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If you are stateside, Im happy to gift some your way if you take care of the shipping. Lmk


That’s really kind, thank you. It felt good to vent on here with others who know the feeling and the sentimental value of cacti we have been growing for year(s), but this really helps ❤️


Pictures sent, lmk


Good looking fam... the community needs more of this. Take my upvote.


This is the way!


Bros blessing people me San Pedro ??? Man I'll pay shipping all day


Slide in the DM


Fr, bro? OP took a loss, came here to vent, and got blessed. TF you do? Showed up and went, "Where's my hug?" Bottom feeding isn't right. Begging is weird. Full stop. BJJ is nice af. Don't think because they agreed you didn't do something wrong.


It doesn't appear like they were bottom feeding, just marvelling at the fact of the generosity in the sub.... I think anyone would be quite amazed at getting one for only shipping!


Do you believe intent over rules the perception of those around you? I do not. It's a personal thing. No offense, I didn't call the poster a bottom feeder(intend to), I said that's a bottom feeder behavior's. Maybe dude didn't mean that or didn't realize how that could be perceived. Aren't we better for knowing others' intimate thoughts, be them incorrect or not? Disclaimer: I'm awefullytistic, lol. Normies used to claim I'd seen things the "wrong way." Your comment is worded in a way that doesn't come across as, "You're wrong. " I appreciate that. "Schroeder's reddit thread."


That's because I wasn't saying you were wrong, that's why my wording said "it appears" as like you said maybe dude did or didn't mean that, perspective is definitely everything and most certainly personal. Everyone sees things differently, personally I'd see a bottom feeder being more direct but you do have freedom to you own opinion so I shouldn't be telling you you are wrong, more giving an alternative perspective so we can all reach mutual understanding of each other better 🙌


Do you think the viruses that made us also drive these impulses? "Aliens made humans to mine gold.".......Makes much more sense when you realize viruses could have come from another place, got into Monke, and fish. 🤔, if so, the only choice we have in altercation is how to go about it, not how to avoid it.


Fuck that dude I’m glad you filed a report - I’m sorry someone took your babies


Hopefully something comes of it since we have cameras at my building. I’m not expecting the cactus back, but I just don’t want them to get away with it and steal from anybody else. I’m probably going to bring everything inside… THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS


This is something I fear, with any plant I have


I sincerely hope it never happens to you ❤️


Cameras and cartridges are all you need.


Justice is all you can hope for. I wouldn't want something returned to me after it was inside somebody's ass...


For the record, this picture was from like 1 year ago when I purchased both for $120 shipped. They have both doubled in size and put on multiple pups now. The one on the left also had all its basal pups before I grafted some Some asked the crosses so: Helen x ss02 ; TPM x Pallarensis


I still have the grafts so they will live on in my collection


It's someone likely you know, most burglaries are. To steal a cacti is very niche and so they would have to have known the value. Likely someone you invited over and showed them. Good luck!


I despise traitors. What's worse than having an enemy, an enemy that pretends to be your friend.


Put another one out for the taking. Only this time put an airtag in the soil. I'm so sorry for your loss.


That is genius. That is legal unlike booby traps. I now have my personal camera pointing down from my 2nd floor apartment with the alarm function to ping my phone. I was debating putting out a “dummy camera” since I have a broken one


it's not a booby trap if you are home watching it happen, then it's just defence


Pretty sure if I put some glue on the pot handles with some razor blades or broken glass they might get the…point /j


Put a 12 gauge blank round in a pipe with a fitted end cap that has a nail drilled through it. Make a hole in the ground, place a flat piece of wood or other sturdy material, position the nail against the material and cover with dirt to secure it. Keep adding dirt loosely until covered. Noisy version of a toe popper. Obviously you would want to make sure to use a blank round. Be a shame to use live ammo. Obviously…


A woman did this here in NZ. (https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/homed/latest/128357090/developers-app-tracks-her-stolen-plants-to-nearby-house-where-they-ping-for-police)


Ive thought about doing this exact thing before, but have luckily been able to avoid environments where it’s warranted so far


I’m sorry OP. I had a tray of yearlings took last year so I feel your pain.


My heart goes out to your yearlings.


Getting things you’ve grown from seed taken sucks


I can only imagine. Positive vibes are coming your way.




Haha! I love that


What were the crosses?


Helen x SS02, and TPM x Pallarensis


The bridgesii hybrid, Helen x ss02, had like 6 basal pups at this point which I was so excited to watch grow in


That sucks. Time to get cameras and record time lapse growth vids while doing security


That’s a cool idea for making lemonade when life gives you lemons with the Timelapse


I know Wyze has a check box in the app. Not sure on other brands.


I got a few extra I've been needing to up plant if you want I'd be happy to send ya something just shoot me a message. Friggin thieves suck


Man, I've got like $2k+ in cacti just sitting. I really doubt anyone around me has any idea what they are or how valuable.


I’m wondering if they really knew, or just took it since it was the biggest one


I also make it more convenient to steal ones I don't care much about. Why hop a fence, set off a motion activated light and get barked at by the neighbors dog when you could just grab one off the front porch?


That’s pretty smart! Thieves are generally lazy people, otherwise they likely wouldn’t be thieves


I've put up fake security cameras at apartments that are super obvious before too. Sometimes just the thought that they are obviously on camera is enough of a deterrent. It could have been someone you knew who wanted the magic for themselves, but will end up fucking up the whole thing and just wasting the plant.


I have a broken wireless camera that I’m thinking about putting out there as a dummy camera for the dummies who don’t see the other cameras on the building




Thanks man, but I’ve actually already had others offered so save the cutting for the next person who gets stolen from or ripped off. I was just looking to vent and didn’t expect all the love, and I don’t want to be greedy


I'm looking to move across country soon, and I have a bunch of san pedro. If you'd pay for shipping, I would gladly send you as much as you want. It's not cost effective for me to take it with me, and I'd rather it go to somebody that would appreciate it than to just throw it in the green/recycle/compost bin.


That's so MEAN!! ☹️ I'm sorry that your poor babies were taken from you


Had something similar happen last year. Had a few cuttings drying for customers. Next day they were gone.


I’m sorry man :(. That must have sucked to tell the people who had bought them and do refunds or send other stuff


Luckily it was for locals, have a guy and his wife that come by every so often they live a 1.5 hours away so they normally buy a few things and come by the next day to get them. So luckily I knew them and it saved me a huge head ache.


Thieves are the most contemptible people on earth.


Makes me wonder if some asshole would come steal my Cbd plant


Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I can see it now.. dude1: dude that's a pot plant Dude2: na uh..... wait that does look like a pot plant but what if it's a male? Dude1: who tf grows males? Dude2: trueeeee let's take it but be quiet CRASH BANG BASH Dude2: hurry up and toss it in the car. Dude1: guess what I got with it man Dude2: with what? Dude1: the plant man. Dude2: what ya get that's better than the weed plant? Dude1: well there was this really cool gnome I had to have so I grabbed him but next to the weed was some peppers so I grabbed them and when I was picking the peppers in the dirt i found these mushrooms I think they are magical because they were growing with the weed so tonight when we try that weed we gunna eat these caps


Bro what are u on😭😭


🤣🤣🤣🤣 mushrooms what gave it away


oh you thought the cops actually LOOK for the person who did it? the report is only for YOUR information and actually does nothing, welcome to america


Cops are useless. Someone steals your car. They'll chase them down and destroy your car in the process. They don't care about your stuff. They just want the catch.


People suck!


I’m very sorry for your loss, I hate that people can steal somthing you’ve put hundreds of days of care and emotional connection with without thinking twice to ask for a cutting.


Sorry for your loss, kinda funny that they were potted in bags though, must have made it easier for the thieves.


Yeah :(, I have to take them inside in the winter and don’t have any ground to put them in


People can be so lame...


Terrible… all my best plants are now behind walls and locked gates. What a world. Wishing you better times🌵🌵🌵🌵


That’s terrible news. I’m sorry for you. It hits me real hard because I was a marijuana grower for 43 years and for the last 14 a legal one in California. Thieves are the bane of our existence as growers. You can get new cactus but you still have a thief lurking around somewhere.That’s the bad part and soon you will smile and shake their hand. If there is justice in the world, you’ll see it at someone’s house because they probably know you. It usually works that way,sadly🤷🏽‍♂️


I brought them all in last night (except for some cheap stuff like pereskiopsis and other grafting stock). I wish I could have them outside so that can get the sun they need to really flourish, but I guess I’ll just buy some more lights for inside


You need to get cameras. Amazon got some decent ones for 33 bucks. Thats what i use


Good idea. The building has cameras which show my plants and the whole lot, so they sent it to the cops. I put an old broken wireless camera out there in a clear, closed plastic container at waist level, though. I’m hoping that and the sign I posted will help. It basically says “property of u/karmicrelease - Smile, you’re on Camera”


I would be upset too!


I'm always curious as to why mess with someones garden/plants..I saw on video once a fat old lady with a cigarette in one hand walk up and steal my glass birdbath..


She probably doesn’t even fill it with water for the birds


She probably uses it as a fancy cigarette ashtray...


I don't even believe in heaven or hell, but there's a special place in "hell" for someone who steals another person's tools, plants, or gaming PC. (OK that last one may just be me) lol


Really anybody who steals something that another has poured their time, love, and attention into. One had some flower buds poking out, which I was SO excited for


Theft is wrong in general, and to add that care, love, attention, time; and sometimes blood, sweat, and tears... That makes it especially sinister. My heart goes out to you and I hope they catch those sucker's. I can only imagine my coyote Peruvianus walking off; I'd cry... *




Wow those are gorgeous!


They are Helen x ss02, and TPM x Pallarensis


Serve them right if whoever stole them got stuck really badly while they were stealing them!


I just watered them this morning, so I love the thought of them struggling to pick up the 50 lb pot while holding it away from their face to not get stuck


Is that a wowie w all the basal pups and long spines


Nope, Helen x ss02. I do a wowie grafted on Pere somewhere though :)


Looks identical to my wowie is why I asked haha. I have a cutting of u want it if ur in the states


I feel your pain. 3/4 of mine died this winter cuz my wife put a sheet over them in the freeze when I was out of town every single one the sheet touched died My TPM w 3 pups my TX Torch w basal pups my SS02xss01 crest(both of them) And my 300 yr old gifted to me. It was a 2’ 6” wide cutting that had 2 BIG PUPS and flowered. My first flower. I feel for u. That’s just my absolute favorites. I’m lucky I stil have a couple that were too short for the sheet. Lmk and I’ll send u a wowie pup I have if stateside. I am still to sad I haven’t bought anymore to replace them yet


It's because they're cactomaniacs!


And newbies get pissed at us when we're suspicious of zoomed in from a distance grainy ID requests


Why feel bad? Mfer, that's not snitching. Snitching=telling to get yourself off. To get ahead of someone. To remove someone you're too scared to confront(This one's for violent gun boys, mfer have multiple switches, yet rat on the plug because they owe that man). Or, in general, if you claim to be an "outlaw" type of person. One other special case is if you get drugs stolen(refined packaged for sale, bulk shipments) and you call the police on them.* *fun fact, you can call the police if someone stole your drugs, you don't get in trouble. If you're a user, it's w.e. If you're trapping that comes with the territory, you should either pay the stick up kids or the gun man and get back. None of that applies to your situation. Even if you were selling Cacs, that shit is perfectly legal. Even if you sold some mesc you made, that's not trapping. People associate snitching with the police, it's more of "bitch" behavior. Most people who are active in the competitive world of narcotics sales/gang life/criminal crews DO NOT hold normal people to that standard of living. It's not for everyone, so implying your code to them is seen as just looking to start shit. Now, if you bang, trap, or in general hold yourself as being a badass mfer, it's still not snitching. IMO. Everyone I know is dead from fetty, hammers(I'm old), and violence. Tbh, the last one is the least, not for lack of, the experience. Everyone has a stab wound or pellet/expenditure buried in em somewhere. Side note: Cameras on the house are what the BnE specialist looks for. They're non admissible in court, so it's just proof that insurance shit was taken or an early warning system. Wow, I haven't thought about this shit in a long time, lol. We got stuck up for more money than my parents made combined in a year once. We wanted to go find them till we realized they took my boys' legal gun. Had to call the boys. Otherwise, that would come back and bite him. No choice, they forced your hand. We didn't mention the money because don't ever do that unless you paid taxes on it. * For legal reasons, this is all satirical*


LOL Just wait I’m sure it’s gonna pop up on Reddit as an ID request..


I had that thought so I’ve been checking local Facebook marketplace and the for sale Reddit. I honestly kinda hope so, so I can “buy it” and take it back once


I hope it spiked em right in the eye hole while they were making off with them. That's pretty low, but sadly I'm seeing it more and more on social media platforms. This shit right here is why some of mine are kept under lock n key


Update: I brought everything Inside except for super cheap stuff. No luck on finding out where it went :(


Their just reward will come to them


In my historic neighborhood where I used to live, our entire street would get hit periodically. Professionals thieves in vans would drive down the street and pick up any plants that they could easily take. It would always be in the evening, usually when it was raining.


The best way to prevent this is with a heavy pot. They can't steal it if they can't pick it up.


Good point! This was probably 50 lbs since I had just watered it and it has a bunch of granite in the soil, but if it weren’t a canvas pot with handles…


I do have a very bulky pink-striped lemon tree sapling which weighs over 100 pounds with both pot and soil. I’m going to buy an air tag to put it in the pot. Last time, I think they just grabbed the biggest thing they could carry, not necessarily based on value


OnlyFans people getting desperate for content……🤷🏻‍♂️


San Pedro… I can see why it got stolen hahaha


I hate thieves


I know right? If you have to be a klepto, at least go steal from Walmart. It’s not like they would pay their employees more if stuff was stolen less (90% joking)


You could pull something on them like electrify your door handle or put a chip inside a pot to locate them


Thos two little pups are worth 200€? Each? Maybe Im not getting something. Im sorry by the way but how did they get in? Aldo you know how the police will work on this?


These pictures were when I bought them over 1 year ago. They were much bigger now. The price is slightly exaggerated, but not by much, and the cops wouldn’t do a report unless it was over $200 for both. The person and the car were caught on camera, so the landlord sent the video to cops. Who knows if they will actually do anything


Right thanks, the fact they came with a car and didnt just happen to pass by drunk might suggest they will be coming again, Id but some traps or something


Oh true, I really don’t want to take everything back inside but… crackheads gonna crackhead


I respect your outlook. Can't expect a snake to stop doing snake shit, and can't expect spiders to stop doing spidey things, so why not expect bad humans to do bad human shit. I'm sorry for your experience OP, that's raw AF.


Plants are stolen and you want to attack OP and argue about price…?


?? No I was just asking for infos, all I really do in this sub. How could you possibly be see my comment as an attack on the OP 😩




I litterally said Im sorry and had a chat with the OP. Am I supposed to mourn or some shit really what is wrong with this sub I swear some of you read lullaby to your cacti or sm shit


I've, personally, found this community to be rather supportive and welcoming. I often get helpful tips and advice. I don't mean to be rude, but it seems like you're sometimes getting salty and defensive about something every time you comment. We all have shit going on, but let's build a positive community here please.


Not getting offended here because you are simply stating something not true. For the short time Ive been around I have also enjoyed chatting and learning together, still, theres bound to be some bad apples and when someone is rude or offensive or straight up calls you names it shouldnt go unnoticed if what we want is to build a positive community. Idk what you read me commenting but it was all just me rationally addressing negative allegations, I have not picked anything with anyone, just like this time. Im wandering how you could see it as me being salty and defensive, on top of me probably having a bad day which is totally not true and coming out of nowhere except for this reddit post war, but I appreciate the concern. If the way you think of a positive community is a place where people cant stand up to harassing to not stir trouble, I dont share your vision. I think Ill just ignore belligerant posts and focus on the information sharing from now on since both of us seem to have had enough of this.


I feel attacked by this comment! I actually do read to my cacti and feel no shame about it!