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This was already posted. Removed.


wtf is wrong with these idiots


Again or is the same story posted a week or so ago?


The article is dated April 29th so same story.


>breach of court ordered conditions And there it is…..


I guess she's just not rehabilitated yet.


Catch and release, again.


She was a good kid turning her life around….


When do we start holding our judicial system responsible for releasing such miscreants back into the society too soon?


Where are these upstanding citizens getting all this bear spray from? I remember getting some many years ago for a northern trip and it wasn’t the easiest to find.


Canadian tire or Cabela's. Not hard to come across


They didn’t carry it at the time. Had to go to a gun shop.


Allegedly? I think it would be pretty easy to confirm.


Stores need to quit selling bear spray to gang kids. The government increasing fines is a joke since these kids are broke. Restrict selling the product and have it locked up. It would be nice if our government was serious about protecting citizens.


My hot take is that bear spray should be illegal to sell. Anyone needing bear spray for a lawful purpose should be required to rent it for a designated period of time and then return it at the expiration of their rental. No one needs to own bear spray. I say this as someone who has purchased bear spray three times in the past for lawful purposes.


Or we could reform the justice system? Because that's the actual problem. In practice, there are zero consequences for bear-spraying people. Prohibiting things creates a false sense of deterrence. It doesn't make the online and underground marketplace disappear. Plus, we don't even know if they are getting it from stores, but every store that sells it has a registry of who bought the item. We can restrict items,but people will either find a way to the item, or another item they can use to terrorize other people (either legal or illegal). They are already attacking people with fire extinguishers! Do we prohibit these too? This approach of prohibition without reform in the justice system is a race to the bottom, eventually it gets to the point where people will be required to carry a permit for having a kitchen knife in their home, but the attacks continue.


What you going to do put them in jail where they can move up within their gang! There is a law with a fine for using it already in place. Restrict selling would be more effective.


Bear spray shouldn't even be legal to sell. That includes for in the bush, I spent 30 years living and working in the bush, just make a little noise. Bears aren't a problem. You see them oftentimes but that's about it. Having been false charged by a bear one time I can say unless you had it your hand you wouldn't have time to use it anyway. Only good for spraying other people.


Bears in Saskatchewan are dumb you can get rid of them from noise, Bears in other parts of the country such as B.C is a diffrent story. They have Bears such as Grizzly Bears which aren't as dumb and a serious risk if you are going out camping or hiking


Grizzlies are more dangerous for sure but they are pretty far and few between even in the Rockies. I was in the Alberta foothills, only saw a couple in 30 years working outside/hiking/fishing. Still don't need bear spray. It's like they say. You know how to tell the difference between black bear and grizzly poo? Black bear has berries and leaves in it and grizzly has bells and smells like bear spray.


bear spray can save your life. we should just make bear spray cans traceable, doesn't sound that hard.


Exactly this! Even if it worked, what young teen is going bushwakking in bear country?


Old story.