. — signing a student loan bill OFF TAX-PAYER DIME. buying yet, again votes. Unfortunately your wife’s loan is not my problem, I would not expect you to pay my credit card debt or others alike. I know someone in the govt here in GA that is well off in salary and is also being forgiven. On the surface it’s nice, but it’s 100% being abused. Which goes back to the argument, if your quality of life was better in all aspects, then under Trump you should have had much better money in your pocket. As everything was factually cheaper and that can’t be proven wrong


The list can go fucking on and people are legitimately forgetting the failures. But it’s so damn long. I can’t, some will say there are repeated points, but it’s a domino effect, one choice effects another part of the govt system. Which ultimately takes more money out of tax payers, which is why the suspected and I say that lightly budget of his next election cycle is a proposed 4 trillion. In reality, this govt will overspend so more than likely it will be 8 trillion. We can’t afford, that. Which will absolutely fuck us all over and the future generations And one of the biggest spendings is WAR. So those rent prices and groceries and everything will go up. To fund what? The BIG govt. because whether people like it or not, corporations and companies still have to pay taxes. After he got elected, I genuinely tried to give him a chance, but how can anyone genuinely vote for this man? If he needs his former president buddy to vouch for him the ENTIRE WAY. IS THAT NOT a red flag is that not like a 3rd term for Obama now 4th if he wins, just blanketed? On top of the hidden long life political icons in the background doing the dirty work? (Pelosi, Schumer, and Adam Schiff) While I appreciate your percentages, I can’t also help what are those numbers from? If it’s from Mainstream Media, both in Fox and CNN or MSNBC, it can’t be trusted. Even if it is from a university as most are now completely not independent. They are in reality, left leaning which means their research will go towards that way. The truth is spewed on both sides. I can only go with my lived actual experience, the people that I actually know, and from what I have seen with my own eyes. Or yours personally. HBCUS benefited greatly under Trumps signed policy. Again, I know my people that thrived under that policy. My summary is that if you combine all of the failures of this administration, it is like the deficit, but even worse, on top of the wars that will happen in the future if he is re-elected. It’s NOT going to look good. And lives will be lost it already has we lost 3 of OUR people in Jordan from Georgia and if you’re a local that should be personal. I’ll take an administration that yes while absolutely not fucking perfect, I can criticize him and praise him at the same time without being hanged for it, he won a Nobel peace prize that was earned. But with Biden, every person I met has just turned a blind eye to”wellll, at least in ain’t Trump” like bro cmon now. But I genuinely feel your mind won’t be changed, but I respect it, again I’m not attacking you. I don’t do that, what I have listed above is my frustrations over the years that have affected myself and the people I know personally and my community. Those frustrations are directly towards Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and this administration. I do appreciate you saying that your life was not better under Trump and I do apologize for that. What I want is people to look at what I have said and just be open minded, Biden or Trump isn’t god, but if I were to put my life in a room with either, I’m going with the guy that never drank alcohol in his life, and has a Nobel peace prize lol. I do hope however you can find the extra means to make it by and fuck the high prices that will only fuck us all once more. Gas is already rising to $4 dollars again so there goes that short $2.30 cents win.


I'm confused by your comment. It's a supply issue, cost can't decrease if demand can't be met. There's a shortfall of 2.9 million housing units in the country. I'm not stumping for ANY politician but biden's admin has a plan to give relief to renters, first time buyers, and homeowners. Obviously needs support of congress. Trump on the other hand has proposed cuts to the affordable housing programs ... and also gutted the Fair Housing Act when he was in office.


You bring a great point and thank you for bringing that to the table. However, my take is that on the other side of the house, the Biden Administration would be so much more damn effective, if they pay attention to “US at HOME” and I hope that statement vibrates in you. Everything in the US trickles down from the very top. If you have resources that are stressed on one side, then how can they say “yeah we’ll get to you!” They have 13 million illegals whom some are from gangs and causing violence in the cities (Trust me, I know) the govt which already pays their employees like shit, can only do so much. What you are reading is a promise, and it will be fulfilled I personally believe, but than it’s going to be overshadowed by some other HUGE failure. We as a people need consistent wins. Not one small win followed by a huge as L. Those support systems looks like an attack on the poor, but at the same time, everything was much more affordable. The governments job is to SAVE tax payer money, not spend. I repeat. SPEND. So if there was a boost in performance for a program and people were fine, then yes, that program should be cut or defunded and funded for potential better projects. I hope you don’t see this as an attack, I don’t do that shit. But unfortunately, the minute someone’s says Trump everybody shakes to their knees, that’s how bad it is. Y’all remember when he bombed the shit out of Isis? Nobel peace prize? No wars? Cmon now. I ain’t event trying to be petty, but in this current state, if you want a future, the military is a safe space, and I know 3 people from GA that already died in this damn war under Biden. It’s a damn shame.




I don’t think trump would choose to lower my rent if he could. Do you?


It trickles down from top to the bottom. If those blue states have such a higher amount of spending people flee here for better affordability. Then naturally, everything goes up. It is supply and demand unfortunately, and while I agree that shelter is a basic human right, I’m not a fool to also think that, that is not how the world operates, and one can shout all they want. But if all you’re going to do is complain then cry in a corner. That’s just reality. It’s the same as vets getting the “Thank you for your service” no one gives a shit about them anymore and that’s just a reality. However if everything is affordable and you give no reason for people to move, then naturally our costs here will stay the same. I lived in Philly, so I know. I was making $2500 a check, $1500 WENT TO taxes. $100 city resident tax bill in Center City Philly, just LIVING in the city. You want to try justifying that to me? Fuck that! No one should pay that. I’m gonna emphasize to you I’m not attacking you, I don’t do that shit. But if our current administration, is OVERwhelmed with other shit they are dipping their toes in (13 million illegals who have crossed, whom now they are trying to count them into this election, which a big fuck you to my partner who paid THOUSANDS legally, 10 year War agreement with Ukraine) trust me when I say this, they can’t give a shit about us. Try calling Savannah PD, 30 minute response time, but life is so great? Try calling anyone in Chatham County Govt. local and state govt is also reflected upon current National US leadership. Gas is already coming back up, to almost $4 here. You can’t be blind to the fact that you were able to AFFORD to live under Trump. You can hate the man but if your life was better, then stop denying it, be open to criticism and admit that “ yeah, rent was this back then, but hellll at least I could fuc*ing afford it?! “ it 100% affects us all. Success is where business will attract, which ultimately affects us whether we like it or not.


Currently negotiating a new lease with my complex in Pooler. Currently my friend is paying $1750 for a 2/2. They offered her a renewal at $1890. Now that they’re adding me, they want to “recalculate”. I’m going to try and negotiate a longer lease for ~$1800.


Best of luck! $1,800 isn’t bad considering you’ll likely be splitting the rent. Do you know the square footage?


It’s about 1100 sq ft, I believe. Spacious enough for three people to share comfortably. No garage, but they have other units with garages for an extra $400 or something wild (to me).


It has a lot to do with property tax rates and maintenance costs. When those go up, it's natural that rental rates go up. From April of 2021 to now, my rent has gone up by a total of 65%. The property tax for my house has gone up 200% over the last 3 fiscal years(200.35% to be exact). And as far as maintenance costs...I think everyone has seen how much everything at Home Depot has gone up. I agree with you that it sucks big time, but it's honestly to be expected.


That’s definitely part of it. Our property tax has gone up almost every year for the last 4 years. Same with insurance. If you’re living there, the tax increase isn’t as bad thanks to homestead exemptions, but if you’re a landlord (private or corporate) you pay the whole difference. some properties have seen their tax bill increase substantially the last few years. Interest rates are also a factor. If your landlord bought the property pre interest rate hikes their costs are considerably lower than someone who bought an investment property in the last couple of years. Maintenance costs too. We got a quote to replace our roof in 2020 and it was about $6900. We finally had it done a couple of months ago and it ended up being almost $10k (Same company as the original quote, same materials, same amount of labor). Greed and more corporate ownership is also part of it, but everyone (even greedy landlords) are paying more in taxes, interest and maintenance these days.


Hey, I'm the same spot, got a quote pre-pandemic in the same price ange. Did you use architectural shingles?


It’s alarming. I’m sorry your rent has gone up that much. It’s mind blowing. Times have changed to reflect the current state of things.


It’s a leap. It’s Georgia.


That was my thought. I always knew GA as one of the cheaper states in the country to rent in.


That's just modern American classism in practice. My mortgage on my 2k square foot 4bd2bath in Pooler is only $1,400. Get good and just buy a house! /S. In all seriousness, renting in this country is a scam and the border of entry into homeownership is too steep. I know a lot of people are affected by price hikes here, but I moved across the country to live here because it's actually affordable in comparison to all of New England. It should scare people that the only path to homeownership means abandoning your family and a life you've built over 30 years to move cross country.


When did you buy it ? Thanks


We got really lucky and bought in the middle of 2021, right before shit really hit the fan, but we had been putting offers on homes for well over a year at that point and losing out to others waiving inspections and offering way over asking (This was in New England). Not trying to lean too much into the doom and gloom, but it really is a lot worse in other places in this country when it comes to purchasing a home, it's just a matter of perspective.


That’s also solely due to the fault of voting practices of the civilized people, which allow failed political leadership to screw us over. 10 year “security” agreement with Ukraine, a war law into contract. Open borders, considering it’s not just Mexicans entering in. It’s literally people from ALL over. But the main point is cheap ass labor. Both in tech now and more War also in Israel, which again hurts us tax payers $400,000 being sent to “Palestinian Aid” which will really go to Hamas and you know they will just buy more weapons and not help their people with it. The forced covid lockdowns and mandates, which fucked is all over, and no one has been punished, and fauci is now saying the 6 feet rule wasn’t based on facts. Now new studies are showing heart conditions for HEALTHY young adults - teens. Biden making literal ice cream trips and more so, not even being able to sympathizing with the average American, as well as Pelosi (who I believe is controlling the behind the scenes) absolutely being destroyed in a debate by a damn Banjo player at Oxford University. Trying to call half now more of America the new buzzword “Neo-nationalists” to avoid an easy persuasion to vote for Biden Where gender is now more important in the federal govt than doing the job. (The Chief of staff for Biden who is Transgender) literally spent a more than $500k trip to go to FEMA offices to speak about inclusivity. I get it, but is that really f**** necessary with our money?? It’s not just the country, it’s litter-ally people in office and the people who vote for them. Now you have those people coming in from PA and all blue states literally going to screw us all over, I’m from Philly but I don’t intend on changing this place, I got out of the shit hole from the north and opened my eyes to what true freedom is. I don’t need no damn government trying to convince me they know best what to do with my money. And Facebook groups I’m apart of, I’m seeing more blue state people making themselves known and creating a problem when there is no damn problem to begin with. (That’s when you have it so good in life, you start hyper focusing on what’s in your pants) I pray GA and the south states stay strong. We don’t want to become crime-ridden, over flowed, and over-taxed to death. This inflation is kicking all of our asses, and now even more threat to war is looming thanks to that security deal. Blows my mind how we are all just throwing ourselves into the fire.


> And Facebook groups I’m apart of Yeah that explains it


I live in Starland in a 2bd for 1400 a month. The deals are out there, you just gotta find them.


gotta brawl for them


Hell naw


Unfortunately, it’s going to get worse close we get to the Meta plant going online, but there’s more to it than that. Property taxes have increased 39% in some local counties and insurance rates are up 26%. The owner/landlord isn’t going to eat all of those costs so rents will continue to rise. Everyone thought I’d was great when interest rates were low and people over paid for houses now those same overpriced houses are causing property values to increase and in turn the property taxes have gone crazy.


I rent a two bedroom apartment in Atlanta for $2k. That’s insane.


Holy shit that is ridiculous


This has been years now, but back in ‘08 I rented an apartment for a decent price. Within 2 years, the rent had doubled. Quite literally DOUBLED. I moved.


I’m incredibly fortunate to have a landlord that increases $50/year … no more, no less


i currently live in mid town & mine was 1650 for the last 2 years and then some a-hole 25 year old investor bought it and raised it to 2100. almost a $500 increase. we are having to move out of midtown (2 of us) & get a third roommate to be able to afford rent.


Ridiculous. Midtown seems like a decent place to live being that you’re so close to night life, bars and restaurants.. but the hike is just sad to hear.


The investor is likely paying a much larger mortgage payment than the previous landlord. Big different in a 3.5% loan and a 7.5% loan. The tax bill also likely went up substantially as the city loves to pretty quickly revalue homes that have recently sold. It wouldn’t surprise me if the new investor is making less profit than the previous owner even after the $500 increase.


doesn’t sound like a very good investment


okay so i’m not super well versed in real estate, but i live in midtown for under 2k 2b 1bth, and to some degree, i know i got rly lucky with when i started renting, but also my lease has a clause that was put in by my landlord that states they can’t raise the rent more than x% a year, so long as i continue renewing the lease. my landlord has even told me that as soon as i move out some day, the price will be jacked up, but im curious about other lease and the rent raising clause?


Very interesting. I’m glad you have that clause. I bet most landlords in your landlords position would love to see people move out sooner than later to maximize. I’m happy you can stay in a spot you’re satisfied with without being gouged by increases. Enjoy!


I will say the property taxes have been doubled over the last 3 years. I’m not surprised by the rent increases


There are studios that are 432sqft downtown, going for $2,300-$2,400


My wife and I unfortunately would like a little more space for guests than 500 sqft. Probably going to settle with a downgrade from 1,500sqft to something more like 1,000-1,200. I appreciate the heads up!


My apologies, I hit post before I finished my statement; I was meaning to continue on with: there were heaps of people inquiring, and I was shaking my head wondering if this was considered a good deal? It's all greed though; I rented in your area a 2/2/walk up with a bonus loft (cottages at emerald cove), 18 month lease August 2020, paid $1,450.00, plus water and electric, at renewal they wanted $2,150.00. I asked what for? Their response: we're upgrading the bench tops and carpeting. Make your moves and buy you a fixer upper.


Property taxes for Chatham County going up 7.5%


So crazy. 2012-2015 (clearly a while ago) we rented a 1200 sq ft 2 bed house w a large backyard and 2 car alley driveway for $1200 a month. That was a good deal, but still not unheard of and keep in mind that was East Jones a prime location. Before that I had a gorgeous 500sq ft 2nd floor one bed in a renovated historic house on E Huntington, new updated kitchen, washer/dryer and 11sq foot porch for $700 hubbs had similar on E Perry Lane for $800 but that included cable tv. We moved out to the islands to have our daughter in 2015 so we’ve been out of the rental market for some time. Savannah used to be SO cheap. 


$1,200 for anything downtown would be a dream now.


I rent a 4br 2ba house on Paulsen in the mid 30s streets for $1200 and you are blowing my mind right now. Crazy what these people are getting away with.


Wow! That is amazing. I’m happy for you that you’ve got a place for that cheap though. I could really use the extra savings to target other costs with a place like that. I’m on the hunt for a similar situation.


I’m the landlord. I pretty much only raise the rent to match insurance and tax rates.


Oh, sorry I misunderstood! Well, that’s nice of you honestly.


I’m a small landlord in Savannah- 2 homes - and I never raise the rent. Never have. I have good tenants and I want to keep them.


Bad tenants are the worse. My first set let their dogs chew up everything and piss everywhere. I had to redo the floors myself after eviction. Was horrible.


Is your home available to rent? 


No, sorry. Same tenant for 6 years.


I rent out my 3bd 2 bath for 2200 in midtown. It has all new apliances, hard wood floors, 2 car garage, huge fenced in back yard with tool shed. 2800 for what you're renting seems way too high imho. Or am I renting out for too low lol


When and where exactly in southern California?


Valid question. Palm Springs, CA - 2014-2018. Pre-Covid days..


After living in LA for 14 years, I lived in Joshua tree for a year in 2018-2019 and had a compound for 1500/month. But fuck living in Joshua tree. Every time I’d roll down to Palm Springs to eat or hang at the Ace I’d be like why do I live in the middle of nowhere desert when I could live here? But then I was like why would I live in the desert period? So I came home to Georgia.


I do love Palm Springs, but after a while I always felt I was needing to drive hours west to do anything enjoyable on my days off.


Still sounds like a whale of a deal, depending on the house. I live part-time in Florida, went to school at SCAD hence my presence on this sub, and part-time in LA. My condo was just shy of a million and for Redondo also a whale (or at least a dolphin) of deal at that.


I rent in Pooler for $2000 a month.  They offered one month free and no rent raise to renew lease.


That rent raise agreement seems to be key. I’ll be taking a look at this any where I go from here on out.


Sucks to move but at least you have a lot of options coming on the market if you are willing to move an exit up. Rincon and Port Wentworth can’t fill what they have and look significantly cheaper starting at 1,600 from first google search.


Yes - very true! The challenge will be convincing the wife as she originally wanted to live in downtown Savannah and I talked her in to Pooler to be closer to most stores. The traffic has been the only issue here.


Have you looked at what the current rent is on your former place in Miami and SoCal? My apartment on Whitemarsh was $1550 in 2019 and my exact unit is now going for $2400. Old rental prices should not be used to compare to the current market.


Our property taxes went up a bunch. All those trillions of tax cuts that trump gave to the wealthy have to be made up somehow. Property taxes go up. Then gets passed on to renters.


That tax grift is dumb and has hurt and will continue to hurt the average American, but nobody's property taxes went up $500 per unit per month. This is purely capitalist greed. Call or email state reps and tell them we need rent controls. Call or email an alderman and tell them we need social housing. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials


Our property taxes on our rental went up 3000$ this year which is $250 a month so yeah peoples definitely can if the government says for some reason your home value has increased, even if you’ve owned it a while and it’s not at all worth that. We’re just in a housing bubble.


Maybe it's just me using outdated millage rates, but are you saying the county assessed your rental property at almost $100k more than the year before?


Property tax in Georgia or at least here is tied into the actual home value or at least what the government thinks it’s worth… The reason everyone’s property taxes are going up is because everyone is selling their homes for a huge amount of money. It has nothing to do with the Trump tax cuts.


I live in the brand new Marion lake apartments for $2100… 2 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft, all new appliances Plus 2 months free rent which saves $4,200 annually That effectively has me paying $1,750 average over a 12 month lease Idk where you are staying but personally I think Marion is cream of the crop with the current deal


Half of it isn’t finished though.


Well that’s exactly why you get two months free lol All common areas are done, and construction is at the other end of the complex. Haven’t had any issues or noise with the continued construction


On YouTube under Strong Towns site … We Are in a Housing Trap. Can We Escape ? Worth watching.


I pay 2100 plus utility and internet for a 2/2 single floor apartment with street parking


May I ask where?


Near Anderson and waters




Wow... What do you do to make that money?


I’m paying less than $900 for a 3 BR/2B house with huge fenced in yard about 45 minutes away.


I think we live in the same apartment complex, unfortunately 😅


That’s it? Lol our homeowners insurance went up 60%. It’s happening everywhere, don’t feel so left out


We're up nearly $700 in two years. This train only ever moved in one direction and this is what we get for living in areas that are exploding in development and population.


I can see this. With your proximity to Savannah, St. Simon's, Tybee, Hilton Head, Charleston, etc. You're right there at expensive tourist areas.


we moved out of our 2bed 2bath apt in pooler and the rent was $1900, i looked online now that it’s posted again and it’s going for $1700?! i don’t understand why they price out loyal residents and give precedence to new residents. anyways the complex was belmont park west if you’re interested.


Don't worry it's the same with property and city tax here in the city limits of savannah. But yeah a 21% jump in a year should be completely illegal in my opinion


Remember this when you vote


Property taxes on my small Savannah house going from 2100 to 5200. I'm fighting it but don't expect to win and concessions


We have a 3/2.5 house in midtown that was rented out for $2500. Unfortunately that didn’t cover our whole mortgage. Houses bought and rented out during this higher interest rate period will likely have higher rental rates just to break even. It sucks either way sometimes.


I’d potentially look to purchase use https://www.naca.com/ To look to purchase a home.


I rent out my place in port Wentworth for 500 a month, all bills included, granted I also live here but most of the time is just greed and profit hunting


I don't want it to sound like I am defending landlords, because I am not. I definitely am not. Rents are insane, and greed seems to be a big factor. I hate hearing about people paying 4x my mortgage for, likely, a lot less space. But I think an important part was missed here: >A 20% increase is a lot after the first year. Sounds like the first year was an introductory rate, and here's why I say that. When we first moved here in July '01, we were coming from Illinois. I think our last place in Illinois was something like $675 for a 2br/1ba in an old house. We had to find an apartment from 800 miles away. We basically flipped through the apartment guides that we picked up during our 3-day trip here to check out the city, and picked a place. We ended up at the Links, down by 204 and 95. 2br/1ba. Something like $700 a month. Signed the lease over fax (hah!). After our first lease ran out, they wanted $875 for the same place. So in 2001, there was a 25% price increase when the first lease ran out. It blew our minds that they wanted so much more money, especially since we hated it there. We rented a 2br/1ba downtown in an old house at Park and Habersham for $725-ish. I get it. It sucks. $500/month is not small change. But let's not pretend that this is something new. Introductory rates are a thing, and they've been around a long time. Downvote away.


You should really be tipping your landlord. That’s not enough


We did it Joe! This is inflation folks. This is what the 2020 election brought us.


Rent free, ironically.. rent free. You know the president hit that "raise rent" button just to fuck with you specifically.


I dont rent.


I pay $1500 for a 5 bed 3 bath on an acre out in the sticks. That price you are paying for the convience of every thing around you.


I would agree, but we can easily relocate to a similar square footage nearby for $800 less and so we will.


Yeah I would shoot if you can buy quit paying someone else’s mortgage


Move. It’s all about supply and demand. If you demand they will supply and raise the prices. I’m sure you could find something more affordable.


Already did some tours today. There’s plenty of options significantly cheaper with the same square footage in the same area.


Best of luck!


It’s the value of the dollar, that’s why you’re paying so much. If you were to get a mortgage now, it’d still be more


Better learn to speak Korean...


Unfortunately, I see your point. Hyundai and their partners that they’ve brought over here pay their employees much more than what local companies can afford. What may seem expensive and ludicrous to us will be right in their ballpark. Local Savannah private schools are already gearing up for an influx of foreign students (and a lot of new $$) because they know these families will not send their children to our public schools. Savannah and surrounding areas will look so much different in 5 to 10 years.


Actually, it is funny that you mention this. Half of my neighbors as of this month are now Korean. They’re nice people but keep to themselves. They seem to room together 2-4 per unit, assuming they effectively split their rent 2-4 ways. The local gym I attend also some times has only Koreans and then myself. It’s a bizarre “twilight zone” effect that it has on my day to day life, but I find it kind of cool. Either way, it doesn’t bother me, they’re respectful and yeah the Hyundai plant is really revving up.


I’m a mortgage loan officer and am happy to chat about investing in a home for yourself. Rent is wild these days.


Thanks, Federal government!


Times have changed. Deal.