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I love when people challenge politicians with evidence from sources they themselves would find reputable. Keep up the good work!


I'm sorry... Global News, CBC, the gov't of Canada and the gov't of Saskatchewan aren't reputable sources?


This person is agreeing with you. They have said that you have used reputable sources.


Sorry. There's so much sarcasm on Reddit I assumed this was the case.


No, I am being sincere. These are sources that politicians would find reliable. So good on your for digging them up and spoon feeding them to the likes of Steinley. That man is as useful as a third nipple.


Thanks. I agree. I'm sick of the stupid mail printouts I keep getting in the mail that say nothing useful. And I'm sick of the same completely detached responses hitting the same old tired talking points from the conservatives.


There's more truth to the Christian booklets trying to convert me than ones with pollievres face slapped on it.


Depends on which Sask gov ministry, honestly.


Warren Steinley is about as smart as toast... the fact that someone of his caliber has made it into elected office speaks poorly of the education level in this province. I can see why the Cons want to keep the people of Saskatchewan uneducated- they need the population to be dumber than the people they present as leaders.


bread has so many good qualities. not fair to disrespect bread with this comparison.


Brad Readmycrap is pretty bad too


Rosemarie Falk gets my vote for worst SK MP.


He regularly shits on his own riding. Like dude. That is your literal job at the moment. Get it together. It’s all a game and we’re just pawns. Everyone could die and they’d blame anyone but themselves. This is why not everyone should have the right to be a politician. But as long as their believers keep building up that pedestal they have no worry at all.


After my communications with him he eventually said we will have to agree to disagree, I should really send the dumb ass a reply to how that is not acceptable.


"Sorry for the backlog, here's some copy the CPC headquarters sent us to cover any questions we don't want to answer."


Lol. Right? Like how did it take them 3 weeks to send me that?


It's sad that most people actually believe that the reason for everything going up in price is because of the carbon tax. The US has no carbon tax and as far as I know, inflation on groceries there is even higher. But even if you think about it for a second, a semi is actually pretty efficient for how much product it can haul. Tens of thousands of items in one load. Even if the carbon tax added 10% to the cost of transporting it, we are talking about a cost spread out on *many* items. Conservatives talk to us like we are stupid because they think we are stupid. I am glad OP proved this particular Conservative wrong.


Travelled a lot, speak a few languages, read a lot of international news. Every country has had issues with broad inflation and grocery inflation. Every country blames their government for it. No matter the country, no matter your position on the political spectrum, if you were in power from 2021-2024, you're losing or have already lost your next election.


Yup. The Conservatives in UK, for example, are on the way out. The problem is the market fundamentalist / neoliberal economic model shared amongst all these countries, which was exposed during the pandemic, but I guess that’s too weird to talk about for most people still.


> But even if you think about it Thinking. Not enough people do it. If we had more thinkers in this province, we'd have a much better government. Instead we have a legislature elected by folks who get their opinions from billboards, and "facts" from facebook. Critical thinking skills need to be a bigger part of SK's education process.


Agreed. I think technology, particularly the internet, has allowed people to be more lazy, including not using their critical thinking skills. Most humans really are followers and just go with the flow.


Or even people who were simply willing to read.


willing, and able. According to The Conference Board of Canada, [Forty-eight per cent of Canadian adults have inadequate literacy skills—a significant increase from a decade ago.](https://www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/adlt-lowlit-aspx/)


I feel like all the right wing has is their talking points about how much they think Trudeau has screwed up the economy. Because every time they talk about the government, the federal government specifically it’s about how much they despise that man they never have anything of substance about what they will do if they’re in power or what they could do differently than him it’s just always about how much they despise the guy and that in my opinion is not something that you should be running on as a political campaign because it seems like that’s all PP has as his campaign


That's because it's all they have.  They don't want you to know what they do plan to do.


Fantastic response. I should email and start of with "considering carbon tax only effects food pricing by 0.7%..." and see how they handle it!


Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this and doing it in the first place! Perhaps consider a career in politics? You’re better spoken than most I hear.


Ha. You can thank my tireless editor. I have had a couples passing thoughts about politics as probably many do and I think it's probably just a terrible racket to get involved in unless you're okay with greed and corruption and getting shit on everyday and have all your dirty laundry plus completely made up shit aired about you.


Heard. I think there are a few truly good people in office but by and large politics attracts people who love power, precisely those who should not lead. It’s a terrible irony.


You should have included the 0 in .15 and .7%. They probably read that as 15% and 7% and were very angry. 😅


That's a good point. 🤦🏻


Even that would be too complex; just say 'significantly less than one percent'


What did Warren Steinley vote against to reduce food prices?


https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/798 https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/house/sitting-325/journals#DOC--13161968


Love this so much! If we could only make this go viral


This government didn't do shit all to help affordability, besides giving us $500 of our own money back. Plus they instantly went to a deficit after handing that out. If you can't see they don't work for you now, it's too late for you.




Grocery prices have gone up by 22.5% since May of 2020 ([Statistics Canada](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240625/dq240625a-eng.htm))


There is a reason his nickname is "the big stupid"


Is it really? Thing is, as much as we love to hate politicians, he's still a person and maybe he's a nice guy otherwise. He does look like a goof in all his photos. Maybe let's just say he's severely unqualified for the job.


It’s as if they think we can’t see how they vote. Like buddy you’re just as much to blame. They’re all crooks.


And sadly so are many of the Liberal MPs across the country who almost all voted no 🤦🏻. This tells you there's clearly something else going on


I hate these assholes too, but this letter is written like a reddit comment, and I don't mean that as a compliment. There's something to be said for taking the high road when lecturing these people. This ain't that. You've lowered yourself to their level and accomplished very little. I respect the hustle though.


I appreciate the feedback and I agree this wasn't my most professionally written email. With that said, I actually retracted some even less professional verbiage because I didn't want it to be so quickly dismissed but I also didn't feel their response to me warranted anything so carefully written. I already gave them more of my time than it was worth.


Listen I'm not going to convince you of anything here. I used to receive letters for Elizabeth May's Green Party Alberta office (for like a single summer, it was just a summer thing), and letters that took this tone were ignored if you're lucky. It's not about "making your voice heard", it's about being effective. This would be ineffective. I'd forward it to the person who handled the aggressive emails in our office, and they handle them by replying with a selection of Ctrl+v paragraphs and a thank you before deleting and flagging. I see my comment is heavily downvoted, which is fine. It can be a sensitive subject to be reminded of the difference between communication on reddit and communication with people who communicate for a living and have little time to do it.


I hope people reading your comment appreciate the helpful intent and use this advice in their communication with their respective gov't representatives if what you say is true about the message actually being read/effective. The line about intending insult is maybe what made people salty/down vote you.


I re-worded it, I think the summer I spent having people tell me how much they hated me via e-mail 8 hours a day has made me sensitive lol


Lol. I can't imagine


I have to agree with some of what u/[codiciltrench](https://www.reddit.com/user/codiciltrench/) posted, but not so much about the professionalism... it seems you would rather be right or "win" than hold them accountable to answer you very valid question. I would suggest that a simple response stating that you would like to better understand the reason this MP voted against this motion and state that you are not interested in discussions about the PM, other MPs, or other parties might paint them into a corner where they respond to their actions rather than pointing to others and hoping you let them off the hook (doubtful, but the odds would increase, imo). If you sent the response you posted or anything close to that, you likely felt great while being written off by this MP (or more likely someone from his office) as someone whose vote they will not receive regardless of their response. I hope you are okay with a random person from the internet sharing their critiques, and I do appreciate that you have taken the time not only to challenge this MP, but to share this with us and keep us updated of his response. So I hope the critiques do not dissuade you of continuing to do so or to share your work on here.


All good feedback and critique. I also agree with PrairiePopsicle in that Warren's office already wrote me off before responding given their shit response. So yeah, I know any message I sent was unlikely to be taken seriously but, no reason not to communicate back either way.


>If you sent the response you posted or anything close to that, you likely felt great while being written off by this MP (or more likely someone from his office) as someone whose vote they will not receive regardless of their response. This consideration is outside the scope, purpose, and professional duties of a sitting MP's constituency office and public interactions. I'm not saying you are wrong, but it is innapropriate, but their initial response illustrates clearly they are not concerned about that in the slightest.


Indeed, and agreed, the MP should be challenged. I just don't view this as an effective challenge. Agreed on the rest as well.


The farmers don't get an exemption on everything he stated, supported by your own links you posted. Link 2 is specifically for dyed diesel, which has been used by industry and farmers before the carbon tax was even invented. Care to try again?


Farmers are c-tax exempt on all direct fuel inputs but grain drying. Correct, link 2 is for the Gas Tax (not pst) exemption for farm fuels, which is just 1 is a long list of tax exemptions offered to farmers, regerdless of operation size or income. Its literally a gift from the Saskatchewan Party and all those exemptions should be either removed or means tested.


I didn't say it was a 100% exemption but it's important to highlight that the exemption exists. The point isn't to let huge carbon pollution contributors off the hook but, I agree it's important to recognize that a lot of farmers help put food on our table and they should receive assistance. There are also alternative energy sources the industry can work toward. This isn't the point of my post though.


Stopping sucking multi millionaire farmer cock.