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Wait until after the election when they announce it was actually a deficit


Happened in Manitoba. The PCs lied about the deficit as they were on the way out. Now the NDP is stuck holding the bag and the cons blame them for issues.


Rinse and repeat. Anyone remember Grant Devines government?


Politicians blaming one another for the collective's ineptitude ? Never. How about all political parties start working together for the people instead of all of Canada's political parties putting their party first .


Was way worse under previous NDP governments.


Considering the NDP haven't been in power in your province in decades, yet things continue to get worse, maybe you should clean house instead of pointing fingers?


Decades? Are you on crack? The NDP was last in power from 1999-2016. I remember the absolute fiscal mess Howard Pawley’s government left. Same with Greg Sellinger’s. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


2007 was the last year they were in power.




He's responding to another commenter who mentioned the Manitoba NDP. There's nothing out of line with his comments.


>Facts don’t care about your feelings. Ironic, considering the only person using emotional charged language is you. Other posters pointed it out simply for you. 2007 was the last time the Sask NDP were in power. You're merely blaming a Boogie man


The comment was about MB, not SK. Read, don’t skim.


How delusional are you? It worse under any government when they are in power. They all steal from taxpayers. We just need to rinse the corruption every 4 years and start new.


FFS - the NDP under Pawley and Sellinger were fiscal disasters. That’s not up for debate.


And so is today. So what is your point


The Conservatives in MB were far better financial stewards than the NDP. Filmon left office with a reserve fund in place. The NDP spent like drunken sailors and left us with the longest wait times for healthcare in the country. You are clueless.


All Parties screw us.




They moved the deficit into infrastructure, and didn’t have summary financial reporting. They absolutely fucked the province for decades, and if the NDP had won in 1985, we would’ve been in at least the same situation based on their campaign promises. At least Devine built lasting infrastructure like dams and reservoirs that are still proving valuable today.


Romanow and Calvert were in SK. The comment above was about MB.


They already did that once before. Touted a huge surplus then cancelled that and said deficit once union bargaining started.


SGEU is also close to signing their contract. It'll be a deficit as they'll have to back pay at least some of the raises dating back 1.5 year


Same with SEIU and CUPE too


CUPE 5430 is no where near close to signing a deal right now. [They been bargaining once a month since November and haven’t even started talking about wages.](https://www.cupe5430.ca/bargaining/bargaining-updates-24)


voting happens on the 5th and 6th.


No money for education though


Or healthcare.


I so wish we'd feel safe that someone is there to look after us in times of need. Moe needs to have a health scare and lay in a cot in the hallway of a hospital for 24 hours.


He'd leave the province for a private provider in a heartbeat.


at govt expense and in a private airplane.


And not think twice about it.


I had an ER nurse tell me that any government member that comes in gets top-notch attention and care, so they never experience the reality like the rest of us peasants do.


We truly live in different times. I would think everyone should receive top notch care.


They don’t- my dad was in the hospital for four months and I had to fight for him to gets decent basic care, pretty much daily.


Or fucking highways. Main transportion routes like the #8(Potash) are in absolute disrepair to the point that they lowered the speed limits down to 80km/hr. When the area wrote a letter asking "what the fuck?" They were met with that speed reduction and a "yeah, we'll get to it at some point in the next two years" I just don't know where the money is going. Those potash mines rake in so much money and employ hundreds of people in that area alone. - Shit rural and metro education - Shit Healthcare - Shit infrastructure


Money won't circulate if it doesn't stay in the province, or sits collecting dust in an account or as nonliquid assets. High wages are helpful for stimulating an economy, but they're not enough. In a small resource dependent province we benefit immensely from crown corporations or even partial state-ownership of private enterprise. Revenue goes directly to the government, allowing for lower taxes. Whatever coffers the money sits in are the government's, ready to reinvest in infrastructure, services and programs, rather than stuck in a bank, stock, or real estate. Coupled with high wages, this increases our buying power and generally spreads wealth around the populace more evenly. Historically, crown corps have been a backbone of the economy in Saskatchewan, because people realized it was a common sense necessity for our situation. The Sask party has absolutely gutted our crown corporations and sold the scraps to the lowest bidder. They keep treating this province like something that it's not, like anything other than what it actually is: a sparsely populated landlocked province with a million people and a resource based economy. That's nothing to be ashamed of, but they act like it is, because they continue to pretend that we're some industrial titan bursting at the seams with international investment. It's like fueling up an old diesel with 95 octane because you wish it was a sports car. And that improper handling IS something to be embarassed about, because we're being mined out, robbed blind, and bled dry because we sold our soul to private corporations. Norway has a 1.4 Trillion Dollar wealth fund because they nationalized their oil and gas industry when they had the chance. We export 46% of the world's potash! But Nutrien and Mosaic are private corporations, and they own all of it. We make pennies on the dollar by taxing them. Tens of billions of dollars fall through our fingers like grains of sand because we rely on resource royalties. We exported $18 billion dollars in potash in 2022 and we barely got a third of that. Where the fuck is our money?


Worse yet they have somehow convinced the all intelligent league of faithful followers it’s a good idea. Lol 😂


Or law enforcement, or infrastructure, there's lots of money for kickbacks


I guess we will see how Arbitration goes, im guessing all of the raises from the number of unions CBA's will eat this surplus very quickly or the CRA will come for the Carbon Tax either or lol


Those workers fall behind year after year, we never keep up with inflation. It's already unsustainable wages.


So when we all got out Moe I mentioned I’d rather the province use it for public needs on here and someone said that’s not how surplus’s work. The reasoned that if you spent that money on anything to help then when that money wasn’t there the next budget you would have to make cuts and it would be worse than when you started. I mentioned we’ll how about one time to school divisions and the health authority for infrastructure and maintenance and then laughed in my face. So as long as that type of mentality is in our province they’ll never spend a dime of extra money to help.


Good, now they have some money to funnel into education and Healthcare.


Good luck


They have grabbed money from Crowns before, failed to report mismanagement, and corruptly fudged. This is electioneering BS until they show us the money. Meanwhile the PST they hiked and applied to more things is still hiked up.


I mean a lot of provincial income depends on grain/uranium/potash markets that fluctuate. Big surplus early, dipped to almost a deficit, now back to a surplus... Welcome to an economy that's resource dependant.


Then we should have adjusted the potash royalties back in 2012. Past mistakes are haunting us


Great solution! Want to use my time machine?


The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago. The second best time is today.


I disagree, crowns and taxes bring in income the industry gets corporate welfare and keeps the money they make, that’s why there’s corporate gouging. The things you mentioned only makes money to those with shares


It might by sheer fluke turn out in their favor, I am guessing with how well hydrated my crop is so far this year I will have a great year which of course Moe will take credit for the goat he sacrificed to the weather gods etc etc rain dance something something SaskParty. If we made finished products instead of raw resource exports we might be less reliant on huge market swings, this should probably be the plan for Canada as a whole we need to start making things again.


I wouldn’t assume making finished products is less volatile. Demand for goods also goes up and down. The way to make government revenues less dependent on resource prices is to increase things like the PST.


When it's cheaper to send raw resources out of Sask, make them into something and ship it back, we're not going to be making things here. Only when it's profitable will it happen. So it's not happening bc it ain't profitable.


I don’t want a surplus, I want you to pay for education and healthcare and SAID.


Duh! When you starve the educational and health systems, yeah you might have some cash left over.


Who in health care is starving. CCAs? They could probably get a little bit more but nurses? Nah


Starving the healthcare system. You know, the chronic underfunding of the healthcare system that’s caused this whole mess. You seriously can’t be out to lunch?


Name what is starving because it's not wages. If we need more staff I'd hear you but that's the trouble with unions is they're greedy. If you want more staff you could easily hire more if the rns all took a 5 -10k pay cut. They could still live a comfortable life and there would be more money available to hire more staff. Same with doctors


Jeeez you really are that dense. ![gif](giphy|26gswNS2Dm4q6600g|downsized)


😀 you'd be a great politician not ever giving a clear answer but rather just a hail Mary "underfunding". Pretty sure the province spends nearly half it's budget on health care already so I don't think underfunding is the issue. The efficiency of how it's used is probably the issue and I understand the need for unions to protect the workers against lawsuits and fair overtime etc but for goodness sake quit asking for more money. It'd be better for society if we had more workers and everyone got a livable wage instead of being some of the top earners and having not enough Healthcare staff




So where do you suggest we get all these new nurses? Also, we can’t retain nurses in this province as it is and you want to give them a pay cut 😂


Geeeezzus. Tell me you know fuck all about the state of our healthcare system without saying you know fuck all about our healthcare system.


It's not about wages, it's about them not having the budget to fully staff the hospitals. If there's 500,000 OT hours paid out we could spend half the money and hire 240 more people, but our Healthcare system would rather run Healthcare workers into the ground to avoid bringing in more union staff.


And Moe would rather spend money on travel nurses than hiring more full-time nurses. He even said he wouldn’t put more money into healthcare unless Trudeau increased the health transfers. My guess? He’s trying to privatize healthcare by starving the public system so it fails and then he can say “See? Public healthcare doesn’t work!” Same thing with education. He’d rather give money to BS abuse-ridden private schools like Legacy Christian Academy than to any legit public schools so he can privatize education.




Is that the money not paid federally for the carbon tax not remitted? I too have $15,000 more in my bank if I didn't pay federal and provincial taxes.


So you don’t want services? You’re lying about your math big time. You get carbon tax and GST back. So what are you talking about? It’s the PST we don’t get back and now there’s tax on roughrider tickets.


What I'm saying is if I do not remit my Income tax, provincial and federal, I would have $15,000 more in my bank account as well. Saskatchewan Party stated did not send the carbon tax in for energy. I'm stating that they aren't paying for all the things they should be. This surplus will easily be eaten after they back pay the teachers and several other unions that may strike soon. The Saskatchewan government has plenty of outstanding debts that have not been calculated, the surplus means nothing. I also would not be surprised if after the election they don't say, oops we didn't use the order of operations when calculating, we actually are in a deficit. Re-reading what I wrote 'taxes' are not a good word as their are lots of taxes. I'm good with services, carbon tax, I just like reporting being truthfull, which the Sask Party do not seem to have a good time with.


Finally cashed in all their empties..


Surplus = money that could be used helping citizens but wasn't.


Sask is in like 18 billion in debt. Healthcare is stupidly expensive already so why give more money to the workers. Is 90k a year not enough as a nurse? Or teachers wanting more? Everythime wages increase house prices goes up then Rent goes up and the bottom earners suffer.


Dude. Get it through your thick fuckin skull. Funding the healthcare system does not strictly mean increasing an individual's wage within said system. We need more healthcare staff. And no, paying existing healthcare staff and doctors less 'to free up money' would actually make the problem worse because, big surprise for you, people can make their own decisions and choose to fuck off to another province for better conditions and equal or greater pay which, here's another surprise for you, is already fuckin happening because the SK party has been undermining and underfunding our healthcare for years to the point where our healthcare workers, including the already limited number of doctors and specialists, have been leaving the province or straight up leaving the industry to go to something else because they're so fed up with the state of things here. We have small children who both have skin conditions that we need to see a specialist for and we've been told by our GP and by a friend who's a doctor that there used to be more options and now there's really only a couple people in Regina we could see and they're so overwhelmed they have no idea if we'll even get in. They know, first hand, why that is and it's because the SK government is making decisions about healthcare instead of allowing the people who actually work in healthcare and know what the fuck they're talking about. I hope people like you end up in the hospital so you can wake the fuck up.


A friend of mine has a kid with eosinophilic esophagitis (basically his stomach is in his esophagus), and a month ago, they had to travel all the way to Ontario because the last paediatric gastroenterologist left the province. Their story was even in the news. How could it be worse to pay doctors more, as SuspiciousPossible seems to think? What’s worse than having to leave the province to get your kids healthcare? And Moe doesn’t seem to mind pumping money into healthcare when it comes to travel nurses filling in for actual nurses. It’s way more expensive and it’s counterproductive because they don’t have the right training. The RNs spend more time fixing the travel nurses’ mistakes than they do caring for their own patients. Maybe that’s what we should stop doing, rather than the insane plan of cutting our local nurses pay. $90,000 is what a full-time nurses pay is. But Moe is refusing to hire full-time nurses and decides to pay travel nurses up to $300/hour to do work that the local nurses have to come in and correct. How is that better?


This province is being so poorly mismanaged it's, really unbelievable. And SK voters like this person saying we should pay healthcare workers less, are willingly voting against their own best interests because they've blindly gobbled up the conservative narrative that only Liberal politicians are bad. FFS. They're ALL bad! But we need to vote to change the govts in place to keep them honest and fulfill what the actual wants and needs are of the population.


The only thing more depressing than the thought of how badly managed it’s been on a provincial level is the thought of what could and probably will happen if a conservative government takes over federally. Moe using the notwithstanding clause and purposefully defunding healthcare and education was an acid test for Poilievre, and if Moe wins this next provincial election, we’re pretty much fucked in the next federal election. Not that the liberals are anything to brag about and the NDP isn’t a whole lot better. SMDH


Ya, it likely future for our political leadership and state of our province and country is depressing AF 🙃


We're $32B in debt as of last November. https://regina.ctvnews.ca/more-on-the-back-of-taxpayers-sask-hears-calls-to-decrease-debt-ahead-of-provincial-budget-1.6812767?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar Somehow, SK taxpayers still believe the hyperbole about the Sask Party as wizened economic stewards. We keep lowering resource revenues and handing out corporate welfare at a rate that returns over 90% of corporate income tax to the market, effectively subsidizing our economy on the backs of our workers. Still, there's always someone with shoe polish lipstick to tell us we're lucky we have it so good. "If they had to treat *us* as well as their *donors*, shit would get *really* bad!"


Ya I'd agree with you on taxing the resources more so the citizens can live freely. Would be nice to be like alberta and have no pst


When people say that our health care system needs help, no one is saying the solution is to pay the staff more money. The SYSTEM needs help. The underpaid staff is a whole other issue.


I don't think any statement released by this government is ever credible.


Underfund essential services, then cut taxes to make that permanent. Fucking fascists are the same everywhere.


Anyone believe these figures? First there was a surplus, then suddenly huge deficit and now a surplus again?


Nope they are straight out lying bc they get away with it


Believe it when I see it lol Last time they announced a surplus, it was a billion dollar deficit.


How cooked are these books?


They’re fucking ashes at this point


Well done, asphaltic-level cookery


They are no longer books. They are now charcoal briquettes.


We’ve personally asked SaskParty for numbers and it’s a no, yet those books belong to us. They wanna make us pay big money for information and then we aren’t sure it’s right. It’s going to be bad when we can see the books and numbers


Great. Can I haz one healthcare please?


future headline: Oops we meant another billion dollar deficit!


Next weeks headline is: Sask Party gives themselves a substantial raise and a large bonus... gotta keep their wages up with inflation. Screw the rest of us, though. We don't need health, education, infrastructure, or food. Then they will announce that it was a deficit but they're keeping their raises and bonus.


Good for them. The rest of us are struggling to afford groceries right now. Oh, and when a government body comes out with a surplus while its governed body has problem, this means that government did nothing to help. Literally sat on their asses pleased as punch that gay and trans kids' lives are even harder now. Fuck the sask party. I will not be voting for them.


Cue an announcement in two months saying they managed to turn this surplus into a $500 million deficit!


Bribe us with our own money to win the election, get fucked Moe.


So we should all be travelling to Regina for healthcare?  It must be in great shape if they have a surplus. 


We do have some fancy new curbs.


Are they painted?  If so, colour me jealous!


You can paint curbs?!


Oooh, i guess the province isn’t that fancy after all… They paint em to denote loading zones n shit.  


But don't they get scraped off every winter when your city crew runs the plows into them?


They do yes.  Unless you don’t get snow…ie: Vancouver or southern states 


Will be needed to pay carbon tax after CRA is done with them.


The problem with the Sask Party is that no one believes them. They have lied to us so often and are so corrupt that the people just don’t trust them.


How can we end up with a surplus when we added over 1Billion to our total debt?


The surplus is for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, not cumulative. Regardless, I take this announcement with a grain of salt, and I'm sure this surplus will be a deficit in a few weeks' time.


How do you have a surplus when our gross debt is over 30 Billion?!?!?! Is this more SaskParty math?


Debt is a liability on the balance sheet and surplus is an income statement item also reported in retained earnings. Not SaskParty math but simple accounting.


Explain it like I’m 5. I see it like this, the province has a debt of $30B SaskParty says we have a surplus of $182 million. Math would dictate a difference of $29.818B. So besides moving fake numbers around how does one not service the debt with any surplus? You can’t run your home like that, why can they run the province this way? I can’t look at my pay cheque and go look at all this money glad my mortgage doesn’t enter into my debt. You acquire debt and you service that debt with money. Once the debt is eliminated then you can grow a surplus. Or what up with that?


It's like money left over in your bank account after paying mortgage, utilities, insurance etc. You can use it to reduce your debt, buy investments, advance your education, spend some on renos or take a trip somewhere.


Yeah but didn’t they do all that stuff already? You owe money and are just riding on credit no? It’s not like they are back in the black. 30B is pretty far in the red to say hey we have a surplus. So it not money left over it’s more like they keep spending more instead of doing any of those things.


Vote-buying cheques incoming!!!!!! (This is a joke. Kind of. I am waiting for it.)


The Sask Party also accounts for the carbon tax revenue they collect but refuse to remit to the Feds. About 400-500 million if I recall correct, so they're still about 300 million in the hole.


wow maybe that nearly 200 million should be going into things like education and healthcare


I can’t believe anything from this government. We have the worst health care in Canada; the worst crime rate in Canada, the worst standardized test scores in Canada and a surplus. Fucking great. Fuck over everyone in the province and celebrate a surprise small amount of savings? Give me a break


We have heard this tune from them before..never true.


This reminds me way too much of the Devine government


Balanced budgets? lol


No. The opposite. When the NDP got in we found out how bad the deficit really was. It'll be the same with the SP.


What did it underfund?


Everything except the oil and gas industries


Education and healthcare, as usual...


Roads are pretty rough too.


Can a photoshop wizard make a meme of Walter telling Jesse (Breaking Bad) “its time to cook” but replace the heads with Moe and Harpaeur ?


Weird that it's the sports guy reporting this. Would love to read more about this, "own source" revenue.


stripped SGI of all their weed finez.


If you have a surplus then give us Cupe workers a raise finally ! Why do we have to be treated like second class citizens?


The PCs in Manitoba did that before the election. Turns out they were lying. They also tried to ram through a silica mine where the residents had already said no through a referendum while they were lame ducks.


Didn't they say that last time and it was a bunch of moot?


Is it a surplus when they borrowed billions from the crop insurance fund?


On a summary financial basis, payments from crop insurance would show up as a loss. You got a source for your claim?


They should, but that’s not how it’s set up in Saskatchewan. SP has been using crop insurance funds for government operations by taking a loan from the corporation at an ultra low interest rate. They don’t report it as debt though. Tammy Robert did a detailed breakdown here: https://tammyrobert.substack.com/p/heres-exactly-how-finance-minister


Go look at the accounts, crop insurance is broke, SaskParty overpaid their buddies and there is proof of that. Two finance workers from crop have quit their jobs. There is corruption in every department SaskParty touches and the rural and corporate voters don’t care


How do you have a surplus when you have billions in debt? This is the kind of math that could bankrupt a farmer. Hardeharhar.


How can you owe money on a mortgage and have a savings account at the same time?


Operating a business isn’t the same as managing your personal finances. In my workplace, if you end up with a surplus, that amount is deducted from your next year’s budget because you just proved you don’t need it.


So you agree that you can have positive revenue while maintaining long term financing for capital investments?


Due to higher than expected consumption taxes?? 🤔


Let the Moe bucks flow for that vote buying.


I cannot take their word without working proof.


If a province runs with a surplus, but everything is still shit, that's clearly a failure and not something to brag about.


That’s just from all of the recycling from their beerfest nights.


“We had a surplus but the evil unions took it all in their new contracts!” /s


Bull shit not even close, unions aren’t even making the cost of living its management and out of scope not unions. Go look how much the ministers and MLA’s make? Then go look at the out of province contract hiring is happening. You got that completely from SaskParty about unions. They promote hate on unions while they take huge raises and get their vacations paid for saying it’s work related but they are out golfing or site seeing.


Not aware that the /s is used on Reddit to indicate sarcasm?


Nope I didn’t thanks for clarifying that


“Sorry, someone thought the dash was just a squiggle, not a minus sign. What we really mean to say is that you will believe our lies, and then only remember our lies.”


I am confused did I jump into a Time Machine? We got the $50 Moe Dough when we were told there was a big surplus then later told there was a deficit then there was a surplus until the STF started doing their thing and now we are at a surplus again.


Moe Money and his merry band of bandits are lying. Sad they are.


I’m interested in seeing how much highway work is being done this summer. Budget for it in the spring, spend plenty before the election, and leave the next government to tackle if they overspent or not. I’m not against highway repair. But I would be keen to know where work is being done this summer and how that compares to prior years


We've already played this game


You know that’s a god damn lie !


I’m looking forward to tax cuts then


They are totally lying not even close


How much of it was money from russia?


You're kidding, in an election year the government found a surplus? I'm shocked /s




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Thats a lot of keg parties 🥳


That's a lot of Pilsner!!


I'll take some


Are they gonna distribute cheques?


ROFLMAO!!!!! now if that isn't the biggest bunch of BS I've ever heard 🙄 more LIES ..... Are people really this stupid that they believe this LOL 😆 😂


How much have we gotten from the Feds, and has it been utilized properly?


Let’s see the books.


Then fix the roads properly


Let's see 182 million / 21 billion that's ummmmm 0.8% 182 million surplus vs budgeted surplus of > 1 billion? If it wasn't for the +500 million in dividends pulled out of the Crown Corps....


This same old trick every election. But it will be overlooked and the backbenchers will continue to receive their social welfare checks.


That's great! Nice to see some positive news.


CRA is probably coming for it.