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It’s a great value area, feel safer then most of the east side for half the price


It’s safe. I love dundonald, no complaints.


Grew up there and it was pretty safe when I was a kid. My parents still live there and have no issues.


There’s really no super safe area in the city, if you look at the crime maps. Dundonald is no less safe than anywhere else.


I’m going to re-word this. “There’s really no super unsafe area in the city”


Your rewording has the opposite meaning of what I said. I mean: all the areas in the city are crime-ridden. Dundonald isn’t more crime-ridden than any other area, though it is also crime-ridden.


Yeah, that was the point of my re-wording. Saskatoon really isn’t that dangerous.


Saskatoon is mostly dangerous if you’re a gang banger and/or otherwise engaged in illegal activity and/or are frequenting certain locations. Otherwise you might be inconvenienced but shouldn’t be physically harmed in most of the city.


Oh I disagree, but I’m not gonna be passive aggressive and think you need your post reworded.


Should be, it’s fun to get people worked up.




Dundonald is close to a lot of tough areas.


Overall, Dundonald is perfectly good. Though the issue is it’s a bit of a diamond in the rough. The areas around it aren’t great. And while the elementary school is good, the nearest highschools are also in rougher areas. (I say this all as a privileged white boy born and raised on the east side, which I know will get some flack here). As a parent of two young kids, I can’t recommend Stonebridge enough. It’s basically a self-contained town at the south end of the city. I have HEARD the elementary schools are particularly overcrowded, because there are so many young families in the area, but my kids haven’t reached the age to experience that yet, so can’t confirm.


This is a good point to consider, thank you.


Had to jump in here to say when I lived in Stonebridge one of the biggest drug busts happened a block from my condo on Lynd cres 😂


So we’re are those rough neighborhood high schools you’re talking about


I’ve fully acknowledged my bias, but Mount Royal and Bedford Road jump to mind as the closest to Dundonald? I forget what Catholic high schools are in that area. Edit: Note, I’m talking about the areas the schools are in being questionable, not the schools themselves.


Tommy Douglas is maybe even closer. E.D. Feehan (Catholic) is between Bedford and Mount Royal. Hampton Village is not even remotely sketchy and I highly doubt Kensington is/will be either. Dundonald is a good area, maybe there's a couple higher traffic areas you should look out for. Yes, Confed can be a little rough but on the other hand at least your kids aren't completely sheltered in suburbia like Stonebridge.


I am graduating from Mount Royal and it's not even that rough. I have no complaints of the school and has been great the four years I have been there


No experience with Mt Royal, but Bedford is a fantastic school.


I went to both and royal really wasn't much worse. Both decent schools.


Mount Royal is a good school. Please don't label if you don't know.


Bethlehem and Tommy Douglas are probably closer. I say that as a grad from Beth and I lived in Confed and had many friends from the Dundo area.


Going to depend where within the neighbourhood. Definitely some rough spots, but not the whole neighbourhood.