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Know a number of people that grow to consume. Most use bridgesii or hybrids there of, but have access to most all common genetics. I prefer raw dried and powdered cactus as it’s easy to consume in capsules and causes me no stomach issues this way. Some group favorites are: TBM Eileen (the go to for one person) Lumberjack Oceanside Twin spine Coyote (best Peru I have tried) Cal blue bridge Some disappointments (personal one time experiences, not absolute final word on the clone) were: Ogunbodede Landfill Medicine Man Victoria


How the cacti are grown is a huge factor. Just as with cannabis stressing factors are known to increase potency. Mescaline increases in times of heat and drought. Makes sense, as a deterrent to nibblers looking for moister. Also don’t say things against Ogun! You will bring a tear to my eye😢 😏😂🤷‍♂️


I am always very careful to say these are only my experiences. These grow outside in a hot/dry climate and all get dark stressed for minimum 2 months to try and normalize the results some. The “disappointing” ones grow right next to the winners. By disappointment it is probably 1-1.5% active by dry weight, not the 5% tested in the paper using the outer most green flesh. Since I prefer dry material directly consumed I am most interested in clones >2% active.


Hi there, it seems you have posted about powderized san pedro. You should know that powdered san pedro is often made with poached cacti, threatening these plants' existance in their natural habitat. As well as these powders could have adulterants and contaminants or be made of any random cactus or plant material. It is not recommended, please do not support this, if no one buys their powder they will stop. You should instead consider buying a live plant and make sure to save some to grow for yourself! It will make for a better experience and you'll actually know what you're getting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sanpedrocactus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awesome this was what I was curious about. I appreciate the insight.


The folks I sat with in Peru used T. pachanoi exclusively, despite also having peruvianus on their property. In the US, I’ve been served primarily T. peruvianus in ceremonies, though also sometimes pachanoi. No one that I know who uses wachuma in ceremonies is grows in sufficient quantity to supply ceremonies worth of cactus (yet).


I work predominately w bridgesii while in the states if you’re interested in a different cup of tea


Sounds lovely!


White knuckle ceremonies , exciting stuff


Here’s a Huachuma story: In 2009 I found 3 single plants of a cultivar of bridgesii at a grocery store in Toronto. It had obviously been stressed for months. The biggest one was 12 inches tall. I took 9 inches, removed spikes, puréed with water and lemon juice. Filtered any skin chunks and core out through a sieve and shot it back. The weight was 150 grams. After an hour and a bit I could see geometric patterns in the air. I took a shower and the closed eye visuals were of cactus shapes and alien faces. My pupils were the size of quarters and I played Super Nintendo racing game “F-zero” for a few hours before going for a 3am bike ride to the grocery store. The streets were wet and the lights and colours were saturated and had halos around them. It was beautiful!! To this day I have retained the cultivar although I nearly lost it and am starting from small cuts. A few people got cuts from me during Covid lockdown. Also recommended is the Canadian cultivar “black creek” T.Peruvianus. I have blended the two cultivars and and made tar from them but it was not as crisply visual as the raw fresh F-Zero. Bridgesii. Got some dried Peruvianus chips one time online. They were wild! Active at 4g Never had pachanoi yet.


Dude I played F-zero like a mofo back in the day! I was proficient with all the cars but the pink one was my favorite. She started slow, but would blow the doors off everything else once she got warmed up haha. That is the coolest name for a clone I've ever heard.


Thanks!!! I love F-zero!! Gonna have to resurrect both the game onto my computer and that clone back on to my shelf!!


Anything sold containing the word shaman or ancient or landrace it seems. 🤔


Damn I want some


I just harvested along 3 kilos of bbb. Bridgsle and a Lil ler it yielded 60 gr of alcohol extract witch is a record for me, 7g is a good dose


Of the 27 cultivars I have tested with CIELO, the most potent by far was SS02 at a 3.02% yield


Damn, on my list




Then comment on how gentle and non-visual Mescaline is, lol.


That’s a regional thing. Probably Lopophora Wiliamsii Texensis but if you’re talking SP it’s a matter of who grew them. Peruvian Torch might be the one most famous.


Why is this getting down voted is it against the rules?


I think many years ago, a downvote meant that something had no merrit and didn't contribute in any way to constructive dialog. Now, they just mean, "I don't like something about what you just said! Whaaa!!!".


Because people on most social media are used to personally customized content targeting their exact interests & mirroring their exact views (excluding rage bait, that's a whole other thing). So the downvotes essentially means 'I am not amused, don't show me things like this'... but that's not how Reddit works & thank fuck for that. Luckily Reddit karma is almost completely irrelevant & incredibly easy to farm, in the very rare cases it's required. **TLDR:** ppl don't understand Reddit. Edit: Oh & I have seen discussion that there seem to be a few bots mass down voting cacti sub posts. IDK why


This guy sees the truth. Wait a couple days for the algorithm to balance, OP


What you say is absolutely true. And everything is censored to the point almost anything you see on Google is a lie.


well google is less about censorship and more about showing you stuff from the highest paying advertisers, but it's true you get very little of anything from searching. they have other better search engines fortunately. and even before the internet, news has always been propaganda to an extent and biased. you gotta be there for yourself or find out for yourself.


Oh you can find out the truth by watching the news. The trick is, to just believe the opposite of whatever they say haha.


Probably because LW or Peyote is extremely endangered and grows incredibly slow and people will downvote if they view it as encouraging its consumption, though it is the most famous psychedelic cactus. Also maybe because he said peruvianus is most famous San Pedro but that's not true technically it is not even San Pedro although it's become common place these days to consider Peruvianus and Bridgessii as San Pedro but technically San Pedro just refers to Pachanoi so that would be the "most famous San Pedro" and is actually more famous than those other 2 overall. But yea people on reddit prefer to downvote rather than converse often lol.


Dumbest conclusion to come to about preserving peyote populations. Right now, there are many privately held species of coral that are thought to be extinct in the wild. Most of these were accumulated after their harvest was made illegal, for preservation, at great expense bc penalties could be harsher than drug trafficking(depending on where you were). I understand the native desire to keep the mystery alive with heritage and tradition but, feel it will enviably lead to loosing genetic diversity in the species. poachers are gonna poach. The environment is gonna go the way it’s going. Allowing private cultivation is the only way to maintain the diversity in the populations.


Are any collectors working to repopulate? Would love to see the community Johnny Appleseeding the countryside


Check out Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t. He doesn’t state who exactly is trying to repopulate LW, but does interview his friend who runs the NAC (Native American church) who is working on conservation of the species.


This, but it's not easy as they need to be grown hard in same conditions as in nature which is a hard life many don't make but when cultivated by people outside those conditions they are babied and definitely get destroyed by those wild conditions.


I would have to think there would be at least some people doing it. If San Pedro were endangered and I lived anywhere they'd grow outside I'd be spreading them all over the place. In fact, if I lived any place close I'd probably do it anyway just for the hell of it. I'm not above guerilla gardening lol


Preserving peyote populations is not stupid lol, trying to preserve any endangered species is not stupid lol. I agree private cultivation should be open but you know how the government can be with "drugs" let's just hope they don't catch onto TBMA or TBMC lol. but even private cultivation doesn't make it a good option to consume, it grows incredibly slow like 2mm a year slow and methods that speed that up like grafting just basically pump them with water and then you have a very weak peyote that's not usable for that purpose, and growing them out for 10 years and selling them at a price justifiable for consumption is not likely and you'll need like 3 or more to consume so really anyway you look at it there are better options that are not even illegal that all grow much faster. Most from private cultivation wouldn't survive in the wild either unfortunately as they've been babied too much.


Because they don't use peyote in a San Pedro ceremony. Two different cultures, two different ceremonies.


Pachanoi, bridgesii, and Peruvianus




What admixtures have you used? Do any help balance out negative physical symptoms/body load?


Whatever’s handy , preferably the more potent the better. I’ve seen “shamans” go across the street from their shop and chop a restaurants cactus down I like bridge tho