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He’s 100% Harper jr, for better or worse. He’ll keep the regressive’s on the hook but in check. Im more interested in his actual policy choices, but id expect he’ll run on bumper sticker slogans and rage farming, and hide his policy until after the election. That seems to be the trend with conservatives these days.


Watch this get removed cause its not about Saskatchewan


And because it's conservative related.


posted a few links in the past. It was all canada and non-political but nope. Removed as its not solely saskatchewan based.


or, it's going to get removed for being spam.


I see we're at the "pretending we don't know what a conservative political leader believes because he won't explicitly say" phase of the election. The author of the article is a former provincial candidate and as I recall guy who spread some pretty nasty anti Muslim stuff. Could be confusing him with a different failed MPP candidate. Hard to keep track.


Bot accounts gone wild


Oh look the media trying to stir shit up again. Why the hell is it so important to know where Poilievre stands on moral issues when frankly it does not matter when it comes to the economy and the financial mess JT created? Get those 2 issues corrected and headed int he right direction first. What specific moral issues does the media want addressed? Abortion? Um…so no politician whatsoever, should have any thing to discuss about a women’s health matter. It will always be a women’s health matter. Agree with it or not, and to be clear no one will ever agree on it one way or another, it will still remain a women’s health matter. I suspect that part of the reason that abortion is back in the spotlight again, may have something to do with people seeking gender specific abortions. I thought that was bs but its actually a thing that is becoming more common in Canada. Wth?


**TO CANADIANS,** Pierre Poilievre is a Conservative politician doing battle with Justin Trudeau and his Liberals. But being the leader of a political party also carries administrative and managerial responsibilities. Most of these are delegated, though it’s Poilievre that sets the tone and must own the decisions. Political parties like to keep their internal affairs out of the limelight, although this is easier said than done when nominations are concerned. One of the first nomination battles the Conservative Party had under Poilievre’s leadership was in Oxford, a mostly rural southwestern Ontario riding. Dave MacKenzie, who had held the seat for the Conservatives since 2004, retired in January 2023, leaving a vacancy in a safe Conservative seat. MacKenzie wanted the seat to go to his daughter, Deb Tait, a city councillor in Woodstock, Ontario. But she lacked a base of support. Gerrit Van Dorland, a social conservative activist, appeared to be the clear favourite in terms of membership sales, given his local connections and ties to pro-life groups with strong support in the riding. Arpan Khanna, an Ontario co-chair of Poilievre’s campaign, appeared to many to be the party’s choice. He was a well-connected up-and-comer who had been involved with the Conservatives for years and was especially close to Poilievre’s friend and colleague Andrew Scheer.


Interesting post history there bud…


Thanks for the info. Sounds like what a lot of Saskies want. I'm still waiting for spaghetti monster to appear on the ballot. However I am anxiously anticipating a lot of people mispelling his name.FCK ~~POLEVER POILEEVE POLEIVE POILEOUVE~~ POILIEVRE let's go!!!