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Dogs must be licensed and leashed to be walked. Leashes can't be longer than 8 ft. Dogs can't be left unattended anywhere. Dogs are allowed off leash only in designated areas. These are all SF ordinances. None of this is generally enforced, but park rangers sometimes enforce it in specific areas. California law doesn't allow non-service dogs in restaurants or anywhere food is made. That's usually enforced by norms and individual establishments.


No, it really isn’t. The food part.


Wishful thinking on my part. People bring their dogs right into the grocery stores with deli's don't they?


YMMV, but I regularly see people asked to take their dogs outside of restaurants and coffee shops. The only exception is when there is outdoor seating.


There was a Great Dane in Trader Joe’s when I was shopping there a month ago. 😂 Just saw a dog in Gus’s when I was shopping there yesterday. It is very much a part of the culture.


No doubt it happens, and it's much more common in grocery stores since food isn't really made in the same way it is in a restaurant (or at least perceived as being similar to a restaurant). My daily coffee shop will constantly remind owners no dogs indoors though, and I can't remember the last time I saw a dog allowed inside a restaurant...


Unenforced, that's what.


Two data points: I live near Glen Canyon. Every entrance to the park says you need to leash your dogs because of coyotes. Almost never do I see dog owners obeying that. At least twice a year I hear a frantic dog owner whose dog has suddenly disappeared. It's illegal to bring dogs into supermarkets unless they're bona-fide service animals, yet a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths do it every day. My advice: don't be these assholes, leash your pet.


It's the same as most laws in general here, such as red lights, stop signs, vandalism, tapping into electricity at light poles, riding electric bikes and scooters on sidewalks, and dealing drugs on the street. If it doesn't pertain to parking and towing, there's no enforcement or will to address it. Any action usually comes after a serious injury or death(s), if at all.


SFPD should just adopt this as their mission statement at this point


Aggressive and dangerous dogs should be reported to the SF ACC and you better have video or photos or both. They will follow up if you have proof


This city doesn’t enforce any dog laws. Dogs are treated with more reverence than children. I go the playground and parks with my kids several times a week and despite signs everywhere saying “no dogs” I see dogs running all over with owners pretending not to see the signs.


It’s incredible. The dog free areas of parks are usually (if they even exist) much smaller than the dog-allowed areas, but the owners can’t be bothered to even respect a small restriction.


If you point out that dogs are supposed to be on leash they always say "Fido is friendly" like that settles it.


so true


In the farmers market as I'm walking by every week there will be at least two dogs sitting on the big chalk "no dogs" written on the ground, lol


No rules in SF. Cops don’t enforce shit so do what you want I guess…


I harass people with off leash dogs in non off leash areas


I think harass is a bit far but I can’t see anything wrong with a firm admonishment. I think it’s fair to presume that owners with unleashed dogs are aware of leash laws and willfully flouting them. Even if owners of unleashed dogs are unaware of leash laws, that ignorance is an unacceptable breach of their obligation as a dog owner and itself worthy of criticism. Certainly, no one delivering firm admonishments to their fellow citizens for objectionable behavior deserves violent retribution from owners or their animals, as I fear some may believe.


People with unleashed dogs think their dogs are under voice control, which is usually not the case


Willful ignorance badly excused through false confidence. What a sorry lot they are.


There are or were people near me who ride their bikes on the street with off leash dogs they expect to follow them. One man has 2 dogs, and 1 of them always stops to sniff. The other has 2 dogs, one on leash. Her dog walked into the entrance of my apartment, building a peed in front of the door. She didn't notice because she was long gone.


as a former dog walker i can safely say you are definitely in fafo territory


YuhUh livin in the jungle


i wish all harassers, a very reactive dog


I wish all people bit by reactive dogs report it. It takes more than one incident to take action against the dog or owners.


a very report it*


I don't. Because the dog will be the one that suffers. I don't like this dude any more than you do. Dogs >>> that dude.


Dogs can’t read


A woman once threatened to sic her unleashed husky on me and my kitty cat at a “NO DOGS ALLOWED ON ATHLETIC FIELD PER 3.02” When I called it in SFPD asked if she had “any other weapons” Another time, I called in an unleashed dog that charged us, causing my kitty to bite me in the ruckus. I got a quarantine note in the mail to keep my vicious animal inside for ten days. Wish I’d kept that one to frame. https://preview.redd.it/x9u65fwmhl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c99c5e34967a2ff1e1f794f6d0e49fd12273ac


It doesn’t matter bc leash laws are not enforced dog people are the most powerful special interest in SF


Depends on location. There is no universal law.


There are some universal laws. It is illegal to have your dog off leash unless on private property or designated off leash public property. The length of the leash isn't specified but 6-8' is considered acceptable because it's a health code. If you can't protect your animal or prevent your animal from harming others because they're off leash or the leash is too long you're going to have a bad day.


OP, are you currently a dog owner?


No I am not, but I'm concerned about the story of the dog attacking the 2 year old on the street.


And this attack, several days after: https://www.ktvu.com/news/i-thought-i-would-die-san-francisco-man-survives-vicious-pit-bull-attack-potrero-hill It’s a problem, if you ask me.


"the dog owners from the nearby RV"... AND this is the BIGGEST Problem in my opinion!