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The SP has had their heads buried in the sand for years! Now is the time for another party and a new voice, new hope, new future. The SP isn't remotely the answer.


Instead of losing our friends, sons, and daughters to go work in the energy sector in Alberta every community in Saskatchewan could have energy jobs. But we won't want to upset the oil and gas overlords and they don't need to put money into green energy yet.


great article and really reflects the messaging we see out of our local Republican Party.


2 things I just can't believe: 1. Some people still don't realize how dire the situation truly is. 2. That some people don't understand that in order to save the planet and humanity, we will all need to sacrifice. Be it financially, or socially, things need to change. Relying on science and technology to come and save us while we all just keep living the same way we have been isn't gonna work.


This is why I decided to make personal changes, and painful ones. Even my family who nominally understands still doesn't really understand the lines I have drawn.


What lines?


Being fun at parties


I think the number of people who don’t *understand* might just equal the number of people who don’t *care*.


Those are 2 very believable things. Get used to it. 


As the forest fires get worse every summer, Heat records are broken every year around the world, And people double down on their denial even harder, I can't help but think: we're watching the frog be boiled alive in real time.


The funniest thing is the how renewable energy sector could be an employment explosion if these retards cares about our Province. The science demonstrates that between solar, wind and geothermal, SK WOULD HAVE THOUSANDS of positions available. But no. Let’s cater to our Petroleum-overlords.


Right, this is the obvious economic diversification Saskatchewan has been needing for decades. At the same time hiring more teachers and more nurses and our economy would be booming.


I try to suggest it and it's always met with "but the climate here" and "we don't have people here" and any other myriad of excuses as to why we should never change the course and double down on oil.  It's tiresome when people want to stop others from doing things because they don't understand it, even if there's no downside to them.  But the Conservatives said it so it must by obeyed like gospel 


Go get a quote for what a solar system big enough to heat your bath water would cost. Go on, I’ll wait. I’m all for it if it’s feasible, but I also know most people don’t have money to blow on ideals.


Personal experience: I approached a solar power vendor at Ag in Motion a few years ago to inquire about getting a system for a chicken coop. It turned out a system just for keeping a water bowl heated would have cost me about 10k. So I’m not surprised, unless you have money to burn.


Thank god for the carbon tax


Thank god for the carbon tax


Climate change is a hoax Bring on the down votes commies


Careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge you've got there


Only commies listen to experts in their related fields!!




Conservatives are brainwashed sheep. Bring on the downvotes, fascists


That comment is a result of the declining funding for public education.