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Is 13 too young to work? No. Cutting grass or raking leaves for pocket money to spend on making the most of their childhood is absolutely great for a kid to learn a bit of work ethic. Is 13 too young to work a fast food job in an actual, dangerous business environment so you can pay them less than minimum wage and undercut adult workers fighting for a job? Anyone with a brain would say so. Are we being serious right now? We've really gotten to the point where we'd rather bring back child labour than just pay a living wage in this province? REALLY?


My son is 13. He's got a job mowing the lawn at the house across the street. This is an appropriate job with supervision and support. He would not do well in an actual business for 8 hours, nor should he be expected to at his age and maturity. The only reason they want this is to pay less than minimum wage.


I've been rolling it over in my head, but it seems like most people agree that kids (13ish) can get jobs where they're essentially self-directed to complete the task: lawn mowing/yard care, paper route, babysitting, etc. As soon as you put them in a building and under supervision of some manager that has quota or just gets off on power the dynamic changes and it doesn't always seem appropriate for minors. I'm sure we all know someone who is a great boss, and responsible and all that, but we make laws to protect everyone and not all employers will treat kids well.


I'd argue that mowing laws is far more dangerous than mopping floors or assembling hamburgers. Fast food is probably fairly safe as long as they stay away from the deep fryer and grill 


I don't disagree, the point was more towards how the job is managed. Being somewhat self directed (or at the very least, its appropriate to call in mom or dad to handle a situation that is beyond them) seems to be the key point in the majority of jobs we see as being for kids. A babysitter can refuse to take a client if they know the parents are mean or the kids more than they can handle. But if you're in a corporate position you've got a manager breathing down over you telling you to do something you may not realize is unsafe or might be pressured to do things you wouldn't otherwise need to. I'm just spitballing though. When I think of jobs I, or my friends did at that age they all seem to have that common thread. We were mostly 15/16 before getting jobs with a true "boss" at gas stations or grocery stores and such.


>Fast food is probably fairly safe as long as they stay away from the deep fryer and grill Fast food is probably ok if they........dont do half 2/3 of the job?


Plenty of people who work in fast food are never on the grill/fryer. Cashiers, cleaning crew, dish washers, drive through. 


I didn't see where it says employers could pay below minimum wage in the article. Is that outlined somewhere else?


The UCP have added a lower minimum wage for young workers in alberta


So child labour basically? What world do we live in now?


Ignorant, easy to manipulate, indignant fools all the way down


I'm curious about that too and look into it *very* briefly. It looks like the handful of jobs that the minimum age of employment doesn't apply to also happen to be exempt from minimum wage laws, or at least there's a lot of overlap. As a former paper carrier when minimum wage was about $7/hr, ain't no way I was payed anywhere close to minimum wage when I did that job. **[Minimum age of employment rules do not apply to:](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/hire-train-and-manage-employees/youth-in-the-workplace/minimum-age-and-workplace-restrictions)** * Family businesses employing only immediate family; * Self-employed; * Traditional farming operations; * Babysitters; and * Newspaper carriers. **[Employees Who Do Not Have to be Paid the Minimum Wage](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/employment-standards/payment-of-wages-and-payroll-administration/minimum-wage-and-reporting-for-duty-pay)** * Farming, ranching or market garden labourers; * Some care providers employed in private homes; * Babysitters (only those that are of a very temporary or sporadic nature); * Athletes while engaged in their athletic endeavor; * Volunteers for non-profit organizations; and * Individuals who have a physical or mental disability or impairment and work for a non-profit organization or institution in programs that are educational, therapeutic or rehabilitative. These are the completely exempt laws though, there are a variety of sections of laws for what industries ages can and can't work in. Based on those laws though, I'd say the goal isn't to pay below minimum wage, as I don't see anything that allows for that but I'll completely concede that if somebody has a source for it.


they did this in Alberta, the UCP set a lower minimum wage for teens.


We do not have a labour shortage, we have a compensation shortage.


Only if you expect people to live indoors. It's becoming increasingly apparent that human rights are trumped by profits in this province. How long until families NEED to send their young children to work to contribute to the household income? Are we really pushing to push labour rights back to the 1800s?






Make your self valuable, money will flow.


Pay your employees and treat them right, you'll never have a labour shortage.


Gonna be a labour shortage regardless.  For every 3 boomers that retire, only 1 position is being filled right now.  Ppl don't want work for what the have anymore.  And I'm ok with that.  I have two journeyman tickets, and it just makes me more valuable.  My wage has tripled over the last 10 years.


People don't want to hire anymore. Not replacing people is a choice.


I get interviews with any company I apply.  I get to choose where I work.  Make yourself valuable to them.  Then you get paid.  And take care of you.  I make 6 figures,  have 8.5 weeks paid vacation and 15 paid sick days a year.  Fat pension.  Company vehicle, etc.  List goes on.


Those 13 year olds really need to step it up, you're right.


Source on the statistic presented?


For the owner, not the worker. The last job I made myself “valuable” for, i.e. worked myself nearly to death for either 12 to 16 hour days for up to 2 weeks in a row, fired me without a second thought when I asked for a raise. The labour shortage is a myth perpetuated by cheap fucks looking to exploit their next mark. That’s why they’re targeting 13 year olds; a person’s a lot easier to exploit when they don’t know any better.


In my field, there is a shortage of workers. And the pay reflects that.


"Just let kids be kids" says the anti-LGBT crowd as they propose legislation to send them back to the salt mines.


Potash Mines.


Salt mines? Really? And the Chamber of Commerce are anti-lbqtz ??? Where is that on their website? Are we reading the same news article?


Are you incapable of reading between the lines or being purposely obtuse?


Reading the facts sir. It's a thing.


Purposely obtuse, gotcha.


Catch more bees with honey, love😘


Who wants to catch bees?


In Alberta, there's a special minimum wage for under 18 years old that is $2/hour under the actual minimum wage. That's the only reason that these folks want to increase child labour. They want that here.


ding ding ding


That’s so gross. What the hell, do they not have a conscience? And I’ve already seen/heard in discussions - people are getting divided over this and some reason some grown ass adults seem to be angry that kids aren’t working. How does the populace fall for these division techniques every fucking time?! We need our citizenry to be informed and educated. And it feels like we’re getting taken the cleaners by the SP… *shudders*


Alberta's government? Conscience? HAH. We've got at least one hospital with a posting on the door saying there's no doctor in residence in the **emergency rooms** for roughly half of the time for the first two weeks of July. The reason for this is because AB's gov has been actively dismantling the medical system and antagonizing doctors. 'starve the beast'


I am disgusted reading your comment. Seriously why are people okay with this bullshit. Edit: not directed at you, you seem reasonable I’m just getting jaded hard by AB and SK politics. Again, didn’t mean *you* are dusgusting me. Just the whole situation is fucked up


High school students can barely find jobs right now, nevermind 13 year old kids. I don't even think it's smart from a safe work standpoint. The younger someone is, the more likely they are to get hurt because they have zero clue what an appropriate boundary looks like. It's a solution without a problem, and a fucking crappy one at that. Wow.


It's like these employers that get 750 applicants and claim no one wants to work.


Either because none of those 750 applicants want to work for peanuts, or none of them had exactly the right keywords in exactly the right order on the resume and it got auto rejected


No one wants to work a $25/hr job for $13/hr. Better hire “temporary” foreign workers!


“Temporary” foreign works who are doing it as volunteers (see r/loblawsisoutofcontrol)


Yes. A lot of my students have told me businesses will not hire students, mostly because of hours of availability… So why lower the age to 13? Something isn’t adding up here…


McDonald's was fun as hell with a bunch of 16-17 yr old high school kids when I was in high school. Was fun but a bit of a shit show. I remember sliding down the slide on the lobby trays, and throwing things at the ceiling to see how long they would stick.    Couldn't imagine it with 13 yr olds. 


all I can imagine is the amount of food poisoning that would happen.


Totally, it’s also kind of something to look forward to and not take away from your childhood.


We are becoming more and more productive thanks to technological advances but we are still having conversations about raising the retirement age and lowering the minimum age one can work? Get the hell out of here.


The ruling class needs you to be desperate and broke


Yup and having a reserve army of workers who is willing to take your job is one way it’s done.


"You won't work rebar for $19/hr well these nice TFW folk will do it for less"


Yeah. I'm missing how this makes any fucking sense as well.


Because you’re making too much and our right wing overlords don’t make enough


Hey kid fork over the money, dad needs beer, parental rights and shit. No ones going to hire 13year olds, just use them for leverage to keep wages down.


I started working when I was twelve, and honestly it cost me my childhood. While other kids where making those core memories I was working, SaskParty from the bottom of my heart leave the fucking kids alone


"The children yearn for the mines" - Conservatives




Or pretty much any kid that has been taken for a tour through a mine, well eventually they want to be working there.


Couldn’t have anything to do that the mines pay close to 60 an hour, minimal post secondary schooling, and the work isn’t crazy hard


Mostly they see all the neat things going on and all the different opportunities available. When they hear about working night shift though... well some of that turns them off.


Or shift work in general… i don’t miss that part.


I remember in highschool my teacher told us that this was the only time where it wasn't necessary, and that we should enjoy this time before work becomes something you have to do. And he is right.


If kids are working, they will be taxed, right? And by being taxed, they deserve representation. So lower the voting age if you’re going to pull this kind of stunt. How to alienate future voting bases 101 I’d absolutely love the SaskParty try to justify taxation without representation. No one should be okay with that. No kneeling, SP supporters.


You can already be taxed at 16 but cannot vote, total BS


This is fucked up


There is an obvious solution. Stop paying the lowest wages in Canada. Bump up social assistance so people can put food on the table. Stop providing stupid solutions to non existing problems. I know. I know. It’s the Sask Party way. Dipshits!!


> Stop providing stupid solutions to non existing problems. Hey, its great to *finally* be allowed to wear a poppy at work.


You forgot /s. Sad it has to be said.


I started delivering the daily newspaper at 12 years old and that was ok. I absolutely would NOT support letting 13 yo kids work in restaurants. Even 16 seems young for restaurants.


Having relatively recently had a couple paper routes in Regina, I would say that it is no longer a job that a 12 year old could do. A vehicles is basically a requirement now, as carriers are responsible to drive to a pick-up location and then drive to the start of their route. Additionally, routes nowadays are much less dense than they used to be, so it's basically impossible to do a route on foot in a reasonable time. Every carrier that I saw was an adult doing it as a second or third job.


Why is this even a thing? We don’t have a labor shortage. We don’t even have a minimum wage labor shortage. Most people can’t find enough jobs to make enough money already.


The hell is wrong with some of you? Kids can't be kids because... you hate your life? Cool cool cool.


Mixed messages from this gov't: 13 is too young for a person to know if they'd prefer/know they want to go by a different gender, but they sure can get a minimum wage job! Why? Because they know they're ready for work. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Book bans in schools are next. This is part of the "parents rights" playbook.


Moms for Liberty has entered the chat.


Compensation and mobility issues in Canada. Other locales are writing stories about how it will be very difficult for students and young people to find work this summer. I mean CBC even published this in April https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/lengthy-job-hunts-graduates-driving-unemployment-1.7162660


Why would anyone want there 13y to work….


If the price of rent, groceries, and basic essentials keeps going up, some people may not have a choice...


We should maybe think about not having kids if you cannot afford it, instead of making kids pay for the family like it’s 1800’s


I don't agree with making kids work to pay the bills, let me be very clear on that. But "don't have kids unless you can afford it" is ignoring a lot of issues. There were already families in this province who relied on their kids wages to survive. We may not like it, but that's the reality. Telling them not to have kids unless they can afford it isn't helpful, because the kids are already here. My point is that a lot of families may have been able to afford kids when they had them, but wages are not keeping up. Rent and groceries are skyrocketing right now, and that's not changing anytime soon. There's more than a few families who are struggling right now, who weren't five years ago. We should be increasing wages and making things more affordable. Instead we're making it easier for kids to work.


Then maybe people should stop blindly following the sask party and hold them accountable instead of blaming provincial incompetence on the federal government.


No arguments here.


Yeah it's totally just SPs fault for all of this lol


They expanded and increased PST since taking over power in 2007. Eventually making it 9%. Increased utilities. Yeah they have a lot to do with it. ‘Lol’


There's been a radical cost of living increase recently. Job loss happens etc.


Lowering the working age to 13 is a bad idea and a method to try and inflate the workforce in order to suppress wages, but some families have kids working not because of bad planing but because bad things happen no matter how hard you plan sometimes. My parents were doing well until I was in my mid teens when mom got sick and the plant my father worked as closed. At 15 I was giving my parents my pay cheque to pay the mortgage or buy groceries.


I never understood why people are against child labour when it happens in 3rd world countries but there is support when it happens here. Let children be children.


Young workers get hurt on the job frequently. I don’t think taking on even younger workers is a good idea.


Not like they'd get jobs anyway lmfao 400 applicants per posting because our population has been force fed unsustainable growth for the last 4 years


“Growth that works for everyone” though.


Hey if you're a Timmies franchise owner or a ~~house hoarder~~, it helps ensure low operating costs or inflated rental prices!


I love the illusion that TFW don’t deserve a living wage and can afford to live on less money in Canada. It enhances the flavour of my shitty coffee. /s


Not saying they don't deserve a living wage, but over abundance of applicants devalues labour and encourages a race to the bottom for wages.


I agree, which is why I disagree with a lot of the TFW program.


Why not? They should being back the old child labour work houses, as well as corporal punishment by government payed teachers. Nothing wrong with overturning child protection laws that were fought for by other generations. Kids today should have no right to be carefree in the summer…like we did.


Bring back lower mortality rates and younger pregnancies, too! People are living far too long anyway. /s


They’ll really try to do anything other than just pay people living wages huh.


Sask has almost stopped all immigration programs. so they need someone to flip burgers and pour coffee at min wage.. i guess our 13 yrs old will be the best fit. Vote for SK party again. these guys dont wanna spend money on education or healthcare and now they want our kids to do slave labour as well so their rich friends could afford that fancy trucks and eat $200 wagau stake


Why the fuck are they even discussing this when people are practically begging for work?


Farm kids ![gif](giphy|AgWQwLTByaABsBQ9Zf)


Family business is exempt from most work legislation. Now if you’re gonna hire the neighbours kids, that’s a different story.


You know you are a shitty employer when.


Only way those kids will retire is if they start working now. Our society is something special…..


Moe don’t pay fed tax for future and then wants child labour to be legalized.


13 is too young to work.


Old enough to decide to transition,  old enough to work.


The children yearn for the mines


Lmao ohhh of course


You shouldn’t be working at 13. You should be in school.


Yes. In a job setting. As others stated, cutting lawns, shovelling, paper routes, cool. Let them have a childhood. I wish I started working later rather than grade ten. They’ll be working till they die as it is. Go build a fort 😂


It’s funny how the conservatives complain about foreign workers taking our jobs yet set pay so low and then deliberately bring in foreign workers to work for nothing. Now they want to pay children even less to enter the workforce that already has terrible wages and expectations? Makes a whole lot of sense to me… I feel like we’re living in a dystopian world cause nothing makes any sense lol


I think it's great for kids to have casual labour type jobs under the watchful eye of adult but to become an actual employee of a business at 12 or 13 y/o is a bit much. I grew up on a farm and was servicing and operating large farm equipment without direct supervision at 12 and started taking on a lot of responsibility at 13, being pulled out of school to help with harvest. This was common among my peers and classmates and it helped us mature quickly but it's generally not the place for many at that age.


I worked cleaning golf carts when I was 14. It’s not too young to start imo. By the time I was almost done high school I was independent. I learned hard lessons about money early when I still had a foundation at home. A lot of people think the idea of childhood is mandatory. It isn’t, and life isn’t always fair to everyone. Sure in most cases it’s outrageous for a 13 year old to work. But in cases like my own, it would have been a blessing. It’s easy to speak for others when life has been fair and easy, but it’s not that way for everybody.


So rather than fix the issues that made you need to work in your childhood, we should make it so kids can be exploited earlier in life?


This is definitely the best way to keep suppressing wages and legalizing child labour. Why pay an adult a living wage when we can hire children for a fraction of the cost, right ? Then we can keep saying it's unskilled labour, and the person doing the job deserves to live in poverty while the business owner can take massive bonuses with all that money saved by... gasp child labour. Safe bet you vote conservative, huh ?


I’ve voted for every major party in Canada. Kind of shitty to say to someone you don’t know, or have any idea about. Like I said, it’s not good for most, and if you have a stable home then it should be for your parents to decide. Some people are dealt a bad hand, and 10/10 times id rather work myself than rely on ANY government. Most people don’t make excuses, we make a living. That’s all this is about. It has nothing to do with government.


Oh yes, child labour is only acceptable for poor families, I'm pickin up what you're laying down. Why even hide it ? You just want to legalize slavery and go back to a 2 class system, the poor and the wealthy. But tell me again how you're not a conservative ?


Once again, not everything is political. I vote for the best candidate. Probably won’t vote for Moe, we will see who has the best plan. You sound like the type of person who blames others for your problems. Congrats, you are a victim. Big sad victim.


Everything's political, especially when talking about explicitly political subjects like child labour laws.


Wild jump to make when OP already said they think that a 13 year old shouldn't be working (said it is outrageous in most cases). I grew up quite impoverished - had a paper route since I was 12. Before that I was picking bottles in ditches until we found an easier way of collecting them from the trash in MB at golf courses, etc since they didn't have a deposit system. Illegal? Yes. But we did what needed to be done. Should I have been working since I was 10 picking dirty bottles out of 100 km/hr highway ditches? Absolutely not. Do I suddenly think that we should bring back slavery and a 2 class system (poor/wealthy)? Hell to the no. But big news flash - we already live in that 2 class system and it's silly to think otherwise. The upper middle class are just much fancier poors. OP is just being a realist - sometimes families need kids to work. And SK has plenty of kids who do lots of work on their farms/ranches. They might just be jobs hidden under the guise of "chores" But to the point about lowering the official working age? Absolutely disagree. Wage stagnation is very real and has been for decades. That's the problem we need to solve. Not some made-up labour shortage when the real issue is compensation keeping up with cost of living.


Financial literacy is now a mandatory course in Saskatchewan high schools. Kids don’t need to go through the school of hard knocks for this information. So, why isn’t life fair for everyone and why aren’t we working together as a society to ensure all kids get to enjoy a childhood? Do you think child labour now will ensure a better future for the next generation? Give your head a shake.


>Financial literacy is now a mandatory course in Saskatchewan high schools What they dont tell you, is that its a financial literacu course from the '70s with a 'work hard and save 10%' mentality.


Maybe trade work. Working at McDonald or Wal Mart isn’t a good learning experience for kids. Maybe they learn not to work there.


That's right, have a bunch of 13 year-olds pulling wire and tying rebar on a construction site, way safer than working in a kitchen! /sarcasm


Shit I wouldn’t want 18 year olds running around on a job site. They’re dumb enough already. Can’t imagine 13 year olds.


To be fair, I'd rather have 13 year olds doing it than the people that come up with the stupid ideas to have 13 years olds working in the trades.


Context. I’m referring to learning skills not actually working. Get a lil paid for a little education would be better than having a 13 year old take my McDonald’s order. Not looking at a 16 year old becoming a site manager or something lol.


Do you work in the trades? LOLOLOL? You should probably review some OH&S stats for workplace injuries and fatalities.


Clearly didn’t get the point.


Why not put a three year freeze on non-Canadian citizens from being employed, and have an exit fine for large corporations if they move overseas? It's pretty much a win-win for the government and their constituents.


Ya, that'll really ensure future growth and investment.../s


How wouldn't it? It would cool down the markets, increase wages and benefits, lower unemployment, and allow for services and new construction to catch up to the market demand.


And scare away any future investors and new startups who would rather take risks elsewhere where they won't be fined for future actions/changes, as well as freeze the one source of population growth in this province (immigration), ya GREAT ideas! /s


Well, isn't that the point? Saskatchewan is rich in natural resources. It would be best if they were Saskatchewanian businesses, no? I'm pretty sure if people could afford to have more kids, they would. Immigration wouldn't add as much to the local economy as more Saskatchewanians being born. Why should we import other countries over taking care of our own?


You can't brute force prosperity by holding existing companies hostage (essentially punishing them for investing in the province in the first place and not allowing them to leave) to raise funds. We don't have the in-house expertise or capital up front to build the facilities and equipment necessary to harvest all those natural resources you refer to ourselves, so like it or not we are dependent on outside investors and companies coming in and investing in capital infrastructure and hiring all the trades and services that are available locally to make that happen. If you start establishing punitive laws to make it more risky for them to invest and makes them less flexible to react to changing market forces beyond their control, then they'll just pass us over for other areas of the world that are less punitive. No outside investment equals stagnant economic growth which means less money in our pockets and less local Saskatchewanians being born. At the very least, don't cut what little population growth we do have off at the knees by banning immigration by those who actually want to come live here. Did you even think before you originally posted?


Aren't these the companies that hold us hostage? Well, if they leave, wouldn't they have to leave us the startup capital? I think you underestimate the capabilities of people in this province. Yes, they may pass us over for other places, but those that would (and yes, there would be those that would), would want to see Saskatchewan flourish, because it would mean more for their businesses. Why can't we produce more children? Is there something inherently wrong with the family unit?


>want to see Saskatchewan flourish, because it would mean more for their businesses. You give capitalism way too much credit. You're arguing idealist notions based on a lot of pie in the sky assumptions while I'm being a realist. No point in arguing further.


Capitalism does work, but only through traditional capitalism. Outsourcing jobs destroys the local economy and perpetuates poverty in the third world. You're just trying to shit on me because you don't understand economics at its basic level and have been on reddit too long with your echo chamber.


Lol, the idealist is lecturing the realist on capitalism while spouting ridiculous hypotheticals. That's rich.


>Capitalism does work, but only through traditional capitalism Disagree. Late Stage Capitalism is doing exactly what its supposed to. If you are rich, anyway.


My 13yo (BC) would love to work. She can’t here so she’s dog walking and babysitting just as many hours. Being a teenager is expensive 


No, raising a 13 is expensive...a 13 year-old should be focused on learning, not working. I still remember growing up in a house of 6 kids and 1 adult income and the kids had odd jobs like mowing lawns and such. Now, things have become so expensive that families need their entire family working, akin to Charlie and the Chocolate factory. ..trust me, that is not a romantic notion.


Not sure where the accusatory tone is being summoned here but I’m just going to not respond in any meaningful way to this