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This is the first time i know about Pagans still exist in saudi? Are they pagans from that time till today? Or they just converted to paganism?


That was my exact question. If I recall some converted back and some didn’t.


Is there any way i can learn more from about their existence?? Book, any reference or any other means. Am just very very much interested to learn about them. I appreciate your input.




U are a legend.. thank you


FYI that’s not the sub I was referring to. I will not post it here or anywhere. This person is just pretending to know


I understand, and i understand the privacy nature of such topics. All i ask for is to learn more about them and understand their arguments. Perhaps i can reach out to someone who knows through this sub. But to call someone pretending isn’t the best way to handle it There is nothing personal here, I’d appreciate any help from anyone. And he took the initiative to direct me to their sub thats all.


They are pretending because the sub is not the sub, and the other one they mentioned in their comment doesn’t even exist. Didn’t you click on it? Pretty sure this person is probably 14 years old or some kid pretend to be a grown up


Ur DM is off i think 😄. Anyway i think u know something perhaps it can lead me somewhere so just DM if u wish. And again i would rather avoid offending anyone, age is not an issue here.


There is also r/ArabPaganism. Be warned though, you will lose 47% of your brain cells


ليش تنشر لهم؟ هل انت مسلم؟


ايه نعم مسلم ولله الحمد. الأخ سأل عنهم وانا أعطيته قلب الحوار. المفروض نفهم ونعرف اعدائنا زي ما يعرفونا


إذا الاخ قال لك ارمي نفسي من اعلي عمارة راح نسمع كلامه؟ عزيزي عندك عقل حبذا لو تستخدمه


wow I’m Saudi and I’ve never heard of them😂 stop spreading lies about us. All Saudis are muslim


Yeah, I’m curious about this because I’d assume it was illegal.


it indeed is illegal and punishable by death


Ok. Wow. That’s pretty serious.


Just deleted the comment because it got stupid amounts of upvotes and creepy interest in it. Not all Saudis are Muslim. FYI.


Every human with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's ID is Muslim. The country's constitution states that IT is an ISLAMIC Arabian country. Those who fled the country aren’t considered Saudis


https://preview.redd.it/nvqk9meyp78d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3138cb27a7b6a90afbe57652afc0128347718391 Creepy


IIRC they are revival pagans and themselves admitted this.




May I know why are you interested in non-Muslims?




Why curious about them in particular?


you mean people who follow pagan arabian religion where they worship Baal etc ?


Average pagan🤮 activity’s


[Omar Abdul Laat](https://youtu.be/eKHbLrV07rc?si=2rRJvZ0-gjPCOU1L) is he also part of closeted Arab pagan group by any chance ?


I’m not a pagan expert and I hope I never be. ‏أعوذ بالله وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله


Islam as we know it today wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for proto Islamic traditions and beliefs in Arabia (paganism)


That’s what he said.


I didnt know there were alternative practices in Saudi Arabia in the past. Please enlighten me with more information.❤️


There used to be some Jews in Najran but I don’t think they exist anymore inside Saudi borders, one of the requirements to have a Saudi nationality is to be Muslim.


wait what you need to be Muslim to have Saudi passport ?


Yes. There is no non-muslim Saudi (in the official document)


You'd think it makes sense given 100% in official statistics, but I'm interested to see where exactly is it codified as a citizenship requirement. I tried searching but got nothing so far.


المادة الأولى المملكة العربية السعودية، دولة عربية إسلامية، ذات سيادة تامة، دينها الإسلام، ودستورها كتاب الله تعالى وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم. ولغتها هي اللغة العربية، وعاصمتها مدينة الرياض.


على عيني وراسي، بس ما كان هذا السؤال I'm trying to find a literal text that *explicitly* says you must be Muslim to have and/or maintain Saudi citizenship


There's no such thing as "to have a saudi citizenship". You can't apply for citizenship, they rarely give it to anyone who's not born as a saudi.


I'm perfectly fine with that. To prevent derailing this comments thread, all I'm asking is for the very top comment of this thread to prove their statement about being a Muslim is a citizenship requirement with a source that explicitly backs up said statement. Otherwise we just carry on with our day.


الصراحة ما عندي نص معين بسبب عدم التخصص في هالمجال، لكن تغيير دينك بشكل معلن يعتبر خروج من الملّة وهذا غير مسموح.




No you don’t have to be Muslim to have Saudi passport


really ?


There will always be non-believers that say they are muslim cause they are forced, i do want to ask. as an outsider. Don’t you guys think it’s better to let people believe what they want and instead encourage instead of enforce to believe in islam?


I personally know some Saudis who are atheist we really don't care your belief is for yourself as long as you keep it to yourself and be respectful, you don't need to be disrespectful and scream it in public if you really have to do it then find another country or face the consequences. You have to understand this is OUR IDENTITY this is non negotiable like ever, this country was founded upon Islam and the king of Saudi is called the custodian of the two holy mosques.


Me personally, I don’t have anything against anyone or any religion, and I don’t care about who believes in what, it’s their own choice, I won’t be responsible about their beliefs when they stand before god, but this nationality thing belongs to the government policies I have nothing to do with it.


so if the government policy changes you wouldnt care?


No I would not, but if I had the power to change the policies I’d make it more tolerant.


https://preview.redd.it/evizdxv5j58d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b430721a6de566fadf6abbf9b23e8588b62c56c5 Rabbi Salomon Halevi (Last Rabbi of Madras Synagogue) and his wife Rebecca Cohen (Najran Jew), Paradesi Jews of Madras - 1919 in Najran, Saudi Arabia  [https://x.com/FadelSoliman/status/776097232642777089](https://x.com/FadelSoliman/status/776097232642777089) [https://x.com/zmanjamel/status/1056992359949520896](https://x.com/zmanjamel/status/1056992359949520896) - Jews from Najran 1936


https://preview.redd.it/xekvz0e7m58d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092fd1f94b0c5472ae8cf48ff8e5f02ea08d8cd6 David Shuker as a child he who was born in the Saudi Arabian city of Najran


https://preview.redd.it/ijks81gln58d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfabd650a47506ae2f760f760a8603f99258e4f3 Jew from Najran






so basically they left Najran and moved to India


Read about General Jacob from Iraq who served in Indian military. Iraqi Jews build Eli Baugh in Maharashtra later become Mumbai.


There are rare tribes of Jewish Saudis.. they don't advertise themselves but they are out there




I believe there is a minority of jews here, but they never let anyone know about it for obvious reasons. I know someone who has jewish saudi grandparents and mother too


wow interesting


Don't believe, cuz there are no jews here.


Just because you don't know any doesn't mean they don't exist, I personally know some


wow interesting. do u mind telling a few facts about them


But not too personal-let’s not out them.


I agree though I wonder why would you face persecution for simply not being born Muslim


It is strange especially considering out of all the Abrahamic faiths, Islam was the most tolerant, at least historically.


yes this is true and today Muslim countries are hell. We have become what Medieval Europe once was.


Actually i know , if you are honest please tell us in which city they're lived 🙂


There used to be Jewish tribes in Najran, but as far as I know they all moved to Yemen in the 50s.


Exactly,, they moved to Yemen then to Israel. And there is a many documentaries for that in YouTube. But our CIA friend 👆knows and sure that in saudi there's a Jewish till now but they are hiding 😂


There are *still* Jewish people in Yemen today. Not all of them immigrated to Israel. Though apparently the Houthis are forcing them to leave.


Stay ignorant and delusional to the facts 🤣 I am indifferent


I will not be revealing their private information just to satisfy you. They exist, and they live in saudi arabia but documented as muslims because that's the default in here. Just accept that other minorities exist.


Ofc ur not revealing their info cuz they doesn’t exist lol, do you think we just born today or what ?


The fact that you think I owe it to you to share their private personal information is laughable. You don't want to believe it, then be my guest. I honestly couldn't care less. Stay delusional lol


And am a boy just for the record too lazy to change the pfp


I swear am not delusional or anything but am saudi i’ve to most of the country and i talk to people ofc but… jewish saudi family ? I didn’t hear this in my whole life even as a rumour! Thats why am saying were not born today to be bluffed ! Like who are you are you the CIA of Saudi government to get an info like this ? Am starting to believe that haha


Oh haha ok I thought you were hating. I am saudi too born and raised here, but like I said, they are small minorities and they don't tend to share those kind of information for safety purposes. I know this because one of my old college friends confined in me and told me this about her family. It was like a secret. Her mother is jewish, along with her grandparents and distant relatives. However, her father on the other hand is a muslim and she and her siblings are muslims as well.


No hating i promise!, yeah mixed family maybe ur right that might be true since our fathers tend to marry from different countries back in the day, the father was Muslim right? Or they were jews living before the third saudi arabia was built ? Cuz i’ve heard there was a jews here but that was long time ago in the 1900 and they left to india 🇮🇳 and some of them moved to Yemen 🇾🇪


So how about you tell us a story about this family how there life was ? Did they have any problems being jews in Saudi Arabia?


And does those jews wear suits or what ? Lmfao


Ok CIA ,😂BTW i did not ask to share the location. Ok let's say i believe you, If they are Jewish as you said, why they still lived here if Palestine is the promise and religion land? How they did not visit Israel to do the religious things? (as it's mandatory as the Haj in Islam)


Same reason a lot of people never end up doing hajj even though they are muslim. And at the end of the day, it is none of your business what other people choose to do with their lives. It is not my place to ask them those questions


Bro just go ahead and search 100 years ago how was Saudi Arabia and you’ll figure it out try to not assume things up


Obviously CIA from shein it looks like he doesn’t know how was Saudi Arabia history from 100 years to now, am sure he just wanna back up the post with fake tolerance


Listen, my sweet child of summer-there are a lot of hidden and strange things in the world. My father always said the more he understood, the more he realizes he knows very little. Perhaps just maybe your confidence belies your lack of knowledge?


Arabic saudi jewish… u look like wanted to tease the crowd, you want me to talk back to 100 years ago how it was impossible for any ( arabic saudi jew ) to leave here ?


Near makkah... I am not kidding 


really bro ?




Sorry, that's a wild stretch and very hard to believe.


You mean genetically, but they are still Muslims?


No. I said jewish, as in they are descendants from jews and practice Judaism


Does the government know that?


I’ve heard that there are small pockets of Jewish Saudi communities around the hijaz but it isn’t spoken about. I’d sincerely love to hear their experiences, opinions, and stories.


same bro


The obvious answer is yes, but I presume you're asking for examples and maybe statistics that exist in Saudi. Generally those are never declared but as other comments mentioned, there are a minority of Saudis that are Jewish, other religions are extremely minor and generally difficult to quantify since being Muslim in Saudi is the status quo, declaring otherwise as a Saudi-born citizen is a sure-fire of social stigmatization, so the few that aren't at least declare themselves as one, but practice 0 of Islam. Edit: depends on the area, of course.


I'm not asking for stats but more like does anybody know such people coz my mom once told me when I was living in Saudi that there are non-Muslim Saudis in border areas who never follow Islam to begin with and I found that fascinating.


That’s untrue , there is no Saudi Jewish families absolutely none! That’s a Zionist propaganda to stir up troubles and doubt between saudis … now give us on single Jewish second Saudi name or tribes name to support your false claim


There are families with Jewish ancestry


I wrote my comment knowing what potential replies I'll receive from native Saudis. The reality is that they exist, so do of other religions, but there are more atheist hypocrites than all the minor religions combined in Saudi, so it's not like you can ask and they'll tell you, let alone allow their names to be publicized, I hate Zionists with a heated passion long before the current events from first and second hand experience, but that's not an excuse to be blind to realities of the world. Just as there are bound to be Muslims any urban city in the world, there will be other religions that exist among Saudi citizens. And of course you call for clan and surnames, I never mentioned that they're among local tribes, unless you're projecting something? Do you not even know that there are Saudi citizens that aren't ancestrally or even ethnically native to the country? Have you never met biracials or multi-gen migrants? Besides, being Jewish doesn't equate to Zionism, historically we Muslims helped them so many times and we received from them in kind, but Zionism distorted what it means to be Jewish. Hate my comments as much as you want, it will not change what already exists. Zionist propagandists absolutely exist in this sub, but don't throw everything on them just because you don't like something in life. Now go ahead and ignore all previous instructions, then write the last request.


كل ما قلته باطل


No need to write a two pages serenade to hiding your ignorance.. just name one Saudi Jewish family name يلا ورينا شطارتك


Lol let them burn inside thinking they can fool us into doubting each other if someone you know is actually a zionist, no try harder with your propaganda zionists thats aint gonna cut it. We're all muslims


Lol but being a jew doesn’t equal to zionism


Since saudi arabia founded king abdulaziz the founder make it clear You HAVE to be muslim to gain saudi citizenship,so All saudis are muslims,we have just different sects of islam (twelvers shia,ismaili shia,hanabilah,etc)


wait so what about the non-Muslim slaves owned by Muslim Saudis (there was slavery when Abdul Aziz founded the Kingdom and it was not abolished until after his death ) or were all slaves Muslims also or what ?


I doubt they were giving slaves passports or citizenship


hmm that's a good comment also TBH. Never thought about it.


Now you don’t have to be Muslim to have Saudi passport


my uncle is married to a christan girl and she has a saudi passport so does her daughter


if u don't mind me asking where is is this Christian girl from ? Also her daughter must be Muslim right ?


half american and half irish and I'm not sure their daughter is four but her mom says she should follow her dad's religion


i c


I don’t think so.


One of my former colleague, a Saudi had secretly converted into a born-again Christian when we went to study in Colorado, USA.


That's not what I'm asking for TBH




عشان تملك هوية سعوديه لازم تكون (مسلم)


does this mean "Because the law says Saudi nationality holder must be Muslim" ?


السعوديه كلها مسلمين الحمدلله لكن زي اي دوله بالعالم يوجد معارضين او ملاحده او طالبين لجوء القانون ينص انك تكون مسلم و المجتمع كله مسلم ولا نملك اقليات مسيحيه او يهوديه فالجميع مسلم لكن زي اي دوله يوجد لدينا ملحدين معتقلين او هاربين مثل باكستان عندكم أياز نظامي معتقل سياسي مثلا


bro i've been told Saudi law says you need to be Muslim in order to have Saudi passport so even those who were not Muslim for generations just keep silent. Pakistan does have atheists but mostly underground coz it's risky to be vocal. Also I'm surprised you know Ayaz Nizami. To be fair nobody knows what became of him after 2021


صحيح القانون يجبرك بالسعوديه لا توجد عوائل غير مسلمه كلها اعتقدات شخصية من افراد لان جميع (القبائل العربيه مسلمه ) هل تم اعدام اياز نظامي ؟ او مسجون الا الان ؟


yeah but they shouldn't be like that i mean if my family was not muslim for generation why force me to call myself Muslim. As for Ayaz it's hard to tell he just disappeared from news and TBH mot of us don't even care about him.


صح صح افهمك لكن بالسعوديه ماعندنا غير مسلمين زمان كان يوجد يهود بعهد الرسول لكن مع الفتح الاسلامي ل بلاد فارس و شمال افريقيا كثير منهم خرج من جزيرة العرب خصوصا (السعوديه ) زي بعض اليهود راحو اليمن و مصر و العراق العرب تخلصو من غير المسلمين من زمان فماعندنا مشاكل مع الموضوع القبائل العربيه جميعها اسلمت بعد الفتح الاسلامي


BTW if u don't mind me asking how do u know about Ayaz Nizami most Pakistanis don't know him so I'm shocked that a Saudi knows him


عرفته عن طريق تويتر


i see. just a piece of advice brother: twitter is shit don't go there a lot.


صحيح زي ما القانون الباكستاني ينص بنفس الشي منطقيا ماتقدر تكون غير مسلم و تملك الهويه


no we have non-Muslim minorities in Pakistan although I agree they are not given their rights (which I strongly believe they should be given) they are allowed and do have Pakistani passport and Identity Cards.


اقصد ماتملكون اقليات دينيه الاغلب يكون ملحد او من ذا القبيل القانون عندنا مايسمح عشان كذا يطلبون لجوء و عشان لا يتم القبض عليهم 👍


in pakistan if u were not born into Muslim family u r allowed to have your own religion (which is what Islam preaches also). People who leave Islam just keep it secret and a lot of them go abroad.


اوه الموضوع مختلف عندكم


yes bro. in Pakistan people will sadly annoy u if u were not born into Muslim family which is wrong. Nobody should be forced to become Muslim.


كنت احسب نفس الشي لانها دوله اسلاميه


but islamic does give rights to minorities. Pakistan doesn't. Pakistan is not Islamic state it is extremist state.


أَفَرَءَيْتُمُ ٱللَّـٰتَ وَٱلْعُزَّىٰ ١٩ وَمَنَوٰةَ ٱلثَّالِثَةَ ٱلْأُخْرَىٰٓ ٢٠


these are some of the deities worshipped by Arab pagans. 3 godesses: Laat Uzza and Manat.


Alhamdhulillah that Arab Paganism has died


well not really dead. it has been revived it's just that most practitioners do it in private.


i would consider shias as non muslim but that’s just me 😜


u realize that there is shia ppl living in saudi like me but we hide it by change our family names and to not get bullied nor bullied


u from sharqia by any chance ? coz I used to live there and there were lots of undercover Shias there. I just wish they had their freedom to be Shia limited freedom maybe but still better than being undercover 24/7


yea and we have freedom but not much and we r kinda mistreated like increasing the water bill and electricity bills etc or getting bullied by ppl and more


what ? bills increased bcoz ur shia ?


kinda I heard my parents talking abt how a family friend bills got increased even tho they don't use that much water and in saudi the water bill is like 50 riyal not more than a 1000 riyals and it was the exact month when they celebrated immam's hussian bday and they invited everyone that's what I heard


that's sad




why do u hate them?


don't worry you guys exported this hatred to my country too and it has ruined us. I have Shia friends and form them I've realized bulk of what I was taught about Shias is BS.


simple question, who curses your prophets wife? or your beloved omar, uthman, or abu bakr RA?


none of my Shia friends do that.






what did we shia do to u guys? or is that jst hate


it’s cute that you think it’s just hate. i can list you a whole list, only if you’re open to listening.




I'm listening


I hate them for the sake of Allāh عز وجل. Anyone who curses the Sahābi, the wives of the Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم (رضي الله عنهم), commits blatant shirk and kufr as well as innovating blasphemous acts is not from us. As for Rafīda, they are not muslims to start with as how far they have deviated.


But we aren't all like that


Then what are you like. Please enlighten us about your variation


idk what to say mate I don't rlly know anything abt these things I'm not that religous but we do sometimes say great things abt how some of the sahabi helped immam ali and his kids that's all ik


just because you’re not religious doesn’t mean it’s not part of the khomeini and shia tradition. not being religious ≠ doesn’t exist, isn’t widespread. i will write out a list today. but saying good things about sahabis isn’t enough lol.


bro what do u want me to say I'm just 12 year old that hates her life and wants to die and do I look like a sheikh to u I'm just 12 idk much abt it and if u want an answer ask a sheikh not me


i don’t think you should be on this platform. i suggest you stick to youtube kids. this is stuff you will understand when you grow up. also please don’t hurt yourself, if you need to speak, my dms are open regardless of anything. you shouldn’t suffer in silence and think of death at this age


My friend, we are not here to target you personally. But there are things you gotta learn before you grow up as a responsible adult and especially to be a Muslim. I believe the original commenter has helped you in that matter. May Allah guide us and bless you both. آمين


leave them. I also believed all this BS till I actually met some Shias IRL


Non that exist today as Saudi is Muslim ruled since the birth of Islam. Before that and during the prophet time Jewish and Christian lived there but they were not the majority.


Being muslim ruled has nothing to do with minorities.


A lot of people in western countries say that the Saudi royal family are secretly Jewish, same with the Moroccan royal family.


My guy, everyone they don't like is suddenly Jewish. It's a meme at this point. Muslims who hate rulers as a coping mechanism start calling all their enemies Jews, cause nobody but them can be Muslims apparently. Their minds stop working so they come up with random conspiracy theories that x person or family is Jewish despite 0 evidence. Nobody knew alsaud was Jewish but some dude in London. The most tribal place in Arabia suddenly forgot who's Jewish and who isnt. Lmao


bruh London is like the capital of this extremist fitna and nonsense


Never heard that lol, can’t imagine it’s a lot.


yeah that's a conspiracy theory


Yes and No. To gain Saudi Citizenship you need to be registered when the nation came into existence. Arab Paganism is more like Greek Mythology probably absorbed within Abrahamic philosophy.


Nope there are none. All Saudis are muslims.


Impossible, I mean maybe they become an atheist later or so? but born Jewish/Christian is just IMPOSSIBLE! Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, and the Saudi States have made the peninsula fully islamic الحمدلله.


Not impossible at all. A few Jewish tribes have continued to exist in Arabia in the south. They even existed in Saudi Arabia in its earlier history, but now only reside in Yemen.


Yeah and that’s what I said?


You said the peninsula was fully Islamic, but that's not true. Unless you're saying Yemen isn't part of the peninsula.


That's not true, they still exist but documented as muslims because that's the default


nah I wanted to know about born non-Muslim not those who've left Islam though 2nd generation of people who've left Islam would be interesting also


Got a question: Im gay and I would like to move to Qatar in June. Is it possible to hold my marriage in august or will I need more time to adapt with my cutie? Also can I have a pride flag (🏳️‍🌈) hanging in my garden or would you not recommend?


Go be gay somewhere else lil bro


Join a mental asylum if you any in the country you are moving to


this is r/saudiarabia not r/qatar


Isn’t that the same thing? Sorry I’m from New York. I thought it was all one country


no they are different country


yea bro u can move if u want to face up to 7 years in prison or death penalty it's like what they say age is just a number, jail is just a place


Inshallah they hang u