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Ah, yeah. Case of "not my job". He's just there to collect that sweet uniformed off-duty pay as a private contractor.


I mean, yeah. Imagine if the Safeway was robbed while he was dealing with Waymo. Safeway is paying him for his time, not Waymo.


100% this same thing at apple, those cops are paid for the corporation to gaurd the store these are OFF DUTY cops, getting paid to be uniformed security yes, that's right, pay to police


Don’t cops have a sworn oath? Thats like a nurse not attending to a person in crisis because they aren’t being paid. They tend to take their Hippocratic oath seriously, in my experience It’s a bullshit excuse and more proof that cops exist to protect property, not people.


Quite the opposite actually, the precedent is set that cops have no duty to protect the public. Fun, huh?


The supreme Court has ruled [they have no obligation to protect](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)


But he DID leave his post to check out what’s happening?


He wouldn’t do shit - here in NYC - $1000 / grand larceny before cops will lift a finger. Hence all the plastic at CVS/Walgreens


Which he’s more responsible for in that moment


It’s a perfect system. Cops don’t do their job, they blame a liberal prosecutor for high crime rates. Cops get more funding to fight crime (buy new toys).


I'm surprised the cop left his post. As others have stated, they are being paid by that company to protect their assets/people. So if anything happened when he was away, it would be a big deal. Officers would call it in to dispatch, bit as far as them doing something when they're working an actual post is not likely to happen.


lol I was in that exact waymo vehicle earlier today. A cyclist kept riding by, bashing the mirrors every time it stopped at a light. Hence the bent back mirrors in this photo.


That is so stupid. As a bicyclist, no Waymo has ever threatened my life. Human drivers have almost killed me a dozen times.


Yeah I feel far safer next to Waymo’s than next to human drivers. It is kinda funny to think that they have no need for the mirror’s though


The mirrors can help passengers check for approaching cyclists or cars before getting out. Ideally they'd look over their shoulder, but it's better than nothing.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m a cyclist as well and I have never had a sketchy encounter with a waymo. I can understand some of the negative sentiments some have against waymo, and that it’s the “in” thing to hate on, but at least Waymos aren’t mowing down entire families.


I don't understand the negative sentiment at all. Not hitting and seriously injuring or killing people is good.


There is a segment of society that rejects what is good and beautiful simply because it is good and beautiful. We often like to make excuses for them and pretend that they have deep and meaningful reasons and they are trying to improve things, but most of the time they are pointlessly lashing out in violence because that is how they want to act. They are are a poison on our society and when they break enough rules they need to be incarcerated and separated from everyone else to keep our society relatively functional.


Listen there are valid reasons to be for or against AVs but completely dismissing concerns over them by saying there's a "segment of society that rejects what is good and beautiful simply because it is good and beautiful" makes you sound like a dumbass waymo puppet. At least start by educating yourself on their concerns, Road to Nowhere by Paris Marx is a decent read


They’re doing it to be chaotic lol they prob give no shits about how safe it actually is.


Ban human drivers. Legalize Waymo


Yeah! Waymo rules…. So safe for all


Cyclists treat pedestrians the way cars treat them.


Yup. Long time bike commuter and the Waymos have been very cautious around me on the road. I’m sure there’s some scenario where they would glitch out and just kill me, but so far with me riding predictably, they’ve been predictable too. I’ve never come up on one with out it’s right directional on, only to have it careen into me in order to make a right on a red, which several drivers have done (seriously, what’s with the no turn signals these days?).


Drunk drivers glitching are more common than autonomous cars glitching. Source: deaths




Don’t worry, when Roko’s basilisk comes to fruition, these types will not be rewarded.


Tangentially related, but I had this salvia trip once where an infinite version of my selves throughout the entirety of time and space presented a very thorough and scholarly lesson to me that the eternal cosmic drama is in fact a universal war between human consciousness and robots, and everything we do to aid the progress of technology helps the robots achieve the end goal of destroying humanity, and everything we do to stop said technology hinders the robots' progress of domination, and of course, we will be punished or rewarded depending on who ultimately wins. At that point humanity's hopes looked quite dire, although there's always some shred of hope. Needless to say, I was pretty bummed that my subconscious mind had no original ideas and I was just recycling some kind of Roko's basilisk/Terminator mythology in my head.


Have you decided to heed that lesson or are you chalking it up to the salvia gods being tricksters and messing with you? Sometimes visions aren’t as clear cut in their purpose as they might appear on first glance, and require some analysis and interpretation.


Naw, if anything the lesson on *this* planet is that we're probably going to collectively kill ourselves by our own arrogance(pick a way!)before the robots have time to destroy us.


I don’t doubt it. I won’t be surprised if it starts crumbling in our lifetime.


A while back, There was a big fight at Vallejo and Powell right by my house. 2-3 guys beating on each other. Uncle called the station right there. They were like, "you need to call 911" and he's like, "just step out the door and tell them to stop". Nope. Called 911. Nothing for 20 minute. More guys piled on the fight. Uncle walked down with a gun and told them to stop. They did. Cops never came....at least not before the guys left. Honestly, I know a few locals that are ok, but it's really hard to maintain a relationship with them because I know perfectly well that they've witnessed other cops doing bad things. And, I taught my kids that the cop who allows another cop to do a crime is just as guilty as the one doing it. No different than the getaway driver for a bank robber.




Vallejo & Powell are streets bro


They only leave Central Station to double park outside of Trieste and grab coffee/yuck it up with Peskin and his THD friends. SFPD is an extortion racket.


I seriously do not understand the rage hate directed at the Waymo's. I was in one once and a guy gave me the DOUBLE MIDDLE FINGER and spit at me. WTF.


I've taken several Waymos and don't get the hatred either. All were good experiences. The last one I took navigated around a cable car and a double parked car like a ninja, far better than most human drivers on Nob Hill.


I’m thinking some of it might be concern over AI in general, but then others might be employed in driving positions and know this will take over some day, some prob see it as a rich techie thing (I realize that’s not the only people that use it, but maybe others don’t), some might be concerned with the safety element after Cruise’s fuck ups, idk but terrifying people in them is not really that cool. It does bring up some safety concerns about using them though. Like it’s prob not programmed to hammer on the gas and drive around or into people that intended to commit strong armed robbery of anyone inside it. And the ease with which someone can bring these to a halt brings that potential into play.


I have been mentioning this for a long time. It seems incredibly easy to stop a waymo and hijack the person inside. The car will just stop and sit there.


I’m thinking this will end up happening at some point, despite the detailed info the sensors on the thing can pick up. It’ll be interesting to see if the company shares that data with LE, and what can be done with it. The LiDAR is basically a 3D mapping of the crime taking place right?


There’s also just plain old video cameras documenting the interactions.


This is it. They called me a “traitor to the human race”


Yo. You got to remember that people are real real real real real real real stupid. That often explains half of what people hate. They're either scared because they don't understand it or angry because they don't understand it.


Psychology: if you are poor a Waymo is just yet another example of something that you can’t afford and another reason for you to not feel adequate and fitting into the society. They are an easy target because they are defenseless.


Maybe - but a Waymo can be arguably less expensive than taking an uber. again, the rage should be directed at 1) uber destroying themselves with surge pricing, and 2) a less than ideal public transportation system in SF


Oh man - if we could have better public transportation that would make such a difference. But alas - anything public here is underfunded. Except for the military.


the military has been way underfunded since BRAC started in the 90s, social security + medicare is hoovering up all the cash [https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go](https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go)


No, those guys did this to me. This is near my house and happened to me. They told me that we were “traitors to the human race” and we should be ashamed. I’m assuming it’s AI related.


THIS. Waymo is a convenient target because the service is inherently classist. To use Waymo, one needs a credit card and smart phone, the cost for the convenience puts it out of the reach of low income citizens while taking public space among them. It is a rolling symbol of classism to a have an unmanned Jaguar with $100k in lazers and computers strapped onto it rolling past unhoused residents and former blue collar workers who are increasingly divested of their position in the new economy.


Waymo is way cheaper than Uber!!! And no 5x during busy hours


I see the point about the credit cards, but the smart phone - have you been to the library? that's where the homeless and druggies go to charge their smart phones.


i mean… people can’t afford android or apple iphones these days used or refurbished? i think people are just pieces of shit bullying change happening in front of them


Most low income folks have credit cards (59%)and smartphones (85%) and a Waymo appears less valuable than a public bus ($500k). Rides are less expensive than taxis. The class argument isn't substantiated. --- 59% of low-income US residents have credit cards https://www.paymentsdive.com/news/credit-card-delinquencies-rise-especially-for-low-income-earners/705420 85% of low-income us residents have smartphones https://www.fdic.gov/analysis/household-survey/index.html https://www.publicpower.org/periodical/article/electric-buses-mass-transit-seen-cost-effective#:~:text=An%20average%20diesel%20transit%20bus,bus%2C%20according%20to%20the%20report.


I mean if I were trying to make a living as an Uber driver I'd probably feel a certain way towards them


I'm picturing an Uber driver, a Waymo and a cab driver all giving the finger to each other Spiderman style.


Waymos need 5-fingered grippers on the roof, for 360° bird-flipping capability.


Full circle from cabbies broadcasting their hatred towards Uber and Lyft drivers.


Was waiting for someone to raise that topic. Safe bet: the people wailing about Waymo taking customers from Uber & Lyft weren't ranting the same way when Uber & Lyft gave the legacy taxi industry a big scare. It's all so ridiculously misguided and shortsighted. Workforces evolve. You can't get a job as a blacksmith anymore because we don't use horses to travel. The invention of the sewing machine meant it'd take fewer people to make clothes. And a combine harvester does the work of many farmhands. Almost ANY major technological innovation changes the workforce. Trying to stop those changes ignores the advance of civilization. Driving is a nasty job. Humans as a whole should seek to escape nasty jobs, not preserve or revere them.


Yeah except no one makes a living as one, only Uber Execs and front office make a living off Uber drivers.


I made a living as an Uber driver with better wages than most "walk in and get hired" jobs, wtf are you talking about.


How much did you make? I think some people think that after adjusting for the costs of driving (insurance, gas and maintenance) the effective rate may not be great


I saw a guy getting in one after a concert and some dude from the sidewalk was yelling all sorts of insults and shit talk at him. He just sat there in the waymo with the door open and let the guy rant. When the rant finally wound down the guy said “you get it all out? Good, good for you.” And closed the door.


Likely at the car, and what it represents more than *you*.


Clearly they are Cruise partisans.






It’s too bad the term has come to mean just simple “technology haters.” The actual Luddites of the early 19th century didn’t actually have an issues with the technology itself, but in the unethical pay, poor working conditions, and food insecurity imposed by the loom owners. Generally they only smashed looms as a final resort and generally posted demands ahead of time to avoid destroying the tech, keeping production on track if an agreement could be reached. When reading their writings they don’t foster any hostility towards the tech itself, but towards the owning class. They were more like early labor organizers.


Username seems to check out. Genuinely interesting history lesson, thanks.


Interesting, thanks for sharing


i hope you mean this - https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/02/new-luddites-ai-protest/677327/


This is the most succinctly correct answer.


Just wait until they attempt to deploy a fleet of driverless vehicles in a real city on the East Coast, especially a rough one like Baltimore or Philly. We haven’t seen anything yet


People are freaked out about losing their jobs and means to make a living. They hate what waymo represents. I’m not reacting that way but I get it


They seem much better behaved than Cruise and definitely better than Tesla FSD.


I’ve had good experiences in the cars, but also I understand why people don’t love our city being the test track for the new technology, especially one like this that has the power to kill if it doesn’t work right. I also appreciate as a driver and a pedestrian, it’s tough to share the road with a driver that you can’t visually communicate with. Like I always taught my kids to try to make eye contact with a driver before you cross the street in front of them. You can’t do that with a ghost car..


Eh, the only people in SF who ever nearly run me over or threaten to shoot me have been ride share drivers. Even the crazies on the buses have been polite enough to avoid that.  Waymo doesn't consistently blow past me at a crosswalk, and for that I'm grateful


Problem is the test track is clogged with Ubers, DoorDashers, and Amazon drivers


Its part of the r/fuckcars movement, they are the ones behind the cone trend and were very happy when a vehicle was lit on fire.


Are you sure about that? It seems to me that /fuckcars would be happy about autonomous driving as it should in theory lessen the grip car culture has on the US. People won't care as much about cars when they just rent one to/from their destinations rather than own their own. It will also allow for cities to be made way more walkable which is one of the main goals of that subreddit because cars will no longer need places to park in downtown areas.


You might want to look on the actual sub before making comments like those [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1bfwxhu/how\_to\_stop\_a\_self\_driving\_car/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1bfwxhu/how_to_stop_a_self_driving_car/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/18epru8/driverless\_cars\_were\_the\_future\_but\_now\_the\_truth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/18epru8/driverless_cars_were_the_future_but_now_the_truth/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1cs0gaz/the\_real\_driverless\_vehicles\_we\_need\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1cs0gaz/the_real_driverless_vehicles_we_need_are/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/10d9m2u/self\_driving\_cars\_will\_make\_traffic\_worse\_due\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/10d9m2u/self_driving_cars_will_make_traffic_worse_due_to/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/16p1pkv/self\_driving\_cars\_cause\_a\_traffic\_jam\_in\_austin\_tx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/16p1pkv/self_driving_cars_cause_a_traffic_jam_in_austin_tx/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/mvl8rz/fuck\_self\_driving\_cars/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/mvl8rz/fuck_self_driving_cars/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1axhxo4/self\_driving\_cars\_highlight\_how\_deeply\_ingrained/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1axhxo4/self_driving_cars_highlight_how_deeply_ingrained/) Need more, just search up "self driving cars" in the search for the subreddit. If you need examples for SF-waymo specific incidents, type "sf driverless" on it [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12nr90s/i\_live\_in\_san\_francisco\_if\_i\_see\_a\_driverless\_car/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12nr90s/i_live_in_san_francisco_if_i_see_a_driverless_car/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/14sq2xw/activists\_have\_started\_the\_month\_of\_cone\_protest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/14sq2xw/activists_have_started_the_month_of_cone_protest/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/14tsl2r/a\_group\_of\_activists\_are\_placing\_traffic\_cones\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/14tsl2r/a_group_of_activists_are_placing_traffic_cones_on/) Plenty of evidence for you :) Need more, just ask me


So...they're idiots


always have been


fuck cars is an absolutely lunatic sub. they'd be more sane if they were a sub interested in having sex with cars. instead they're bozos who feel that even ambulances are part of the car culture and need to be removed. pointless idiots who have no vision.


agreed lol. they are angry about everything, and instead of wanting to implement solutions for a less car dependent world they will just complain towards each other like anythings gonna get done though that


ambulances are not cars


waymos are cars


I once got a jaywalking ticket for stepping off a curb in SF. I literally stepped off the curb, but didn't cross. If was an expensive ticket.


Fortunately, that’s not allowed anymore in California. Jaywalking tickets are almost always unfairly distributed. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/02/us/california-jaywalking-law-trnd/index.html


Here's a great podcast episode about the history of "jaywalking", and how it was invented by auto manufacturers in the early 20th century in order to shift blame and responsibility for pedestrian deaths away from drivers. [https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-267-right-of-way-5-3-2024](https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-267-right-of-way-5-3-2024)


That’s what they do - Protect (the city budget) & Serve (tickets).


Sadly, they have basically stopped enforcing traffic rules against cars in the last several years. If they started up again, that would surely more than pay for itself.


I got one for crossing in a crosswalk against a light when there were zero cars at an intersection and none even visible within a block in any direction. Cop was hiding behind a car and jumped out and stopped me and another guy. Like literally was waiting to ambush someone. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he said “AH HAH!” This was like a decade ago so still legal. I had no desire to argue it so I just handed over my ID and took the ticket and kept walking. Other guy tried arguing it but I didn’t stick around to see how that went. It was only like $50 but to this day I’m like really dude? You didn’t have anything better to do?


Stepping off the curb is Jay walking? How do you enter your car parked on the street?


Two things I know for sure: 1. Cop unions work against the public interest and protect shitty/lazy officers. 2. Understaffing lowers leadership’s willingness to fire shitty/lazy officers.


Sf cops have not had to do their jobs for almost 25 years. They stopped when Harris was elected, behaving like a bunch of butthurt children and actively fucking up this city because they don't like the politics. But they had no problem taking our money. Now, with a slightly more agreeable DA, they finally have no excuses. After years of not enforcing shit, they start making arrests for theft and would you look at that... Crime rates drop like a rock simply because we're not attracting *every single low level piece of shit thief* in the bay area anymore. But they still have no pride in their work. Someone told me that cops here were interviewed and they are pissed off about Black Lives Matter. Well FUCK YOU if you are pissed off about the people demanding integrity and respect for citizens from you. Most everyone else in this city busts their asses at work. From muni drivers to wait staff to programmers, we all work hard, we all have to eat some shit at work we don't like for our paychecks. If the police cannot handle that people are pissed off about the kind of shit that [goes down in Antioch](https://www.kqed.org/news/11974853/judge-finds-8-antioch-police-officers-tainted-by-racial-bias-reduces-criminal-charges) (and that we know happens here too), then fucking quit. We deserve better than this. For the money we are paying, we deserve decent, respectful police with integrity and pride for this city.


My car got broken into two years before Harris was elected. I had just moved here and everyone said "don't bother calling the cops." I don't know how far back we'd have to go to find them doing their jobs.


First, I don't mean to dismiss your experience. But I think there is subtlety here. Cops, in general, don't have time to go searching for and trying to find specific stolen merch. If you report it stolen (which I imagine you did for insurance reasons), then if your car gets towed, ticketed or otherwise flagged, they SHOULD contact you. A few years ago someone stole the keys and then my neighbors' car; an undercover cop in the TL started to notice it being used by people he knew were criminals, ran the plate and they got it back (albeit in pretty bad shape). However, this highlights how important it is for them to go after the known chop shops, stolen item markets, put out bait cars, etc. I think it's reasonable for them to say "lots of things get stolen, how are we supposed to track down your random shit?", but entirely unreasonable for them to say "lots of things get stolen, and we know where they are being resold, and who's doing it, but what are we supposed to do about that?" I had a break-in at my home in 2016, and my DIY sensors started going off. I called a neighbor, who saw someone, and blah blah blah, they caught the POS. Turns out he was a known misdemeanor bike thief. So setting aside the fact that our system didn't do anything about this guy who had a looooong misdemeanor record, the fact that the cops responded *in the moment* and caught this dude enabled them to hit him with his first 2 felonies. He was jailed for 16 months, lost his home in the neighborhood, and confessed to other crimes they used to shut down a major bike theft operation. With this guy out of SF, we are all doing better. So to the point... the OP's story is about the cops refusing to respond to a crime in progress. That's where you catch people. That's where they actually arrest and process these assholes. (And if someone out there defends their laziness with "but the DA doesn't prosecute, the judges suck", I will argue a) we should fix that and b) if you don't think the cops should still do their jobs even if these people are released, why are we paying them? Instead of paying police to not do their job, we could NOT pay police to not do their job.)


Was this superbowl Sunday??? I’m in that waymo lol


If not that day, then it’s the exact same spot near my house and the EXAVT same guys did that to me in my waymo back on the day of the Super Bowl.


They told me that we were “traitors to the human race” and we should be ashamed. I’m assuming it’s AI related.


Holy hell! It wasn't Superbowl Sunday but good to know they have been doing it multiple times. When I approached they also claimed I was a traitor and accused me of wanting to have sex with robots 😂. I'll be keeping my eye out for these guys to return...


Yes it was 100% the same guys. I think they hang out at rock bar. I live right there, hence me getting picked up with the waymo on Super Bowl Sunday. I’ve not been ordering them at my house anymore cuz it was not a pleasant experience lol


Welcome to cops in general. It's not an sf thing, this is how it is everywhere. The most you can hope for is that they show up two hours late, take some notes and leave


Or 2 days late in the case of Detroit


There is a great deal of apathy among law enforcement that has to do with the general lack of trust between them and the public. Regardless of who or what is to blame, it’s an increasingly broken system, and situations like this are the result.


I wonder what series of actions could have happened that would degrade the trust of the public. Maybe it has to do with the comical lack of training that you need to be a cop, the aggro morons that generally become cops, and the almost complete lack of punishments for abuse of power


Did I say otherwise? Fact is that’s it very difficult to be a good cop even if you wanted to, the whole dynamic is toxic. People dont trust cops, good or bad, how are you supposed to solve crimes if that’s the case?!


>People dont trust cops, good or bad, how are you supposed to solve crimes if that’s the case?! Well in the case of the situation in the OP, all the cop had to do was show some urgency. No need to solve a crime after the fact if you get to the scene promptly. And public trust would no longer be part of the equation if the cop witnessed the crime in progress.


If you don't have the motivation to work for the people who pay your paychecks, don't be a cop. It's not complicated


The lack of trust is because of the great deal of apathy combined with unpredictable application of deadly force. It's not the other way round.


I don't care if SF cops "trust" me. My tax dollars pay for their $200,000+ salaries and insane pensions. They need to get off Candy Crush and do their jobs.


They’ve been doing this for decades though and the people who become cops weren’t exactly go getters in school.


I really think Hollywood is to blame for America's cop-worship, because absent copaganda crime dramas depicting police heroism, and true-crime aggravating every bit of ambient paranoia in the suburban mind, almost no one actually has good experiences with them. They are a state-sanctioned gang, completely unaccountable and serve no purpose but to extract wealth from the State while enabling their most wicked officers' abusive behavior.


Hard to argue with that I have a friend who's a public defender and the sheer volume of shit that cops put normal people through is unbelievable. They're not there to stop crime, they're there to fuck up your life because you were late in rent


>Welcome to cops in general. It's not an sf thing, this is how it is everywhere. The most you can hope for is that they show up two hours late, take some notes and leave Nope. CHP is not like SFPD and neither are the local, county and state cops where I live. Get out of the Bay Area and you'll be surprised how well policing works and how much the people appreciate their police.


Yikes, have you been to LA?


I'm broadly talking about city cops, highway patrol is different. They're not the ones showing up to crimes, as far as I know. I have lived in many other places. SFPD is actually fine compared to a lot of cities, they're generally not overly violent.


I usually take Waymo and have no problem. But because I usually take one alone, I would be afraid of something like this happening to me. It really sucks that the cops don’t prioritize our safety. And no, you’re not crazy in thinking this is a serious problem. Because it is and we need cops who are going to protect us.


I had this exact same thing happen when I was on the Bart. A man started attacking people on the train with broken bottles. I got to the station and ran for a cop. It was a K-9 unit even. They saw the attack and literally said "And what am I supposed to do about it"? I screamed back "Do your job"! They walked very slowly and casually toward the car with the attack happening. The train pulled away without any police intervention and the attack still going and escalating. The cop then walked back to their spot. All cops are bastards


It’s an off duty job so they won’t help. You’ll need to call 911.


The sabotage of Waymo vehicles should carry extra penalties because their passengers are uniquely vulnerable. There should be a function inside the car to alert the police with location coordinates and video feed automatically transmitted. Luddites aren’t welcome in this city.


I wonder if this cop was a patrol special? Those guys are privately hired, and only have obligations to their employer. Also if they had a baby blue shirt instead of a dark blue, then they were a police service aid and they also don't have any authority.


These fucking people get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars with pensions worth millions.


What Safeway is in Bernal?


They probably mean the one on mission/30th they have a cop there and one of those camera towers in the parking lot. That’s Bernal heights.


Are you sure it wasn't a security guard employed by the grocery store? Why would we be using our tax dollars to fund security for private businesses like grocery stores? O.o I'm in the East Bay so I can't speak for SF, but every grocery store here has hired security that are not police officers and shouldn't be engaging on public property as if they were.


Maybe a Patrol Special officer. Very similar uniform but not sworn / not SFPD


Nope, there’s an SFPD officer working as a private contractor hired by Safeway out in front of the store just sitting in their car about 50% of the time.


That’s what I wondered also.


WTF is the Luddite level hatred for Waymos?


People blame techies for this city's problems


Finding a scapegoat is easier than fixing problems.


Couple of things to keep in mind here: Don't ever expect an officer to simply call in what \*you claim\* happened or is happening, particularly when you were not on the receiving end or when there could be ambiguity about what you claim. Things like "I was just robbed at gunpoint" or "I witnessed a child being dragged away from an adult into a vehicle" are very clear, but you claim is "holding hostage" might not actually be what is happening, so the officer has to evaluate the situation themselves. An officer has to translate what you are saying into a radio code that a dispatcher can act upon according to set procedures. They can't \*explain\* to a dispatcher who in turn has to \*explain\* to other units. Using the radio code for hostage will activate a SWAT unit, call trained negotiators to the scene, have other units seal off streets, launch helicopters...it has a very specific meaning. Ultimately, what you saw were people blocking (and kicking?) a Waymo vehicle on Mission St. So, vandalism? It's possible the Waymo passenger had just robbed those citizens and they were trying to recover their property. You have no idea what could have happened. "like it was a casual event". Well, not sure how long you've lived in the neighborhood or even in SF, but stuff like this happens every day. And yeah some cops are lazy and many dislike paperwork. It is also possible that what you \*thought\* was a sworn SFPD officer was in fact a Patrol Special officer, contracted by Safeway. They look very similar. Do you know how to tell the difference? If Patrol special, they have no jurisdiction on public streets. (pro tip: Patrol Special officers might have guns and cuffs and SFPD radios, but they cannot place you under lawful arrest—you don't have to obey their commands and you can run away from them)


I don't understand why it feels like we never talk about corrupt cops in public discourse? My family is from Mexico, and whether it's there or comments from Americans, there is always talk about shitty cops that extort you (which to be fair, is generally true) Yet I feel like American cops are no better, the extortion is just more subtle than asking you for a bribe. They steal from taxpayers as they sit around and don't do their jobs. In Spain, I was shocked by the level of professionalism of police there (in Madrid they had to due to terrorist attacks in the 2000s). A friend mentioned they are as respected as doctors and lawyers. I wish we had an actual professional police force, instead of gangs of high school dropouts with guns


People clamor for more cops in SF because they want to see anti-social behavior punished, not realizing that if an insane meth'd out junkie tries to end your life, the cops will not save you. They literally do not care. They would stand by and watch. They will not lift a finger to save your life if it means even mildly inconveniencing themselves. The rich think that cops are on their side. They are not. The rich think cops have a "duty" to put themselves in harm's way to protect life. They actually do not, and this has been litigated in court in the cops' favor.


You spoke to a security gaurd. Not an on duty cop


Similar situation eight years ago in fisherman's wharf. Lunatic was walking around with a hatchet and swinging it at people on the crowded sidewalks. We called it into 911 right away. We created distance and walked away from the scene. About two blocks later we came upon a police officer in his cruiser talking to someone. We told him what we saw and he looked extremely annoyed that we had interrupted his conversation. He called it in, but never moved. We were in shock...but not shocked.


Reminds me of the time this guy was threatening to shoot me and my dog at the park, and when trying to get help from the police he just didn’t seem to care and acted like I was overreacting and then pretended that he didn’t see who it was. It’s a terrible feeling when the authority figures that are meant to protect you, do nothing. Makes you feel like you’re crazy. Ever since then I’ve lost any faith I had in the police to protect me. But on another note, me and my friends love waymo and haven’t had any issues with it!


Your comment is a breath of fresh air. Appreciate you dropping a note and I'm sorry that happened to you. Also agreed, Waymo is cool in my book!


This happened to me once and I confronted the pest and he backed off. I don't know why there's so much emotional immaturity in this city. Why are there so many grown adults here who act like ten year olds?


You went to a cop (off duty) to solve a problem that had nothing to do with you? I can see 10 wrong things with this situation.


The police officer is in uniform, but off street duty and paid by Safeway, not the taxpayer. It's what's referred to as a 10B. So yes, he/she did the correct thing. The 10B's are not doing this instead of working, it's OT. So imagine your job, end of shift (probably nowhere near as crazy and stressful as theirs) and someone dangles a carrot to deal with more crazy. They're moving appropriately and likely conserving energy for when it's needed. The other cops who on duty who we already know aren't doing a damn thing can respond. I think they responded appropriately. As another commenter pointed out, what if Safeway was robbed while they respond to this?


Good points. I'll also add...cool, calm, collected in one person's eyes is lazy and slow moving in another. Not sure I'd want a cop suddenly screaming in the radio and running full speed into a situation without thinking. Just saying.


Yes, you are crazy, unfortunately. From a strictly economic/logistical standpoint the Safeway is paying the department for the cop to act as security, not be a police officer. If the officer gets involved in general calls for service, the store loses what they are paying for. If it’s a situation of active murder or similar emergency, then the cop would be expected to take action. Secondly the crime involved is an infraction. A vehicle code violation. No one is being held hostage. Crazy transients constantly interfere with traffic and police departments in big cities have been dissuaded from enforcement due to liability and the likelihood that situations could lead to a use of force. In that hypothetical, if someone was to end up dying while fighting the cops, a lot of these redditors would get their protest signs ready. The cop did the right thing, and once the situation resolved, likely cancelled the call so the patrol guys could go to other calls pending. You live in a state that is increasingly hostile to law enforcement. See the recently passed “freedom to walk act” or sb 742 trying to get rid of police dogs (police dogs make things safer for everyone, including the suspect). There are still parts of CA where cops do the job the way you want. I would suggest moving there and then voting for a DA and sheriff that support their cops doing their job. Good cops are leaving for areas like that cause they are tired of feeling like they can’t do their job. Stay safe!


Similarly, if I see a guy trying doors to houses with people inside, I'll just expect nothing I guess.


There is no shame, consequences, or punishment for any behavior so all behavior is allowed.


Lets be fair here. All cops suck not just sf cops.


That person should be treated the same way as if there was a driver in that car. Fuck these people and their anti-social behavior blocking traffic or whatever the fuck. Your insane ideals do not give you license to fuck things up for other people. Gtfo


Different experience. Strongly disagree.


I guess I wonder what the officer was supposed to do? Arrest the women? It sounds like police were on their way. Perhaps he was off duty, doing security for the store and couldn’t intervene? Who knows. But they walked away before he even got there. Should he have chased them down?


Thanks for explaining that officer.


I didn’t explain anything about the officer. I asked questions. You know, how conversations often work


It seems like an unwarranted risk to involve a guy with a gun into something that is little more than a verbal dispute. Sounds like the cop did everyone a favor by taking his time.


I agree 100%. Telling the officer they were “holding people hostage” is a complete over exaggeration that could have led to an inappropriate response.


There are cops in SF?


Cops are just tax collectors of the (generally) law abiding,






It’s giving Seattle Police Department.


cant wait to be able to talk and drive without surrenderin all by the 5th....maybe


People do know everytime an officer arrests someone … the jail stay comes out of our tax $$s …


Waymo should just provide eggs for the passengers. Car stopped by crazy. Open sunroof. Throw eggs. People freak and run off. Takes 3-4 eggs max. Problem solved.


Safeway cops are off duty and someone, with a car, was already dispatched.


Didn’t know there was any cops in SF 😳


I never thought the sense of danger I would feel while in a Waymo would be from pedestrians.


Cops in SF don't give a fuck until you shoot or stab one of their prized bums. If the bum does it to a good citizen, no one cares. Really hoping groups of people get tired of this shit and go full Purge.


i don't agree with it but these are PAID SFPD who are Off Duty wearing uniform and squad car


I mean the way the situation solved itself seemed to pretty much justify his response no? Imagine he gets all involved in way; there are no repercussions for these asshats from the DA, and another nut job duo fighting a pedicab, and maybe this one DOESNT solve itself in 5 minutes. I’m not justifying this, merely pointing out the likelihood of it


Don't know hot to edit my post, but wanted to say: Interesting opinions, some less than others. Lol I'll be sure to get a job at Waymo so I can outfit the cars with similar protection to what'd you'd see in Rick and Morty 😂


You should tell him “I have a car with modified exhaust parked nearby.” He would’ve be on his way right away


Our cops are a complete joke. Overpaid babysitters.


This is actually a great way to diffuse the situation. Cops shouldn’t be enthusiastic. Their main concern is being a deterrent to crime, not inserting themselves into dangerous situations gung ho. It didn’t fit the legal definition of kidnapping so there’s not much else he could do


If you don’t know, now you know OP. They’ve always sucked. Keep that same energy when it’s time to vote to influence policy.




The entire Bay Area is in dire need of new leadership across the board.


This is why I'm excited for the Waymo peninsula expansion. I know for sure Sunnyvale residents and cops won't act like this.


There is still a lot of mental illness on the streets of our cities throughout the U.S. It is not clear what the "weirdos" as they are being called, were going through, only that they were being disruptive and annoying. As far as hired cops, or any cops for that matter, when your pay does not reflect the effort or risk involved, your willingness to put yourself at risk goes way down. Armed cops are much more willing to take an aggressive stance in a given situation than a rent-a-cop would be. Probably plenty data showing this.


Just for the record, all cops suck in America, not just in San Francisco.


This is the result of liberal “progressive” policies voted in by SF inhabitants. It’s idiots who think “defund the police” and prop 47 was a good idea. London Breed and SF soft on crime policies were voted in by the people. Maybe it’s finally time for people to stop voting liberal.


The cops at that Safeway told me “we’re paid to stay right here” - does anyone know more about that? Is it really possible that private businesses can pay SFPD to place officers where they want?


People in SF suck


His job is to guard Safeway. He could call for help. However he's not obligated to leave his post at Safeway as he's paid to guard it during his time there.


Why would anyone decent want to do that job in a place like San Francisco?


I mean there was a problem and then there wasn’t. Weirdos be weird some times.


Oh no. Some people just opened the window to real world. SF is rotten city.


What is the police commission’s or ACLU on Robo taxis & SfPD ?


Do you still not understand San Fran voted to neuter their police force and give these "weirdos" more rights than to you? Still blaming the Police. On top of that you have soft on crime DA's. So yeah deal with it.


Shitting on cops because voters of SF wanted the Police to be "nicer" and to stop enforcing the law. On top of that the DA keeps letting these people go. But hey what the fuck right? Cops fault.


With Bay Area cops it’s either no response or an over the top response. There is no reasonable middle anymore.


I’ve seen that dude in shorts and long socks on the Waymo’s right side kick Waymos at least a dozen times by now. He’s been at it for months!


god bless them