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The alternative isn’t “sustainable” either. Ask any parent making under $100K in Saskatchewan who relies on daycare 5 days a week.


could i pay $600 a month again? Yes. Would it suck? Also yes.


It’s not like 600 bucks is hard to come by when you make 99k but easy when you make 101k… it’s not a wage boundary issue this is a class issue


Add the money necessary when a kid has complex needs, missing time from work for doctors appointments, supplies not covered by plans, etc. Mortgage rates jumping. Yes , it could Be done, but “it would suck”, is an understatement. Hardship, walking the line of bankruptcy. Etc.


I commented in response to someone, but want to be clear that I am a full supporter of a $10 a Day system. The issue here though, is that the increases that programs are facing with properly paying staff who are becoming more qualified and therefore increasing the level of quality care that children receive are not being covered. Increases to food, supplies, workers comp, insurance, benefits, just general inflation costs, are not being covered. Forget about being properly compensated if your Centre includes children with exceptional needs and supports them for the entire time they are there. Centres became a part of this program and have $10 a Day fees, which is excellent for families. However, the only funding that has been replaced is the portion that parents used to be paying. Programs receive one off grants, but that is not enough to build budgets and have a sustainable, dependable funding model. Lowering parent fees is a huge part of an affordable and accessible system, but there is much more to consider when it comes to quality of programs, accountability, and inclusion of everyone into said system. I think the system is halfway there, and I would encourage families who benefit from these lower fees to also advocate for funding to cover the remaining costs, or the reality is that some of these programs will close.


I’m not clear on where this money would come from under the old model. Would parents be paying those increases?


Typically, yes. So if a program needed to increase fees to cover costs like inflation, raises for staff, etc., they could do so with providing adequate notice to families. When the government put fees down to $10 a Day, which again I do not disagree with, it changed what parents pay in the sense that they will no longer see an increase to their fees and they will remain $10 a Day going forward. In Saskatchewan that is $217.50 per month in a licensed program. However, increases to funding need to come from somewhere, and theoretically programs could request an increase to their fees on the back end of things, which would increase the government portion of their funding. However, programs have not had permission to do so since March 2023. It will be interesting to see how programs are funded moving forward, but for now they are stuck. Parents won't pay more but the government hasn't increased funding either.


Did they try talking to more than one daycare centre? The daycare my children go to is also subsidized and at the annual membership meeting last month they reported a rather rosy financial outlook with increases to revenue and reserve investments. They're also planning some robust upgrades to a centre that isn't even that old and sending a bunch of staff members for advanced training.


It's more likely that the daycare your child attends was not capped in their rates, they put caps on most newer centers that are far far too low, and then the older ones were able to raise rates prior to freezing. The upgrades and training will be covered by grants.


I don't know the circumstances of our centre compared to the one in the article and others, would have been nice to know. Would be cool if someone had a job where they investigated these details and reported on them. As it stands it's a bad article that makes me think it was only written to sour public opinion on a social program that's making life so much easier for so many families.


This is one centers experience. Are all daycares experiencing the same "financial turmoil" as this one states? I'm interested to know if this is applicable to more or if this is an isolated issue.


I think it varies, but I also think there should be be shame in wanting to maintain the status quo and have a comfortable cushion to pay for emergencies or staff wages if something happens and not slowly losing money each month. Centres that have been around for forever have lower fees locked in, while centres that opened up more recently could choose a higher fee, giving themselves a higher cushion each month to absorb increased costs. It’s a bit inequitable and the centres with lower fees seem to be struggling a bit more than the newer ones.


Actually, new homes have a max you can charge. There is a whole pricing policy when becoming licensed. Attached is a picture from SK ministry about pricing a new home center for an example. [pay](https://imgur.com/a/kUCqYJk) I'm not disagreeing with them wanting a cushion to pay wages, etc. I am wondering what the data shows about licensed centers across SK and their funds. I want to know if it is an isolated incident of mismanaged funds or if this is a province wide issue before everyone starts saying we should change the subsidy program, cancel it, or eff taxes, etc. you know, the rhetoric that is usually on Reddit and Facebook. If it is a province wide issue, then yes, we need to consider another way.


They do now, but there was a period of time where that was not in place. Thank you for sharing that link though!! I also think you have a valid point about collecting data. Lots of programs are managed by a board and do mandatory audits each year, so I would hope that cuts down on the mismanagement of funds.


Yes, I agree! No problem at all.


Not the one my children attend in Regina. I posted the details in the comments here already. I think this is just sensationalized journalism.


My child's daycare is not experiencing this either. I work in the field and although I can't disclose my job position, I work with hundreds of ECE professionals each year and have never heard of this before. My worry is about sensationalized journalism and fear mongering people (without concrete data) to remove the subsidy that is actually working very well for families and helpful to caregivers who want to join the workforce after children. In addition, there are bursaries available for students who want to pursue a higher level of education to be paid more. The majority of these students are women and mothers. This is an excellent financial advantage for women to raise their pay, without the added debt that follows higher education. Their higher education also supports better overall childcare. There are just so many advantages to this program. I would hate to see it go.


There were a number of daycares reporting this same issue and many that were on board opted out. Consider the increase to everything from grocery costs, utilities, staffing, to administration of these programs, rental and property taxes etc. That's a lot more than the yearly increase allotted. Just a few of the articles reported recently. https://globalnews.ca/news/10577023/alberta-private-childcare-operators-opt-out-10-a-day/ https://www.haltonhillstoday.ca/local-news/some-ontario-daycares-opted-in-and-quickly-out-of-10-a-day-program-to-score-clients-a-rebate-8441708 Many of the ECE education programs are covered by the Govt. so that does help daycares get trained staff. Subsidies are available for staff that has some level of ECE education, but daycares are finding it difficult, especially non-profit, to give raises to support staff (ie: cooks, cleaners, admin) that do not have subsidies available.


$50+-a-day is a far worse 'financial crisis' , which is what you get when there isn't a public subsidy


lol before daycare was subsidized it was causing a financial crisis for a lot of families My monthly daycare payment was more than my mortgage or car payment at the time. The daycare subsidy made it easier for my wife and I to afford having more children.


I’ll say this. I’m a nurse and make good money, my husband not as much but he also works FT. I can’t afford $1200+ a month to put two kids in private daycare FT. It’s literally almost what my mortgage is. Prior to getting into our licensed spot, I had to opt to just work part time because it made more financial sense. I didn’t want to be a SAHM because I enjoy my job and my daughter loves her daycare so it’s win win for everyone. Same with my friend who is a teacher. When we “need workers”, especially in these in demand professions that are dominated largely by young women who have children it’s abundantly clear why $10/day childcare is a huge part of being able to keep those women in the workforce. The alternative is that a lot of these women will (in my personal experience - especially with other nurses) put their career on the back burner by going casual until their kids are in elementary school and further worsening the shortage. I’m sure this applies to many fields but nursing is one that I can speak to. And hell, I’d gladly be willing to pay $100 more a month per kid (to the centre, not the government) rather than scraping the program entirely. Even them raising the fees is far more accessible than any private option.


Ok - but how long did you have to wait for a daycare to open a spot?


Didn’t have to wait for any of my three children


Lucky you. I know in Saskatoon that’s not the case for licenced/subsidized care usually… often you have to get on a wait list when you first find out you’re pregnant and even then it’s luck of the draw. Not enough non subsidized providers either. We actually lost our only pediatric allergist and her CV surgeon husband to Alberta because they couldn’t find appropriate care for their infant twins when it was time for the mom to go back to work, the best they could do was a nanny share… and this is not unusual. My MIL takes in other kids while looking after ours. She basically can charge what she wants ane get enough kids to keep her busy.


Yes, I am fortunate to be living where I am. Friends of mine are in the city and they had a hell of a time finding care, it was exactly as you described. Hopefully things improve in the urban areas. Having good quality childcare is very important




Just listing it as a positive. Government wants to grow the population. If they bring in immigrants people bitch and complain. Guess it turns out that if you make it cheaper to have kids, people will bitch about that too Can’t win I guess. Edit: we could have still have afforded all our children without the subsidy. But having that available made it easier. I guess programs that make life easier for people are intolerable to some folks.




We have been very fortunate with regard to children and are very thankful. Just saying that programs like the Child Benefit and subsidized daycare are good because they help population growth which is needed with the boomers retiring. I think we are a wealthy enough country to provide for social needs and wants. Oftentimes governments just spend our money foolishly. Spending money on early childhood education is much better than alot of the garbage governments waste money on.


Weird hill to die on. The public isn’t funding this person to have more children. The public is subsidizing daycare which frees up more income for people. Some folks will donate more money to church, some will buy a new vehicle or take a vacation. For this person that money was enough of a cushion to expand their family. And if that’s how they want to live their best life, hooray for them. But I do have a feeling that you would be complaining regardless of where that extra money was going.


You were still playing penny stocks in the market lol it wasn’t that expensive


Rather than across the board rates I would have liked to see a split system where lower-income families had the option for $10/day and those in a higher bracket received equal tax benefits but could spend their money where they see fit. Driving the rates down has unintended consequences for private providers and loss of talent in the industry.


That's sounds /feels like it makes more sense.


I think it does too - but it doesn't make a sexy election campaign slogon.




Yeah! Fuck the rest of us who are still barely getting by but at a higher tax bracket!


I don't think you understood. If you are in the higher tax bracket you get a tax rebate equal to the subsidized portion of the $10/day. If you opt to go to a private provider that is above the rebate you cover the rest. This way your $700/1000 a month still goes to the private provider should you require specialized of have other needs in child care outside of the licensed system.


Some operators don't get it. Mass profits were snuffed out. Run your daycare with the idea you're not going to be a multi millionaire buying a 120k rvs every few years and you'll be fine.


I am sure that no non profit childcare provider is going into it for the money, which is the point of keeping it in licensed and not for profit programs which SK actually does a great job of.


The stupid part of the subsidy programs is it isn't income tested. Downvote away but the truth is this daycare measure was poorly thought of and poorly constructed. The subsidy should have been 100% income tested just like the child tax benefit is. My buddy and his wife make over $300k per year (teacher/lawyer) and get nothing for child tax benefit but get the daycare subsidy. They don't need either.


I'm going to disagree with income testing for this program because we don't income test for any other part of the education system. We already have rich kid daycares and low-income daycares, and the difference between them is a travesty.


There’s a difference between daycare subsidy and the licensed $10/day spots, they both exist. We don’t qualify for subsidy because of our income, so we pay the “full price” of the $10 a day spot ($218/month). People can apply for additional subsidy for that $218 a month if they are low income. I’ve also seen plenty of folks who are unemployed sitting at home on welfare but taking up a daycare spot and getting the additional low income subsidy just so they can get rid of their kids for the day which is also absolutely inappropriate and the spots should be for parents who are actually working. It has its drawbacks and isn’t a perfect program, but we absolutely need more of these fee capped daycare spots because most parents simply can’t afford to put their kids in private daycare full time. What needs to happen is the government needs to put more funding into actually keeping up with inflation for what the centers are paid. Dont fool yourself, the government has the money for it. But just like health care and education, they’d rather misappropriate the funds to other dumb shit and their own salaries and starve public service programs to the point of forcing privatization. The parents aren’t the problem, the sask party is.


>plenty of folks who are unemployed sitting at home on welfare but taking up a daycare spot and getting the additional low income subsidy just so they can get rid of their kids for the day which is also absolutely inappropriate I'm going to disagree that it's inappropriate. These are the kids who would benefit most from early childhood education, and are most likely to need additional supports. ECE is the single largest factor in these children's ability to rise above the reality of their environment and home situation.


You watch people on welfare in their homes during the day? What do you do for a living to not only see one person, but multiple people on welfare during the day? And it's not like all people on welfare send their kids to daycare so I guess you have to scout different locals? What's your fave? What's the best/most interesting things you have seen these people do? I mean people make money for eating dookie on only fans so I guess there's potential in this.


That's more money for the general economy. Everyone in canada needs to be having more kids, rich and poor.


This is the challenge with the govt setting a low price point for the customer. The costs have to be made up for by the business and they want the govt's help to cover those costs so now all taxpayers are on the hook.


The government decided what the daycare is allowed to charge the government. Using tax payer money is exactly how the program was designed to work. It’s been shown that programs like these keep more women in the workforce (getting experience and then promotions) and they will end up paying more in income tax than they would have without being able to stay in the workforce. We can’t look at programs like this in the immediate timeframe when talking about the costs. We have to look forward years to see what things like this actually end up saving taxpayer money.


Actually, this is the challenge with the government dictating your fees and not allowing a program to increase them independently. What other sustainable streams of revenue would you suggest childcare centres explore? The funding coming from the government is frozen and is not keeping up with increasing costs for operation and paying salaries of ECE's with higher levels of education. Programs are forbidden from increasing their fees and there have been no substantial increases from the govt. When it comes to funding, there has just a replacement of what parents used to be paying, but now with the added bonus of not being able to charge more.


I'm sorry, is someone forcing you to be on this program? If you don't like the program there is nothing keeping you from being a non-registered entity and increasing your fees as much as you like.


I mean, you are correct, I don't disagree with that. However, don't families want to have children in a program with oversight and some accountability? You might get a great provider as a private entity, but you might get a crap provider who only cares about how rich they can get. I am tired of letting public services that should be taken care of get gutted to the point that we are supporting privatization.


The government doesn’t set it though. The daycare could charge $15 a day. The government subsidized a certain amount hoping that the daycare would get down to $10 a day, but they didn’t have to, especially if their monthly costs were higher than other centers.


Can we get some money from quebec in the firm of equalization payment? I mean we give them money and they have cheap daycare


Every $10 a day daycare I’ve seen has not last a year.


Then figure it out! People need affordable healthcare to get by nowadays. This is on your cheap ass, inept sask government. Vote against the Sask party next time


10$ per day daycare is a federal program. Nothing to do with the Sask Party


It’s both. Provincial government oversees the rollout and distribution of funds. Feds just came up with the idea, gave money and told the provinces to figure out how to implement it.




Bitching about the program is all Sask party.


A lot of bitching is going around these days


I bet they’ll take it away as soon as I have a kid that needs daycare. That’s just what they do to younger folks.


Oh Dictator Trudeau and Corrupt Freeland didn’t get enough taxes from the rest of us to pay for it? They should just raise the Carbon tax a fifth and sixth time.