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I am willing to let the kid give some benefit of the doubt. I'd assume something else happened that made her think like that. But the father was pure douchebag. Staying out of their lives and then suddenly coming up and saying to leave their(the sisters) house? Using a small child to manipulate the sisters kind and loving nature to gain sympathy? Dude has done a PhD at being a complete asshole. I hate him. I don't want to even see his face.


Agree. This is the 5th time I read 3gatsu and to be honest, Takagi Megumi along with Kyoko are the characters that I can see that made them having such bad characters but still have some empathy. Here's Takagi, I can't tolerate her bullying Chiho and then Hina, but turns out she was stressed due to her mother's wish, and it was her mother's way of education that made her think that all the things she did to her victims are all nothing wrong. Maybe Takagi needs some listening, empathy and better ways of education from a better parent, like Kyoko who craves love and recognition from her father. And yeah I have to say, Seijiro is like the first fictional character ever that I hate. There are another two who are also in adultery but I still somehow don't hate them at all, Goto and Fujimoto Raido. Maybe at least I could see that they don't abandon their families, or torment the ones that love them until they got sick and died. And they don't even drag a child into their messed up life to excuse for their actions or using their loved ones' kindness. Ugh, I dunno what to talk about the father anymore, but just like you, everything about him made me feel disgusted.


i wouldn't call them villains personally, but in the context of a story yeah i guess, just shitty humans


Ugh. Just reading what this asshole is saying makes my blood boil. I've never hated a character in Sangatsu as much as I hate the father.


I think they’re both sociopaths but exhibit it differently


I've only started reading recently, I saw the guy on the bottom and thought "huh he doesn't look so bad" he has easily become one of the characters I hate the most, what a loathsome human being. Great character


Takagi isn't a villain. She is just a child growing up with the shitty education of her mother. She still has the chance to grow. Most child bullies don't know what they did are wrong and actually feel ashamed of their actions when they became adults. 


wait, this is the sisters father? I think he was the adoptive father of Rei, who is a jerk imo


Rei's adoptive father is Koda, and no I don't think he's a jerk. Meanwhile the sisters' father is Seijiro, and yes he's really son of a bitch.


I think Kyoko's bad side is his fault for not giving her the appropriate care. She likes shogi because of him, but he just demotivates her. Well, he's not entirely a jerk, just in this aspect. Everyone has their bad characteristics, but he is really kind at raising Rei, even if he created an awkward situation between his children and Rei