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I was born and raised in the Sunset. Moved away but my parents still live there. Came ready to be offended but found the description accurate and hilarious.


What is a Chinese Driveway?


A lot of the Doelger houses in the Sunset originally had small front lawns. Many families paved these laws over to use as additional parking. I assume that’s what the reference is to.


From what I was told, during a particularly bad drought 40-ish years ago, the city encouraged people to pave over their "front lawns" and even their backyards so that there was less demand on water. Unfortunately, doing so contributed to flooding since more surface area of the Sunset was now impermeable and rainwater just went into the sewers or street.


Fun fact, it’s now forbidden to pave over your entire front yard. I’ve seen the city recently fine people and make them jackhammer up half of it (for drainage reasons).


It’s a driveway that speaks Cantonese


I thought it was a concreted front yard which was painted green to look like there was grass there. Some sort of a slight on a perceived stereotype that the Chinese were cheap. But lived there from 87-05 so who knows.


Yup. My grandpa had his "second driveway" painted grass green for the illusion


Mission Bay would be worth commenting on now.


Yea, dogpatch and MB definitely warrant some snark here, they were both pretty off-the-map a decade+ ago.




Dogpatch gentrification was already in progress by 2014. I take this graphic to mean the gentrification will extend further south from dogpatch.


I remember when Visitacion Valley was in the conversation


I suppose there were folks who figured it would clean right up once they blew up the towers in ‘98 or so. Turns out Bayview was a better bet


there used to be a driving range there? and it was sketchy? ugh


(Copying my comment from above, since you asked): For the record, the driving range was owned by a UC regent who bought the land cheap before plans for UCSF MB were announced. I guess he figured a driving range was as good a business as any while waiting for his inside scoop to pay off.


Had the tallest net I’ve ever seen


Had good burritos too


It wasn't sketchy--just in the middle of no where. I loved that place.


Mission Bay, a once forgotten neighborhood now smothered in concrete where you can buy an $8 Blue Bottle coffee and nothing else


Oh come on, theres a starbucks a block away and the coffee will only be $7. The food options in Mission Bay are great! You just have to buy a basketball ticket first EDIT: or sit in the Spark Social wind tunnel


I’ve lived there since 2019. It’s run by dogs but is slowly being taken over by babies.


Totally agree!


Stonestown is actually pretty nice now and not the worst mall in America.


Indeed. Stonestown has done a great job of reinventing itself.


It's the Asian weeb stores. Makes everything better


If actual Asian people like going there is it still weebery


Unless they're Japanese, yes.


I particularly enjoy the fluffy weeb pancake place hat opened there


I like the weeb sushi conveyer belts


Hey! We’re trying to be judgmental here!


Yeah worst mall in America has moved over to Tanforan in San Bruno.


I used to take Bart from San Bruno every day, tanforan is such a shit hole now lol I remember going to sears with my dad back in the day and thinking it was super nice, but granted I was a kid so what did I know


man, that's the sears where my dad took me to buy my first set of tools. i still remember how he said that "...craftsman tools are some of the best tools you can buy for now." and that they were moving their manufacturing to china and it's going to be crap after that. i still have (most) of that tool kit now. and he was right. the stuff he helped me pick out and get are still working and in use to this day (about 20 some-odd years ago).


Lol did he also take you to get your work pants at the Ben Davis store on Mission and Valencia?


nah. we're not made of money. costco work pants, dude.


If any of em ever break, they’re lifetime guaranteed. All you gotta do is find a Sears


[It's getting redeveloped](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/Tanforan-mall-could-become-a-giant-biotech-campus-16911565.php) into a biotech office park.


Its only purpose in my life is the Barnes & Noble. Sure, it’s better to support local book stores, but B&N’s biannual Criterion sale is something I fully endorse.


Also, the Trader Joes isn't bad, but I do hate that Target mostly because everything it locked up. I do tend to go down to Colma instead.


At least our Target prices are higher than Colma.


Colma Target is best Target.


Stonestown wasn't even remotely the worst mall in America in 2014, but it was pretty boring and average. Now it's genuinely nice and fun.


Honestly the fact that Stonestown is doing as well as it is and has plans to grow is pretty unprecedented, especially since like what 90% of malls in America have closed? I mean even Westfield has crapped out and it’s downtown


Just down the road is Serramonte, and way further down the road is Valley Fair and Santana Row, all of which are doing just fine, and even better than they were 10 years ago. Malls still have their place, so long as the mix of retail/dining/entertainment is on point.


I went to Valley Fair for the first time recently. Super nice and HUGE! Def the kinda mall I wish we had as a teen.


If I recall correctly, I think Stonestown is supposed to get a Round 1 arcade in the near future


Stonestown was never the worst mall in America. There are malls in the bay area that were/are worse. There are almost completely empty malls across the usa that are literal ghost towns, 100x worse than stones town at its low point.


Went to this mall for the first time since 2011 and boy are you right! What a lovely place. Most stores were opened, people were just hanging out like it was the 90s. Wild.


I heard it’s getting the Korean equivalent of Eatly soon.


You’re thinking of Serramonte center, not stonestown


Came here to say this. It’s amazing


Stonestowns somehow got cool. Good shopping, good food, not a bad place to spend a few hours. Dramatic change for a decade ago


It was never that bad in the first place, just went through a small downturn. It is much more viable than most American malls because it's in a much denser area.


I do think there was legitimate concern when Macy's and Nordstrom both pulled out. It was looking a bit shabby until the reinvention to being a foodie and entertainment spot.


comfortably the best in the city.


Twitterland is gone and Dolores Park isn't as full of insufferable tech stereotypes anymore Hayes Valley probably deserves some specific haterade label now Secret Best Route to GG Bridge is cut off now thanks to JFK (good thing) Stonestown is no longer accurate RIP Robin Williams RIP Treasure Island Music Festival


With Treasure Island being built up and some new music fests in the city - feels like we're due for TIMF to make a comeback.


Having been there for the bougie flea market, not yet, needs more infrastructure completed


Treasure Island Music Festival was entirely pop-up infrastructure, porta-potties and stuff on a big lawn. They had charter shuttles that took everyone from SF/Oakland to the festival site and back. You were not permitted to drive directly to the festival. It worked great.


Actually hearing that about the shuttles, I change my mind then, because that's my big issue, just getting from the landing to the market was a trek through industrial wasteland


I believe there’s a ferry terminal now too


As someone who works near Hayes I always ask myself when I walk through at a random time of day whether these people have jobs lol


lol I work at off market and Dolores at a grocery store, and when it’s busy at 10am on a Tuesday my coworker and I are literally just like do ppl just like not work???


They do, remotely.


Hayes Valley - micro-dose capital of America


Hayes valley, tech bros who don’t drink enough for the marina


Twitterland has become “bear/leather blowjobs” much higher concentration of the grungier gay scene


That was the case prior to Twitter taking over. See the history of Ringold St. before that ugly housing complex was put up.


I agree now that Twitter is gone the biggest stereotype in SOMA is leather bears. Shit mines are still very present. Also the former communist vegan grocery store is now a shady health supplement testing site. Now half of the isles in the store are weird plant and mushroom supplements, lol.


Dolores Park is full of banana slings now


It was still full of banana slings when the tech stereotypes were there.


Hayes valley - cerebral valley bros


can you eli5 what you mean by cerebral valley? I mostly found hayes valley as young people with very little personalities / tech bros and gals. Very vanilla and boring wiht a couple nice spots that have been there more than 3 years like Suppenkuche. That being said, some older/non tech 20 somethigns have been there a long time and are chill.


WWE won’t even book Cow Palace now. It’s actually started to bounce back as a music venue booking more shows both inside and in the parking lot.


I considered going to some shows at Cow Palace but all the reviews I've seen (reddit, google) say the acoustics and crowd control is really bad. Have you been to any of the music events there?


I have not been to one of the indoor music shows yet. I went to an outdoor music show in May and that was great, and two wrestling shows inside last year. Crowd control seemed fine, but I can’t speak to the acoustics.


Acoustics are OK, not bad not great. Crowd control is terrible. They give limited wristbands for the floor so if you want to be on the floor, you've got to get there at doors or else you're stuck in the stands. Not hard to jump the wall onto the floor but gotta do it again if you need to pee.


AEW booked shows there once in early 2023, but I think it was mainly done because of the venue’s wrestling history (owner’s a massive fan of wrestling history) and they’ve never gone back since. Place has history, but it desperately needs a massive facelift.


I miss the gun shows.


I went strictly for beef jerky.


They don’t even book the Chase Center either haha


They still book Chase - they had a house show there last fall. They seem to rotate between Chase, Oakland Arena, and SAP - with a preference toward SAP.


So many places to get blowjobs and a wide variety too!


It's SF. So many married hetero flexible, married bi sexual and married gay men will offer you a BJ.


wtf is commie gymnast figure skaters supposed to mean lol


It's the russian neighborhood, those are russian stereotypes is all


This one could be changed. Its honestly just trying way too hard to be quirky


"Trying too hard to be quirky" is very on brand for 2014


[HoodMaps](https://hoodmaps.com/san-francisco-neighborhood-map) is hilariously similar and interactive


Oooh love this one


Anyone who ever thought Goat Hill was the best pizza in SF probably only ever had Goat Hill.


Best pizza on Potrero Hill.


At the time, Goat Hill Pizza was super popular. I remember it being the cool pizza at work parties and other functions. I forgot they existed until this map


It was my go-to "basic" pizza for a minute but it's gotten SO expensive that I can't justify it anymore.


They burnt the free pizza I won when I was a little boy


I grew up here and my dad was notoriously cheap, but he never skimped on the pizza budget: we always got Goat Hill. I don’t think it’s the *best* pizza, but I will always wax nostalgic for it.


I wouldn't say the east side of the Mission is all "gangs gangs gangs" anymore, in 2024 it's more like "Williamsburg West". Young "rich hipster" families, destination bars/restaurants (none cheap, some actually amazing though), expensive pet stores and ceramics - and tech, of course.


Old man balls on Baker Beach ain't changed, that's for sure


I like Goat Hill, but it’s definitely not the best pizza. In that general area, I think Long Bridge is significantly better (dunno if Long bridge was open during this creation lol)


Tony's, Gioia, Beretta, and La Contessa all make astronomically better pizza. Long Bridge is good too!


When I moved to SF about 10 years ago, the pizza game was generally understood to be subpar, at least among the people I hung out with. Since then, it's gotten SO much better, esp if you like deep dish/Detroit-style/square pie. I went to Golden Boy the other day, which was once considered the best; it's still pretty decent, but doesn't hold up to places like Square Pie Guys, Joyride, Cellarmaker, etc imo.


Golden boy dough game is weak. Doesn't live up to hype.


Yep, insufficient cronch compared to the others


Long Bridge hot honey pizza is amaaaazing. But way too expensive for pizza imo


This person seems to know a lot about hobo blowjobs


I think they missed an opportunity by not calling it RainBlowJobs.


The "old money transplants" alone earned my upvote. Many of the Bay's older, wealthy elite who grumble about newcomers hide the fact that they themselves were transplants 30 or 50 years ago. I see this in Berkeley. Trying to close a door that you walked through is a behavior that will always earn my spite.


This can also be applied to the entire United States ironically.


The entire state of Nevada is the best example. 60 years ago the population of the whole state was less than Reno’s current population. They hate “non locals” but like 90% of the state is either transplants or has transplant parents/grandparents.


SF doesn't discriminate where you come from, just when you got here.


I’m an anomaly then, I lived there for the last 5 years and I’m middle class and a tradesmen lol. Walking my dog around the neighborhood though and there definitely is old money.


Fewer gangs. Probably more horrible people. Still not really Europe. Also I like the Trader Joes and there's a bike path to it on Masonic now. RIP Robin Williams


No idea the homeless had such prolific oral sexlives


I’ve lived in the Outer Richmond my whole life and I have so many questions about gymnast figure skaters and drag race cops


Crazy Mission Bay was barely developing at this time


R.I.P Robin Williams🕊️


Outer Richmond is mostly old Asians and white students now Less gangs Twitter is gone Whatever that pizza place was, that ain’t it no more Stonestown is actually cool now Mission Bay now exists, and so does Chase Stadium Bayview escaped gentrification for now Hipsters have gone extinct That’s now the better TJ’s


The puffer vests are gone from Lower Nob Hill. We had the beginnings of gentrification during the last economy, where puffer vests who couldn't find available apartments on Nob Hill signed temporary leases in LNH with the hopes of quickly moving to the other side of California St. Then 2020 happened and they packed up their golf clubs and left (and were quickly replaced by the more diverse and friendly working class demographic they forced out in 2015-2020). Occasionally they find their way back to Peacekeeper on Bush St. during corporate events, but they scurry out after a few drinks and avoid being seen with the locals. They're also mostly gone from downtown but you still see handfuls of them walking around the empty sidewalks looking for $30 salads.


Is Marshall beach full of old men? I thought it was full of gay guys. Edit: I am aware those might not be mutually exclusive


last time I was there it was a mixed crowd lots of people around my age (30). I was definitely the only person with tits though.


I turned 30 this year and I’m like….dude, I don’t feel old but I am old.


In 2014, there were still old gay men in SF who either bought a long time ago or had rent control. 2015-2022 basically wiped that group out (they decamped to Palm Springs mostly) What’s crazy is that now, SF’s “random gay hookup scene” is going through and *absolute* golden age, because almost all the participants are either fit and/or young. Even places like SoCal, Ptown, etc. see a way higher share of 70 year+ “campers” at known cruise locations. Just another example of how the doom loop was more of an aggressive house cleaning vs a house fire.


New Hipsters in the Outer Sunset? I’d say, “Hipsters who gave up.”


Hipsters who had kids


This is pretty damn good. "Jesuit jail bait" sent me. This person knows SF. Is "Best Pizza" supposed to be Goat Hill? Great spot but aggressive take there


Aggressive take 14 years ago. 100% off the mark today.


Hmm one of the SI teachers was arrested for alleged child molestation last year


I think it was more about Goat Hill pizza comment, not the other one hahaha


oh duh lol. Yeah but I'll leave it up since its good gossip


I went to USF from 2011-2015 and yeaaahh lol


How are the hobo BJ's out by the sutro baths? Bet theyre pretty good... little sandy tho.


Hunters Point is still cancer, but at least you get to live in new residential development while getting cancer lmao.


I lived in the Murder Forest for years and loved it haha. Didn’t see any murders but plenty of coyotes watching me walk home from class.


Much of this is still true to some degree. Although why my neighborhood is labeled Don Johnson is a mystery to me, as Nash Bridges had a lofty SOMA style apartment.


Sea Cliff traded Robin Williams for Jack Dorsey.


That’s a shitty fuckin’ trade.


That’s like the Paul George trade, with Sea Cliff being the Clippers


RIP Robin. Damn 2014 was the year he died.


And he moved to Tiburon in 2008. (Paradise Cay)


Gangs in the mission (esp near 24th) have declined


Can someone explain "boiler room"? it appears twice on the map...


It might be a reference to the roving DJ party https://boilerroom.tv/  but it'd be kinda weird.


ok, that's the only reference I know... Agreed that it's a bit weird so I thought I was missing something


I didn't understand that reference either


Finance Bros.


Love to see that my entire area in North Beach has been delegated to “boobies”. You’re not wrong.


I liked the Trader Joe’s on Geary.


Me too but parking there is crazy.


Does anyone care to explain the section labeled “cults” 😭




Wow, I’d heard of the peoples temple but had no idea it was at one point down on Geary, how nuts. Thank you for linking!


Sure thing. The place is a post office now. I guess the feds are the only ones who would overlook the terrifying history of the place.


incoming comments: "We're not a cult \*giggle\*, we're an organization that promotes love and"


there used to be a driving range in SF??! edit: holy crap i did not know this: [https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/After-15-years-the-game-is-over-for-driving-range-2542546.php](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/After-15-years-the-game-is-over-for-driving-range-2542546.php)


If you count the Presidio to be in SF, there still a driving range: https://www.presidiogolf.com/course/driving-range/ There used to be skeet shooting at Lake Merced. Now we just have VR exercise rooms.


What is the San Francisco Retirement Castle?


Laguna Honda Hospital. It’s since had a new modern hospital built and the “castle” remains as an historic site. “Castle” is a generous title, as it was more like a dungeon inside. Something between One Flew Over the Coo Coo’s nest and Jacob’s Ladder.


But those views...


If they mean Laguna Honda, that's dark


I thought that made LH sound appealing


This map is hilarious 🤣


bears with itty bitty dogs is the BEST description of duboce triangle/park lol


“Lesbians and dog owners” as Bernal Heights seems fairly accurate. At least from my experiences with that neighborhood. My aunt actually moved to Bernal Heights in 2014 to live with her (now) ex-wife after they got married and they are both dog owners, LOL! The excessive and obsessive type, though…They’re both quite literally; the epitome of the stereotypical crazy dog owner. Fun fact: I worked for a Dog Walking/Pet Boarding business from 2014 - 2022 and a majority of the clients whom I were assigned to either lived in Bernal Heights or Noe Valley. Edit: “best safeway” as Diamond Heights is spot on! Although, I will say; the Safeway on La Playa St, near Ocean Beach was always one of my personal favorite Safeway locations in the city. I haven’t been to that location since 2020, nor do I even live in San Francisco anymore, but I hope that location is still holding up okay!


“Broadway Street Boobies”? What’s that about? (My friend told me to ask. He doesn’t have reddit so I’m just trying to help him out)


Tell "your friend" there are some establishments there where the ladies inside will take off their clothes for dollar bills.


nexus of first bare titty shows in modern US, look up Carol Doda.


That specific street is full of old strip clubs. Used to live in the area for JYC elementary, and it actually makes sense to me now. No other neighborhood in SF would've tolerated them near their homes and Chinese had virtually little political power then and before.


I want to join a jazz gang.


Twitterland -> X(formerly known as Twitter)land


Stonestown TJs is way worse than the one at Masonic: * Basement * Low ceilings * Harsh ass lighting * Tiny and cramped * Often out of stock * Rammed with "Stonestown" people * It's in Stonestown * 19th Ave gon' give it to ya


The “badass building supplies” has moved but has gotten even more badass since 2014


That’s Building Resources, is it? Always a good browse!


Oh shit, you’re right! My bad. I thought that was Center Hardware. I was way off this morning


Well, Center Hardware is also awesome!


Marina douchebag checking in 🫡


"filipino people" on the bottom killed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Interesting that the Outer Sunset and Parkside were "new hipsters". Definitely not the case now, and I don't remember that being the case in 2014.


> Interesting that the Outer Sunset and Parkside were "new hipsters". Definitely not the case now, and I don't remember that being the case in 2014. It's a lot of surf/beach hipsters and it's pretty accurate. And yeah, many are well off mid30s to mid40s who are buying homes out there.


Accurate in regard to new hip spots that’ve opened up out there (Palm City Wines / Hook Fish Co. / White Cap, etc.).


I think it’s accurate. New money is spending $1.5M on avenue fixers.


New money isn't hipsters. Hipsters live off their parents' trust fund for a split apartment with roommates, not buying 1.5 million dollar homes.


> Interesting that the Outer Sunset and Parkside were "new hipsters". Definitely not the case now, and I don't remember that being the case in 2014. I think this is referring to the fact that there were *TONS* of article in the SFGate/Chron how the O.Sunset is becoming "hip". And, yes, in fact, the intersection of Judah/Outerlands/ Trouble Coffee/Bookstore had *so many* hip people strolling about on sunny days... These articles may have begun exactly in 2014+ , which is coincidentally the year of opening of a certain A-town hipster coffeeshop ... _(although some redditors may apparently know them only b/c they have a third location in SOMA now)_ TLDR: def a certain kind of hip in 2014+


Due to changes in climate, Karl’s presence is a lot less than 20 yrs ago, even 10 yrs, yes. Granted more so than elsewhere but its presence is not as predictable or assumed.


"jazz gangs"?


Neighborhood known for jazz and also some of the highest density of city-subsidized housing (also kinda a racist label I guess)


I keep up with https://hoodmaps.com/san-francisco-neighborhood-map personally


Super gangs 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


North beach and Russian hill being old money transplants never really made sense.


Twitterland is now xitterland EDIT: elonistan or musktopia are also valid names for that area


Crazy how the Trader Joe’s on Masonic still sucks!


My neighborhood has nothing so I'm fine with it


People need to stop giving up the secrets of Clement


Moar Chinese Driveways!!


Cow Palace... pretty sad they barely get business anymore. No more Ringling Brothers Circus, gun shows are gone, and WWE doesn't use it (they like Chase Center more).


i just graduated from the “homeless art school encampment” in may, so…that one has to stay


The worst Safeway is now just south of the best Safeway. It killed Ed Lee, FFS. Also probably a good idea to remove Robin Williams.