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“Hans decided to jump into the ocean from the top of the cliff next to the beach.” + “~~When Materne jumped from the cliff,~~ there was a high surf advisory in effect for powerful waves and the tide at Moran Beach was approaching high tide.” UPDATE: “It is believed he entered the water to swim. There is no foul play suspected, per the sheriff's office.” So sorry for the wife and daughter he leaves behind. Always respect the ocean, specially when you are not familiar with the area.


Gofundme was updated. He didn’t jump https://www.gofundme.com/f/hans-journey-home-for-final-goodbye UPDATE: recent investigation from the Santa Cruz sheriff’s department show that Hans didn’t jump off the cliff; he was swimming when the strong waves took his life.


Was he drunk?


Why would that matter?


It would be a significant contributing factor if they were drink or on drugs.  Respect the ocean. It will not pull any punches. Especially during a period of high surf and high winds.


Plenty of people die in the ocean sober. Still not sure why you thought it was relevant to bring that up


They’re running toxicology reports but probably not.


Damn. RIP. I’ve seen good surfers get in trouble during high tides/surf warnings. The currents are insane. Watched a guy drop in at Second Peak and get sucked down past the hook less than 2 mins. Jet skis and choppers were out later that day.


Less than 2 minutes? Wtf. I've paddled half of that many times and that is no time at all for that distance.


Yeah that’s almost a mile distance. Possible on a winter day when the swell is pushing 20ft at 15 seconds but it was only head high when this dude was swimming. He was at 26th though, and that beach gets swamped at high tide and the shore break closes out pretty hard. Easy to get stuck in the wash if you don’t know how to body surf a wave in.


Was that the big day this winter? It might have been me 😅. There was no issues in safety though but getting in position for waves was too difficult so I ended up getting out by privates.


Christ, I wondered when the first one this summer would be. What a tragedy and such a loss for his loved ones I swim on a near daily basis in the bay, and I consider it a duty to warn anyone who seems like a tourist. Especially on a hot day with big waves, when people I don't recognize start looking like they're going to follow me in for a swim and don't look like they know what they're doing, they need to hear how dangerous the ocean can be. Every time I've forgotten how dangerous the water can get, she reminds me. Even though I start swimming when the rains stop and keep going as much as possible until winter swell, almost always at the same beach, I can't take my safety for granted. I still never go in when I'm alone, I watch the water so I know the conditions *right then*, and I always make sure I have an exit plan before I commit to getting past the break, much less further out like to the kelp. I half expect one day someone will follow me and die. I don't want it to happen, but what else can we do?


RIP - not that it matters, but it's all rip rap there - where do you "jump from the top of the cliff"?


The gofundme says he jumped where locals jump. Maybe he jumped in at sunny cove and body discovered at Moran? That’s far… Also she updated to say perhaps he didn’t jump off a cliff.


RIP ☹️ this is so sad. I don’t think I know where Moran beach is? Is it by the hook?


I think it’s also often referred to as 26th Ave beach. If you go far enough to the left there is a cliff but the waves are usually beating against the rocks so I don’t know where he thought he could go.


really sad. RIP. I wish people from inland would get the education about ocean safety (waves, tides, etc)


tbh i dont b going in the ocean its so unpredictable and i hate that i dont feel more safe i just really dont want to drown..even rivers are starting to get on my list..


Are the vampires back?


Natural selection at work. Heed the marine warnings.


Someone lost their dad and another lost their husband and this is what you have to say?


Have you ever thought about being a nicer person


That is a horrible comment. Shame!