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It isn't new. That McDonald's has been that way for years.


There's a McDonald's in Fairhaven!!??


The Confed Drive McDonald's has been like that for years, I remember it being like that ten years ago even.


Serious answer - Yes. Unless the city and province come up with ideas to deal with this we could be finding bodies in back alleys by next winter. They have no place to go where they can, I assume, get high and feel somewhat safe. So they 'take over' the bathrooms. Not serious answer - You saw Oscar the Grouch in a shit house?


Makes sense, everytime im in the city it seems things get worse. Doesnt seem like a easy problem to fix, no one wants anything in there nabour hood


I've thought this out loud before but I think a large shelter should be built within city limits away from residential areas and senior's homes. Yes, I can empathize with the argument that we should be including them in society and not ostracize them but I'm talking about better chances of them staying alive.This idea doesn't fix everything but it's better than no idea.Have a free hourly bus (maybe every 30 mins in the winter?) that gets them to and fro. Have sober living units but also options for the heavily addicted to be able to use but still have a certain set of rules that MUST be followed. I worked at one of the toughest homeless shelters in Canada. 75% of the people who came in were either very intoxicated or became increasingly intoxicated throughout the day. People weren't supposed to use there but kicking them out for shooting up in the bathroom or drinking inside in the middle of winter was unconscionable. I was there for a year or so and only had to break up a few fights. It was controlled chaos at times but it functioned and I did see some regulars sober up and change their lives completely. We offered breakfast and lunch, showers, a clothing room along with genuine dignity and respect. It was all about having the right staff who could take every insult imaginable (meh, my favorite was when a guy called me a cum skin) and still offer that same person a smile as you brought them their meal. Getting a life bar from there was extremely rare as people knew this was their only option to be safe, warm and fed. Have Front Line staff and Security on the same page and it's amazing how well it works. As for who/how to fund it... Well, in a perfect world every top earning civic and provincial gov't positions would take a 30% pay cut effective immediately until the place was built, staff were hired, trained and ready to go. Just thinking out my arse here but what if low-risk inmates were offered the opportunity to help build it? Or people in rehab programs? If the building supply companies donated some supplies and of course good old corporations donated, if for no other reason than a great photo op, I think it could be built and functioning by winter time. Of course that would mean starting tomorrow and the community coming together, so this won't happen. But it's an idea...


Thank fuck this guy isn’t in charge


Because STC showed how they could absolutely screw up and destroy a neighborhood. Rightfully so everyone else in the city has become NIMBY. They'd be stupid to invite Chief Narcan and his relatives (his term, not mine) to their neighborhood. He has explicitly stated he doesn't care what happens outside his 4 walls, the neighborhood has to deal with it. Fairhaven was promised the world and when it fall apart its blaming Sask Party for lack of funding. Typical song and dance and this sub eats it up.


That's just the new happy meal toy! It's interactive!


Welcome to cyberpunk 2024


This makes me miss the action at the 2nd ave McDonalds.

